03-13-1985 - Minutes TC C.ITY TRA.FFIC C0�'lISSION , • - T�iINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Smith, D. Turner, - D. Yarqer Staff: B. Dennis, P. Kelley, , Lt. Scherer, Sgr. Hernandez APPROVAL OF f�9INUTES MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner Meeting of February 13, 1985 AYES Unanimous CONSENT CALENDAR A. Request for Vision Zone Mr. & Mrs. Hard � 175 N. Feldner Orange, CA 92668 RECOP�1MENDATION: APPROVE MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous B. Request for Intersection Vi si on Zone @ Taft Mark Schmidt, President - Walsh Enterprises, Inc. 1633 W. Leslie Way Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous ��TY TRAFFIC CO�iISSION , �- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS 1. Preliminary Report on Tustin Mr. Dennis presented a preliminary report on Street Parking Removal , south the proposed Tustin Street parking removal . City limits to north city limits. He indicated that the report focus and format wou1d include manual traffic turning counts, � accident data, parking analysis and full seven (7) day traffic flow counts (ADT). - Other items for attention will include . alternative off-street parking and a program for phasing the implementation. Anticipated sectioning of Tustin Street will most likely be: Lincoln Aue. to Meats Ave. Meats Ave. to Katella Ave. Katella Ave. to Collins Ave. Collins Ave. to Chapman Av�e. Chapman Ave. to LaVeta Ave. LaVeta Ave. to Fairhaven Ave. Anticipated concerns to the requested parking removal will most likely include the loss of "convenience" parking, off-street parking facilities , hardships because of past planninc requirements and redevelopment issues. It is anticipated that the Chamber of Commerce will _ support the request as they have supported a similar request on Chapman Avenue. REC��IMENDATION: RECEIVE & FILE MOTIO�N D. Smith SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous Z. Status Report on Parkin� Removal This item is on the Council Agenda for - East Chapman Avenue from Tustin P�arch 19, 1985, 7 PM session. The City has Street to Crawford Canyon Road. received merchant support far the requested parking removal and it is anticipated that there will be increased citizen participation at the Council meeting, especially from those apartment areas most greatly af�fected by the proposal (i .e. , Chapman & First - County area Chapman at James and Chapman at Rancho Santiago) . _ � RECOMMENDATION: RECEIVE & FILE MOTIOPJ D. Smith . SECOND D. Turner � AYES Unanimous �I`�`Y TRAFFIC CO�IISSION . � - �iINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING March 13 1985 AGENDA � MOTION MINUTES CONS I DERATI ON I TEP�1S CONT'D. 3o Neighborhood Traffic Diversion Mr. Dennis gave the staff report, the purpose Study California-Lincoln between of the study and analysis was to determine Katella and Adams. the magnitude of through traffic using the California - Wilson - Lincoln residential RECOMMENDATION: , street system, and, if applicable, propose mitigation measures to reduce or avoid the . The Commission take no action traffic impacts to the neighborhood. at this meeting other than to solicit public input as to any Three primary provisos will be used in additional alternatives the considering and recommending mitigation applicants may wish considered, measures: and to suggest an evening meeting with the Study Area neighborhood The action should not impact adjacent and others which the staff will neighborhoods by "shifting" the problem. arrange. The action must be acceptable to at least the majority of the residents. If traffic control devices are required, these devices will conform to accepted standards to preclude or minimize any bossible liability to the City of Orange, � it's officers and employees. The study area encompasses three distinct — land uses; commercial , condominium and single family residential . Access to the _ single and condominium units are restricted to the California - Wilson - Lincoln Street system while the commercial uses have access to both California Street and Katella Avenue. Controlled access from the study area to - Katella is provided by a five phase traffic signal with protected east and westbound left turns. There is no additional north- south street access to Katella between Tustin Street and Cambridge Street. . Adams provides the only "thru" east-west access in the �rea. ���� TRAFFIC CO�tISSION � � MINUTES OF A REGULAR i�ETING P�arch 13, 1985 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. It is the contention of the residents that �- traffic resu�ltant from the commercial land uses on Katella and the siqnal controlled intersection of Katella and California have increased traffic levels within the , residentially developed segments of the street beyond an acceptable level and has . als�o resulted in increased speed, accident potential and commercial traffic. To determine the magnitude of thru traffic, probable origin and destination and traffic inherent to the neighborhood, the following traffic counts were taken over a seven day period on: California S/of Katella Loc. 1 California S/of the Condominiums Loc. 2 Lincoln N/of Adams Loc. 3 These counts provide the basis for determininc the traffic volume characteristics with each v land use per street segment. Two days were selected as condition norms, Tuesday as an "average" weekday and Friday as representative � of a peak or maximum use condition. — To determine probable origin and destination ��ithin and outside of the Study Area, a peak and off-peak hour license plate suruey was conducted at count locations 2 and 3 concurrent with a turning movement count at Lincoln and Adams. A computer match of license plate numbers in conjunction with the turning movements by plate number allows by expansion a reasonable estimate of oriqin and destination on an hourly and dai_ly basis. Origin and destination in the context ,of this study is applicable only to traffic entering and leaving the Study Area not, as is commonly associated with the terminology, where the driver works, what shoppi_r�_��n_ter he is qoing to `or what freeway he is bound for CITY TRA.FFIC C0�'Il�iISSION ' �- I�IINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. Each type of land use has been found to -� . "generate" on a daily basis, a particular average number of vehicle trips per day. GJithin a range of generation rates, the socio economic enivronment of the land use, its distances from schools, shopping and employ- " � ment and availability of public transporation are the general criteria leading to the � selection of a specific rate. Based on these factors , the following qeneration rates were used and the total of the single and condominiums land use trip ends per day is assumed to be the inherent neighborhood traffic. Generation Trip Ends Land Use Units Rate Per Day Sing1e Family 27 12 324 Condominium 39 7 Z73 Total Inherent T.E./Day 597 (600) Note: 600 trip ends represent 300 inbound and 300 outbound trips per day. Based on the study date, it can be concluded — that the California - UJilson - Lincoln Street system is being subjected to traffic . in excess of that inherent with the residential land uses presently existing in the immediate study area. This condition can be expected on any residential street, with the exception of a cul-de-sac, by virtue of the fact that a block or two bock segment of a street is not an entity, but instead is a part of a total street system serving, generally, a series of neiahborhoods. � A residential street is what the name implies; a s�rvice facility for residential access. If the street or �segment thereof e�cceeds an average daily traffic volume of 1400-1600 . vehicles per day (the tolerance level ) this is generally an indication that the street is being subjected to a secondary use, most frequently as a by-pass or due .to 1 ack. of alternate routes. The California - Wilson - � Li ncol n Street system wi thi n the resi den'��.���y ` developed areas is approaching the tolerance . level . CITY 'TRAFFIC CO�iISSION . �� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING March 13, 19$5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES � CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. It is important to .note that the basis of _ this analysis is directed toward the residential segments of the street with references and conclusions pertaining to the commercial . . ' In view of the street system characteristics within the Study Area and the general area, � it us unlikely that disincentives can be introduced that will not be severely .. penalizing toward both those being discouragec from using the California - Wilson - Lincoln Street system and those living in the Study Area. Typical disincentives and their internal and external affect include: Fu11 Closure - Installation of a modified cul-de-sac at either residentia1 end of the California - Wilson - Lincoln Street system would reduce total traffic to the inherent level . This option would, conversely, greatly increase circuity from the Study Area, divert - north-south traffic to Adams and result in a 1500 foot cul-de-sac which would require mitigation in its own right to be acceptable to the Fire Department. Two physical concerns with a closure is the additional right-of-way and street width necessary to develop a "turn-around" at - either end and, the configuration of the loop driveway serving the condominiums which could result with one drive being on either side of the closure. Partial Closure - This disincentive would be a physical closure of one half of the street, at either end, and would theoretically reduce traffic to the inherent level plus._i�nbound traffic from the opposite end. CITY TRAFFIC CO�iISSION . •� - I�INUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. As with the full closure, circuity and � diversion would occur but to a lesser degree. An added problem would be that of enforcer�ent. In a relatively isolated area the temptation to "go around" the partial , closure would certainly exist. Divertor at Lincoln and Adams - This feature would a11ow right turns only from Lincoln onto Adams and from Adams onto Lincoln �hus eliminating 40-50/ of the Study. Area traffic. Study and general area circuity would be significantly impacted and diversion to Adams would occur. One Way Street System (Residential Area) - Th�s optlon would have basically the same affect in traffic reduction as the partial closure. , The circuity within the Study Area would be significantly impacted as access to the � entire area would be via either Katella or Lincoln/Adams. Katella/California Signal Modification - This option would �involve elimination of the subject signal entirely or the westbound - to southbound left turn phase on the premise that access to the Study Area would be more difficult and thus avoided. As the signal was installed to provide - .controlled access to and from Katella for both the commercial land uses and the residential uses adjacent to and including the Study Area and, as the distinct possibility of liability exists in downgrading the signal to a lower level of safety, this alternative is not a viable option. Any miti�ation measure suggested or a.pproved has impacts on the adjacent neighborhoods outside of the Study Area and could most certainly affect travel patterns in a one-half square mile area. �T"J"Y �RAFFIC COI�AZISSION ~ - i�IINUTES C�F A REGULAR MEETING . �March 13 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONT'D. There has also, historically, b.een . disagreements within the Study Area as to what, if any, corrective actions should be taken. MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Turner � AYES Unanimous , �