10-14-1981 - Minutes TC , , � . , _ . � CITI��?�S_•TRA�'FIC SAFET�' Ct�:LMISSION MEETIhG � �:I�'UT�� OF A REGULAR 1^iEETI23G October 14, 1981 3:30 P.M. AGEI�TDA . MOTI4N :�IIhTUTES RD�L C�LL PRESE�TT � - Co�nissioners: G: Shaw, �. Yarger, R. Slate, M. BaUmann, D. Smith, Staffc B, Dennis, P. Kelley, Lt. Leintz ABSEr'T Com�aissioners APPRO'VAL OF `MTNUTES " " MOTION R. Slate SECOND D. Smith � Meeting af September 4, 3981 AYES Unanimous M�3TI01� CARR.IED __�_�______�__�___.�__-- ---------- --_�...M.----__�.__--------�________�____�_�. CONSENT �ALENDAR �.'_. I611 E. Palm Avenue �.eques t f or Driv�way Clearance Zone Tneodare Junghans ._ � - - Z�61 E v Pa lm Avenue Qrange, CA 92666 �RECOI��'IEND: Approve �. Chapman Ave. and Flower Street Request for No Stopping Anytime Zone Orange Traffic Section RECC3NL►�1END: App rove C. Taf t and Cambridge �equest ior No Stopping Anytime Zone Orange Traffic Section � RECOMMEI�'D: Approve D. Batavia and Fletcher .-_ - . R�equest for No Stopping Anyt�me Zone - Orange Traffic Section . P�ECO?�SEND: Apgrbve . 4 . / �. � . . . . . �_ C�TI�F.:S T�,AFFIC SAFETI' CO,�i�iISSION riEETI1�G :•.I'_:UTES OF A REGUL�R 2•�ETIhG . P�ge 2 . October ��+, 1981 .4GE?�'DA MOTION . 'iI2��JTES ' ' , E. Chap�an .Avenue W/B Farside City D ive � Request for Red Curb O.C.T.D. Stops & Zones � � . P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 ' � RECa�ND: APProve F. �hapman Avenue E�B Farside City P N. . � Request for Red Curb . O.C.T,D. . Stop� & Zones - _ . P.O. Box 3005 - ._ . . Garden Grove, CA 926�2 REC41�Il"IEND: Approve . G. Katella and California ' � Request far No Stopping Anytime Zone Orange Traffic Section RECOMME�TD: Approve H. Taft and Santiago ..__. : . __ .. Request fo.r I�7o Stopping �nytime Zone � � Orange Traffic Section . . REC4MMEND: Approve • - - � - � I. 2400 l�. Canal Street � . _ . _ _ . _ _, Request for RED curb extension Jane McCracken, Director �� P.0. Box 6109 -. _. . - _ - -- - - - - - . - - � --- -. ----- 4range, CA 92667 F�Ct?MME�'�D: Approve � MflTION D. Smith � SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous - NOES - . . , . , i . ' , CITIZ�NS. TRA�'FI� SAFET'Y G0:"�iISSION MEETIhG '�iINU2�ES OF A REGULAR �iEETING Page 3 October 14, 1981 AGE�TDA � 2�IOTIaN MI2��UTES CO1��SIDERATION I�'�EMS 1. BATAVIA STREET and FLETCHER AVENUE The intersection of Batavia Street and Fletch: Request for STOP controls/Crossing �uar Avenue is a two-way STOP controlled, cross- Candido Espinoza intersection (�; legs) . Westbound and eastbou� 9271 N. Batavia Street traffic on Fletcher Avenue must stop before Qxange, CA 92665 entering the intersection. There is a markec� school crosswalk with apprapriate advance RECO�ND: Ap�rove markings on the north-leg of Batavia Street and Fletcher Avenue. The ir�tersectian of Bata�: Street and Fletcher Avenue had two accidents in the previous twelve month periad. Qne � accident may have been susceptible to :. correction �Tith a 4-way S"TOP cantrol. There does not appear to b� a problem with the alignment or design of the intersection, There were a total of 4 elementary aged pedestrians that crossed Batavia Street. The average vehicular valvme entering the intersection from aIl approaches for an eight hour period was 795 vehicles. The , conflicting traffic volume durin� the time gedestri�ns were counted was 83 vehicles per hour. The intersectian does n�t satisfy � the signal warrant criteria. The inter- s�ction did no� satisfy the signal warrant � criteria. The inte�section d�d not satisf�T � the required warrants for STOP controls at an arterial intersection. The intersection did nat satisf}7 the required warrants for the establishment of an adult school crossinc guard at this location. ,, 'CITZZ�':S TRAF'FZC SAFETY CO2��SISSI01� MEETIIvG '��I'�UT£S �F A fZEGULAR ?��ETING - Page 4 Octaber 14, 1981 AG E�*DA AiOT I 0N ?�iIh�1TES CUNSI��R.n�ION ITEI``iS CON'T. It is the recornrnendatior� of the Traf f ic Secti� that: 1) the request for a 4-kTay STOP control at the intersection of Batavia Street and Fletcher Avenue be denied. 2) the request for an adult school crossing guard at the inter- section of Ba�avia Street and Fletcher Avenue be denied. Speaking in f avor of the 4-way STOP installation was: Condido Es�inoza � (applicant} , 2372 n. Batavia, Orange, CA 9266� The concerns eh-pressed by Mr. Espinoza were: need for a reductian in the speed of the traff: and a need f or a reduction in t1�e noise f rom t': heavy trueks using Batavia St. Staff indicate to the �o�nission that there would be �n increase in the density of the property on the west side of Batavia with a resultant increase in both vehicular and pedestrian activity at Fletcher Ave.JSt. Staff had no objections to the �ommission recommending for th� establish- , • ment of 4-�Ta�T STdP controls at Batavia St. and Fletcher Ave./St, as long as the re�idents in the immediate area were aware of the increase of noise that would accur, and the loss of on-street parking to provide adequate sight distance. The 4-waS� ST�P control ��ould provid� � for adequate assignment of right-of-way and elementary school crossing protection as the . area continues to develop. ri0TI0N D. Smith SECOND R. Slate AYES Unanimous M4TION CARRIED To approve 4-way STOP contrals at the inter- section of Batavia St. and Fletc�er Ave./St. with the appropriate vision zones as required, �nd, to deny thp request for .an adu3t school � crossinb guard and subsequent removal of the temporary interim crossing guard at the intersection. , " , ` CIT�Z'ENS TRA.FFI� SAF�T�.' CO��iISSION MEETIi�G � � :�iINUTES OF A REGULAR :��ETING Page 5 October 14, 1981 AGE'�'DA � � TSOTION *iZ1�'UTES CO?�S IDERATI�ON ITEMS CON'T. 2. �^�APLE ana WAVERLY Mr. Shaw questioned if the neighbors have bee: Request for STOP controls notified. The intersection o� C�Taverly Street Charles Nagy and r�aple Avenue is an uncontroll.ed cross- 359 N, kTaverly intersection (4 I.egs). The intersection of Orange, CA 92666 �ti�averly Street and Maple Avenue had no accidents in the previous twelve month period. RECOMMEI�TD: Approve There does not appear to be a problem w:ith th� zlignment or design of th� intersection. The vehicular volume entering the intersection f�c all appraaches for the A.��. peak periad was 64 vehicles. The vehicular volume �ntering the int��section from a11 approaches for the P.M. pea� period was 109 vehicles. The intersection did satisfy the required warrant� far two-way STOP controls at a lacal in�er- section. It �is the recommendatian of the Traffie Section that the request for a 2-way STOP control at the intersectian of �ti'averl�T Street and r2aple Avenue be approv�d with the installation of the appropriate vision zones. MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous 3. H_A,ND� STREET Mr. D�nnis & Mr. Kelley gave staf f presentatic P.equest for Traffic Study , Mr. Shaw commended Bernie & Pat on the studv. ���endy Bress Dennis Bress wanted deep grooves in the street �25 I�. Handy Street to help get rid of excess water that is Orange, CA 92b6.� a1waS=s present. The noise from stopping car� wauld be better tha� the noise from squealin� p�F�p���; tires. HandS=, within the subject limits i� a residentially developed, "thru", collector street ranging in width from 34 - 36. Handy Elementar}T School the only non-residential land use in the study a ea is,�s�t�,u�at�ed on the s ide of Handv�ou��erly o�O�rar�ge Grove w-�there is no existing sidewalk and _ limited walkway area due to vegigation occurin in the parkwa�T area. I�.andy St. between Kate11 . Ave. and Walnut is �designated, marked, and signed as a school bicycle route and sub- sequently, parking is partially restrieted on the street during school days. A "collector" street as Handy was defined is a street that "collect�" traffic from a group or series of residential streets and dis- tributes that traffic to the adjacent arterial stre�t''system; in this case to Collins; LJalnut and Katellao , - CITIZ�tiS �R..���I'C SA�'ETT CO*i�fISSI02� 2�LETII�G '�1�'':UT�.S �F A REGULAR *�ETING � Page 6 October 1�, 1981 AGENDA MOTZaN MIhTtJTES � C�hSIDER�TiJN ITEMS CON'T. As a collector�serves not on1S� the immecii�te �ronting land uses but also those Lrom a 3arger area, the average dai1�T traf�ic volume (ADT} is generally higher than the f eeder �treets or even paralleling non-collector streets. As the Handv St. service areas are for the most part fully developed, an in�rease far decrease) in ADT on Hand� would tend to occur as the result of chang�s in external r�ther than internal conditions. In essance, the more availahle, convient routes provided into and out of a service area the less eancentrated trafiic becomes on each se�ment of the arterial-collector system. The posted speed limit on Handy within the study section is 25 m.p.h. Results of the survev indica�ed: �dherence to the 25 rnph posting was less than 15� during both survey periods. Adherence to a 30 mph speed, ��Thich is generallv acceptable Tor a 25 mph posted Iimit �ras less than 50% during both surveys. Genera� accident characteri.stics indicate twenty-sev�n total accidents occurred during the f ive-year period resulting in eight injuries. Eleven of the �eported accidents involved a single moving ��ehic�e (hit parked car, sign, private prapert� ' �tc.) . One vehicle-pedestria:� aecident was �e�arted. Four of the accid�nts involved . �nopeds or motorcyeles. Seven of the accidents �nvolved motorists wno had been drin�.ing; all hit parked vehicles, fixed objects, or �rivate propertv; six of the seven occurred in a Iate evening ar night time condition. Thirteen accidents occurred in daylight; �ourteen accidents occurred in diminished ligh• or dark conditions. Of the twenty-seven zccidents: 3 occur�red between 7-9 a.m. (a.m. � �eak) , 2 occurred between 1-3 p.m. (schoal �eak} , � occur�zd between 4-6 p.m. (p.rn.� peak) :n analysis of the accident history and charac• teristic by location would indicate one eurren� �roblem loeation at Handy and Walnut and one �otential problem locatzon at Handy and Oakman, �n consideration of the total number of �ccidents in relation to the five year time �eriod there is not_a significant accident �roblem of Handy� � � CITIZE'�S TRAFFZ�C S�FET�' C0:*i"SISSIO:� MEETII�'G � ?�iI:rTUTES QF A REGULAR :�LEETIhG Page 7 October 1�, 19$1 . AGE:�'DA MOTIO�+ �iI7��7TES CONSIDERATIQN ITEMS CQN'T. Handy St. is a major access route to Handy Elernentary School. j�Jith the e�isting route, "thru" traffic e��osure occurs at two crossin� points' Walnut and Hand�T and at QakmQnt and Hand�T. The Oakmont and Handy crossing could be avoicied but the Hand37 School students tand their parents} will not walk the extra distance to the Collins-Handy controlled crossing point. A high ris�: character�.stic observed during the study was a large number of random, mid-block crossing across Handy between Oakmant and �'Iayfair and acrass �aalnut easterly of the crosswalk. Each intersection on the s�tud�� reach of Handy was evaluated in the peak vehicle hour and peak pedestrian-use hour to determine if the minimum warrants for tYie installation af 4-way STOP control was met �he intersections of Hand.y and k�alnut and Hand� and Oakmont were evaluated ior cxossing . guard installation, and; , the intersection of Handy and k?alnut was evaluated for possibl�e traffic signal installation. Based on this evaluation the intersections of Walnut and Handy anci 4akmor�t and Ha dv rnet the minimum . warrants for additional��ntrol installation: Handy-t�'alnut This location was within 10% of ineetina the mini�um warrant for 4-way �TQP � . canrtrol at an arterial intersection and had a 1.4:1 �olume ratio. This is acceptable. HandY-Oakmont This intersection met the warrants for the placement of an adult crossin� � guard and 4-wa� STOP control at a local intersection: It is the opinion of the traffi: staff that 3--way STOP control at Handy-0akmont would be the b etter alternative due to the on- goin� zfter school and summer activities at Handy School and the fact that crossing guard service is ava�.lable at Handy-Collins for those who wish to utilize it. It shauld be noted that a significant increase in noise levels will result with the installation of STOP contrc�l, and; that a reduction in on- street parking due to the installation of intersection/stap sign vision zones wi11 occur to the r.esidences adjacent to the STOP instal- lations. ., � �C'IT:I'2�'.�S Tr�.�.��.�C Sn:��TI CO�L'�iISSIOIv MEETII�G - �iI.:�L?TES fJF � REGULAR ?��ETZNG � �Page 8 October I4, 1981 AGE:��DA MOTIOhT *il:�'UTES .�. __�.. - CONSIDERA'�'ION ITEI�SS CO?r'T. Recommendations ' 1 - Include the east side of Handy southerl� � Orange Grove in anu future sidewalk instal- Iation program. 2 - Install additional speed limit signs and .legends on Handy between Rose and Mayfair and initiate a selective enforce- ment program. 3 r Request Handy School evaluate their pedestrian szfety program and � take whatever measures ar� necessary to insur� their students use safe walking practice. 4 - Install 3-way STOP control at Handy-Walnu� w-i.th vision zones, 5 - Install reflective �pavement markers and red marker STOP bar at Handy-Walnut, and Handy-Oakmon� intersection approaches. 6 - InstaZl street ends type signing on southbound Handy agproaeh to Walnut 7�- Upgrade intersection lighting at Hand_y- T�Talnut. 8 - Install 3-wav STOP control at Handy-Oakmont WZLh intersection visian zones. I�OTION D. Yarger SE��ND D. Smith AYES Unanimous