05-13-1981 - Minutes TCCITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING May 13, 1981 3:30 P.M. AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, . D. Yarger, R. Slate,- D. Smith Staff: P. Kelley, Lt. Leintz ABSENT NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION D. Smith SECOND R. Slate Meeting of April 8, 1981 AYES Unanimous ------ ----------------------------- MOTION CARRIED ------------------------- ------------------ CONSENT CALENDAR NONE - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------------- CONSIDERATION ITEMS 1. Trenton Ave. and Cambridge --- Request for 4-way STOP controls, M.K. Tracy Green, 980 E. Trenton Ave. Orange, Ca. 92667 RECOMMEND: Deny Mr,,._ Kelley presented the staff report. The in-.-rsection of Cambridge St. and Trenton Ave. had three accidents in the previous twelve month period. One accident may have been correctable with 4-way Stop controls. There does not appear to be a problem with the alignment or design of the intersection. The average vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches for an eight hour period was 676 vehicles. The --inter- section did not satisfy the signal warrant criteria. The intersection did not satisfy the required warrants -for Stop controls at an arterial intersection. The intersection of Cambridge St. and Trenton Ave. did not satisfy the required warrants for.the establishment of a 4-way Stop control at �� an arterial intersection. The assignment of Right -of -Way is not indicated to be a problet If is the recommendation of the Traffic section that the request for a 4-way Stop control at the intersection of Cambridge St;. and Trenton Ave. be denied. CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING May 13,1981 3:30 P.M. AGENDA MOTION CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED 1. Trenton Ave. & Cambridge St.--- MOTION Request for 4-way Stop controls, SECOND M.K. Tracy_ _Green, 908 E _Tren_ton_ _ _ AYES _ Ave. Orange, Ca. 92667 NOES 2. Trenton Ave. & Baxter St. --- Request for Stop controls Mrs. Saundra M. Strawn 1314 E. Trenton Ave. Orange, Ca. 92667 RECOMMEND: Deny MOTION SECOND AYES NOES 3. Glassell St. & Maple St. ---- Request for red warning flasher Harry Criswell, V.P. Son Light Christian Center, 4601 E. Blueberry St. Orange, Ca. RECOMMEND: Deny PAGE 2 MINUTES D. Yarger R. Slate Unanimous MOTION CARRIED To accept. the recommendation of the Traffic section that the request for a 4-way Stop controls at Trenton Ave. & Cambridge St. be denied. Mr. Kelley presented the staff report. The traff ic'investigation'revealed the following for the intersection of Trenton Ave. & Baxtez St. 1.) The accident -warrant was -not met. 2.)-The-vehicle volume wa"rrant was'riot`met: 3.) The Intersection Alignment or Design warrent was--n.-o-t--met:--I-t--i-s- th-e-renommendat-i-ar of the Traffic Engineering Section that the request for Stop controls at Trenton Ave. & Baxter St. be denied. D. Yarger R. Slate Unanimous MOTION CARRIED To accept the recommendation of the Traffic section that the request for Stop controls at Trenton Ave. & Baxter St. be denied. Mr. Kelley presented the staff report. Staff observations did not indicate problems with the visibility of the existing four way stop. Pavement markings are indeed worn and the area will be repainted. Field observations and contact with the Police Dept. did not indicate a significant lack of adherence to the four-way stop. Marry Criswell V.P. Son light Christian Center was present and expressed his concerns regarding the lack of adherence to the stop signs on Sunday mornings. The Traffic Engineering section recommends that the request for a warning flasher be denied. Lt. Leintz suggested monitering the traffic during the church peak hours. b , CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING PAGE 3 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING May 13, 1981 3:30 P.M. AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED 3. Glassell St. & Maple St. --- Request for red warning flasher Harry Criswell, V.P. Son Light Ghistia' n Center, 460-1—Eu erry St. Orange, Ca. 4. Orai gewood Ave.. E/O Eckhoff St.. - Request for No Parking for signal and street channelization, Orange traffic section RECOMMEND: Approve Adjournment 4:10 P.M. Next Meeting June 10, 1981 MOTION D. Yarger SECOND M. Baumann AYES Unanimous MOTION SECOND AYES NOES MOTION CARRIED To continue until next meeting. (Police Department to moniter the church traffic until the next C.T.S.C. meeting and report back to the Commission). Mr. Kelley presented the staff report. Pointed out specific properties and where No Parking signs are and where they are desired. The owner of one property (Classic Development) objected to No Parking Prohib- ition in front of his property. No, Parking` Anytime restrictions are required on the NEC and SEC of Orangewood and Eckhoff for properly channelizing Orangewood. Such channelization will probide-two (2) travel lanes in each -direction with a .lef t. turn pocket. The Traffic Engineering section recommends approval of the request for No Parking for signal and street channelization R. Slate D. Smith Unanimous MOTION CARRIED To approve the request for No Parking Anytime on the NEC & SEC of Orangewood & Eckhoff. ( No Parking signs will remain the same and -further negotiations will be made to obtain the desired location for additional No Parking signs.)