05-09-1984 - Minutes TC -, ��'4� CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR M�ETING May 9, 1984 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, D. Yarger, � M. Baumann, D. Smith, D. Turner Staff: B. Dennis, P. Kelley ABSENT Commissioners : APPROVAL OF MINLTTES MOTION Turner SECOND Yarg�� - . Mee-�ing of April 11, 1984 AYES Unanimous ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- A. 354 N. Shattuck Place � Request for Marked Handicap Parking Beulah Liebich � Dixie Hendershotts 354 N. Shattuck Place Orange, CA 92666 RECOMMENDATION: Approve using the following criteria l. Applicant must provide their state assigned handicap number 2. Access on site is limited or restrictecl (field review to be conducted to determine severity) 3. Only one marked handicap stall . per residenCe would be approved B, 2627 N. Bourbon Stree�. Request for Driveway Vision Zone Marie De Jardin, Manager Casa Ciento Apartments . 2627 N. Bourbon Street Orange, CA 92665 RECOMMENDATION: Approve ' MOTZON M, Baumann SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous , � CITY TRA.FFIC CO?�lISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING May 9, 1984 Page 2 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES . CONS2DERATION ITEMS 1. Lewis Street @ E1 Rancho Staff presented the report. Lewis Street Request for Chann.elization Modifica .ions is a four (4) lane secondary arterial street. Dorothy Rose, Manager The overcrossing of the Garden Grove Fwy Palm Tree Garden Apartments (22) presents a superelevation and a 764 Fondren curvelinear roadway to the motor.ist. Orange, CA 92668 Pedestrian walkways are provided on either side of the overcrossing with protective RECOMMENDATZON: barriers separating the pedestrian walkway o Curb Return Modification. - from the actual travel lanes. The posted Refer to Design Section for speed limit for Lewis Street is 35 mph with appropriate acti�n an 85th percentile speed of 46 mph. o Speed Bumps in A11eys - Deny -- El Rancho is a local residential street and o Traffic Signal - Deny and monitor forms a tee intersection with Lewis Street � o Right Turn Lane - Approve from the east and is stop controlled for o Bike Lane Striping - Deny westbound vehicles. The applicant indicated five (5) different areas of request: o Bike lane striping o Right turn lane o Signalization o Speed bumps o Curb return modification Curb return modification: This item is design related and has been forwarded to the City Design Section for review. � Speed bumps: The City has a policy of not placing obstruction (speed bumps) within the public right"of way as they tend to make any roadway a hazard in several respects. Recommend the denial of placing speed bumps within the alleys indicated by the applicant. Signalization: Fie1d review of the inter- section did not reveal excessive use of the available on-street parking. Accidnet history at this location �.oes not indicate any regorted accidents in the past year, (1983 to present) . The problem indicated appears to be more of a sight distance visability rather tl�an right of way problems. Right turn lane: 'Th.is request appears to have been prompted by the inability of the motorist exiting El Rancho to observe north- bound Lewis Street traffic. The establish- ment of a right turn lane northbound Lewis Street at El Rancho would afford the north- bound matorist wishing to make a right turn at El Rancho the availability to separate from the normal northbound. traffic flow. / � CITY TRAFFIC COI�MISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING May 9, 1984 Page 3 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES It would not, however, necessarily increase the ability of E1 Rancho traffic to detect acceptable gaps in the northbound traffic flow allowin� them to complete their intended left turn mo�ement. Staff would support approval of a northbound right turn lane with appropriate adjustment of' the � stop bar and le�end to afford increased sight distance. � Bike lane striping: It shoul� be noted that establishing a bike lane on one side of a street is ine�fecti�e because it only allows for bicycle use in one �ireeti�n. To be entirely useful, a bike l�ne would need � to be established �or both sides of a given street, Lew�s Stree�. between El Rancho and Metropolitan is sixty-four (64) feet with �he excepti�n of the over�rossing of the Garden Grove Freeway which is only fifty-six (56) fee't. Along this reaCh of Lewis Street the critic�l area is at th� overcrossing. The characteristi�s of this overcrossing (i.e., superelevatio� and curvelinear alignment) create problems if a bike lane is introduced to the existing channelization. 2f a bike lane were established along Lewis Street it wauld require sixty feet of width. There is insufficient. width within the over crossing area to accomplish thiS. The possible reduction of travel lanes to permit the require� bike lanes would tend to increase potential pr.oblems for the motorist because of the curvelinear alignment o�.the roadway. The staff recommendation would be to deny the request for a strip�d bike lane on Lewis 5treet between El Rancho and Lampson/Metropolitan. Recommendation: � o Curb Return Modification - Refer to Design Secti�n for appropriate action � o Speed Bumps in Alleys - Deny o Traffic Signal � Deriy and monitor o Right Turn Lane - Apprt�ve o Bike Lane Striping - Deny MOTSON D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous o � CITY TRAFFIC CO�ISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETZNG May 9, 1984 - �age 4 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES 2. Chapman & Eckhoff Staff p�esented the report. Eckhoff Street Request for Traffic Signal is a north-south local residential street Joseph B. Rogers 'and has a travelw�.y width of _forth (40) 2133 W. Chapman Avenue feet curb-to-curb. Chapman Avenue is an Orange,� CA 92668 east-west primary arterial street and has a travelway width of fifty-six (56) feet RECONIMENDATION: curb-to-Curb between �'lower Street and Main Street. The intersecti�n of Eckhoff Street and Chapman Aven'ue is a single STOP controlled, tee-intersection (3 legs) . Southbound traffic on E�khoff .Street must stop before enteri�g the intersection. The accident history at the intersection indicates one accident th�t might be susceptible to correction by traf�ic signal controls. Warrant 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume Major street: sat;isfied 332.08% Minor street satisfied ' 66.6'7 0 Warrant 1 66.67% Not Satisfied Warrant 2 Inte�ruption of Continuous Traffic Ma�or street satis�'iec� 221.39 0 Minor street s.atisfied 133�33% Warrant 2 133.33o Satisfied �+Tarrant 3 Combination of Warrants Warrant 1 66,67% r�at: Satisfied. Warrant 2 133.33o Satisfied Warrant 3 66.67% Not satisfied Warrant 4 Accident Experience 1 A�cident in the past 12 months Warrant 4 Not satxsifed At the present time the traffic signal at Eckhoff Street and CYiapman Avenue has met the required warrant levels required for signalizing the intersection. The interruption of continuous traffic warrant was met with a minimum value of 1330. Recommendation: To approve the request for the establishment of a traffic signal at the intersection of Eckhoff Street and Chapman Avenue. Further,. that this location be placed on the signal priority list and compete with funding with o�her locations on a priority basis thereby concurring with the poliCy of the City. AdditionalTy, at the time funds are available for construction, - a public hearing be held and include the Eckhoff Street residential area between Chapman Avenue and Sycamore Street. MOT30N G. Shaw SECOND D, Smith � AYES Un�.na.m,ous CITY TRAFFIC C4MMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING May 9, 1984 �age 5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES 3. Chapman Avenue & Newport Blvd. ' Request for Traffi� Signal Orang� Tr�ffic Div�ision _ RECONIMENDATION: Continue to June l3, 1984 meeting at applicant request. Commissioners to review the site. �.