01-13-1982 - Minutes TC CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFET'Y CQ`�MISSION MEETING MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING January 13, 1982 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES RbLL CALL PRESEN� �ommissioners: G. Shaw, R. Slate, � M. Baumann Staff: B. Dennis, P. Kelley, Lt. Leintz �BSEI�'T Commissioners : D. Ya�ger, D. Smith AFFROu��L OF I�'IIIWTES ' MOTION M. Baum�nn � SECOND R. Slate I�eeting of December 9 y 198� �YES Unanimo�.s • MOT�QN CARRIEI3 CCh�SEhTT CALEI�DAR A. 35� �N. Cen�er St. Pteq�zest for Driveway Clearan.ce Zon� F.es ident RECO��'�EN�: Approve _ B. 393 N. Cent�� St. R�quest far Driveway Clearance Zone Resident - _ . . . .. . . . k. REGO�ND: Approve C. ��3g I�T. Center �t. Req�est for Driveway C�.earance Zone Resident F�ECOMI�i�I�D: Approve D. 3�35 N. Center St. �.eq�aest for Drive�7ay Clearance Zane Resident RE�Q�I�'�EI�r�: Apvrove � � � CITIZE�S TRAFFIC S�FLTY CO?��TISSION MEETIIvG ?`�I?�TLTTES OF A REGULAR ?�i�ET'II�G . January 13; 1982 Page Z AGENDA MOTION ?�fI�UTES CONSENT GALENDAR COI�T'T. E. 373 N. Center St. Request for Drivew�ay Clearance Zone Resident RECO�Iv'D: Approve F. 323 N. Center St. � Request for Drzveway Clearance Zone Resident R�CQ�'IEND: Ap�rove C. 345 N. Center St. Request fo� Dri�rewa� Clearanee Zone Resident RECOM��ND: Apprave � ` � � . H. 36 s N. Center St. . � Request far I�riv�way Clearanc� Zone � Residet�t . -� _ ��CO��MEND: APProve - - : : I. eenter �t, and Pa1m Ave. Request for Red Curb _ . Marshall T�7i�kinsvn 353 N. Center St. ' . Or�n��, �A 92666 - _ . � �.ECOM?�IEND: Apgrove _ J. Center St. and S�Tcamare Ave. Request for P�ed CUrb ��arsh�ll �hTilkinsan 363 N. Center St. C}range, CA 92666 RECQMMEISB: Approve M�TION R. Slate SECQND M. Baumann xYES Unanimous � CIT�ZEhS TRAFFIC SAFETY COr�iTSSION MEETING ?�SINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING January 13, 1g82 Page 3 �4GENDA MOT?�ON MINUTES CON S ID��RAT I Oh1 ITEMS I� Santzago Cyn Rd. and �annan/Loma S� eet Cannor�/Lama Street is a narth-south s�.eondary Reauest far STOP controls/Crossing Guar a�terial street with a travelway �width af Tom Ebberts thirt�-six (36� feet �urb-to-curb. Santiaga 5825 E. Tetdn Avenue Cyn. Raaci is an east-west secondary arterial -O��n��,��9--�6=6=7 st-���.'=�r a-.r�-ve w� - �t-vari.�� fram f if ty-�two (52� f eet curb-to-curb at Jerry Looker Cannan/Le�ma S�reets to thirty--six (36} at 57�� San Juan Dri�e Orange Par�. Blvd, and twen�y-four (�24} feet Ozar��e, CA 92�67` . �t Newport �1v�.� The inte�section of �an�iagQ C�n. �oaei and �ar�nan�Loma Str eet s R��C��IEn?I�: Deny is a twe�way ��r�P cc�ntroll�d, cross-inter- _section. �he ��.�ersection of �antiago Cyn. Road ar�.d Can�.a��Lama Streets I�.d two �.cei:dents in t�.� preuiaus tweZve month perioa. C}n� aceide�fi may havQ been �usc�ptible to corr�ction c�zi��a. a 4-�ray ST�P cc�ntral. There is not a p�r3�I.�rn. with the alzgnment or d�sign of t�e �.�tersection. Th.e average vehieular �al.�.�� enter i�g the intersection � from a�.T apgrc��.ehes for an eight hour period was �51 �rehic��s. B�s service is provided far .elementary sehaal children, _ . living in the I�ybury Ranch area, ta Linda Vista Elementar� School« TT�ere were ei�ht C�) F�����rian.s using the sub,�ect locatian gaing to ��d: f�om sehool. The conflicting vehic�e volumes �ere 504 vet�icles in the - rnornin� an.d 8I ��hic�:es in the afternoon. Th.e posted spe��. limit is �Q MPH. � �here is � fc,czr-�wav STC�� �on��al�ed crossing poin� 8Q0 f eet �a�st a� the subj eet intersect�c�� at Lineia Vis�.a� Th� intersection of Santiago Cyn. Ro�,d an�� Ca��,o�/Lama Stre�ts did not satisfy the r��q�i.red w�rrants �or t�e estab- lishme�.t of a 4��ray STQP cantral at an arterial intcrs�ction. Th� assi�nment of Right-af-k�1a�% �s �ot indica�ed ta be a problem. '�he �ubject i�.t�r�ectio� did �ot sati�fy� the requir�d warran:�s for the es�abl�_shment of a traffic �i.gna�. Th� intersectian did not sa�isfq th.� rec��.ired wa�rar�:� for the estab- Iishmen� €Qr a� a.dult sc�oal crassing guard. �t is the reco�endatian of the Traf f ic �ectioi that �h� req�e�� f ar a 4--�ay S'�4P cantral, �r�.ff�c sign�l c�r �au�t sc��.oa� crosszn� �uard at the z��ersec�ion af S�.r��iago Cyn. Rc�ad and �an.nan���.�.�: Str�ets be �¢nie� , s 1��-��}?� �4 S�.��.� ����� �5. Bai������r� _ ���e��:�rr� ac j aurned :�Q P � �.�'ES u'�3nim.c�us � .I�.. � �. .