06-12-1985 - Minutes TC GITY TR�iFFIC COMMI5SION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 12, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, � D. Smith D� Turner, D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, Lt. Dawson, Sgt. Ordonez ABSENT Commissioners : APPROVA.L OF MINUTES MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smith �lYES Unanimous CONSE�VT CALENDAR 1�. Rec�uest fox Drz vewa y Vzsion Zane at 7Q9 N. Po�.Zar S.treet. In-surance Co. Inspection Bur�au, Inc. 709 N. Poplar St. ' Orange, CA 92668 RECOI�IMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous B. Request for Intersection Vision Zone northeast corner of Sacramento St. and Trenton Ave. on the east side of Sacramento Street. Mr. & Mrs. P�lurphy 2241 E. Trenton Ave. Orange, CA 92667 .RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. �'mi�h _ �. AYES Unanimous � , CITY TRAFFIC CO�iISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETTNG June 12, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES C. Request for Intersection Vision Zone east side of Orange-Olive Rd. at Briardale Ave. � Robert K. Kanneg Covenan� .�resby�erian Church .Z855 Orange-01ive Rd. Orange, CA 92665 t�ECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous D. .tZequest for Dri;veway V.ision Zone at 1855 Orange-Olive Rd. Robert K. Kanneg Covenant Presbyterian Church 1855 Orange-01ive Rd. Orange, CA 92665 � RECOi�IMENDATION: APPROVE i�OTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous E. Request for Intersection Vision Zone at Co,1.lins Ave. and Parker St. Dave Smith, OPD Steve Hartman, City Corporation Yard RECOMMENDATIQN: APPROVE MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Smith , AYES Unanimous F. Request the extension of OCTD Off agenda item initiated by OCTD for the Route 55 out to Rancho Santiag extension of Route 55 from Chapm�n Ave. to the Co.Zlege si.te and to install Rancho Santiago Jr. College, to be effective 1.Z additional stops along June 18, 1985. E. Chapman Ave. at various locations to service this Two requested stops; Los Timbres and Ca11e routP. Grande are felt by CTE staff to be inappropriate OCTD stopping areas and it is the Traffic Engineering P.O. Box 3005 Division's feeling that these two stops should Garden Grove, CA 92b42 be held over for additional study, RECOMI�EN.11ATION: Approve extension of Route 55 and the � insta�lation of 9 of the Z1 requested bus stop instal- lations. MOTION D. Yarger SEC�ND D. Smith - AYES Unanimous CI'TY TRAFFIC COI�IISSION . -- MINUT�S OF A REGULAR MEETING �7une 12, 198�5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES , CONSENT CALENDAR CONT'D_ G. Request for the removal of a.Z bus stops from Pa1m Ave. as OCTD busses no longe.� utilize this st-reet. OCTD P.O.. Box 3005 Garden Grove, GA 92642 RECOM�IENDATION: APPROVE MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Srti th AYES Unanimous CONSIDERATION ITEMS .Z. Request for on-street parking Highland St. .is a residential street with a removal on Highland St. north travelway of thirty :�r thirty-five (35) feet of Collins Ave. between Collins Ave. a.nd Adams Avenue. On-street Traffic En�ineering Division parking is a1.Zowed along most sections of this City of Orange street. Highland St. immediately norther.Zy of Collins Ave. suffers two consecutive sharp turns within a short distance. The closeness of these two sharp turns along with the on-street parked vehicles presents an undesirable sight distance situation and increases vehicle maneuvering difficulty. To ensure sufficient sight distance and to provide adequate travel I.ane width, staff's study indicates the foll.owing two ac�ions be implemented concurrently. 1. Stripe a center lane (doub.Ze yellow) on High.Zand St. , extending from Collins Ave. to about 250 feet 'north of this Co.Zlins Ave. 2. Remove on-street parking on both sides of Highland St. along the proposed center lane location. � RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous � CITY TRA.FFIC CO�ISSION -_- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 12, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTrD. 2. Request for traffic ana_lysis of Bond"St. between the �tudy area is Bond Ave. betwe�n Hewes Ave. resident:ially deveZoped. Bond Ave. within the and Rancho Santiago B1vd. subjeet lzmits is classified as a secondary, Ms. Bea Goetz arterial highway on the Orange Master Plan of 18792 Bond Ave. Streets .and. Highways. .There is one unimproved Orange, CA section of the road existing on the north side of the street easter.Zy of Hewes St. that, until irnproved by the County wi11 for all practical purposes restric:t the roadway to three lanes. The street is presently p.osted for 35 MPH. Speed zone studies conducted as a part of this study indieated an 85th percentile speed of 30 MPH and a mean .speed of 29 MPH. It is therefore recommended that the posted speed limit on Bond Ave. between Hewes St. and itS easter.Iy te.rminus (approximately a quarter of a mile easter.Zy of Rancho Santiago Blvd.) be rezoned to a 3D MPH speed limit. Upon the u.Ztzmate improvement of Bond sufficient width-, in combination with the average dai.Zy traffic volume of 1200 vehicl es per day would allow for the installation of left turn � channe.Zization, �mainte.nance of existing on-stree� parking and a travel Zane in each direction. It is the opinion of the Traffic Division that there is'no justification for the insta.Zlation of pedestrian crosswalk across Bond Ave. in the study area. " The redueed speed limit, the nominal average dai.Zy traffic volume and the responsib�e pa.�ental supervision of children wishing to cross Bond Ave. should afford that pedestrian � crossing protection commensura.te wzth the area. Ms. Bea..Goetz indicates that although. the s�treet was posted for 35 MPH the traffic is going iaster than the posted speed limit. and she cannot 1et her child cross the street. OPD has been out to cite viol'ating motorists r but it isn't enough. The on.Zy safe place for crossing the street is at �he vacant 1ot where the street narrows. She asks about the installation of speed bumps to slow motorists. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION : - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING �une 12, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSID,ERATION ITEMS CONT'D. Bernie Denni.s responds that z�ou wi.Zl find that there is very little traffic on this street.. Tf this street is to be used to its ultimate design it can accomodate about 18,000 vehicles � rla�� �IOT2T£VP,�'� i t r,�i 7 7 .n�f_ hP ��eCl i n �hi� manner in the forseeable future. As the � intersection of Bond Ave. and Hewes Ave. is shared by two agencies, the County and City of �range, both the County and the City must approve a 4-way STOP control device for implementation. But we have not had approval from the County of Orange. Rumble strips at that corner would create alot of noise to the residents. We can stripe a center Iane on Bond Ave. Commissioner Shaw indicate.s that speed bumps are out of the' question .here. A pedestrian . crosswalk is not going �to s1ow��iigli:speed traffic and will perhaps gresent a false sense of security. AZ.Z speed limits are �ased on the speed. survey study. Lt. Dawson, what enforcement can you offer on this situation? Lt. Dawson states that enforcement control without high visibil.ity wi.I.I not work, we wi11 arran.ge for patrol in this area but we cannot promise full time service as officers must respond to other ca11s. Ms. Diane Andrews another resident of the area indicated her support of the requested 4-way STOP. She said there has been 2 accidents in the last two weeks and the possibilitz� sti11 exists for more. Mr. Dennis made the suggesti on that she write the County of Or.ange E.M.A. about her concerns and that the City Traffic Engineering Division would a�3so su�vmit a request to the County for 4-raay STOP' contro.Z study. ' RECO��I1�lENDt�:TION: Reduce speed limit to 30 MPH, but deny request for �aedestrian crosswalk. MOTION D. Smith SECOND �IA Baumann AYES Unanimous i` CITY TRAFFIC CO�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 12 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITE�'IS CONT'D. 3. Request for pedestrian cross- Crosswa.Zks in general and particularly mid-block walk on Orange St. between crosswa.Zks present a sense of security to their Ckaprrlan Ave. and Almond Ave. users that simply does not exist. James �l. King, Sr. Mirister First United Methodist Church 1�2id-block crosswalks are extremely difficult Of Orange to re.gu.Zate as motorists, regardless of 161 S. Orange St. advance warnings, do not expect pedestrian Orange, CA 92666 activity between intersections. There has been no indication or record of a demonstrated crossing problem. at the subject location. Instal.Zation of the requested crosswalk wou�.d resul t in the fu.Z 1 time .Z oss of 6 parking spaces. Rev. King mentioned that the situation first came to his attention when some senior citizens crossing at this area were stopped by OPD and issued ci.tations for jaz�walking. It is inconvenient .for the seniors to have to cross at the intersection of A.Zmond and Orange or at Chapman and Orange, we woul d like for them to be able to make the crossing at. the parking .Zot. Commissioner Shaw states that r�ou cannot guarantee that people wil.Z use a crosswalk if one is insta.Zled. Commissioner Yarger indicates that motorists are not looking for a crosswa.Zk and people crossing are probably safer not having a crosswalk as the� wi11 exercise greater caution. RECOMI�IENDATION: DENY MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 4. Request for pedestrian cross- Basis for the re.quest is to provide a more wa.Zk on Oli ve St. between coMvenient crossing of Olive St. for senior � Chapman Ave. and Almond St, citizens wishing to shop at �he Satellite Ms. Elizabeth Graz�bee.Z Market: Orange Senior Citizens � Community Center It is the opinion of the Traffic Division that .Z74 5�.� Olive St. the request should be denied as: Orange, CA 92667 � CITY TRAFFTC CONIl�iISSION ��_- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June .Z2, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATTON ITEMS �CONT'D. 1. Considering the age and mobility of the potential user.s a far safer crossing condition presently exist at the intersection. of Olive an.d Almond where north a.�d southbound traffic is controlled b� STOP signs. 2. The requested crosswalk installation:is not mid-b.Iock but on1 y 100 feet north of A.Zmo.�d Ave. ; a., very surprising location for a cr.osswalk. were the requested crosswa.Zk to be placed "mid-block" it would be equa.Zly "inconvenien�" as compared to the Olive/A.Zmond crossing. 3. The "precedent" crosswalks across Glasse.Z� are long established, we11 illuminated� and ir� an area of much slower traffic; while the mid-block crosswa:Zk a�ross Shaffer is protected by a signal, and schoo.Z boy patrol, and i,n most instances an adu1� teacher when crossing activity occurs. Elizabeth Graybeel asks for this crosswalk � because of the difficulty the senior citizens face with laek of mobi.Zity. Rev. King spoke about Sunday services and there are about 400 seniors that eat over there from time to time, and they also use �he, Satellite Market. Debi Paterson pointed.out a potential traffic situa�ion resulting from people crossing the street m.zd-blo.ck and north and soutlabound ' cars: rai11 be backed up when `trying to use the intersection waiting for pedestrians. Commissio.ner Yarger states that north and south bound motorits after going through the intersection are not going to �see signs of a � mid-block crosswalk, Lt. Da wson suggested that while the Traffic Engineeririg staff and the Traffic Commission , are sympathetic to this probl.em he is willing to move �that we continue this item to the next Citizens Traffic Commission meeting to a11ow � a stud� of alternatives., but he stated that r�e do not want a crosswalk at this location. The senior citizens wi11 be inurted to partic.�pate . in the study of. possible: a.Zternatives. CITY TRAFFIC CO�SISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING July 12, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES , CONSIDERATION ITEMS CQ11lT'D. RECOMi�ENDATIC�'lt�r Continue for one month wit�Z a study for. alternatives. MOTION D. Yarger SECOND . M. Bauman.n AYES Unanimous 1 5. Request for traffic signal The .intersection of Chapman Ave. and Loretta Dr. at the intersection of based on today's traffic Zevel does not meet Chapman Ave. and Loretta Dr. the required warrants for a traffic signa.Z. Debbie Davis There were five accider�ts in the past 12 months, CIGNA Healthplans of Calif, which may be corrected by signalizing this Orange, CA 92669 intersect:ion. Field study indicates no significant deficiency of street alignment or intersection design at this lacation. The traffic vo.Zume on Loretta Dr. is 1ow. 123 vehicles were countec� b�for�. the STQP sig.rn a� ,Chapman .Ave. during �.he .peak hou.r; whz'Ie 89,y , vehicles exi.t from this street dail y. Such traffic volume does not mee.t the requirement of traffic signal warrants. Due to the operation of inedical.-related f�.cilities, the peak traffic generated by such facilities usually occurs a few hours earlier than th�e t ypical PM peak peri od, narziel z� 4-6 PM. Such an affset of peak traffic hours between the major and minor roadwaz�s genera�ly offers better Zevel of service to tra ffic entering and , exiting the minor street. CIGNA R epresentative says it's di fficult to make left turns onto Loretta from Chapman. They do not agree wi th the route of going through Chapman Hos�ital's parking 1ot to get to Loretta Drive. Bernie Dennis indicated that Loretta Dr. is n.o I.onger. a City owned street. Left turns from Chaprnan are a.Zlowed, but a right turn o.nl� onto. Ghapman wi11 :�e �nstalled in the ; near fu�ure. We have tried to get the 1�1"edical , Center and their �artners to cooperate i,n developing a major: acce;ss entrance �o this site opposi:te Yorba but h��ve. been unsuccessful. RECOMMENDATION: DENY MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Yarger � AYES Unanimous CITY TRAFFIC CO�iISSION � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 12, 1985 , AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ._ . CONSIDERATION ITEMS CON7''D. 6. Request for STOP si gn at the Both Creekside Ave. and Singingwood St. are intersection of Creekside Ave. resi:dential streets with two trave.Z Ianes.. and Singinwood St. in the Villeurbaune complex. All peak period (7-9 AM) turning count at this Caro1 Rohau, Association Mgr. int.ersection indicates a total in�_ersection Profess.ional Management Assoc. volume of 41 vehic.Zes during the peak traffic P,O. Box C-19560 hour. 34 vehicles were observed on Irvine, CA 92613 Singingwood St. , and 7 vehicles on Creekside Ave. The accident h.istory in the past 12 months at this intersection indicates zero reported accidents. The intersection of Singingwood St. and Creekside Ave. fai.Zs to meet any one of the three cr.iteria for STOP signs as recommended b� the Traffic Commi ssion. Because the subject intersection remains so.Zely for residential use wi th a .Zow traffic utilization it zs therefore recommended that the request for a STOP sign at this intersection be denied until a justifiable traffic .Zevel is reached. RECOMMENDATION: DENY MOTION D. Yarger SECOND G. Shaw AYES Unanmious 7. Status report on California/ The study, as requested by are�. residents, was.r Wi.Zson/Lincoln Neighborhood conducted .i.n February-March, 1985. The basis .�reservation Study. of the study was to. determine the "thru" traffic Traffic En gineering Division in the subject residential street system and City of Orange propose and discuss ways and means of (a) control.Zing t.he existing traffic; (b) reducing the "thru" traffic, or (c) eliminating the "thru" �raffic. The study indicated the fol.Zowing pertinent facts: 1. There are 600 inherent trip ends per day ; within the neighborhood. . 2. On Lincoln, immediately north af :Adams, � �raffic counts inaicated weekday vo.Zumes of .�:��0 to 1654 a�ehicles pe.� day. "Thru" t.raffic (counted daily trips less nezghborhood inherent trips) equates in the range af 7a0 to 1050 vehic.Zes per day. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION - MIN�.TTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 12 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS" CONT'D. 3. The majority. of "thru" traffic from the Lincoln/Adams intersection is continuing south into neig.hborhood residential area or east into the adjoining apartment/ commercial development. A neighborhood meeting was held May 8, I985, to discuss the study data and possible mitiga.tion measures. Those measures included: 1. The construction of a cul-de-�ac on Lineoln .north of Adams or on California at, genera.Zly, the separation .Zine of the commercial and residential land uses to totally eliminate thru traffic. 2. 'To reduce the thru traffic through the construction of divertors which, if placed on, either California or Lincoln at Adams, would restrict at least one direction of access into the neighborhood thus reducing "thru" traffic by about 50i. 3. Control "thru" traffic b� instal.Zation of STOP signs (and as later suggested is.Zands) at the intersections of California/Wilson and Wilson/Lincoln to discourage "thru" traffic, avo.id the cutting of corners by existing traffic and reduce the speed of "thru" traffic. After discussion of the above, and other possibilities or ideas, a vote was taken of the *29 hvuseho.Zds represented (5-condo and 29 sing.Ze family households) to determine which of the options the community would prefer. The vote indicated: Control existing traffic (STOP SIGNS) = 14 **Eliminate "thru" traffic (Cul-de-sac) = Z0 Reduce "thru" traffic (Divertors) = 1 *4 households did not vote or had left **This was errorenously reported as 12 at �he Council meetin.g of June 25, 1985. It was generally th� opinior� of the neighborhood that the STOP signs would be the less restricti�e of the mitigating measures and, if not successful a more r�strictive type of device could be implemented. CITY TR.AFFIC COI�iISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - June 12, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. Commissioner Shaw stated that. there seems to be some confusion as to whether or not your recommendations would be an acceptable solution to all the peop.Ze in the neighborhood. Commi ssioner Baumann asked that if the Commission agrees to try the STOP sign� and it doesn't work, what do we do to get the signs removed? Bernie Dennis indieated that if we get 60-40i nei ghborhood support in any study we are .Zucky, there wi11 a1 ways be people pro and con on any recommendation. The riext step is for us to rna:ke a recommendation for the installation of the STOP signs �o the Czty Counci.Z. Upo�n approva.Z the Traffic Division wi11 continu.e the traffic stud� in this area for 3 months to determine the effectiveness o.f these traffic contro.Z measures. The recommendation to the Council is for this to be a temporar� measure and STOP si gns wi11 be permanent onl y upon posi:tive, resul ts. Garo1 Mardel.Z another resident of this study area is concerned with the people on Wilson, because the majority of the people at the meeting were living in the condo's that do not face the street and are not affected by the noise created by 'the traffic, �h�se were the peop_Ze who voted for the instalZation of the boulevard STOPS. We want to cor�trol the number of p�ople that use the 'street. What can we do to keep .the STOP signs from being permanently instal.led on Lincol.n and Wilson? Bernie Dennis responded that she shou.Zd get her people together and take them to the City Council meeting to support your position, and I wi.Z1 make my report to the City Council of the results of �he meeting along with today°s comments. RECOMMENDA TION: Receive and fi.Z e repor�t, MOTION G. Sha w SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous I CITY TRAFFIC CO�iISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June .Z2 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERZ�TION ITEMS CONT'.T�. 8. Request for pedestri�n safety It is tne contention of the applicant t_hat a study at the intersection of hazard is created at the subject intersection Glassell St. and Cul ver Ave. and specifically the crosswalk by motorists De:bi Patterson passing stopped vehicles on the right. The 440 S. O.Zive St. particular concern wi th this action is that in Oran ge, CA 92667 many instances the waiting vehicles are not making left turns but are stopped for pedestrians in the crosswalk. The Traffic Division has observed this iritersection and would conccur with the applicant that this situation is occurring. A review of the accident history �.t the G.Zasse.Z1 Cu1 ver intersection does not indicate a vehic.Ze-pedestrian accident having occurred during the past five year pe.�iod, However, the potential. for :�uch accidents certainl y doe;s e�ri s t. As tatal traffic conditions do not warrant the insta.Z.Zation of either traffic signals or 4-way STOP controls, it is the recommendation of the Traffic Division that the Commission approve the installation of an enhanced crosswalk con fi gura ti on. The enhancement would involve the placement of a panel type c.�osswalk, .Zimit .Zines, raised ref.Zective pavement markers arld upgraded advance pedestrian crossing signs. It is our opinion that such an installation wi11 further ca�.I attention to the existance of a crosswalk and with this recognition reduce the random assumption of approaching veh;zcles that the waiting automobile is going to make a left turn. � Commissioner Baumann asks if you are going to stripe tha.t area? Bernie Dennis responded that the plan is to remove parking on G.Zassell and put in ,right turn only I.anes. We have had extreme. opposition from people on the street to this plan. , Commissioner Shaw asks what impact this wi11 have on the ri ght turn traffic? � CITY TRA.FFIC CONIl�iISSION , - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 12, .Z985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'.Z�. Debi Patterson responded that the street is wide enough to accomodate two lanes of traffic and people wi11 take advantage of it. Bernie Dennis stated tha� we could illuminate the crosswalk by puttin.g �in � pane.I type crosswalk, limit lines, raised pauement markers and oversized crossing signs, cite traffic motorists who violi.ate the pedestrians right- of-way and install a traffic median, RECOMMENDATION: Approve removal of parking and provid refugee is.Zand at the center of Glassell St. at Culver Ave. to discourage right turn side passing movements and occurences. A1so to install an illuminated crosswalk with � advance warning signs. MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous 9. Off agenda item requesting For the past ten years. the majority of .Zocal initiation of a program to intersections S.cOP con�rol has been accompanied instal.Z vision zones at by the installation of vision zones, however, existing STOP controlled there are sti11 many, many STOP siyns within intersections by a blanket the City �hat do not have 'No Parking' zones at ordinance resolu�zon by the their respective approaches. City Council. Traffic Engineering Division The time involved in writing the physical City of Orange descriptzon of the proposed 'No Parking' zones and the accompanying notice to adjacent property owners is exteme, and in most cases actually is rnore expensive than the red curb insta.Ilation. , In the interest of both time and cost, a blanket ordinance resolution covering vision zone instal.Zations at existing STOP control.Zed intersections wou.Zd certainly expedite this very necessary remedial action. , Another consideration that t.he Commission may wish to deliberate is the insta.Zlation of vision zones predicated on approach speeds rather than on the standard 20 �0 30 foot instal.Zation. i It �i.s requested that the Traffic Commission consider this request and propose a program of some type to the City Council. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION _- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING J'une 12 1985 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. Lt. Dawson agrees that Traffic Engineering staff is right on tnis, as the City is developing it becomes more apparent of the need for vision zones and the Police Department wi31 support the request, howeuer, I see some problems. Limit .Zines on a.Z1 STOP controlled intersections if done without due process and without proper notification to property owners could no� al.low proper enforcernen.t. He suggests we write a re�uest as a dilemma to the City Council. Commissioner Yarger asked that when a vehic.Ze is approaching a STOP sign and there is not enough room to see, wouldn't motorists need more than 30 foat vision zones? He additionally indicated his support of the measure and that � we look at the possibility of instal.Zing about 20 vision zones a month and see how it develops in our recommendation to the �'ity Council. Bernie Dennis suggests that it be recommended that vision zones be marked in accordance with the speed of the approaching traffic. �2ECONIMENDA.TION: Wri te a suggested procedure to the Ci ty Counci� to pass an ordinance for the installation of Vision zones at existing STOP controll.ec� intersections within the City, based on the speed of approaching traffic. MOTION D. Yarger SECOND M. Baumann AYES Unanimous � �