12-14-1983 - Minutes TC CITY TRAFFIC CO:��IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR riEETING � De�ember 14, 1983 . . -AGEI�TDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL � PRESENT Comrnissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Smith, D. Yarger Staff: B. Den�is, P. Kelley ABSENT Cornnissioners : Approval of Minutes MOTION D, Smith SECQND M. Baumann . . IrTovember 9, 1983 AYES � Unanimous �-s. 1432-44-SO N. Glassell Street Request for Rehearing of Dwy Vision Zone � � (Originally approved September 14, 1983) Frank Rodcliff Jirn's. Garage - I�C32 N. Glassell Street , Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Remo�red and heard - � - separately B, 1325 E. Pa�myra Avenue Request for Red Curb Gordon rsitchell� Palnyra Elemen�tary School . 1325 E. Palmyra Avenue . Orange, CA 92666 RECOMMENDATION: Approve � . C. 1428 N. Manzanita Street Request for Red Curb D.D. Shaver, Jr. - General Ma.nager . Cetel Guardian 1428 N. Manzanita Street , � ' Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve CTTY TP�AFFIC CO��SISSION �^�INUTES �F A REGULAR MEETING December 14, 1983 Page 2 AGENDA r�OTION MINUTES D, 3800 W. Chapman Request for "No Parking Anytime" - G. Allan Daum, V.P. & General Manager � Tishman West Management Corp � Bank of America Tower, The City Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMENDATION: Approve E. Flower Street btwn Chapman & La Vet Request for Weight Limit Sign Michael Dougherty � 130 N. Flower Street Orange, CA 92668 � RECOr�MENDATI�N: Approve � � Fo 469 S. Glassell Street � � � Request for Limited Time Parking . Nancy Randazzo � 469 S. Glassell Street �range, CA 92666 F.ECOl����NDATION: Approve� � a G. N/B Tustin .FS 55 On Ramp . Request for Bus Stap . s o.c.T.D. � - P.O. Box 3005 � ' Garden Grove, CA 92642 RECOr�ZENDATION: Approve H. S/B Tustin NS 55 On Ramp . Request for Bus Stop & Red Curb ' O.C.T.D. � RECOMMENDATION: Approve . I. Walnu� Avenue btwn Cypress & Parker � South side of street at RR tracks � � . Request for No Parking Anytime � - , , RECOI��IENDATI�N: Approve CITY TRAFFIC CO?��SISSION TMIINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . . � December 14, 1983 Pa e 3 AGENDA MOTION MIIvTUTES J�. Laurinda S/0 Larkstone . Request for No Parking on Sat. & Sun. btwn the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p�.m. RECOMMENDATION: Approve � � MOTION G. Shaw � SECOND D. Yarger � AYES Unanimous A. 1432-44-50 N. Glassell Street ���.n�, Rc���1 i ff s�oke �.n f�vor c�f rP�lz�-in,g t��, Request for Rehearing of Day Vision Zo red zone southerly of the driveway to allow Frank Rodcliff � an� additional parking space. Mr. Hughes Jim's Garage was the original applicant. 1432 N: Glassell Street - Orange, CA 92667 Recomrn�ndation: Reduce the vision zone � southe�ly of the driveway from 20' to 4' . RECC3NLMENDATION: Reduce the vision zone sautherly oi the driveway from 20' �0 4 . MOTION D. Yarger � SECOI�TD D. Smith AYES Unanimous - � f . �ITY T?'.AFFIC CO'��SISSION '1I:��L'TES OF A REGULAR MEETING . December 14, �1983 � Page 4 AGEI�?DA MOTIQN TTINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS l. Culver Avenue and Pixley Street Staff presented the report. Pixley Street is Ree}uest for STOP Controls a north-south local residen.tial street with Bob Higgins a travel way width of thirty-four (34) feet 450 Pixley Street curb-to-curb. Culver Avenue is an east- Orange, CA 92668 west local residential street with a travelwa� � width of thirty-faur (34) feet curb-to-curb. REC�I�'i�i'IENDATI�N: The intersection of Pixley Street and Culver Avenue is an uncontrolled, cross-intersection . T�e request for two-way STOP controls (4 l.egs) . The accident history at the inter- at the intersection of Pixley Street � section of Pixley Street and Culver Avenue and Culver Street be denied. indicates no reported accidents at �.he � intersec�ion in the past twelve months. Traffic volume counts were taken during the a.m. peak hours a� 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on December 6, 1983. Peak hour volume = 29. Peak hour ratio = 4 to l. Safe approach speeds were calculated for the intersection af Culver A�en�e and Pixley Street using the AAA method. Intersectian alignment or design problems are indicated by an approach _� speed of 10 mph or less. Safe approach speed = I4.5 mph. This approach speed is � for eas�bound traffic looking north. T'he intersection of Pixley Street and Culver Aven�: . ; had no reported accidents in the previous . . � twelve month period. There does not appear � . . to be a geometric problem with the alignment or design of the intersection to the extent that additional control �f the flow af � vehicular traff.ic through the in�erseetion is required and cannot be accomplished by less restrictive means. The- average vehiculaY volume entering the intersection from all of the approaches for the peak hour period was 29 vehicles.. The peak hour vehicle volumc� ratio was 4 to l. The intersection does not � satisfy the required warrants for two-way STOP controls at a local intersection. � Speaking in favor of the STOP control.s: � Bob Higgins, applicant. His concerns were: � . 1) The speed of the vehicles traveling through the intersection 2) The potential for accidents if the drivers fail to exercise due caution. ' Recommendation: The request for two-way STOP controls at the intersection of Pixley Street and Culver Street be denied. MOTION D. Yarger � SECOl`J� M. Baumann AYES Unanimous . CITY TRAFFIC COh�SISSION r1INUTES OF A REGULAR rfiEETING December 14, 1983 Page 5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES 2. Fletcher Industrial Area � This item was continued from the September Request fox No Parking for Street Swe ing meeting to be considered at this time. It is Tom Jordan th� recommendation of the Traffic Division that ° � only the north side of Fletcher between Batavia RECOMMENDATION: and Glassell be posted with the No Parking 7 a.m, to 11 a.m, on Wednesday for street Post the north side of Fletcher sweeping purposes. hetween Batavia and Glassell for No Parking 7 a.m. to ll a.m, on MOTION D. Yarger Wednesday SECOND M. Baumann � AYES Unanimous Meeting adjourned 4:25 p.m. , . - , , .