01-11-1984 - Minutes TC `.:v�-�;__ CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING January 11, 1984 , AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Smi�Ch, D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, P. .Kelley, Sgt. Fl�.nagan ABSENT Comrnissioners ; APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTZON SECOND I�Zeetin.g of December 14, 1.983 AYES � -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- CONSENT CALENDAR A. Batavia & Fle�Ccher SEC Request for Re�. Curb Orange Traffic Division ' RECOMMENDATION: A.pprove B. 640 N. Cypress Street Request for "No Stoppin� Anytime" Zone Fred Da1eo ' Dimension 640 N. Cypress Street Orange, CA 92667 Fiberite 645 N. Cypress Street Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: A.pprove C. Taft and Leslie Way R.equest for �Tision Zone Mark Schmidt, President Walsh Enterprises, Tnc. 1633 N. Leslie Way ` Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve CITY TRAFFIC CO�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . January 11, 19�4 Page 2 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. D. 2200 N. Glassell Request for "No S�Copping Anytime" Zone Bill Wallien, Maint. Eng. South Bay Forest Products 2200 N. Gl�.ssell Street Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve E. 1300 N. Tus�in Request for "No Parking in A11ey" Jeffery Lil7enquist " Tusk�.tella Shopping Center P.O. Box 5544 Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Smith . SECOND D, Yarger ; AYES Unanimous _ �, CONSIDER.A.TION I�EMS l. Pal.m Avenue between Glassell and T tin Staff gave report. Pa1m Avenue is residen- Request �or Bus Route Removal tial in n,ature. Cu�b to curb width is 40' (Petition f rom residents) � & and varies in width the length of Glassell Artha Wilber to Tustin. Palm Avenue is classed as a 1207 E. Palm Avenue residential street. Artha Wilber was advised Orange, CA 92666 to petition/po11 the residents along Pa1m Avenue to determine their preference for RECOMr1FNDATIONt Rerou�Ce bus route 69 busPs to be removed t�n Pa1m. After receiving on Palm Avenue from Glassell tQ Tustin the petition, the item was set for public to Chapman Avenue from Glassell to hearing,. Staff woulc� recommend: Relocate Tustin. route 69 from Palm to Chapman. This will impact those people living N/0 P�I�.ple as 80+ buses per day use the route, at a�pro- , ximatel.y 5 sto.ps. If it- is relocated to Chapman the tt�tal number of stops would be reduced t� 4 locations. Mary Evelyn Bryden � and Ed Buckl.ey were i�resent representing O.C.T,D. Those speakin,g for removal of route 69 from Palm Avenue were: Artha Wilber, 1208 E. Pa1.m Steve Biczo, 1614 E. Pa1m Randy Stene, 3(J7 N. Lincoln CITY TR.AFFIC COMMISSION - � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING January 11., 1.984 Page 3 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES , � Concerns expressed by those in favor of removal were: " , o Total number o� buses using Palm Avenue is 83 with a bus every 10-15 minu`tes ' o The damage t� the s�reet by the weight ' . of the bus o Noise d Speed " o Hazard to bikes/children because of the narrowness of the s�reet �'hose speaking for retaining route 69 on Palm Avenue were. Mrs, Harvey, 467 N. 01ive Harry Curtner, 1219 F. Adams � Ruth Campbell, 4�9 N. Glassell Mr. Harwood, 425 N. 1'ine Cheryl Green, 23l N, Grand Opinions expressed ab�ut the removal were: o Tr7il1 cause hardship and inconvience to current riders. o Woulc� require a�.ditio�.al walking distance o Many senior citizen.s current�.y ride but do not have personal �Cranspt�rtation o Not aw�.re �f the indicated speed and �noise from the petition e . �ossibilities indi'cated by O.C.T.D. were: 1. �.etain existing route 69 as is 2. Create a c�mmuter/express run on Palm �ve 3. Split the rt�ute 69 by alternating usage on Palm Avenue and Chapman Avenue 4. R�locate the route 69 entirely to Chapman Avenue from Palm Avenue O�C�T.D. indicated dial-a-ride services are available with a 30-45 minute wait. However, many senior citizens currently ride fr.ee on the normal buses. It is possible, if route 69 were relocated to utilize some o.f �he existing bus stop locations on Chapman Avenue and supplement with additional stops as required. Recommendation: Reroute bus route ��69 on Palm Avenue frbm Glassell to Tustin to Chapman Avenue from Glassell to Tustin. T CITY TRAFFIC CO�IISSION - � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING January 1.1, 1984 Page 4 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES � . � Implementation requires the removal of the following stops on P�.lm Avenue: � 1) W/B N/S Magnolia � ' 2) E/B N/S Magnblia � . 3) W/B N/5 Cambridge � 4) E/B N/S Cambridge 5) W/B F/S Harwood " � 6) E/B F/S Harwood 7) W/B N/S Shaffer 8) E/B N/S Shaffer 9) W/B Opp Orange 10) E/B N/S Granc7. The addition of the following stops on ' Chapman Avenue: 1) W/B F/S Cambridge at Chapma.n . 2) E/B F/S Grand at Chapman � 3) W/B N/S Grand �:t ChapYnan MOTSON D. Ya.rger SECOND D. Smith ' AY�S Unanimous . Election of Officers , � Chairman: Gene Shaw G MOTZON M. Baumann S��QNZJ D. Smith ° - ° AYES Unanimous Vice Chairman: Dick Yarger MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous Meeting adjc�urned 5:00 p.m.