12-11-1985 - Minutes TC CITY TR.AFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING December I1, 1985 �iGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Comanissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Smith, D. Turner, D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, Lt. Zeintz, D. A1lenbach, D. Kuan ABSENT Co�issioners : CUNSENT CALENDAR A. Request for no on-street parking during street sweeping days on E. Wilson Ave. between Glassell 5t. and Lemon St. A.Zma V. Jeppesen � , 13 4 E. Wi 1 son Ave. Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATIOIJ: Approve MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner • AYES Unanimous B. Request for no on-street parking during street sweeping days on 100 block N. Stevens St. Robert A11 en - Z30 N. Stevens St. Orange, CA 92668 . RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger 5ECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous C. Request for no on-street parking during street, sweeping days on � 100 block of N. Flower St. S. Griffiths l64 N. Flower St. Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MO TION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous ' CI7.'Y TRAFFIC CO�Il�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � " �� " December I.Z 1985 AGENI)A MOTION MINUTES � D. Request for intersection vision zone at Bush St. and A.Zmond Ave. � Kevin Tuckei � 401 W. LaVeta #88 Orange, CA 92666 RECQMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimou s E. Request for driveway vision �zone on the east side of . Eckhoff St. north of Orangewood Ave. Ken Ki rsh Office Service Manager � Nationwide Insurance Co. 1845 Orangewood Ave. Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous F. Request for driveway vision � zone at 10.Z0 & 1070 N. Batavia Street. Jaki Kerr 1506 E. Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92805 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous ^ CI'I'Y TRAFFIC CO�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � � �� � December 11, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS , 1. Request for STOP control at Both Highland St. .and Van Owen Ave. are the intersection of Highland residential streets. High.Zand St. term.inates St. and Van Owen Avenue. at �an dwen �1ve. and forms a T-intersection (3 Iegs) w.ith Van Owen Avenue. Traffic Anne Lockridge accessing this intersection is predominat.Zy Property Manager 1oca1 traffic to and from thi s nei ghborhood. IPS Management Co. , Inc. No regulatory sign is currently installed P.O. Box 6348 at this Zocation. PM peak period (4-6 PA�) Orange, CA 92667 turning counts at this intersection indicates . a tota.Z of 132 vehicles during the peak RECOMMENDATION: Approve traffic hour. No recorded accidents have been found at this inters'ect:ion in the past three years. The intersection o.f Van Owen Ave. and Highland St. satisfies t�1e minimum_ requirements for a. 3-wa� STOP control on the basis of traffic volumes. 3-way STOP control restriction at this intersection would cause unnecessary de.Zay, increased noise level, and mostly a _Zoss of 90 feet or 4 or 5 parking spaces. • Fie1d observation indicates the traffic usage is substantially .Zower during non-peak periods as most of the trips generated are work oriented, and therefore are taken during on.Zy morning and evening peak .hours. As resident units are situated close to the � travelways of both streets, such control is expected to generate much unnecessary noise from vehic�e's decelerafion and acceleration. To maintain sufficient vision distance to the STOP signs, a minimum of 90 feet or 4-5 parking spaces wi11 be removed in an area that has a very high 1eve1 of parking usage alread y. The recommendation of the Traffic Engineering Division is to approve insta.Zlation of a 1-way STOP sign on High.Zand St. for southbound traffic at the intersection of Van Owen Ave. and Highland Street. MOTION D. Smith SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous �; � �CI7.'Y TRAFFIC COr'Il�iI5SI0N MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � ��� � � " � ��- December 11, .Z985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. 2. Request for removal of 1-I1our Staff has verified with both the property on-street parking restriction owner and the applicant requesting the on west side of Cypress St. parking restriction in August 1983, and between Map1e Ave. and Palm concluded that tre restr?ctio.� is no longer Avenue. desired by both parties. Staff thus recommends the removal of the p��rking Morris S. Pynoos restriction. , . Cen t ury Deve.Z opment Co. 4157 Via Marina Marina De1 Rey, CA 90292 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Turner � AYES Unanimous 3. Request for 5TOP control at Both Santiago Canyan Rd. and Newport Blvd. the intersection of Newport are through the residential areas at the . I�.�Yd.and Santiago Canyon Road. eastern end of Orange. Northeast bound traffic is currently controlled by a STOP .Annette U`Ren sign on Newport Blvd. at Santiago Canyon Road. Cardinal Property Management A street light exists at the southwest corner 1535 E. 17th St. , Suite H of this intersection. PM peak period 5anta Ana, CA 92701 (3:30-5:30 PM) turning counts indicate a . total volume of 543 vehicles counted, 445 RECOMMENDATION: Continue vehicles were counted on Santiago Canyon Road. 1 month for further study. This intersection fails to satisfy the maximum traffic volume r.atio between the two streets for a 3-way STOP. DISCUSSION Sara Claman: The traffic at this intersection is tremendous, and .�his Zocation is also used - for equestrian crossings. The major problem � for vision anc� speeds is the crest of the hi.Z.Z. D. Kuan: The vision problem due to a vertical grade on Santiago Canyon Rd. was one of the reasons for the S TOP sign denial at this location as this problem applies to motorists. A STOP sign located at this corner would not ha�ve as much compliance as in other Iocations without proper advanced delineation. G. Shaw: Wou1d a STOP AHEAD sign help? D. Kuanr We would only recommend a 3-way STOP if a yellow flasher i s installed. � . . �� CITY TRAFFIC CONIl�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � " � �� " December I1, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. B. Dennis: Wou1d you be willing, if we made provisions to make a right turn at this intersection, to give up your ,.Zeft turn? The left turn would probably be relocated to the park entrance. Due to new development in thi s area by the Irvine Co. as we11 as the increased traffic volume from Rancho Santiago Community College, realignment of these streets will most probabl� occur. The recommendation of the Traffic Engineering Division is to install intersection warning ' signs on Santiago Canyon Rd. at Newport Blvd. , and to continue the reque,sted STOP control measure for one month until the realignment issue has been determined. MOTION D. Turn er 5ECOND D. Smith � AYES Unanimous 4. Request for traffic improvement DISCUSSION on Pepper St. , Stewart Dr. and Bush Street. A. Speed Bumps: California Vehicle Code . does not permit us to insta?1 speed �Robyn Ravgiala bumps in a public thoroughfare, whether Director of Planning it be in an a11ey or a street. If we Saint Joseph Hospital make this installation in conflict with 1100 W. Stewart Dr. the Code we assume any and a11 .Ziability Orange, CA 92668 for any acciden�ts. A. Install speed bumps on B. Prohibition of Through Traffic: Conduct Pepper, Stewart & Bush St. further study of the feasibility of to reduce travel speeds. thi s issue. - B. Prohibit northbound and southbound through traffic C. Separate Pedestrian Signal Phase and on Pepper at LaVeta Ave. Crossings: A11 the traffic that is accessing is in a turning movement on1y. C. Separate pedestrian signal The idea is to a11ow pedestrian crossings , phase crossing for LaVeta on protected turns. Ave. at Pepper Street. . D. Installation of STOP sign D• STOP sign and Pedestrian Crosswalk: control and pedestrian Approve STOP sign and a crosswalk at this crosswa.Zk on the west 1eg location. of the intersection at Stewart Dr. and Pepper Street. � . 'CITY TRAFFIC CO�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - � - �-- December 11, .Z 98 5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. RECOMMENDATION: � ` Den y: A and C Approve: D Continue: B �'or further study. MOTION G. Shaw SECOND M. Baumann AYES Unanimous 5. Request to remove rumb.Ze The basis of the request is the noise that is strips on LaVeta Ave. at generated by vehic.Zes driving over the Devon Road. rumble strips at this location. Bradley R. Pa.Zfrey It is the experience of tl�e staff that rumble Property ldanager strips has not historically been a very P.O. Box 6438 effective means of speed reduction. The Orange, CA 92667 function is best ex�mplified by their : reflectivity for higher delineation and a.Zerting effect from the noise generated with vehicle trips. The most noticeable adverse impact of rumble strips, as perceived by the petitioners, is - the enormous noise they produce. Relocation of these rumble strips wi11 only move the source of the problem to a new area. Any change in number or shape wi11 not alleviate the noise problem to the tolerant Ieve1 unless a11 of them are removed at once. DISCUSSION Bradley Palfrey: Rumble strips do not slow traffic down and our tenants are complaining of the tremendous noise. G. Shaw: Is there still alot of speeding at this area? Lt. Leintz: Yes D. Smith: If the rumble strips are removed and any injuries occur, does the City have to assume Iiability? -�; � C - CI7.'Y TRAFFIC COr'Il�'iISSION i►iINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � -� � � + � -� � December I.Z, .Z 98 5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES r F"�ONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. B. Dennis: The rumble strips were installed at tl�e request of these residents. We should, however, discuss the liability question with the City Attorney prior to any decision to _removP the s�xips. RECOMMENDATION: Continue this issue until the liability issue is determined with the City Attorney. MOTION G. Shaw SECOND M. Baumann AYE5 Unanimous y .