10-09-1985 - Minutes TC CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING October 9, .Z 985 �iGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Smith, D. Turner, D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, D. Kuan, D. Allenbach Sgt. Leintz ABSENT Commissioners : CONSENT CALEN�DAR A. Rec�ues� for intersection vision zone at Town & Country Rd. and Parker Street. Mar�7 r�. .Pace.Zla 933 N.. Batavia St. , P.O. Bax 6&7 � Orange, CA 92666 RECOMMENDATION� Approve MOTION D. Smith S�'COND D. Yarger �IYES Unanimous B, Request for Zimited parking (20 minute restriction) on �he east side of Grand St. , immediately south of Almond Av�. William Gordon 1447 S. Sunkist St. Anaheim, CA 92806 .c�ECQMMENDATIUN: Approve MOTION D. Smith SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous CITY TRAFFIC CO�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � October 9, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSENT GALENDAR CONTINUED C. Request for on-street parking Th� request to remove on-street parking at removal on the east side of the 800 N. Eckhoff St, outside Varco International, street at 800 N. Eckhoff St. Inc. has been i.nvestigated by staff and we did not see any neec� for on-street parkirig G. J. Becker, Mgr. removal, but the staff did observe a need for Adm.inistrative Services an addi�tiona.Z vis.ion zone by painti.ng a red Varco Internationa.Z, Inc. curb at the driveways, of thi s location. The P.O. Box 6626 recommendation of the Traffic Engineering 800 1V. Eckhoff St. Division is to deny the request for on-street Orange, CA 92668 par.�ing, but extend the vision zone. RECOMI�ENDA TION: Extend vision G. Shaw - What is the exi�sting vision zone? zone to 30' at both sides of each driveway, and o.n-street D, Kuan - It currently is 1 D feet, and we parking be rernoved on the west p.ropose to extend it to 20-30 feet. side of Eck.noff St e between the . northern two driveways in front Jerry Becker, Varco International, Inc. - On of L''arco .Zr�ternational, Inc. Eckhoff St. particu.Iarly at this area motoris�s drive about 40-50 MPH in a 35 MPH zone, while cars are constantly parked on the east side of the street near the driveways and the painted pedestrian crosswalk. It is therefore our . intent to remove all on-street parking in front of our building to assure sufficient vision zone for crossing pedestrians, as well as existing traffic from our driveways. D: Kuan - To best address your concern, it is our recommendation that 30' of trision zone be insta.Z�ed at both sides of each driveway, and on-street parking be removed on the east side � of Eckhoff St. between the northern two drive- ways in front of Varco Internationa.Z, Inc. MOTION D. Smith SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous CITY TRAFFIC COI�'Il�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � � �� � October 9, 1985 AGENDA MOTION _ MINUTES r CONSIDERATION ITEMS 1. Request for street closure orl The basis of this request is the concern for Little Main St. between Chapman high through traffic using Little Main St. Ave. and Main Street. as a bypass to avoid the traffic signal at Chapman Ave. and Main St. , particuZarlr� the Ray 0lsowaka westbound traffic on Chapman Ave. wishing to 135 N. Main St. turn right on�o Main St. Orange, CA 92668 Our study zndcates a tot�.l of 399 vehicles per RECOMMENDATION: Den y day on Little Main St. southerl y of Main St. , and a total �f 454 vel�icles per day on Little T�lair► �;�. .nort iierZ y of C��apman Avenue, The peak traf_fic hour occurs ..�etween 5-6 PM with � a two-way volume of 4.Z vehir,les. The observed daily volumes do not exceed the predetermined tolerance .Zevel (.Z600 vehicles per day) in a t�pical residentia�: street. These �raffic .Zeve.Zs also show very little use of Little � Main St. as a bypass or a short-cut. Any street closure on Little Main St. would bring upon its residents severe circulation difficulties, as the residents would limit . themselves to only one access point into and out of this neighborhood. Such closure is undesirable and presents inconvenience to both po.Zice enforcement and'fire rescue in cases of emergency. The recommendation of the Traffic Enqineering Division is to deny such a request until the traffic reaches or exceeds the tolerance level� for a residential street. MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 2� Request for insta.Zlation of The Traffic Engineering Division has received pedestrian crosswalk and citizen's petition. and a request for a flashing traffic light on pedestrian crosswalk and flashing yellow light Collzns Ave. at Orange Street. on Collins Ave. at Orange Street. Jim Fleming Collins Ave. is a secondary arterial with four 123 E. ColZins travel lanes and a curb-to-curb width of 64 f�et Orange, CA 92667 � The speed limit on Collins Ave. is 30 MPH, and no commerc.zal vehicles over 6,000 pounds are RECOMMEIVDATION: Deny al.lowed to ope.rat�� on this street near the study area. ' CIZ'Y TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - � Uctober 9, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES COIVSIDERA��'ION ITEMS CONTINUED The nearest pedestrian crosswalk is located at the inters.ection of G.Zassell St. and Co1li.ns AvE. , less than 300 feet westerly of the subject. intersection. A street. light is � situated at the southeast corner of this intersection. � ' The fiel.d visits have found no sign of pedestrian activity crossing Collins Ave. at Orange St. , the 15-minute pedestrian counts reflect low pedestrian crossing vo,Zumes. Two recorded accidents were reported at this intersection durir�g the past twelve months, one of which involved pedestrians crossing Col3ins Ave. at Orange St. , �the Police Dept. has verified tha t the two pedestrians were under severe alcoholic influence. The recommendation of the Traffic Engineering Division is to deny such a request for the folZowing reasons: 1) Pedestrians have to exercise maximum caution when crossi:ng a street with or without a crosswa.Zk. 2) A alternate pedestrian crosswalk exists within 300 feet of distance from the study site. 3) Field visits and sample pedestrian counts fail to support a need for a pedestrian , crosswalk or a traffic f.Zasher, DISCUSSION Lois Mobl.ey -- I've seen many accidents, many near misses. I live in the fourth house from the corner. I have observed the c.�i.Zdren crossing the street, and they cross in the afternoon and earl y evening mostly. B. Dennis - Increased lighting here would he1p. G. Shaw - Frai�kl y I'm against this. I see ,no benefit to install a signal nor a crosswaZk - when the users are not expected to utilize them. I move to denz� the request for th� flasher and crosswalk, but to increase the, .Zighting in the area. " CI�"Y TRAFFIC COI�Il�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � October 9, 1955 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous • 3. Request for installation of Taft Ave. and Shaffer St. form a intersection. traffic signal at Taft Ave. Traffic on Taft Ave. is not restricted, while �nd Shaffer Street. Shaffer St. is controlled by a STOP sign. � Marsha Gerhardt Twenty-four hour traffic counts as part of 905 E. Candlewood Ave. the study indicate an average weekday traffic Orange, CA 92667 vol ume vf 14,715 vehicl es on Taft Ave. and � 1,797 vehicles on Shaffer St. r�ECOMMENDATION: Approve ' The accident history in the past l2 months at this intersection indicates no potentia.Zly correctable accidents should tnis intersection be signalized. . , The intersection of Taft Ave. and Shaffer St. , based on today's traffic� 1eve1 meets the �equired traffic signal warrants on the basis of interruption of continuous traffic. The recommendation of the Traffic Engineering Division is that this intersection be placed on the Signal Priority List :as a Ioc�tian qualifying for the insta.Zlat�.on of a traffic signal. MOTION D. Yarger � SECOND G. Shaw AYES Unanimous � 4. Hequest for insta.Zlation of Bo�h Orange Park Blvd. and Waterton Ave. are STOP sign at Orange Park B1vd. residential streets. Traffic on Waterton Ave. and Waterton Ave. at Orange Park B1vd. is not controlled by any STOP/YIELD regu.latory traffic signs. Laurie Ahearn 6533 �� Waterton PN1 peak period (4-6 PM) turning counts -at this Orange, CA 92667 intersection indicate a total vo:Zume of 75 vehicles ��uring the peak traffic hour. . 63 RECOMMENDA TION: Approve vehie.Zes were counted on Orange Park B3vd. and 12 vehicles on Waterton Ave. during the same hour.� � No recorded accidents have �een reported at the inte.�sec�ion of Or�.nge Par:k Blvd. and Wate.rton Ave. in the past 12 months. .�, � ' CI'�.'Y TRAFFIC CQNIl�lISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - � Octaber 9, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED The intersection of Orange Park Blvd. and Waterton Ave. does satisfy the minimum requirement for a 2-way STOP. . The recommendation of� the Traffic Engineering Division is to install a two-way STOP control on f�aterton Ave. at Orange Park Boul.evard. MOTION D. Yarger � SECOND Go Sha w � AYES Unanimous . 5. Request for instaZ.Zation of The staff from Traffic En.gineering has 3-way STOP control at Town & observed rapid growth in traffic demand at Country Rd. and Parker Street. the above intersection due to many recent office cbmplex developments. A 3-way STnP Traffic Engineering Division sign study was therefore conducted at this City of Orange intersection. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Town & Country Rd. intersects and torms a T-intersection with Parker S`treet, Traffic on Town & Countr� Rd. is controlled by a STOP sign. PM peak period (4-6 PM) turning count at thzs in-tersection indicates a total of 867 vehicles during the peak traffic hour. 328 vehi'c.Zes were counted on Town & Country Rd. , whi.Ze 5:39 vehicles were counted on Parker St. during the 'PM peak hour. Based on the counted traffic volumes, the • intersection of Parker St. a�d Town & Country Rd. satisfies the 3-way STOP sign warrant requirements. Based on the above analysis, the recommendation af the Traffic Engineering Division is to control a11 approaches at the intersection of Town & Country Rd. and Parker St. wi th STOP signs e DISCUSSION B. Dennis. - We had already p.Zanned to install a signal per a study done some years ago, we recommend to place 3-raay STOP wit.h appropriate warning signs and legends until funding for signal comes through. MOTION G. S.�ia w y � SECOND D. Smi t.h AYES Unanimous { CITy TRAFFIC CO?�'Il�SISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � ` � � October 9 1985 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES OFF AGENDA ITEMS 1. Request for 2-hour limited Mr. Smith submitted a petition from the parking on Flower/Mi11s/Almond. residents for temporary parking signs on Mi11s Dr. west of F3ower. St. ; and on W. Tim Smith A1mon.d Ave. west of Flower St. 2314 W. Almond Ave. Orange, CA 92667 He stated that if something is not done now the problem is going to get worse. Another. issue is STOP signs on Palm:yra and Flower. _ We have had Police catch a few motorists speeding through here but not enough. Sat. Leintz - Wi.Zl make �is staff aware of the speeding problem in this area. . 2. Request for the remova.Z of the . rumbl� s�rips on LaVeta Ave. D. Kuan - The residents of this neighborhood� have agreed to i;�corparate �hi�s� i,�,�ue in�'o the N�iac�hk�orhood _Preservation Studz� currently in progress. 3. Rec�uest for drivew.ay vision G. Shaw - This iterre wi,.Zl. be incorporated into zone at 770 N. Main Street. today'�s Consent Calendar, De-Line-O-Type, Inc. 770 N. Main St. Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMENDATION: Approve