01-30-2019 CDBG MinutesCITY OF ORANGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM COMMITTEE MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2019 6:30 P.M. Weimer Room, Orange City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Mary Ellen Manning Megan Penn Chad Ortlieb Eva Perez Aaron Schulze Fernando Rico Janice Mickelson-Weilmuenster David Gillanders (Alternate) I.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:35 P.M. II. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRPERSON Mr. Ortlieb informed the Committee that they needed to select a Vice-Chair. Committee Member Mickelson-Weilmuenster volunteered and Committee Member Rico seconded. Motion passed 5-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 23, 2019 Meeting Chair Manning moved, seconded by Committee Member Mickelson-Weilmuenster, to approve the January 23, 2019, Minutes as presented. Motion carried, 5-0 (absent Committee Member Penn). IV. REVIEW OF ANTICIPATED AVAILABLE FUNDS Committee Member Rico inquired if staff benefits are included in salary funded programs and Mr. Ortlieb and Mr. Schulze confirmed in the affirmative. Committee Member Gillanders inquired about the estimated CDBG funding overage for fiscal year 2019-20 and Mr. Ortlieb provided an overview of the allocation estimate and projected surplus. Chair Manning inquired about the status of the County planned Anita Drive mental health and drug treatment services facility and the Committee and staff discussed that the facility would not likely operate using CDBG funding because other funding sources are used and the statistic tracking for CDBG would not likely be viable. Committee Member Gillanders inquired if more money than requested could be allocated to any of the non-profits given that there was a projected surplus and Mr. Ortlieb responded in the affirmative. Chair Manning noted that surplus money could be allocated to ADA ramp improvements, as has been done in prior years. Committee Member Gillanders stated that the Committee could ask non-profits what more they could accomplish with more funding from the projected surplus. V.FUNDING PRESENTATIONS BY NONPROFIT AGENCIES Charlotte Vaughn, representing the Assistance League of Orange, along with Deida Conrad provided an overview of services provided. Ms. Vaughn noted that the Assistance League has been dressing low-income element students for 52 years; a full array of school clothing is provided; the children must qualify for the school lunch program for the assistance; the program provides greater assistance than with money just from CDBG funding; over 900 children were served last year; and, the goal is to assist 50 more children this year than last. Ms. Vaughn provided a brochure of services provided and noted that school logo clothing is typically provided. Ms. Conrad stated that only school uniforms are provided but Ms. Vaughn stated that non- uniform school children can get clothing assistance also. Commissioner Rico inquired if the assistance for non-uniform school children is included with CDBG funds. Chair Manning asked if kids feel singled out by having an Assistance League provided uniform and Ms. Patty stated that the children don’t feel singled out. Ms. Conrad stated that the assistance for non-uniform children does not come from CDBG funds. Committee Member Gillanders asked if cost have increased based on providing services to more children because the amount requested is the same as in prior years. Ms. Conrad explained that their vendor prices the clothing for the program very reasonably. Ms. Vaughn stated that the program continues until all the inventory is used up. Committee Member Gillanders asked Ms. Vaughn how she feels they are meeting demand. Ms. Conrad stated that it feels like they are serving as many as they can. Their challenge is juggling with other activities. They would be able to serve more children with more funding. Chair Manning and Committee Member Gillanders asked if the Assistance League could use more CDBG funding and Ms. Vaughn and Ms. Conrad answered in the affirmative. Committee Member Mickelson-Weilmuenster asked if all funding comes from CDBG and Ms. Vaughn stated that only about 10 percent is from CDBG. Committee Member Rico clarified that it appears to be about 18 percent CDBG funded. Ms. Conrad stated that on February 13, a dressing event would occur at the Assistance League and staff and the Committee are invited. Ms. Conrad also thanked the Committee for their time. Chair Manning offered her assistance with book donations. Stella Lugo, representing the Fair Housing Foundation, provided an overview of services provided. Ms. Lugo noted that the Fair Housing Foundation investigates and resolves housing complaints; provides general housing help; is an education based service; provides fair housing workshops; and, provided a document showing the breakdown of persons served and issues handled. Committee Member Gillanders inquired about the success rate of cases and Ms. Lugo stated that they have an 80-85 percent satisfaction rate. Ms. Lugo commented on their survey process as the evidence for the rate. Chair Manning asked if they check on the number of persons living in a unit and Ms. Lugo stated that they don’t check the number of persons but check if races are being treated separately. Committee Member Gillanders inquired if lawyers are involved in the process and Ms. Lugo stated that they are not but they have case analysts and conduct investigations to decide if complaints can be mediated in-house. Committee Member Gillanders inquired if they ever bring an attorney in for help and Ms. Lugo stated that they focus on education and mediation and only bring an attorney in for extreme cases. Committee Member Rico asked if Orange data correlates with other cities and Ms. Lugo stated that it depends on the size of a city but Orange does get several notices. Chair Manning inquired if they see many absent landlords and Ms. Lugo replies that is not typically a problem. Committee Member Perez asked if they services for individuals and Ms. Lugo replied that they assist all regarding landlord and tenant rights. Committee Member Rico noted the number of Chapman student housing which could correlate to complaints received for rental housing. Committee Member Gillanders stated that the issue with services provided by the Fair Housing Foundation is the low number of cases opened. Committee Member Rico stated that he did know how the service volume compares to other jurisdictions. Comparison data points would help. Committee Member Gillanders stated that the City has to provide fair housing services. Mr. Schulze discussed the performance of the City’s prior fair housing provider. Committee Member Gillanders noted that the Friendly Center is requesting less funding this year than last. Cathy Seelig, representing the Friendly Center provided an overview of the food program. Ms. Seelig stated that 1.25 million pounds of food was provide last year under the program; they picked up new food donation locations last year; 12,000 items were donated from Architects Orange alone; the Friendly Center is a point of entry for other programs; they are adding a job development program; and, they are available anytime. Committee Member Gillanders asked why this year’s application has a decreased funding request and Ms. Seelig stated that the additional money from last year came from reallocated funding. The Committee noted the reallocation from the 2018-19 fiscal year. Committee Member Gillanders asked if the Friendly Center could spend additional CDBG money on the program, if funded and Ms. Seelig answered in the affirmative. Ms. Seelig stated that the program allows the CDBG money to be used on clients but not for the food pantry, which is a separate program. Committee Member Rico asked if other services advertise at the pantry and Ms. Seelig stated that they do and only ask for a persons name and the number of persons in the family. Committee Member Mickelson-Weilmuenster asked where the Friendly Center office is and Ms. Seelig responded that it is in the Orange Villa Bible Church. Committee Member Mickelson-Weilmuenster stated that it has been a wonderful build-up of a program. Scott Larson of HomeAid Orange County provided an overview of HomeAid’s Family Care Center. Mr. Larson stated that HomeAid has 30 years of housing development history; they provide interim to permanent housing; they have several partnerships; the Family Care Center was implement subsequent to SB2; has served hundreds of families; has ties to the City of Orange via the number/percent of families served; noted the number of families placed in rental housing subsequent to service; noted that only about 10 percent of those served don’t choose a viable option afterward; and, explained the infrastructure problems with the Family Care Center’s sewer line due to a 1960’s era sewer system. Committee Member Rico asked if several quotes were received for repair of the sewer line and Mr. Larson responded that they didn’t find contractors at a prevailing wage rate and that few contractors will bid the job due to its small size. Chair Manning asked if HomeAid has had problems over the year and Mr. Larson stated that the biggest problem was having to tell people what not to do. Committee Member Rico asked if the construction quote was in the application and Mr. Larson stated he believed it was and that they were planning on obtaining three more bids but they are having trouble finding contractors for this size job. Committee Member Rico asked when the multiple bid estimates would be provided and Mr. Larson stated he would reach out to staff. Mr. Schulze requested that Mr. Larson provide staff with a copy of the bid, noting he could not locate it and Mr. Larson stated he would do so. Mr. Larson stated that HomeAid is looking into if more facilities like the Family Care Center are needed and if the model can be replicated, and he thanked the Committee. Committee Member Gillanders recommended additional funding for the Friendly Center and Assistance League. Chair Manning asked about the status of Committee Member Megan Penn and Mr. Ortlieb stated that it is possible that she may elect not participate this year due to family obligations. VI. PUBLIC COMMENTS There was no public in attendance. VII. ADJOURNMENT Chair Manning moved, seconded by Committee Member Perez, to adjourn until the February 13, 2019, meeting. Motion carried, 5-0 (absent Committee Member Penn).