01-14-1981 - Minutes TC �a>;;� � • i � � . r . — ' ; CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSI�N ' ' I � MINtTTES January 1.4, 198? � �' � MEMBER� PRESENT: � STAFF PRESENT: � Gene Shaw, Chairman Bernie Dennis, Traffic Engineering Dick Yarger Pat Kelley, Traffic Engineering � ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -- -- - - _ _ _ _ - _ _— __ _ _- -- � - - --- • - I�Iat�C Baumarin-- _ -- - -------— ---- __ -___- ----- ---- - _ Lt. -Nlike-Le in t z�-0:P:D:__ -- ---_ _ ; MEMBERS ABSEN'�: � ` J �.__, i Rose Marie Slate ; i MTNUTEi OF DECEMBER 10, 1980 - Approved i � ; _ CONSENT CALENDAR; � I A. 2715 E. La Veta Avenue - Request for Passenger Loading/Unloading Zone - Christ Lutheran Church, 2715 E. La Veta Ave. , Orange � i ; , - Recommendation: Approve the request I � � _: B. La Linda 1�rive & Palmyra Avenue - Request for Driveway Clearance Zone - I , Yvanne L. Andres, Casa Linda Homeowners Assoc. , 1835 La Linda Circle, Orange, 92668 j i � . t Recommendation: Approve the request i ; , . 1 MOVEA by Commissioner Yarger, seconded by Commissioner Baumann, the Commission ' recommends to the City Council to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. . MOTION CAR.RIED + �' � � ITEMS �OR COI�ISIDERA.TION: � ! : (Item 3 tal�en out of sequence) � � ; � ! 5 3. De�tran Road �- Request for Parking Restriction/Contro� Study - - Marian Trueblood, Ne�i,hborhood Spokesperson, 390 South Devon Rd. , Orange-92668 Mr. Dennis presented the staff report. He briefly reviewed the historical data tracing the parking encroachment by eriployees into the residential areas adjacent - to the off ice-cornmercial area at La Veta Avenue and Main Street. It was sl�own that as the office-commercial area developed and employees b egan parking in the � residential areas, residents requested some type of parking restriction. This request resulted in establishing 2-Hr. parking limits on the residential streets. Mr. Dennis also reviewed the concept of permit parking. The 1977 Calif ornia � Vehicle Code Seetion 22507 allows local authorities to estab lish and designate certain streets upon which preferential parking privileges may exist and issue a p�rmit to exempt residents and merchants from such prohibition. � , � � -Z- i 3 � � � , t a Permit parking has not been established in the City of Orange because of arr�bi- ' ' guities that exist in certain issues. Some of these issues are: � � ! " 1) Administration - The issue involves criteria for granting permits, the problem with guests/visitors, use of garage for storage rather than parking, and fundamentally the actual issuance - af the permit and� costs involved. 2) Precedent Setting - Permit parking, . if allowed in one area would quickly � spread to all areas with limited tlme parking. This , aspect should be studied in relation to a total city- wide concept rather than a piecemeal, patchwork concept. _ _- _ _- -- ___ _ __ ___ _- - _ _ - -- - - - -- -_ --__ ___ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _-- 3) Philosophy - Central to the entire pern�.it parking concePt is whether the resident has proprietor rights over a street that is � s;� public dornain, and if so, G�here is the line drawn on a residents proprietor ri�ht to public donain? � Tho�e speaking in f avor of some type of parking restriction were: ' William Fitschu. - 491 Devon Road Andy Cordero -- 470 Devon Road � Marian Trueblood- �90 Devon Road Ray Soda - 490 Alpine Road The concerns expressed were: � -- Residents have diff iculty f inding parking due to employees from the office-cornrnercial parking on these streets. � - Street sweeping is not effective because of parked vehicles. _ - The existing 2-Hre parking areas are not consistently enforced. MOVED by Commissioner Baumann, seconded by Commissioner Yarger, the Commission recommends to the City Council: . , - 1) Devon Road between La Veta Avenue and Culver, be posted for 2-Hr. �;- parking between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., excepting Sat. , Sun. , & Holidays. = 2) �he Police Department make a concentrated effo�t to enforce the 2--Hr. � � '�: parking restriction. � ; � 3} Dri�veway clearance zones to be established in �this area and installed as � � � requested by individual residents. 4) Communication with the surrounding merchants outlining the parl�ing problems and suggesting some possible remedies. l. Santiago Boulevard & Taft Avenue - Request for Traffic Signal - Gene Beyer, Councilman-City of Orange - El�ie Everett, President-Villa Park High School P.T.A. , 18042 Taft Ave. , V.P. 92667 - �orrest Shattuck, Principal-Serrano Elern. School, 17741 Serrano Ave. , V.P. 92667 I�r. Dennis indicated that this intersection, a portion of which is in Villa Park, had qualified for signal installation, and could be constructed by the end of the year provided the f ollowing conditions were Lnet: � _--�• � -3- ; - f • � � - That signal monies be transferred to Santiago Boulevard and Taft Avenue ' I :.� f rom Shaf f er and Co llins. F I � i - An agreement with Villa Park for their percentage participation in the ' ` signal installation. � . j = - Such agreement to b e executed by April 1, 1931. , j : ; ; � �. MOVr�:� �v Comrnissioner Yarger, seconded by Commissioner Shaw, �the Commission _ _____,___________.__.______; � __ __ : recaTM�:��.ds to the City Council the following: i ' ! :� l. A �coaperative agreement to be prepared by the Traffic Division and, upon ' !- ;. r��,�iew and eoncurrence of the Cit_y Attorney, be submitted to the City of �Vi11a Park for approval. � z The subject a;reement shall specify the percentage of par�icipation f or de�ign, inspectian, construction and maintenance of the signal and the ' specification that monies due the City of Orange shall be payable upon - completion and acceptance of the project. � Z. Upon approval by the Orange City Council and Villa Par�k City Council, af the cooperative agreement, funds currently b udgeted for signal cdnstruction at the intersection of Collins-Shaff er be reallocated for signal construction at the intersection of Sant�;ago Boulevard- � . Taf t Avenue. . 2. Ponderosa and Kirkwood -- Request for STOP Controls - �- Mare .Branson � Mr. Dennis presented the staff report indicating the staff would support the request fc�r a 3-way STOP control at the intersection o� �':�=1.��.erosa Street and . Kir��aaod Avenue, - -- ` . ` MOVED by Gornmissioner Sl�aw, seconded by Commissioner Yarger� �he,, Co�rnnission recommends to the City Council that 3-UTay STOP controls be established '��: �"�.e intersection of Pondero�a Street and Kirk.wood Avenue. . � j Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. , � Next meeting: February 11, 1981 � } � 7 P � � ,�