11-09-1983 - Minutes TC CITY TR.AFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING Novem�ber 9, 1983 AGENDA . MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL � PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann D. Smi�h, D. Yarger Staf f: P. Kelley, ABSENT Commissioners : Non.e APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTZON D, Yarger SECOND M. B�.umann Meeting of October 12, 1983 AYES Unanimous --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- CONSENT CAZENDA.R A. 642 W. Chapman Avenue Request for Loading Zone (Paxker frontage Parr Restaurant Equipment Jack Kellstrand 642 W. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92668 , . RECOMMENDATION: Approve B. Adams @ Glassell Request for Vision Zone James Rice 123 E. Adams Avenue Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve C. Bush @ Stewart , Request for Handicap Parking Robert Warren, Director , The Providence Association 1310 W. Stewart Drive, Suite 505 � Orange, CA 92668 ' _ RECOMMENDATION; Appr�ove � D. 260 S, Esplanade Street MOTION G. Shaw Request for "Park Parallel" Signing SECOND D. Yarger Carole Shaw AYES Unanimous RECOMMENDATION: Removed ��.nd heard separately t CITY TRAFFIC CONLMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . November 9, 1983 Page 2 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES•.. CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. D. 260 S. Espla.n.ade Street Staff presented the report on 260 S. Request for "Park Paral.lel" Signing Esplanade, request for Park Parallel signing. Carole Shaw Several requests have been received from residents in the area regarding a parking RECOMMENDATION: - situation at 260 S. Esplanade. The location is on Esplanade just north of the STOP � controlled inte�rsecti�on of Palmyra and Esplanade. Esplanade Street in this area is fully develo�ed with the exception of the property frontage �n the �rest side of the street at 260 S. Esplanade. Because of on-site characteristics (i.e. , grades and the street grad.e) acness tc� the property is gained thr�ugh a ramped d.ri�veway. Said ramp extends intr� the public right-of-way and creates a situation where vehicles are utilizing the ar�a between that portion , of the roadway used for travel purposes and the property line to park perpendicular to the travelway. -This- �n -turn -does- create- - a potential for accidents to occur involving S/B vehicles on Esplanade with those vehicles parked �perpen�icular to the roadway. These parked vehicles and the ramped � driveway are als� o`bstructing the normal pedestrian pathway alorig t.his reach of . Esplanade. The propc�sed s�lution is to post the frontage of 260 S. Esplanade with sigi�ing to indicate that parking parallel � is required. Additie�nally, a pedestrian walkway should be s�Criped at the ramped driveway location tc� pr�vide a marked pedest�ian walkway far their circuTation. Support was vo�iced form the �.udience for the recommendation proposed by staff. � � MOTZON � G. Shaw • SECOND M. Baumann AYE� Un�.nimous . , � CITY TRAFFIC COT'IMISSION � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING November 9, 1983 Pa e 3 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES�-. ' CONSIDERATION ITEMS l. Almond and Flower Flower Street is a north-south 1oca1 Request for STOP Controls residential street. Almond Avenue is an Orange Traffic Division east-west local resi�.ential street. The intersection o� Flower 5treet and Almond RECOMMENDATION: Deny request for STO�' .�.venue is a two-way STOP controlled, cross- Controls, Install a vision zone t�f 20' intersection (4 legs) . The aecident to 30' on Flower 5treet at the southeast. history at the intersection �f Flower corner of Flower Street and Almond Avenue. Street and Alinond Avenue indicates no re�aorted accidents at thP intersection in the past t��elve mc�nths. Traff ic volume counts taken during the p.m. peak hours of 4:00 p.m. to 6:(�0 p.m. indicate peak hour volume = 499, pea�i hour ratio = 7.3 to l. Safe �.pproacl� speeds were calculated for the intersection. Intersection alignment or c�esign problems are indicated by an approach speed of 10 mph or less. , Safe approach speed = 8 mph. This approach sp�ed is for westbound traffic looking soutl�. The intersection of Flower Street and Almond Avenue had no reported aceidents in the previous - twelve month �peric�d. There does not appear to be a problem with the alignment or design of the inters�ction to the extent that additional contr�l of the flow of _ vehicular traffic .through the intersection is required and cannot be accomplished by less restrictive means. 'The average � vehicular volume entering the intersection from all of the ap�iroaches for the peak � hour period was 499 vehicles. The peak hour vehicle volume ratio was 7.3 to l. The intersection does not satisfy the required warrants for 4-way STOP, controls �.t a local intersection. A sight problem -� � may exist at the southeast corner as . indicated by the 8 mph safe approach speed. Westbound traffic is controll�d � by STOP controls but additional measures could be impleme�.ted in the form of a vision zone. The intersection of Flower Street and Almond Avenue did not satisfy the required warrants f�r the establishment of 4-way STOP control at a local inter- section. � Recommendation: The request for 4-way STOP controls at the intersection of � CITY 'I`RAF�'IC CO�SISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . November 9, 1983 Page 4 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES�., , Flower Street and Almond Avenue be denied. Additionally, it is recommended that a vision z�ne of 20' to 30' be approved on Flower 5treet at the south- east corner of Flower 5treet and Almond Avenue. - MOTION M. Baumann 5ECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 2. Palm and Olive Olive Street is a north-south local Request for STOP Controls residential street. Palm Avenue is an Anke Vogelvang east-west l�ca1. residential street. 115 N. Glassell 5treet The �interseetion t�f Olive Street and Orange, CA 92666 Palm Avenue is a 2-way STOP controlled, cross-intersection (4 legs) . The RECOMMEI�IDATION: Deny request for STOP- accident hi.story at the intersection Controls. Install a .vision zone of 50' on ha�. no rept�rted accidents in the past Pa7�m Avenue at the ST�]C of Olive Street and , twelve month�. Tra£fic volume counts Palm Avenue and a vision zone of 20' on taken during the a..m. peak hours of Palm Avenue at the NEC of Olive Street and 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. indicate a Palm Avenue. peak hour volume = 397, peak hour ratio = 10.3 tt� 1. Saf e approach speeds were calculated for the inter- section of Palm Avenue �and Olive Street. Intersection alignment �r design � problems are indicated by an approach _ speed of 10 mph or less. Safe approach speed = 12 mph. This approach speed is for westbound traffic looking north. Safe approach s�peed = 13 mph. This approach s�peed is ��r northbound traffic looking west. The in�ersection of Olive Street an�. Palm Avenue had no reported acci.dents in the previous twelve �m.onth �eriod. There does not appear to be a p.roblem with the align- • ment or clesign of the intersection to . the extent that additional control of the flow of vehicular tratfic through � the intersec�ion is required and cannot be accomplished by� less restrictive means. The average vehicular volume entering the intersection from all of the approaches f�or the peak hour period was 297 vehicles. The peak hour vehicle volume ratio was 10.3 to l. , CITY TR.A.FFIC CO?�'Il�'ZISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . November 9, 1983 . Page 5 AGENDA MOTION �IINUTES�., The intersection does not satisfy the required warrants far 4-way STOP controls at a local intersection. Some sight problems may exist at the northeast corner and southwest corner as indicated by the 12 mph and 13 mph safe approach speeds. . Northbound and Southbound traffic is con- trolled by STOP controls but additional ' measures could be implemented in the form of a vision zone. Speaking in favor ot the STOP controls: Anke Vogelvang 115 N. Glassell Street Orange, CA Her concerns were: 1) Trucks on SWC are creating hazard. Can't see around them. The intersection of 01ive 5treet and Pa1m Avenue did not satisfy the required warrants , for the establishment of 4-way STOP control at a local intersection. - Recommendation: The reques�t for 4-way STOP controls at the intersection of Olive Street ancl Palm Avenue be denied. Additionally, it is recommended that a vision zone of 5d' be a�proved on Palm j Avenue at the southwest corner of Palm Avenue and Olive St�eet and a vision zone of 20' be a�pproved at the northeast corner on Palm Avenue at Olive Street and Palm Avenue. MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 3. Center an.d Walnut �enter Street is a north-south local resi- Request for STOP Control.s dential street. Walnut Avenue is an .east- G.T, Smith, President west local residential street. The inter- Chapman College section of Center Street and Walnut Avenue 333 N. Glassell Street � is 2-way STbP controlled, cross-inter- Orange, CA 92666 section (4 legs) . The.accident history at the intersection of Center Street and RE�C�MMENDATION: The request for STOP ' Walnut Avenue indica.tes one (1) reported Controls at the intersection of Center accident. at the intersection in the past and Walnut be denied. twelve months. �raffic volume counts CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING November 9, 1983 Page b AGENDA MOTION MINUTES•. taken during the� a.m, peak ho�.rs of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. indicate peak hour volume = 406, � peak hour ratio = 8.2 to 1. Safe approach speeds were calculated �or the intersection of Walnut Avenue and Center Street. Inter- section alignment or design problems are � indicated by an approach speed of 10 mph or less. Safe approach speed = 13 mph. This approach s�eed is for southbound traffic looking east. The intersection of Center Street and Walnut Avenue had one (1) reported accident in the p.revious twelve month geriod. There does not appear to be a problem with the alignrn.ent or design of the intersection to the extent that additional control of the flot� of vehicular traffic through the intersection is required and cannot be .accomplishe�. by less restrictive means. The average vehicular volume enter.ing the intersection from all of the approaches for the peak hour period was 406 vehicles. The peak hour vehicle valume ratio was 8.2 to l. The intersection o� Center Street and Walnut Avenue did ndt satisfy the required warrants for the establishment of 4-way STOP. controls at a local intersection. __ � . R�commendation: T�e re�,uest for 4-way STOP . controls at the intersection of Center Street and Walnut Avenue be denied. Inst�.11 a marked pedestrian crosswalk on Walnut Avenue with advance signing with increased police enforcement. MOTION D. Smith SECOND G. Shaw AYES M. Baumann OPPOSED D. Yarger . � 4. Handy and .Rose - Handy Street is a north-south local resi- Request for 5TOP Controls dential street. R�►se Av`enue is an east- Phil Perry west local residential. street. Rose Avenue 658 N. Handy Street � intersects with Handy Street te form two Orange, CA off-set tee-inters�ections with single STOP controls for Rose Av'enue vehicular traff ic RECOMMENDATION: The request for three- (E/B and W/B) . The accident history at the way STOP Controls at the tee-intersecti s intersection of Rose Avenue and Handy Street of Handy Street and Rose Avenue be indicates no reported accidents at the deniec�. � intersection in the past twelve months. Traffic volume counts taken during the a.m. peak hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. iridicate on Rose Avenue (north) peak hour volume = 284, peak hour ratio = 46.3 to l. CITY TRAFFIC CO?�MISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . . November 9, 1983 Page 7 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES� � .����.�. � Rose Avenue (south) pe�,k hour volume = 294, peak hour ratio = 17.4 to 1. Safe approach speeds were calculated �or the intersection. Intersection alignment t�r �.esign problezns are indicated by an a�pproach speed of 10 mph or less. Safe approach speed = 10.25 mph. This approach speed is �or southbound traffic looking west .at the n�rthern intersection of ` Handy Street and Rc�se A`crenue. The intersectior � ot Handy Street and Rose Avenue had no� �reported accid.ents in the �previous twelve month period. There does not appear to be a problem with the alignment or design of the intersection to the exten.t that additional control of the flot� of vehicular traffic through the intersect�.on is required and can. not be accom�plished by 1.ess restrictive means. - The. everage vehicular volume entering the intersection from all o� the approaches for the peak hour period was 2$4 vehicles for the Rose Avenue (north) intersection and 294 vehicles for the.�Rose Avenue (south) inter- � section. The pe�.k hour vehicle volume ratio � was 46�3 to 1 and 1.7.4 to 1 respectively. The intersections �.id ni�t satisfy the r required warrants for three-way STOP controls at �. local tee-intersection. Some sight � ctifficulties are encountered by southbound � vehicles pn Handy Street at the Rose Avenue • (north) intersection. Hotaever, vehicles on Rose Avenue eastbound are required to stop before entering the intersection. The intersection of Handy Street with Rose Avenue did not satisfy the required warrants for the establishment of three-way STOP controls . at a local tee-intersection. Recommendation: The request for` three-way STOP controls at the tee-intersections of - Handy Street and Rose Avenue �be denied: .MOTIqN D. Yarger SECOND D. � Smith AYES Unanimous ' � CITY TRAFFIC CO?�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . November 9, 1983 Page 8 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES 5. Kathleen and Lomita Kathleen Street is a north-south residential Request for STOP Controls street. Lomita Avenue is an east=west Theresa Carmichall residential street. The intersec�Cion of 850 N. Kathleen Street Kathleen Street and Lomita Avenue is an Orange, CA 92667 uncontrolled tee-intersection (3 legs) . The accident history at the intersec�tion of RECOMMENDATION: The request for STOP Kathleen Street and Lomita Avenue indicates Controls at the intersection of no reported accidents at the iritersection in Kathleen Street a�.d Lomita Avenue be the past twelve months. Traffic volume approved. Additionally, a vision zone _ counts taken during the a.m. peak hour of of 20' to 30' be approved on Lomita 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. indicate peak hour Avenue at the southwest corner of � volume = 147, peak hour ratio = 2.3 to l. Kathleen Street and Lomita Avenue. Safe approach speeds were calculated for the intersection. Zntersection alignment or design pro�blems ar.e indicated by an approach speed of 10 mph or less. Safe approach speed = 11 mph. This approach speed is for eastbound traffic loo�,ing north. The inter- section of Kathleen Street and• Lomita Avenue had no reported accidents in the previous twelve month period. There does not appear to be a problem with the alignment or design of the intersecti�n to the extent ��=hat ' additional control of the flow of vehicular traffic through the intersection is required and. cannot be accomplishe.d by less rest= . rictive means. The average vehicular volume - entering the intersection from all of the _ approaches for the pea� hour period was 147 vehicles. The peak hour vehicle volume ratio was 2.3 to l. The intersection does satisfy the required warrants for 2-way STOP controls at a. local intersection. A sight problem may exist at the northwest corner as indicat�d by the ll mph safe approach speed. The intersection of Kathleen Street and Lomita Avenue did satisfy the required warrants for the establishme�.t , � of 2-way S.TOP control at a 1oca1 intersection, Recommendation: Vehicles east bound on � Lomita Avenue be required to stop before entering the inte.rsect�,on of Kathleen Street and Lomita Avenue, thereby appro�'ing the request for STOP controls at the intersection of Kathleen. Street and Zomita Avenue. Additionally, it is recommended that a vision zone of 20` ti� 30' be approved on Lomita Avenue at the southwest corner of Kathleen Street and Lc�mita Avenue. MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous CITY TRAFFIC CO?�IMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . November 9, 1983 Page 9 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES 6. Bush and Stewart Bush Street is a north-south local street. Request for STOP Controls Stewart Drive is an east-west local street. Robert Warren The intersecti.on of Bush Street and Stewart Providence Association Drive is a two-way STOP controlled cross 1310 W. Stewart brive, Suite 505 intersection (4 legs) . Northbound and south- Orange, CA 92668 bound vehicles on Bush Street are required to STO.P before entering the intersection. The RECOMMENDATION: Approve request for accident history at the intersection of Bush STOP controls anc�. install appropriate Street and Stewart Drive indicates no reported vision zones accidents at the intersecti�n in the past twelve months. This area bounded by Main � 5treet, La Veta Avenue5 Pepper Street and Columbia P1ace has been in transition for several years nc�w. Recently the city abandoned a porti+�n of public street for the developmen.t of a parking structure. This area encompasses the 5aint Joseph's Hospital facilities and the Pre�vidence Speech and Hearing facilities and has becflme a small city into it�self, Circulation problems in the area are directly attri�ut�d to the aforementioned facilities and their operations. Congestion results during shift chariges at the facilities resulting in confusion regarding right-of-way at the intersection of Bush Street and Stewart Drive. Vehicular traffic � pr.ojections based on the redeveldpment of � this area (i.e. , the Pro�'idence Building) . indicate 300 vehicles during peak hours utilizing the intersection for all approaches. There does not appear to �be a problem with the alignment or design �f the intersection to the extent that additional control of the flow of vehicular traffic through the inter- section is required and cannot be accomplished � by less restrictive me�.ns. The intersection does satisfy the required warrants for 4-way STOP controls at a local intersection. Recommendation: Approve the request for 4-way STOP contr�ls at the intersection of � Bush Street and Stewart Drive with appropriate vision zones. � - MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Smith A.YES Unanimous , CITY TRAFFIC CO�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . November 9, 1983 pa e 10 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES��. 7. Fletcher Industrial Area Request for N'o Parking for Street Sw ping Tom Jordan ; RECOMMENDATION: Continue to MOTION G. Shaw December 14, 1983 mee�ing 5�COND D. Smith AYES Unanimous Meeting adjourned 4:15 p.m. � �