09-11-1985 - Minutes TC CITY TRA.FFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING September .Z1, 1985 �GENDA MOTION MINUTES : .... , ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Smith, Dm Turner, D. Yarger Staff: B. Denni,s, D. Kuan, D. A1lenbach, Sgt. Ordonez ABSENT Commissioners : �PPROVAL OF MINUTES of Aug.ust 14, .Z 985 MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous ---------------------------------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------- CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Request for driveway vision zone at 832 N. Lemon Street. � _ Kath.Zeen Adams CIBOLA Systems Corp. 832 N. Lemon St. Orange, CA 92667 .RECOMMENDA TION: Approve MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 2. Rec�uest for intersection vision zone on Noh.Z Ranch Rd. at Rustic Gate Way. John M. Chri stensen, M.D. 2838 Rustie Gate Way Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve. MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smith � AYES Unanimou's �•� y � Y�� CITY TR.A.FFIC CO�Il�IISSION _ - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING September .Z1, 1985 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES , CONSENT CALENDAR CONTINUED 3. Request for .bus stop on southbound Grarid St. at far side of Chapman Ave. Orange County Trans.it District P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grov�, CA 9264?. RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smi�h AYES Unanimous 4. Request for removal of the following OCTD bus stops. � A. Westbound LaVeta Ave. � at near side A.Zpine Rd. at near sic�e Devon Rd. st near side Fl.ower St. B. Eastbound Almonc�' Ave. at near side Shaffer St. at near s.�de Cambridge St. C. Westbound Almond Ave. at near side Pine St. at near side Shaffer St. D. Southbound Cambridge St. at far side Chapman Ave. - at n.ear side Almond Ave. Orange County Transit District P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 I�ZECOMMENDAT20N: Approve MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous � I CITY TRA.FFIC COT'Il�ISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING Se tember 11 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS 1. Request for on-steet parkin g The basis for this request, as indicated by the removal on the northeast and applicant, is an influx of a.Z.Z-day parking from northwest corners of N. Shaffe the commercial/retail developrnents at or near St. and E. Hoover Ave. the intersection of Katel.ia Ave. and Sha.ffer St., and the noise and .Zittering prob.Zems resulting Jol�n Dankm�er of parking in front of the residentzal 445 E. Hoover Ave. nei ghborhood near Shaffer St. and Hoover Ave. Orange, CA 92667 . The staff's fie.Zd inspeetion indicates a need RECOMMENDATION: Approve for in�ersection vision zone at the inter- section of Shaffer St. and Hoover Auenue. Such a vision zone would require the installation of a no parking red curb on Shaffer St. north of Hoover Ave., and thus eliminate most of the commercia.I/retai.Z on--street par7�ing direetl y in front of the residential units. The Traffic Engineering Division's recommendation is therefore to p.rovide necessary no parking red curb at the intersection of Shaffer St. and Hoover Ave. on the basis of an intersection vision zone. MDTION D. Yarger SECOND M. Baumann AYES Unanimous 2. Request for two-hour limited The basis of this request if to reduce prolonged pa.'r.king in front of CIBOLA on-street parking in front of CIBOLA Systems Systems Corp. office located C'orp. office at 832 N. Lemon St. between Collins at 832 N. Lemon St. Ave. and GVal.nut Avenue. K'ath.Zeen Adams Traffic Engineering Division°s recommendation CIBOLA Systems Corp. is to deny such a request for the foZ.Zowing 832 N. Lemon St. reasons: Orange, CA 92667 1) The purpose of 2-hou.r limited parking is to RECOMMENDATION: Deny increase the parki.�g service 1eve1 in an area with hi.gh parking usage and short parking , d.urations, such as in shopp:ing centers or near retail st�res. The study area is zoned inc�u�tria,l to the west of Lemon St. , and multiple fami,ly residential to the east. The on-street pa.rking. utilization is high on Lemon St. near t.he stud� area a�s a result of`the land use. But the 2-hour parking � restriction wi�1 not be compatible with the primary parking usage - employee and residentia� parkings, which are generally CI�y TRAFFIC CONIl�iISSION -- �- ��_�= - - MINUTES O� A RE�ULAR MEETING - _ .. _ _ _ _. - -..._. .. . ,_ _ . ..._ _ September 11, 1985 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES �,� t�.�::t..,,.�,;:.._ ,. . CONSIDE.RA.TION ITEMS CONTINUED . long-term par.King uti.Zization and exhibit .Zower parking �urnover rates. 2) The applicant`s off-street parking lot has provided suf"ficient pa�king capacity to a.ccomodate additional parki rx� c�emand. The 2-hour parking restriction to further improve parking service is thus not justifiec� until the applicant experiences parking a�ifficult� in its own off-street .Zot. DI�SCUSSION P. Hatfield of CIBOLA S'ystems Corp. The real problem is that there is a .Zack of parking in this area and that the businesses next door are using the parking spaces for . . other purposes for a .Zong term basis; they are working on cars whil.e parked on the street. Sgt. Ordonez Orange Police Department wi11 implement a , program for parking control in this area. B. Denni s Business Licences/Code Enforcement Officers shou.Zd be notifiea� that these offices are using the off-street area for purposes other than what it was intended. We .raoula� like to hear � back from CIBOLA about what is going on in,�, two weeks. MC7TION G. . Shaw - Continue .this item for Z month. S,�COND M. 13a umann AYES Unanimous 3. Request for STOP sig.n control White 0ak Ridge and Wi11ow S"prings Rd. are both at t�ie intersection of Whit� Oa resic�ential roadways near the study area. White Ridge and Wi11ow Springs Road. Oak Ridge, 36" wi�'e, extends from its ��eastern end' at Newport Boulevarc�. Wi11ow Springs Rd. , Linda V'andercook 36i wide, is a north-south street. No traf.�ic Keystone Pacific regulatory sign controlling the approaching 2082 S. Bristol, Suite 2U82 traffic is currently installed at t�izs inter- Santa Ana, CA 9270� section. Fie1d investigation indicates no � significant deficiency in stree� des:�gn, a.Zign-. RECOMMENDATION: Approve ment, striping or signing. CI7.'Y TR.AFFIC CO�IISSION _ - �. .__- � ___ - i�IINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � _ _ .. -- - - _ .._ . .-- . . . _ _ _.._ _ September lZ, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES �� :^�:::;::.; ;:,.. CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED PN pea� period (3:30-5:30 PM) turning count at this intersection in�'icates a total of 80 vehicles during the peak tr•affic hour. 56 vehicles were counted on W.hite Oak Ridge during the peak traffzc hours, while 24 ve�iicles were counted on Wi�.Zow Springs Road during the same perio� of time. No recorded accidents in the past 12 months have been found at this intersection. The intersection of Wi11ow Springs Rd. and White Oak Ridge satis.fies the minimum warrant requirement for a 2-way S"TOP sign, but fails to meet the ininimum warrants for a 4-way STOP sign. The recommendation of the Traffic Engineering Division is to control approaching tra�fic on Wi11ow Springs Rd, with STOP signs, the appropriate s�op bars and legends will be installed accordingly. MOTION D. Turner . SECONI� G, Shaw AYES Unanimous 4. Request for. S20P sign control Both White Oak Ridge and Cobblestone Drive are a� the �intersec.�ion ot residen�ial streets, Zocated within Tract 11713, Cobblestone �r. �and White Oak both streets have a curb-to-cu.�b wid'th of 3� Ridge. feet, and a11ow on-street parki.ng. Cobbl.estone Dr. f'orms a T-intersection (j legs) with White Linda Vandercook � vak kidge. N'o traf�ic regulatory sign is Keystone Pacific installed at this intersection. Field 2U82 S. Brzstol, Suite �08Z investigation indzcates no deficiency in street Santa Ana, CA .�2707 design, aZignment, striping and szgning. RECOMMENDATION: Deny PM peak period (4-6 PNl) turning count at this inter�ection ir��icates a tota.� of 3.Z vehicl es durin� the peak traffic hour. 27 vehic.Zes were observed on White Oak kidge, while 4 vehirles were on Cobblestone Dr, during the same hour. No recorded accidents have been found in the pas.t I2 months at this intersection. • The intersection of White Oak Ridge and Cob.�lestone Drive fails to meet the minimum warrant requirements for 1-way STaP sign ins�allation. CI�'Y TRAFFIC CO�iISSION _ .; ._-_ � _:... - �iINUTES dF A REGULAR MEETING - . . _ _ _ _ . .__ .. . . _ . .. _ _ September 11 1985 AGENDA MOTI�N MINUTES w:,�..;�;.v:.::::_ .�.::..._ y CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED The recommend'ation of the Traf�ic Engineering Division is to deny the request for STOP sign un�il a justifiable traffic volume is reac.�ed. MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 5. Request for on-street parking The basis of this request, accord.ing to the removal and two-way left turn applicant, is the high traffic speeds, channelization on Santiago congested on-street parking utilization, B1vd. between the Route S5 coupled with freqtaent turnsng movement into Freeway northbound onramp and and out of the commerciaZ/retail stores on the the northern city limits. west side of Sa.ntiago Bou.Zevard. � Kitty Yackle S`antiago B1vd. , between .�oute 55 Freeway north- 5455 E. Garrich Dr. bound onramp anr� t�1e i�orthern city Iimits has Anaheim, CA �2807 has one trave.Z lane in each direction, with a ' curb-to-curb width of 5Z feet. The northbound RECOMNIENDATION: Continue lane measures 20 feet and the southbound .Zane, for y0 days. 32 feet from the c�enter 1ane. No on-street parking restriction is pos�ed. To reduce the frequency of potential vehicular.,� � conflicts as a result of on-street parking, high travel speeds, and stopped turning �vehicles, staff has prepared a new street striping plan. This plan would essentially separate the northbound turning traffic from the through traf.�ic by providing a two-way left turn lane anc� thus reducing the tendency of rear-end accidents due to stopped o.r parked vehicles. �'he disadvantage of this new striping plan is that all on-street parking on the east side of Santiago �1vc�. wou.Zd be removec�. Fiel.d studies indicate heavy on-street parking along both sides of t:�.e street af'ter 5:UO PNl dail y and al so during most of the weekends. Such a change of parking availability is expected to generate a significant parking impaet upon surrounding business, alt�iough the two-way left turn lane would help the surrounding businesse�s by providing safer and easier access into their premise,�, especially � � for �he north.�ound traffic. CITY TR.AFFIC CO?�iISSION -.- �. ��_= .__ - iriINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - - .. __ _ _. _. .__ .._._. _. ._ _ . .__ _ . Se.ptember 11, .Z985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ..:a.,x,..�:Y:�r:.::.,.�.,:,.. +, . CUNSIDE.kATZ'ON .Z`TEMS CONTINUED DISCUSSIDN �i.Z� Dougherty, Owner/Builder of Athletic C.Zub The club was buil� in 1975, we do nave a problem and its-.�from our builc�ing. We are the last business along this street before the northern city :7imits and the speed is high. Back in 1980, development had big success and there are now more people 1i ving in the area. We dedicat�ed 25 feet in front of the cur.b to the City for off-street parking; there is no problem to the neighborhood through traf'fic but the probl.em is direct�'d toward patrons of the athletic cZub. We are going to .�ook into alternatives with the other businesses. Matt Snow, Athletic Club Manager . : There have been two rear-end accidents in the last six months in the neighborhood. The nursery, office building and Spires Restaurant have no parking problem. 1�t would affect our business and our 50 parking spaces as we :have_�: - hzgh 1eve1 of' service to the community. We have talked to the nursery to explain our parking, we are using other businesses parking lots as we11. G. Shaw CNith some time, do you think you could make � some other arrangements for o�rier parking? t�l. Snow We have approached the nursery to take over . some of their property as their Zease will expire in the next two years, and we would like some of that space. The Lu.sk Brothers do not p.Ian to renew their lease and want to build an office bui.Zding at that location. I propose that speeds be lowered and have some crossing safety be worked out as an interim basis. G. Shaw Ts that a dangerous area? CI'1'Y TRA�FIC CO?�3ISSION -.- . .._= . __. - irIINUTES OF A REGITLAR MEETING . _ . _ - - . .___ . . � _ . _. ._ _ September I1, 1�85 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ....,-,�.�_,.::r..;s.;;.,:... � . C;�ONSIDE'RATlON ITEMS CONTINUED Sgt. Urdorrez Its a high speed :area, we c�an� have a pa�rol out there to work on the speed problem. .0. Smi t h W'ould it be worthwhi.Ze to.reduce the speed .Zimit at the curve where the street corrres into the limits of the City of Orange? B. Dennis Tne speed zone is set at� �5 MPH and is working as reflected in the speed zone stuc�y. �� suggest that we continue this matter for 9U days as t.here wi11 be some freeway work going on in this area. . � MOTION G. Shaw - Continue for 9C1 days. SECON'D D. Smi t h � AYE,� Una.nimous OFF AGEND�l I TE"MS l. .�equest for installation of �im Smith two-.hour limited parking requirement on Mills Dr. and I brough� this matter to the Traffic Engineer Flower St. , between Chapman as this is a pro.a.Zem. Trans-America, Bel1 and Almonc� Avenues. (From the Ye11ow Pages anc� Nissan Motors Corp. a.Z.Z have August 1985 �lgenda) �'acilities in this area, and have a large number ot ernployees,A These buildings are Tim Smith built without knowing who will be occupying 2314 W: �J.lmond Ave. them, anc� that t.here would be a high volume of Urange, CA 926�7 people using these streets for parking. RECO1v1ME1V�DA�'ION: Continue until �. Dennis we .have a majority support and . look at it again. Prior to the last meeting letters were sent out to the residents of this area. We would have no obj,�ection with this situation if we have enough support, we exp�cted a.Zot more people to come out to talk about it. � G. Shaw Reviewed the motion that was made at the Iast ' meeting. Get a petition from the people Zi ving in the area of their support for this limited parxing restriction. CI7.'Y TRAFFIC CO�iISSION � - .. __ � , _. . - 3�IINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . . _. .. .._ __ _:__ .._ .---- -_ . . . _ _ . ..._ _ September 11, 1985 , AGENDA MOTION MINUTES rt,;�:,::r.:.:._..:,:... OFF AGENDA ITEMS CONTINUED B. Dennis Tim, would the people sign a petition. since the� cannot come down �o the meeting? T. Smith T can get a petition started. R�'COMMEI�DATION: Gila i t un t i 1 we ha ve a majority support and .Zook at it again at that time. MOTION G. Shaw • � SECOND D. Smi t.h AYES Unanimous 2. Request the removal of rumb.Ze Noise of vehicles driving over these rumble strips at 1840 W. La Veta Ave. strips is very disturbing to the tenants at her apartment complex. - Mrs. Eric Dreher - 1840 W. LaVeta Ave. MOTION D. Smith - We Zook into this situation and Orange, CA 92666 report back on it next month. SECOND G. Shaw .- AYES Unanimous