10-12-1983 - Minutes TC �' CITY TR.AFFIC COr�'IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING , . October 12, 1983 - , . �_,�,..� - AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL � PRESENT Commissioners: G. ShdW, P�I. Baumann D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, P. Kelley ,. ABSENT Commissioners : D. Smlth Approval of�"��Minutes MOTION D. Yarger SECOND M. Baumann P�eeting ofi �eptember 14, 1983 AYES Unanimous -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- CONSE��;.��1LENDAR A. 600-700 t�lest ��1 m Avenue Request for No Parking Anytime Mayor Pro-Tem Barrera RECOMMENDATION: P,emoved and heard � separately � B. 200 Block N. Cypress Street Request for Parici ng�� Restri cti on David J. Daddar�� Security Pacific Realty Advisory Service 100 Park Avenue " New York, NY 100��7 RECOMMENDATION= A_n.�rove C. 170 S. Olive ��treet Request for Traffic Investigation/Cross lk Jerry Smith Orange Senior Citizens Community Center 170 S. Olive Street Orange, CA 92666 � . RECOMMENDATION: Deny CITY TRI�FFIC C0�IMISSION r1INU'1'I:S OF A REGULAR MEETING October 12, 1983 Pa e 2 AGENDA � MOTION M7NU7'I:S :� :.�.,,�� D. 3804 E. Chapman Avenue Request for Limited Time Parkinq The Bait Barge � 3804 E. Chapman Avenue, #A , Orange, CA 92669 RECOMME�JDATION: Approve . E. 1148 N. Lemon Street � Request for No Parking Anytime George Gamara � 1148 N. Lemor� �t��-�t Orange, CA 926�;7 ��- . RECOMMENDATION: ���'rLL�'�ve F. 1841 N. Batavia Street Request for Driveway Vision Zone� William Clow, Manao�_��^,, ,,. Sequoi a Supply _��. 1841 N. Batavi a Str�c�--- Orange, CA 92667-0807 � RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger ` SECOND M. Baumann . AYES Unanimous A. 600�7Q0::�1:___ra:irri`'�venue - Mr. Denni s gave the report. The request was Request for No Parking Anytime originated by Councilman Barrera regarding Mayor Pro-Tem Barrera the new Hampton Court project. The reques� was for posting of the subject area for No RECOMMENDATION: Conti-r�ue to Parking Anytime specifically for the street November 9, 1 y�3 mee��i rt�g- - sweepi ng �perati on. The area-was noti fi ed of this request and response by residents appears to be against a "No Parking at . Anytime" posting. . The staff report outlined four (4) options available: � 1 } Approve the request as submitted 2) Post both/either sides in the area for � street sweeping days only 3) Post only the Hampton Court development 4) Deny the request Options 1 ) , 2) and 3) would accomplish the needs as requested but might possibly impact the residential area. ' t CITY TKI�FFIC COMMISSION �1INUTTS OF A REGULAR TTEETING October 12, 1983 � a�3 AGENDA MOTION 1`!I Nl1']'}�S � �, Speaking from the audience: Rich McClure 731 W. Palm � Mr. MeClure p�esented a petition from the � � residents indicating opposition to "No Parking Anytime". Concerns expressed were: - Parking encroachment into the residential � area ' � - Residents sometimes have multiple vehicles I - Wauld prefer No Parking on street sweeping ' ��- d ays �; Recommendation: Pos�t Palm Avenue between � Clark Street to the railroad tracks for No `� � Parking for Street Sweeping purposes on Wednesday between ? a.m. �nd �ll a.m. ' MOTION P1. Baumann i SECOND D. Yarger AYES � Unanimous CONSI�?����!��ION ITEMS 1 . Fletcher Industrial Area P�1r. �ennis gave the report. The area is a Request for No Parking on Street mix of industrial and residential . The Sweeping Days subject area includes Fletcher Avenue D.T.D. between Batavia Street and Glassell Street and Batavia Street from Fletcher Avenue to f�ECOMMENDATION: Continue to� November 9, Lincoln Avenue. Fletcher school is located 1983 meeting with staff presenting a to the East of Batavia Street on F1etcher �°eport with �dditional infarmation � Avenue and this type of parking restriction eonsidered cance�rns the route traversed by students going to or from the school . � The parking prohibition would provide a single time pe�i_od__far___the sweep�_n�—__.__ ; operation and also allow for proper cleaning � af the sidewalks and tree wells in the area. . The industrial concerns on the South of Fletcher Avenue at Batavia Street could be ` impacted by this posting because of their limited amount of ava71ab1e off-street parking. The residential areas are generally back-on � units and would be minimally impacted. Staff recommendation would be to approve pasting the area far No Parking on Wednesdays between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. for street sweeping purposes. CITY TRAI�FIC CO�IISSION T1INU7'I:S OF A REGULAR MEETING October 12, 1983 Page 4 AGENDA MOTION T�1 Nl)'1'];S Speaking from th� audience: Larry Cook 343 L�I. F1 etcher Avenue � Oppased the parking prohibition because of the limited amount of off-street parking available. � Mark Carter � 715 ��I. Fletcher ` Supported the parking prohibition and also suggested posting th� street either for alternate days or alternate t�me periods of the same day. He also suggested contracting with � pravate sweeping service � ,to sweep this area on the weekend. Motion: Continue to November 9, 1983 meeting with staff presenting a report • � with this add�tional information considered, MOTION G. Shaw. . SECOND D. Yarger - - AYES Unanimous 2. ��lilson/Hoover Mr. Dennis presented. the report. The Request for No Parking on Street subject area is a high density residential Sweeping Days area South of Katella Avenue and West of O.T.D. Glassell Street. The area has been a problem in several respects. There is a RECOMMENDATION: Approved as� recommended � high incidence of abandoned vehicles, � � mechanical repairs in the roadway, and � general debris and trash. Many of the residents in the area would be .impacted with the prohibition because of the lack of available alternate street parking. Staff would recommend the posting af the subject area for No- Parking on-Wednesday between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. for street sweeping purposes. Speaking from the audience . _ Dorothy Dave . George Gamara Edna Libsack . Each speaker was in favor of the parking prohibition and reiterated the concerns expressed by staff regarding abandoned vehicles, mechanical work in the street, and general debris and trash. Additional items were brought up that were beyond the scope of power of the City Traffic Commission. CITY TRAFFIC C0�IMISSION MI NU'1'1:S OF A REGULAR MEETING ��..�.�. October 12, 1983 - Page 5 AGENDA MOTION MINt17'�:S . : , .,� _ Moti on - Recommer�d to the� Ci ty Counci 1 the posting of No Parking between 7 a.m. . and 11 a.m. on t�Jednesday for street sweeping purposes on the following streets: Hoover Avenue between Lemon Street and Glassell Street (North & South side) � Wilson Avenue between Lemon Street and � Glassell Street (North & South side) Lemon Street between Hoover Avenue and a point approximately 250' S/0 Wilson (East side) �10TION G. Shaw � SECOND D.� Yarger AYES Unanimous 3. Batavia and Fletcher ° Mr. Dennis gave the report. The Traffic Request for Crossing Guard Division has reviewed the traffic charac- �.p.p. teristics and control measures at the subject intersection. REC�MMENDATION: i+��r��'e as recommended The intersection is presently a 4-way STOP controlled with standard advance signing and legends in place. There is evidence of heavy skid tracks that suggest a high incidence of panic stops possibly resultant _ of both the width of the street in respect to the lacation of the STOP signs on ' Batavia and the unexpected control on what � is for the most part a "thru" 40 m.p.h. + � �s�reet. It is recammended that median mounted STOP signs be installed on Batavia to provide greater visibility and installatio� of the budgeted, approved Flashing Beacon. - Fi e1-d -survey�-a ndi cated-=a---�otal of -9 - pedestrian crossings of Batavia during the peak 7-9 a.m. pedestrian crossin g period and 4 pedestrian crossings of Batavia during the 2-3 p.m. peak period. Neither � the pedestrian or conflicting traffic volume meets the minimum warrar�ts for crossing guard placement at a 4-way STOP controlled . intersection. There have been 6 reported accidents at the subject intersection in the last 3 year period. One involved an elementary age bicyclest, three were control adherence/recognition oriented, and the remaining two accidents were random. The bicycle accident, pe�r the Police report, directly relates to the crossing habit problem of the pedestrians. , CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING October 12, 1983 �� Page 6 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES�, , � �. � ..� �� � - - During the course of the field investigation very poor crossing habits were demonstrated by those pedestrians �rossing Batavia. . Fletcher School should be notified of this situation. In view of the STOP contr�ol adherence characterist7cs, a guard could be � placed at the subject location. It is � recommended that if placed the placement be � re-evaluated in respect to adherence to the warrant within three (3) months after installation of the beacon Mot�or�: Recommend to the Ci ty Counci 1 the following at Batavia Str�et and Fletcher Avenue: � 1 ) � Installation of ined�an mounted STOP signs 2) Temporary interim crossing guard 3) Installation of budgeted/apProved flashing beacon 4) Re-evaluation of crossing guard require- ment 3 months after the 7nstallation of . the flashing beacon MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Yarger � " AYES Unanimous 4. Handy and Rose � � Request for STOP Controls , . � per City Council action . RECOMMENDATION: Continue to November 9, 1983 meeting Meeting adj��rn�d 4:47 p.m. .