10-10-1984 - Minutes TC �, - �ITY TRA�FIC CO��'IISSION � �'lTNUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING October 10, 1984 . AGENDA MOTION r'fINUTES ROLL CALL PP�ESENT Commissianers: G. Shaw, D. Yarger, M, Saumann, D. Smith, D. Turner . S taf f: B. Denn:�;.s, P. Kel ley, Sgt. Hernandez ABSENT - Cornmissioners : None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION M� Baumann _ _ ' SECOND D. Turn�r Meeting of August 8, 1984 AYES Unanimous <, C�bNSENT CALENDAR A. Mabury Avenue, Mt. McKinley, Orange Park, Yellowstone, � Request for Through Street Designat� n - Mabury Homeowners Association _ . . . . : _. .. RECOMMENDATION: Approve . �-. ..__... �. 1523/1547 W. Struck - . � _ .._. Request for No Parki.ng Any.time � Kent Cohee .. ' . _ .. . _ _. . . 1523-B W. Struck : .... ... �_. . Orange, CA 92667 � _ RECOMMENDATION: Approve _ _ � E. 700 N. Batavia Request for Vision Zone - Richard Chill �- Fiberglass-Evercoat Co. � II1C. 700 N. Batavia Orange, CA 92668 - RECOMMENDATION: Approve • t . d a ` CITY TRAF�IC COr7MISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - October 1Q, 1984 Page 2 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES � a CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. _ . F. 1821 N. Glassell Street Request for No Stopping Anytime , Susan Campbell C & S Mattress Factory - � 1821 N. Glassell Street Orange, CA 92665 . � RECOMMENDATION: Approve ' G. Town & Country E/B FS Main � . Request for Bus Stop Removal . O.C,T.D. - . P.O. Box 3005 �� Garden Grove, CA 92642 `'� � RECOMMENDATION: Approve . H. Town & Country E/B FS Lawson Way - .� ._._.....__. . . Request for Bus Stop Removal " O.C:T.D. RECOMMENDATION: Approve � I. Town & Countr� E/B NS Parker Street � Request for� Bus Stop Removal � O.C.T.D.. � RECOMMENDATION: Approve � _ , _ _ . .._.. _. . __ J. Parker Street N/B FS La Veta Park C rcle Request for Bus Stop RemovaT - O.C.T.D. � RE'COMMENDATIONc Approve .. . ........ .... ... ._ . K. Parker St�eet N/B NS La Vet.a.,Auenue � Request for Bus Stop Removal „ O.C.T�D. • RECOMMENDATION: Approve , L. Parker Street S/B FS Za Veta "Avenue � Request for Bus Stop Removal O.C.T.D. . � � RECOMMENDAT20N: Approve � p .. � � • __ __ CITY TRAFFIC C�MMISSION -- MINUTES nF A REGULAR MEETING October 10, 1984 Page 3 AGENDA . MOTION MINUTES � � CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. M . 1320 Manzanita Request for Limited Time Parking (3 min) Gene �hite �320 N. Manzanita Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve ; MOTION D. Yarger Items B and D remaved and heard SECOND D. Turner separately AYES Unanimous , B. 982, 1010, 1070 N. Batavia The driveways of th� concerned businesses " Request for No Parking Anytime currently have substantial clearance and � S & D Associates � vision spaces. Attempts to �emove parking 1020-B N. Batavia - along Batavia Street in the subject area have Orange� CA 92667 been ongoing for 4-5 years. The major concern : expressed in opposition to such removal has � ' RECOMMENDATION: Deny been the displacement of the existing parking � _ either to other streets or onto the a�railable private parking areas. �nstallation of total removal of on-street parking in the subject _ . area would indeed displace the existing on- street parking, most probably to those private � lots with available par�ing. This would only . intensify some of the problems indicated by ; the businesses and owners in the area. . � ' Discussion from those in attendance was split � " � _ evenly for and against. Reasons cited in _. _. ... . _. . ._ � favor were: inability of drivers to see , oncoming traffic. R�asons cited against: ; did not percieve a problem, existing parking � MOTION: G. Shaw problem would only be relocated not resolued. - SECOND: D. Smith "' AYES: Unanimous - Recommendation: . Deny • ` D. 870, 874, 876 N. Batavia _ Since 1976 various requests have been presented` Request for No Stopping Any�.ime to and acted �upon by the .City Traffic • � David M. Ward Commission. The existing limited time parking , 874 N. Batavia and vision/clearance zones in the area have � Orange, CA 92668 been established between 1976 to 1979. In .. .. . __... _. _ � 1980, the City Traffic Division made petition , RECOMMENDATION: Deny request for NO PARKING in the area of Collins Avenue . for No Stopping Anytime . Approve . and Batavia Street in con.junction with the . any requixec� vision zones. potential traffic signal construction for that ' � . n - GITY TRA.FFIC CO?�ISSION • - . MINUTES OF A REGU�AR MEETING . October 10, 1984 Page 4 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES � CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. intersection. The end result, as a directive from the City Council,. was to retain the exist: limited time parking and construct a modified version of the .original traffic signal. Staff recognizes the� concerns expressed by . businesses in the subject area regarding parking removal with its associated impacts and have followed the lead of the City Council in this regard� The staff would - support parking removal on a block to block basis in the subject area araund the inter- s..ection of Collins AvenuE and Batavia Street. Also, s�aff would be supportive of minimal removal"� of parking as related to driveway � clearance zones in the area� Don Mann �� 851 W. Barkley, spoke in support o:f staffs . position. � - Recommendation: Deny request for No Stopping Anytime. Approve any required - vision zones. _.. . . MOTION D. Turner SECOND G. Shaw ' � AYES Unanimous CONSIDERATION TTEMS . 1. Fletcher and Batavia The Meadowbrook Hom�owners Association has, Reue _._. ...... _ _. .._ _._. ._ _ : . _. q st for Traffic Signal on several occasions;� requested a conventional Continue:d Item . � traffic signal be installed at Batavia and - Fletcher in lieu of the flashing beacon for RECOMME�'DATION: -.- _ • . which a contract has been awarded. The �� l; Approve participation in a Barratt Company has agreed to fund 500 of a conventional signal at the-- conventional signal installation at this __._ . . . . intersection of Batavia and. �_. �� � � � location. �Traffic �taff has prepared a signal- Fletcher. construction plan and received a firm bid : 2. A1locate $8,000 from . of $47,243.00 from Steiny Company for the unappropriated reserves for � � installation of a conventional signal with : the Citys share of the � the City furnishi.ng tne controller .unit. ' installation contingent upon . � As Steiny is the contractor of record for the ; deposit with the City of � � ` : flasher, the additional construction could ; Barratts share of the be achieved as a Contract Change Order to the � construction cost, � - original flasher project� The proportionate . : share of cost would be $23,621.00 plus contingencies, if any. A� the Barratt Company� is willing to share in the cost of the : installation at this �ime an�. as the resident�: of Meadowbrook will suk�stantially benefit P " or � _ .__. . , .. . CITY TRAFFIC CO�TISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING r October 10, 1984 Page 5 AGENDA . MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CON'T. _ � from the reduced noise level resultant of the signal installation, it is recommended that the City Council .be requested to: 1� Approve participation .in a conventional signal at Lhe intersection oz Batavia and ' - Fletcher� � 2. Allo.cate $8,000 from unappropriated � reserv�s for the Citys share of the instal- lation contingent upon deposit with the �ity of Barratts .share of the construction cost. . MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Yarger � �; AYES Unanimous ` . 2. Street Name Sign Study Bernie Dennis gave report� � He indicated that Status Report to date, most people prefer silver on green ; Orange Traffic Division and silv�r on blue color combinations. -� � ��� --- - Traffic Division is now beginning the second , phase which is to utilize th� two color combinations� indicated. and include an orange logo and an orange band. These signs should be installed within the next two weeks and � �� � we will then solicit citizen input. We � � anticipate being able to provide a full : report to the Commission in December. , MOTION Receive and file. � • . SEGOND ; AYES : 3. Chapman Avenue - S5 Fwy to East Staff would,.recommend.that the Commission � City Limits set February, 1985 as a time for the public ' Request for No Parking Anytime hearing on this request. • J. William Zittle City Manager . _ _ ._._.. _ .,..._ . � . . . MOTION D. Turner RECOMMENDATION: Set February, SECOND D. Yarger . , " 1985 as a time for the public AYES Unanimous - hearing. � . Q ^ . � , ' ----. . . --- . CITY TRA.FFIC COMI�ISSION - MZNUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING October 10, 1984 Page 6 AGENDA . MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERA.TION ITEMS CON'T. 4. 300 Block E. Everett Staff present�d the report. A petition was , Request for Permit Parking` . submitted in the general. area of Orange High Petition from Residents School. which incl,udes the 300 B1ock E. . Everett. Ihe.Ci�.y has in tne past installed RECOMMENDATION: Continue to limited time parking in these areas as a November meeting measure to control the long term parking �of � the students. Over the past several years, �� home ownership has shifted to younger familieS ' with a greater number of vehicles. The existing limited time parking in the area is now posing a problem for the residents �. themselves. The California Vehicle Co�l�� does ' allow leg;al jurisdiction to implement permit � parking in par�ticul'ar areas under certain : - � guidelines. The development and implementation- of a permit parkir�g program �is still in the planning and scoping stages with one of the ` major coneerns being enforcement. Staff-�- �- -- �� would recommend continuance to the November ... meeting with a report from staff addressing the. major problem� areas. - � MOTION G. Shaw " � " � � SECOND D. Turner - � AYES Unanimous � - 5. 200/300 S. Esplanade, Staff presented the report: The area under 4100 E. Marmon = consideration is the 2QO and 300 blocks S. " . Request for No Parking At Anytime Esplanade and 4100 E. Marmon. This is �� Petitian ��� -��-�------�-��-- � - located two block� south of Chapman on ; .. . - - . Esplanade. In this area, there are definite � RECOMMENDAfiYON: Deny boundaries between the; economic status of the -- � people. The requesting arE.a is an Rl ' . development that is walled and separated � from the stre�ts .of Es,planade and Marmon. : Parking deficiencies exist for. the we�t side " _ . _ , _ of Esplanade part.icularly around the high . � density apartment complex. Various types of " . �-. : - problems are being experienced by the � petitioner� (i.e. , noise; trash and debris : - in back yards, general disturbanee) . Staff - . is not sure that no parking is an appropriate = . response to the problems indicated and a ' , concern �xists of relocating the problems � � to otYier adjacent areas. The Police Dept. : indicated that the area has been experiencing = , ongoing problems of various kinds for as long . as the area has existed. Some of the indicated;. crimin.al type activities may or may not be � � � - - CITY TRAFFIC CO?�ISSION •� - MIIvliTES 4F A REGULAR MEETING October 10, 1984 Page 7 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES � CONSIDERATION ITEMS CON'T, able to be controlled through aggressive , Police enforcement. The Commission focused on the problems with the overflow parking and the possibility of relocating the problem� indicated to a new area if the No Parking were to be approved. Recommendation: Deny . MOTION D. Yarger SEGOND- D. �urner - AYES Unanimous . . 6. Metropolitan �/O Lewis Berriie Dennis gave report� The request was� Request for Median Opening prompte�. by the new development by Bergen Bergen Brunswig Brunswig located near the intersection of � Tishman West Management Corp Lewis Street and N�.etropolitan� The request 4000 Metropolitan Dr�.ve is to permit Bergen Brunswig to cut an Orar�ge, CA 92668 access through .the existing road median _ . on Metropolitan thereby providing access� at �+ RECOMMENDATION: the eastern edge of their property to the Approve median opening with the loading docks. The design. of the facility, following restrictions• per the applicant, seems. to necessitate this l. Left turn in, right turn out request because of the available turning 2. City Attorney's opini.on_. __ . , radius at the origin�.l entry site, driveway. required as to liability to Staff concerns involve site distance problems City and possible measures to , at the requested location because: mitigate those 1. the r.oadway design (i.e. , curvelinear 3. All expenses for removal and alignment of Metropolitan ; construction of inedian access ' 2. potential liabilities to the City because . be borne, wholly by the of possible design deficiencies if this " developer. access i� granted � - 3.. could usage of access be restricted to ` both delivery/truck traffic a.nd left in and � . . _ right out format. � �- Speakin,g on behalf of Bergen Brun�wig was _ . _____, . _ _... _ � . Don Barker. Util.izing .several exhibit�s and : photographs� Mr, Barker pr�sented arguments , in favor of the reque�ted .access. He • . � indicated the problems with the tu'rning ' - - radius at the original .site access and possiblE � . storage problems of left turning vehicles ' . _. ___ .. _ _.. . _ . ._ , ; on Metropolitan. He indicated that many of - these .problems could be addr�ssed and resolved.; � by permitting the.median opening and access V at the easterly end of the Bergen Brunswig � property. He could foresee no design problems: - related to site distance and speed if request : i s approved. : , .. _. _ ... p � . _ _. f • , . � CITY TRAFFIC CO?v1rSISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - October 10, 1984 Page 8 AGENDA . MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CON'T. Discussion centered on the possible liability _ _ . _ _ the City may incur from a design standpoint by the introduction of a median opening at _ this location. Staff suggested that if the median opening is approved that a proviso requiring the City Attorney's opinion on liability be secured and poss�.bly an _ _ .. � agreement with Bergen Brunswig for partici- pation on our behalf in any litigation that may result and involve the City. MOTIOZ�T G'. Shaw � SECOND D. Smith . _: . „ AYES Unanimous . �. , 7. 2005 W. Palmyra Kurt Hoehn spoke in opposi�tion to the existing: Reque�t for Vision Zone no parking at the above add�ess. Since he ' M. Spurgeon � lives in the condominiums across the street 2005 W. Palmyra Avenue he feels this restrietion creates a hardship_ .; Orange, CA particularly for him� He further .questioned the procedures used to in.itiate and implement � RECOMMENDATION: Staff report the parking r.e�triction. Furth�rmore, he : back to Commi�sion on Council is unhappy with the City- and Commissions action handling of the entire parking issues on ; _ ._. . _ .._. Palmyra Avenue and he feel� that the measures � taken have only aggravated the existing � problems. Bernie Dennis indicated to the � Commission that tYie Council.had requested a �� special report for next Tuesday and that the : Commission could not take any further ; ._. .___ ._ .. � _ . . action on this i.ssue. -; MOTION G. Shaw � _ SECOND D. Yarger � AYES Unanimous . a . .