10-13-1982 - Minutes TC � FIi COi�'1ISSION MEETING �j CITIZ��1S TRAFFIC SAFETY ; MINUTES OF A REGITLAR MEETING ' I� October 13, 1982 - i . , AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALI. PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, .D. Yarger, M. �aumann Staff: B. Dennis, .P. Kelley, Lt. Leintz - Agg�� Co�aissione�s : R. S1 ate, D. Sm1 th APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION G. Shaw SECOND M. Baumann Meeting of August 11 , 1982 AYES Unanimous and September 8, 1982 as MOTION CARRIED corrected --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- COi�SENT CALENDAR A. 639 W. Walnut Avenue Request for Dwy Vision Zone (Parker Street Frontage) Councilman Barrera RECOMMEND: Approve B. Orange-Olive Rd and Fellows Dr Request for Vision Zone S/0 Fellows D . Mrs. Virginia Miller 16352 Fellows Drive Oranqe, CA 92665 RECOMME�ID: Approve - C. Almond Avenue Request for change in curb marking on Grand Street frontage from 20 Minute Green Curb to Yellow - Freight Loadin and Unloading I�'ving Fraker, Manager � Almond Apts 300 E. Almond Avenue Orange, CA 92666 RECOMMEND: Withdrawn by Applicant f - i � r _ CITIZE�IS TRAFFIC SAFETY COr�iISSION MEETING MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING October 13, 1982 � ' Pae2 AGENDA MOTION , MINUTES � . , CONSIDERATION ITEMS � 1 . Mall of Orange Dick Hsu of O.C.T.D gave the presentation� Request for Bus Stop/Layover Conve sion regarding possible mitigation of bus realted O.C.T.D, problems at the Mall of Orange. ' P.O. Box 3005 � Garden Grove, CA 92642 Currently there is a single bus stop location with a shelter at the Mall . This stop serves � RECOMMEND: �s a major connector/transfer/layover point for. several routes. Some of the problems , presently encountered are: 1 ) Patron confusian regarding correct bus 2) Bus layover storage problems 3) Unexpected bus entrance into vehicular travel lanes The proposal by O.C.T.D. would involve: 1 ) The extension Qf the existing layover area to the north 2) Installation of curb marked designated boarding and alighting areas � 3) Installation of appropriate route sign designations 4) Installation o� additional shelters. It is hoped that adoption of this proposal will alleviate the problems presently encoun- tered at the Mall of Orange. � Discussion included the mechanics of the imple- mentation of the O.C.T.D, proposal and the possibility of O.C.T.D. participation for repair/reconstruction of the roadway and curb/ sidewalk areas as the damage in that area is directly related to the O.C.T.D. operation at the Mall of Orange. Dick Hsu and staff indicated that -the imple- mentation could be accomplished with .a � minimum of problems. 1 ) Route signs would be installed by O.C.T.D. crews. 2) Curb markings to be done by City crews 3) Shelters could be taken from the existing shelters on-hand and replenished in the next funding applicationo Dick Hsu did indicate that the Transit Dis- trict did not have funds for capital improve- ments at this time but that �he possibility might exist that the issue could be addressed and possibly � solution arrived at by both � the Transit District and the City. 6 � „ CITIZENS TR.AFFIC SAFETY COrSMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � . Oc�ober 13, 1982 � Page 3 i AGENDA MOTION , , MINUTES � ' . ; � CONSIDERATION ITEMS CON'T. � ' _ The proposal was approved in cor�cept and � staff was directed to continue to pursue the possible participation by O.C.T.Da in the capital-type project of street reconstruction � and curb� and sidewalk work as related to the , bus traffic at the Mall of Orange. _ MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Yarger � AYES Unanimous � • . � . � . � / ..�. �pF oR,9 G��, \�,ORPOR.�TFD�j�, � 4 • O �..,';_�,- Q . � p .�',����, _ . � . �Cln``.°A!L 5,188� li�� c�UNTy�P�` incorporated 1888 orange civic center • 300 east chapman avenue • orange, caBifornia 92666 post office box 449 citizens traffic REPORT saf�ty committee --- (714) 532-0441 C!ctober 28, 1982 CH.AiRMAN Gene shaw T0: Honorable City Council ���� ��I��g FROM: Ci ti zens Traff i c Safet�r Commi ssi on Rose Marie Slate MEr�FRS SUBJECT: Consent Calendar, October 13, 1982 � Matt Baumann Deanna Smith �ECOM►�IENDATION: Ap�rove CTSC Recommendations Dick Yarger � A.. 639 �l�est l�Jal nut Avenue, Request for Dri veway Vi si on Zone - Approve �. (;range-Olive Road and Fellows Drive, Request for Vision Zone S/0 Fellows Drive - Approve Gene Shaw Cha�rman ���-- �1���,:� Dena Riddle Recording Secretar� � ° ;