11-18-1981 - Minutes TC CITIZEPIS TRAFFT� SAFETY COi�'1MISSION !`ZEETING MINUTES OF A I�GULAR INiEET�NG '` ' November 1�, 1981� 3:30 P.M. � AGENDI� MOTION MINUTES �� � .� � ROLL CALL PRESEN�' Commissioners: Go Sh�w, D. Yarger, D. Smith, R. Sla��, M. Ba�amann, Staff: B. Dennis, P. Kelley, W. Durst ABSE�1'T Commissioners : C AP�'ROVAL OF MINUTES MOT°ION M. �3aumann ' � SECOND R. Slate Meeting of October 14, 1981 AYES Unanimou� MOTIOIV CARRZEI� CONSENT CALENDAR A. 1420 N. Glassell S�reet Reque�t fc�r Driveway Clearance Zone l�rk C. Wateranan � 142!0 N. Glassell Street Orange, CA 92667 �Co�N�e t��9�3YOVe B. Trenton Aven�e and Tustin Street Request for Driveway �Clearance Zone � Orange Traffic Section . • RECOMMEND: Approve C. Eckhoff Stxeet and Orangewood Ave . Requ�est for No S�opping Anytime Zone � Orange Traff ic Section RECONIlKEND: Approve � D. 690 N. Lemon Street Request for Driveway Vision Zone Harold Franz, Plant Engineer F�.ber-Rite 690 N. Lemon 5treet , Orange, CA 92666 � RECC�I�iEND: Approve M0�'ION D. Smith � � SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous CITIZENS TR.AFFIC SAFE�'Y COPlMISSION MEETING MINiJTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � Page 2 November 18, 1981 . ' . AGENDA MOTION MINtJTES CONSIDERATION. ITEMS 1. BATAVIA STREET and CHAPMAN AVENUE Mr o Denrai� brief 1}r reviewed the history of Reques t f or 6000 lb Load Limit the truck. route, syste� f or tt�e City of Maggie Gibbs Orange. This has been an ongoing s�udy fs�r 379 S. Ba�avia Street 10 years. Three years �go, a truck route : - Orange, CA 92668 system ceras developed accounting for the number of com�nercial vehicles using the system by providin� for the �rucks, � access points to the freeways and traversing residential areas as �nuch �.s was possible. The current status of the truck xoute sy�tem is awaiting an E.I.R. report on noise. It should be noted that a truck route system is not an easg� task and that no single sy�t�m � will ple�se all parties involved. Staff would r.ecommend the follawing: 1) Deny . � the recpuest for load limit �►n Ba��via 2) Fozmaation of a commi�tee to resolve the truck route issue and report the find�.ngs within 3-6 month�. Spealciag in f avor of the 6000 lb. Load Limit wa� Maggie Gibbs (applicant), 379 S. �atavia Str�et, Orange, CA 9266�. The concerns expressed by Mrs. � Gibbs were: the high •number of trucks tha.t , are using the�e street� and the noise created by these �rucics. She asked that a STOP control be installed S/Batavia at _ Palmyra to help reduce the speed of the trucks. The coamaission indieated that the noi�e levels would increase if STO�' controls were installed. George Gibbs, 37'� S. Bat�via Street, Orange, CA 92668, was also speak�.ng in favor of�the 6000 lb. Load Limit. He indicated that he thought trucks could get to the freeways via other streets (Katella�� Reeotnmendations 1) To deny the request for 6000 1b. Load Li�nit� on Batadia Stre�t S/0 Chapman at this time. 2) That a "Blue R�.bbon" committee, which would inc�ude members of the trucking industry and citizens at large, be appc�inted by Council. 3) Recommend that a time limit be set for ' the committee to be formed & the truck route be designed (3-6 mo�ths) . , MOTYQN R. Shaw SECOND �7. Yarger AYES Unanimous ; CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAF�TY COrIl�IISSION MEETING MINUTES OF A REGULAR ME�TING pag� 3 � November 18, 1981 � AGENDA MOTION MII3UTES CONSIDERATION IT�MS CON'°T. � � 2. WALNUT' AVENUE and CAN�RIDGE STREET Walnut Avenue is a 40 foot wide raadway Request for Traffic Signal with one travel la�ne in each direction. Jerry McAffee Walnut Avenue runs east a�d �rest between 836 E. Walnut Avenue Handy Street to the east and Eckhoff Street Orange, CA 92666 to th� west. Caffibridge Street is a 34 foot wide roadway with one travel lane in ,each directio�. Cambridge Street runs north � and south between Fairhaven to the south and Meats Avenue tc� �he north. Both Walnut and Cambxidge Streets �re classified as � secondary arterial Yaighways on �he Ce�unty , and City M�.ster Plan of Art�rial Streets �nd there are no immediate plans to widen th� streets to the seeondary arterial �' " � width. Both stre�ts are residenti�lly . developed within the study area except fox C�ambridge Elementary School situa�ted on the southeast corner of the sub�ect � intersection and �range High School wliich � is on Ti�aalnu� Ade. approximately two block� westerly of Cambxid�e. Both stre�ts are deas��nated "5chool Bike Rcsutes'� �nd are � �arked and signed accordingly. There is no alignment or physical obstructions within �the �immediate intersection are� that raould restr ict or-impair sight dis�ance on � ' vehicle-to-vehicle �r��p�destri��-to-vehi�le basis. There is an existing four-w�.y �S�TOP control at the sub�ect ir�tersection as well as four-�aay STOP's on Cambridge at Palm and 5ycamore. Walnut is "thru" � between Tustin Street and Glasse7.1 S�reet except for an existing four-way STOP at � Walnut and Shaffer, ad�acent to Oran�e High School. A review of the accident history was done and three distinct characteristi�s were evident. 1 - Six of .the nine reparted acciden�s involved eastbound vehicles.. All of the drivers of the e�stbound vehicles were probably (by statement and witness) at fault. 2 - Four of the six ea�tbound motorists (at fa�lt) literally ar .f igur- atively did not "see" the STOP sign and ' were not, based on their addresses, residents of the imsnediate area. cirzzENs Tx��� s��� cor��ssaor� r�E�czr�c � MINUTES OF A R.]EGULAR MEETING � Page 4 � November 18, 1981 � � � AGENDA P�IOTI ON MIrTUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CON'T. . 3 - Four to six o� the total accidents � occured during tiffie pexiods when pedestrian - activity was or could be eoncurrent�ly occuring as the r�sult of sehool crossing�. It is the recommendation o� the Traffic , Section ta: 1) �n��aii median mounted STQP _ signs on Walnut a� �€��bridge. 2) Authorize � � the glacen�en� of an adult crossing guard (for elementary stud�n�s only) a� the Cambridge-Walnut intersection. 3� Ynstall raised pavement markers with red button . STOP bmr at all approaches to the intersectio�n,� 4) Auth�orize th� Traffic Division to be�in preliminary �traffic signal desigra studies a� the Cambridge-Walnut intersectionm � 5) Investigate �he r�eed for shrubbe�y � cleaning on the southwest corner. MOTION D. Yarge� � � SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous � Meeting ad�ourned 4:35 P.M. . . � -- .. .