08-14-1985 - Minutes TC CITY TR�AFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULA.R MEETING August 14, 1985 �iGENDA MOT ION MINUTE S �� - -� ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Smith, D. Turner, D. Yarger Staff: D, Ku.an, Sgt. Ordonez ,ABSENT Commissioners : APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION M. Baumann of Jul.y 10, 1985 SECOND D. Smith A YES Unanimous CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Request for intersection vision zone a�ong the north curb line � - of Collins Ave. , easterly of Ma.Z.Zard St. Bruce Ram Orange Police Department RECOMMENDA TION: Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 2. Request for driveway vision zone at 1845 E. Orangewood Ave. (dri veway is located on east side of Eckhoff St. northerly of Orangewood Ave.) Robert A. Arter Nationwide Insurance 1845 E. Orangewood Ave. . _ ,,., Orange, CA 9266�3 Mary M. Kerckhoff McCombs Marzagement Co. , Inc. � 2392 Morse Ave. - Irvine, CA 92714 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous CITY TRAFFIC COI�IISSION : - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING August 14, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES . 3. Request for intersection visio zone at the southeast and southwest corners of S. Bedford Rd. and W. Palmyra Ave Do.rothy Dreger 3.15 S. Bedford Rd. , #3 Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 4. Request far intersection vision zone at N. Shattuck P1. and E. Walnut St. Arline Minor 384 N. Shattuck PI. � � Orange, CA 92668 RECOiKMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unani mo u.s 5. Request for in;.�ersection vision zone at the northeast corner of W. Palmyra Ave. and Fe1 dner Rd. Zosima Leyson 1633 W. Palmyra Ave. Orange, CA 92668 REC4MMENDATION: Deny MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smi th AYES Unanimous 6. Request tor bus stop location on E. Chapman Ave. at Canyon Vi ew Ave. � Orange Cou.ntz� Transit District P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 RECOMMENDA TION: Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith � AYES Unanimous , �. ..._...r._.. _... _�.. _ .. ,._. . _.._._. .__-. .,.._ .... ....__....._�__�., . ,_,_.. ...__......_. C��'� 'TRA�FIC COM�iISSI�Iv : F ._. MII�UTES OF A REGUI.I�R MEETI�TG , Au ust . �G�i�A MOTION � MINUTES - : . GONSIDERATION ITEMS 1: Request for instal.lation of � A STOP sign traffic stud� has been conducte.d STCP sign �t tl?e i nter�e��i��i . at_. the intersection of Chestnut .Ave. and . - of Chestnut Ave. and. Shaffer S . Shaffer St. � , Shuji Maruko Existing Conditions 1603 N.: Shaffer St. : Orar�ge; CA 92667 Both Shaffer St. and Ches�nut Ave. are residential roadways near the study area. � � ' These two streets form a T-intersection (3 legs), . _ no traffic regulatory sign controlling , : approaching traffic is instal.Zed at this locatiori. Field investigation indicates no ' sign:zficant deficiency in street design, _ alignment; stirping and signing. _ Traffic Volume Characteristics � - PM peak period (4-6 PM) turning count at this ; intersection indicates a total `.intersection of 76 vehicles duri.rig the peak traffic hour. 60 vehicles were caunt'ed. on Chestnut Ave. during the peak hours. : Accldent Histor� - _ No recorded accidents were :found in .the past ' . _ three years at this intersection. , �lna�ysi s � The intersection of Shaffer S.t:. and Chestnut Ave. satisfies. the minimum warrant for I-way . STOP sign, but �fails� to meet the minimum : warrants for 3-way STQP signe . � Recommendation . . : �' Based on �the above .STOP sign anal�sis, the �f .: , recommendation of the Traffic Engineering � Divisio.n is to control .approaeh�irig traffic on Shaffer St. at Chestnut Ave. .with a STOP sign. ._ ` _ appropriate stop bar.and lege.nd wi.Zl be i � a� instal.led accordingly. : : � t - � ' + i � � . � � : � ; . , ,: , �_ _..�._ . . ..._ ._._ ._. ..,,._ _,.. ...v�_ ..._ ......_. . ,:.... _.._ ._,..._ x....�. _ :_,. �.:_.. .._. . _..... . CIT'Y '�AFF3,C CO�iISSIO�T : _ . � �'IINUTE'� �F A 1�EGULAR I'��TING : � August 14, 1985 , , . AGE�TD� i�iOTIaN I�SIiuUTES - . . : CONSIDERATION I�"EMS CONT'D. Nlr. Shuj? Maruko briefly discussed the need for STOP control (3-way) as motorist.s are � � using too. inuch speed while traveling along . . � Ghes.tnut Ave. He feel.s that a I-way STOP would only encourage speeding on Chestnut ` whi.le people wou:ld have to stop at Shaffer St. � He also indicated that he had discussed the . . ; ` problem with hi.s neighbor:s and has their support. in seeking this STOP:control measure. . Sgt. Ordonez indicated that the Folice Dept. will implement' a speczal patrol for speeding _ on various day a:nd at various times utilizing � radar equipment during the next few weeks . ' and check into thi.s situation. D. Turner indicated that there is a 3-way STOP just south of. this 'intersection a� Trer�ton . and Shaffer on the other side of the railroad tracks. : . ' ' G. Shaw reca.Zled that the� residents. on Tr.enton , did not like the STOP sign as the noise of vehic.Zes slowing, stopp:ing and ac.celerating -�y � as a res.ul� from the STOP sign became annoying to them. D. Turner'made _the motion. that we continue ' , � this issue for one month. In .the meantime _ Mr. Maruko wi11 circul,ate a petition in the ' ' neighbor.hood to gather support for: a 3�way : " STOP control.�which we will look at during the next Commission meeting: a1so, the ORD ` ; � ; � wi1l establish a special speeding patrol `of � � that area as ari interim measure. _ � ; RECONIMENDATIONr ; Continue � , � _ - to.next Cornmission meeting. ' MOTION , D, 'Turner � `. _ ; SECOND D, Smith � ' AYES Unani mo u s - . . .' . .' . � . . . ,..� :• . . ` . . . .. . : - - _ - . . . . � .. - .. . . . '... '. ... . a , � j. f . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . ... . . . .. _ . . . . . . . .. _ . . .. . . . � �. � � . . . . �' � . . . � ' . . � . � ' . . . � . . . . . . . .' . . � . � � �. �. . � . � . . �.. . . . . . .. ' .. . . . . � � . . - .. - . � . . .. F; . ' , � .- .. � .. . .. � .. '. .. ' � .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' F: .. . �� . . . - . _ . .. . . .. � . . . . . r: �- . ... .. . : . . ... . .. . . . . . � .. . . . . � . � . k .' - ' � � . . � � ' . ' . � . � . � . � . � . � .� : ��.. ' .' . . . . . �. . . . . . ' . . . . � .. . . . - .. .... . . . ' .. �� . . ' . . . � . - . . >.� ..< , M,�;.:.:._�,.�.�:_ ..,:A.� ,.�_�_..._...� - -- — .. _ . _, _._ ,. ,._ ,.. - .�.,.__w�.._,._ ..,,,.....�r�,..__._. _;_��>- .�.<<,....��.�_-..__.. vu�..� ,.,. _..:. _.,,.,:,.��n�:.�a ...�...�.._� .:: .. ,.,:r� _.._ _ �IZ"� T�.��'FIC CO�iISSIOI� _ P�INU�'E5 C)F � k.ZEGULAR P�EETING ` _ August 14, 1985 . � A�.�A MOTIOI3 :MINUTES .: . CONSIDERATION ITEMS GONT'D. 2: Request for angle-parking � ' The basis for tne request is to provide more. _ . and additional handicapped � convenient parking access .in the above public parking spaces in the City pa:�xing 1o�t for senior citzzeri� re�urning �o � Pub.Zic Pa.rking .Zot immei�iate.Zy the community center. This request was north of the Orange Senior generated in a meeting between the City of � Citizens Community'. Center. Orange Police Dept. and the Senior Citizen � : Community Center. . E.Zizabeth Graybeel Orange Senior Citizens The Senior Citizens Center is requesting to Community Center ., convert the existing row of parking spaces , 170 S. Olive St. (I6 regular and 2 handicapped spaces) in the' Orange, CA 92667 above 1ot .immediate3y adjacent to t.he: center inta angle parking, and tq provide all spaces _ -. o:n the side near` the center�.for handica:pped uses on.Zy. Converting the szde af parking spaces near _ � the Seni;or Ci t i zen Communi t y Cerz t'er in ta ` handicapped uses on1 y wi.Zl resu3t in a total . loss of three stal,Zs, as each .handicapped space , requires more� than 5Oi of the width of a _ ` regular parking sta11.. Frovidi:ng angle spaces ''- - � in the above a�ea wi11 reduce at .Zeast another � _ _ , parking sta1.Z, bringing the total loss of four . ' � � spaces from the original eight. _ . It is th� �sta�f's observation that the parking � : area adjacent to the Se:nior�Community Center ` ': .in this pub.Zic �1ot has rendered service . _ ; _ primarily to the seniors and their visi�ors. Sueh drastic reduction of parking spaces would only impose additional constrain� on the already: congested parki�ig area,` and o.n the' contrary cause more inconvenience to the : , seniors as they would have to- park their vehicles farther away due to the high parking , , , , utilizat.�on in the 1ot. . � The recommendation of the Traffic Engineering Division that the request for angle-parking y : . and add,itional handicapped parking stalZs be , denied to maxzmize the high parki:ng demand , �9 and. avoid any deterioration of parking se.�vice ; :_ � _ _. ; . in this public :1ot. � . . .. . . ' . . .. . .. � 9' � . . � � . - . . . . � .. � . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �,. � . � . . � . . "�' . � , �� . .. . . .. . . . _. � - . � _ . . . . � . . . . .. . . .. . ' �.��: _. .. .�-.t„ ' ... .....,...;�,.._...,�_<_ . .........m..c.............. ....... .......... � . . . . . . . . . . . . ........- ' . . . • . . . , . . � ' . - . � . � . . . - . . . . .�.� ;:.;4,:.:y. , � � - ' � ._ . ��.TY T`�FFIC Ct�?�1ISSI�N u _ . �.�...a. �'ITI�UTE5 OF A �EGULr�.R MEETII�G . - � August 14, 1985 � . . . AG��i3t� � �'i�TION ��IINUTE� CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. Elizabeth Graybee.Z, upon .Zistening to .the _ staff report iridicated her request that this issu.e be removed from the agenda. Her. request , was based on�the fact that the senior cen�er . cou.Zd- not affor'd-: �c�o �l.oase �re �a�ki�g s�aces _ . � . they currently have available to t.l�emW, .:She , did, however, suggest as:, a possible-�,alter.native that additional parl�ing spaces within the public .Zot be dedicated`for the exclusive use of senior citizens utilizing the center. . G: Shaw said that her .suggestion should be . discussed with Bernie Dennis, Traffic Eng.in.eer _ : a:�d be looked into as a: separate. agenda item, RECOMMENDATION: Den y MOTION G. Sha w . SECOND D. Smith _ . AYES Un ani mou s 3. Request for pedestrian cross- � Basis of thi�s request is to prov:�de a marked walk, 1:egend and signing on - interseetion crosswalk on S. Olive St. at 01ive St. at AZmond Ave. A.Zmond Ave. �for primari.Zy the con:venience of senior citizens wishing .�o shop at the Satellite Market. Fie:Id ob,�erVations. from - -staff a`t the aba:ve intersectiori have reported . the frequent utilizatian of pEdestrians crossing 01ive St. from both sides, of Almo.nd ` : Avenue. fihe staff also realizes the difficult.y � of sen.iors cr.ossing streets. It i.s therefore � the recominendation. of the Traffic Engineering � . Division that a pe:destrian. crosswalk be . . ` : ` pxovided. on Olive St, crossing �he north side of Almond Avenue. - : . To encourage more _cooperatiox� from the users _ ; and. the� :utilization .of such a crosswalk, : necessaxy. pedestrian. crosisng sig,ns wi11 be posted on Olive Street. M. Baumann made the motion far the approval ' ; . of the reques� far the installation of the crosswalk `at Oli�e and.A.Zmond. and that , � addition:al.Zy a11 necessary advance warning . signing be installed concurrently. We wi11 . � additioxia.Zly, requested insta.Zlation of some • � e . type of dire�tional markings be posted at the . �� + . seniors community. center indicating t.�e use of the crosswalk. * �. MOTION ' M. Baumann ' . SECOND D.: Turner � AYES Unanimous CITY TRA�FIC CO►_�Il�iISSION . - � .___: � � - i�IINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � _ . . . __ _ _ _ ._._ . . . _ . ..._ _ August 14, 1985 , AGENDA MOTION MINUTES �,;_,�;_._::.:,:;_-:.::... CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT`D. 4. Request for a pedestrian The basis for this request is .to provide a crosswa.Zk be installed at safe pedestrian crossing to Bergen Brunswig 4000 Metropolitan Drive.� Corp. employees utilizing the City Shopping Center facil.ities. Bernard J. Hale, Ph.D. Bergen Brunswig Corp. Staff's field inspections during mid-day 4000 Metropo.Zitan Dr. period did ref.Zect a high pedestrian activity Orange, CA 92668 as employees utilize the shopping center. The nearest existing crosswalk is located at the intersection of Metropolitan Dr./La�mpson Ave. and Lewis St. , approximately 850 feet west of the study area. The c.Zosest intersection to the east of t.he study area is at Metropolitan Dr. and City Parkway South, again more than 800 feet of distance from the study area. It � .i:s t.rie staff's opinion that such lengths are far beyond the typical wa.Zking distance for� � the pedestrians at the study area to use either one of the above two intersections to cross Metropo.Zi tan Dri ve. The recommendation of the Traffic Engineering Division is to install a pedestrian crosswalk ' in front of 4000 Metropolitan Drive. Necessary advance pedestrian crosswalk legends and signing wil..Z be instal.Zed accordingly. .I� should be made known to the petitioners t.hat a posted pedestria.n sign or a painted pedestrian crosswalk by itself wil.l not bring the 1eve1 of safety as expected by the petitioners. Shou�.d t:he crosswalk be placed, it is also the company's responsibility to educate its employees to exerc.ise maximum caution when using this facility. D. Turn.er made the motion to approve the request for the instal.Zation of this crosswa.Zk along wi�h appropriate warning signing and _tegend s. Addi tionall y, we request tha t the petitioner educate it's employees to use safety measures when utilizing the crosswalk facility. MOTI011T D'. Turner . • SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous CITY TRAFFIC CONIl�iISSION -:- �. �_= - i�iINUTES OF A REGUI�AR MEETING - .. _.__ _- - _. ,___ . . _ . ,. ._ . August 14, 1985 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES �,��:�;::;:.:.; �,.,..._.. CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. 5. R�quest for on-street parking . removal on Santiago Blvd. between Lincoln Ave./Noh1 Ranch . Rd. and the nortl2ern Ci t y .Zimi t . Kitty Yackle 5455 E, Garrich Dr. Anaheim, CA 92807 RECOMMENDA TION: Continue for one month for further study. MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous � � 6. Request for 4-way STOP control A STOP sign warrant study has been conducted at at the intersection of E. Mayfa r the intersection of E. Mayfair Ave. and and N. California Street. N. California Street. Both California St. a�r�d Mayfair Ave. are 1oca1 residentia.Z streets. Marilyn Jensen .Z202 E. Mayfair Ave, Field study indicates no deficiency in street Orange, CA 92667 design and alignment. AlI. signing and striping are clearly visible to ve.hicle operators. PM peak period (4-6 PM) turning counts at this intersection indi.cate a total volume of 138 vehicles during the peak traffic hour. 54 vehic.Zes were counted on California St. , and 84 vehicles on Mayfair Ave. during the same hour. No recorded accidents have been reported at the inter�ection during the past .Z2 months, The intersection of Mayfair Ave. and California St. satisfies the warrant requirements for 4-way STOP control based on the counted traffic volumes, The recommendation of the Traffic Engineering Division is to approve the request for a 4-way STOP control at the i.ntersection of California St. and Mayfair Avenue. Necessary stop bar, legend and intersection vision zone (red curb) � wi1.Z be instal.Zed accordingl�. MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Turner . AYES Unanimous CI�'Y TR.A��'IC C0�2ISS ION - - ._= ___ . iriINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � _.- -- -._- - - ___ ____ _. . . _ . ._._ _ August 14, 1985 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES .:;���;;,::.::.,;.e:.�;�._ CONSIDERATION TTEMS CONT'D. 7. Request for installation of A traffic study has been conducted at the STOP sign at the intersection intersection of De1 Valle Ave. and Esplanade �f �T. De�, Va11e Ave. and Street. . Esplarzade Street. De� Va11e Ave. and Esp.Zanade St. i.ntersect Da.uid F. Wright and form a T-intersection (3 legs) . This Pain Associate� of Orange Count intersection is not controlled. No inter- 2617 E. Chapman Ave., #312 section geometry/alignment deficiency is Orange, CA 92669 found here. PM peak period (4-6 PM) turning counts at this Iocation indi cate a total intersection volume of 124 vehicles during the peak traffic hour. 45 vel�ic.Zes were counted on Del Va.Z.Ze �ve. while 79 vehicles were observed on E,�planade St. enteri.ng into this intersection in the PM peak hour. � � There have been no recorded accidents at the intersection of Del Va11e Ave. and Esplanade St. in �he past 12 months. The intersection satisf.zes both 1-way and ' 3-way STOP sign warrants by meeting the minimum traffic volume and traffic ratio criteria, though no accident history nor inte.r�section geometry/a.Zignment problem was detected. The recommendation vf the Traffic Engine�ring Division is that a.Z.Z approaches of �his inters�ction be co,ntro.Zled by STOP signs. D. Turner made the motion to approve the request and install 3-way STOP control at this intersection wi�th a11 appropriate ' warning signs and .Zegends. MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous CI7.'Y 'i'RAFFIC CO?�ISSION ..- �: .._-_- � _ . _ i�iINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - .. __ _ . __ ._ . ___ __ . . . _ . _._ _ . A AGENDA MOTION MINUTES . ,���:,,.-.�:::�„_, ::..- ;,, - CONSIDERA.TION ITEMS CONT'D. 8. Request for 2-hour .Zimited The City Traffic Commissi.on has received parking on Mi11s Dr. between several requests to implement a two hour it.s westerly end and parking limit on Mi11s. Dr. and portions of Poinsetta Dr, and on F.Zower St. Flower Street. The basis for the request, between Mi11s Dr. and Almond Av . as indicated by the applican.ts, is an influx of a1.Z day parking from the commerGial Tirr� Smith d'eve.Zopments at or near the intersection of 2314 W. Almond Ave. Chapman Ave. and Flower Street. Orange, CA 92667 � There are r�mification.s to sucl� an insta.Zlation . that may direct.Zy affect the residents. The time limits and .restri'ctions, 2 Hour limit, 9am-6pm; Satur.day, Sunday and ho�idays excluded, apply to a11 vehic.Zes parked on the street. Waivers i,n the form of "-covering" the signs �for special eve.nts would require a 15 day advance notice, approval of a11 residents who would be affected by the "covering", and the assuming of a11 labor and equipment cost incurred by the City to facilitate the request. ' If the request is approved the City will ins�all the signs on a total block unit basis. If, after a 6 month trial period the signing and subsequent restrictions do not prove satisfaetorz� to the majority of the affected residents, we will remove the signs and pos�s. We wil.1 not, thereafter, reinstall the signs. If the request is approved there is no stated or implied obligation on the part of the City to provide alternative parking for those residents who: a) have more vehicles than they can store on their own premises; or b) have � types of vehicles that they cannot store on . their own premises. Scott Montgomery spoke in opposition to the proposed 2-Hour Parking Limitation. He feels that perhaps a parking permit program could be effective. . G. Shaw made the motion that the Traffic Comr�nission receive and file this report with � the unders�anding that the Commission wi11 do nothing further� until Tim Smith can bring forward evidence of popular demand for 2-Hour CI7.'Y TRAFFIC CO�ISSION _ - � _�=. � _.... - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . � _. _.._ _. _ _..__ _. . . _ .. _ . August 14, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES �`�.M_.r.::e�.,:y . CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. Limited Parking control be instituted on this street. MOTION G. Shaw SECOND M. Baumann � AYES Unanimous