04-08-1981 - Minutes TC CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY CO:�'A'1ISSION MEETING MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � April 8, 19�1 at 3:30 P.M. AGENDA MOTION . �MINUTES . � F ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, T. Slate, D. Smith Staf f: ABSENT Commissioners: D. Yarger APPROV.AL OF MINUTES MOTION D. Smith SECOND R. Slate Meeting April 8,1981 AYES Unanimous NOES MOTION CARRIED � - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - _ -- - - - - - - - - CONSENT CALENDAR . A. 632 W. La Veta Ave.--Request MOTION M. Baumann for driveway clearance zone-Bill . SECOND R. Slate ' Ra.smussen b32 W. La Veta Ave. AYES Unanimous NOES RECOMMEND: Approve the request MOTION CARRIED - To accept recommendations for consent calendar �or A & B. B. 2715 E. La Veta Ave.--Request relo�ation of passenger loading zone to Wheeler frontage Christ Luthern Church 2715 E. La Veta Ave. RECOMMEND: Approve the request _ . CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COr�IISSION MEETING PAGE 2 �iINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING April 8, 1981 at 3:30 P.M. AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDER.ATION ITEMS - 1. Bond Ave. & Prospect St,-- 1. Mr. Kelley presented the staff report. Request for 3-way stop controls Staff's investigation indicated that the Normaz� R. Brock Orange Park Acres intersection did not satisfy the requirements Mutual Water Co. 678 N. Prospect St. for insta�lation of a three-way stop. The required signal warrants were only 40% RECONIl�ZE�1D: Approve alternative satisfied. Field observations indicated a discernment probTem exists for drivers on " Bond Ave. These drivers are unable to easily determine which vehicles southbound on Prospect St. would be placed in jeopardy by their vehicles entering the travel lanes on Prospect St. Staff recommends the installation of a left tum pocket S/B Prospect St. to aid the� motorist in� discerning the through and left turn movements of vehicles on Prospect St. The recommendation would also include the necessary warning and merge signs to safely implement this channelization. MOTION R. Slate SECOND M. Baumann AYES Unanimous MOTION CARRIED To accept alternative, to provide left turn pocket for southbaund Prospect St. traffic at Bond Ave. with pavement markings & signs for - directing traff ic to appropiate lanes. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. Rancho Santiago Blvd. between 2. Mr. Dennis presented the staff report. Bond Ave. & Chapman Ave. ----- There are two approaches to installing a bike Request for school bike route Orange route. (1) is to build and install a bike traffic section. route according to the Bike Trail standards which can include separated paths, additional RECONIMEND: Approve ��he request right-of-way, etc. (2) is to establish the route within existing right of way and szmply sign the street indicating the existance of the bike route. The school bike route on Rancho Santiago would be possible only through proper signing and marking of- the street. Rancho Santiago between Chapman Ave. and Bond Ave. has shared jurisdiction in certain areas between the City of Orange and the County o f Orange, namely: Chapman to Pearl - City Pearl to Sycamore - County Sycamore to Orangegrove - City Orangegrove to Bond -St.-City -Residences-County • CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COr1MISSION MEETING PAGE 3 MINUTES OF A REGULAR �'iEETING April 8, 1981 at 3:30 P.M. AGENDA � MOTI�N MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEM ��2 CONTINUED 2. (Continued) There are three alternatiues to the request for a school bike route on Rancho 2. Rancho Santiago Blvd. between Santiago between Chapman Ave. and Bond Ave. Bond Ave. & Chapman Ave. ---- � Reques� for school bike route Orange (1) No bike route traff ic section. (2) Establish a school bike route from Chapman Ave. to Bond Ave.. RECOMMEND: Approve the request (3) Establish a school bike route from Sycamore to Bond. Alterriative (1) Would not require any changes � from the existing conditions. Alterna.tive (2) Would cnnnect with the Class I bike route that exists north of Bond Ave. additionally, a four way stop would need to be established at Bond Ave. and Rancho Santiago Blvd. and the approval and cooperation from the County of Orange for those areas under their jurisdiction. Alterna.tive (3) Wn.uld provide a school bike route wholly within City juris- � diction. There would be no need - for County participation other than the need for County app- roval for a four-way stop at Bond Ave. and Rancho Santiago Blvd. The field investigation did not indicate a high incidence of use by the residents for the on� street� parkirig during the hours that a parking prohibition for bike route use would be required. Additionaly, with the establish- ment and implementation of the bike route, street improvements would be completed in those areas as yet unimproved. � • CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COT�iISSION MEETING PAGE 4 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING April 8,1981 at 3;30 P.M. AGENDA MOTION MINUTES C�I�'SIDERATION ITEM ��2 CONTINUED � 2. Rancho Santiago Blvd. between MOTION G. Shaw Band Ave. & Chapman Ave. ---- SECOND R. Slate � Request for schaol bike route Orange AYES Unanimous traffic section. - � �- � MOTION CARRIED RECOMMEND: Approve the request To accept the recor�nendation accepting the concept of a marked school bike route on Rancho Santiago between Chapman Ave. & Bond Ave. send to council for their approval and � theii��send"�on��to-the Cou.nty for their. action. _ NOTE: (Due to the lack of Citizen participatio�, � at the CTSC meeting it is recommended that the City Clerk notice the residences on_ the street for the public hearing.� ADJOURNMENT 4: 12 P.M. . Next meeting - May 13,1981