12-10-1986 - Minutes TC r � CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING December 10, 1986 ,AGENDA � MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann D. Turner, D. . Staff: B. Dennis, M. Leintz, D. Allenbach, D. Kuan, P. Then ABSENT Commissionexs : D. Smith, D. Yarger CONSII�IT CALFNDAR l. Request for installation of a driveway vision zone at 933 N. Batavia St. � K.L. Redfern, President KJM Develapment Corp. . 933 L�T. Batavia St. Orange, CA 92668 RE(SC,�N11�lIIVDATION_ APPROVE MCrrION M. Baumann SFCAND D. Turner AYES Unanimous 2. Request for installation of a driveway vision zone at the northwest corne� of Bedford St. and Bronson Ave. Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange RE('�OMr2ENDATION: APPROVE 1KOTIOiN M. Bautnann S�lJD D. Turner AYES Unanitnous CITy TRAFFIC CO�iISSION �� - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � December 10, 1986 :;. AGENDA MOTION MINUTES 3 3. Requested installation of 'NO . PARKING AT ANYTIME' signs be posted on Gayle St. between Riverdale Ave. and Riverview Ave. ♦9'p RL(70NIl�i�lDATIO�.J: APPROiVE MOTIaN . Baumann SECjO�TD . Turner AyFS imous 4. Request to remove on-street parking at the railroad crossing on the north side of Bristol Ln. adjacent to Glassell St. . Traffic Engineering Divisian City of Orange REC901�M�IDATION: APPROVE MC7rION . Baumann . S� . Turner AYF'S imous 5. Request i.nstallation of a The basis of this request is in conjunction traffic signal on the south with proposea development in the immediat� side of Katella Ave. at Struck St. area. The developer of the property wi1�.. bear all costs associated with the sign��. Traffic Engineering Division installation. Additionally, the Traffi� City of Orange Engineering Division will have final approval of the traffi.c signal design plans. MO�IaN M. Baumarui SF;OO�iD D. Turner AyES iTn$nimous C�ONSIDEE2ATI�I I`1.�5 A. Request for installation of a Both Hart St. and Adams Ave. are residential. 1-Way ST�P control device at the roadways in the study area which allow intersection of Adams St. ancl on-street parking and have a curb-to-curk� Hart Ave. width of 33 f eet. - Phyllis M. Koshella Adams Ave. runs in an east-west direction anc� 1147 N. Hart St. � forms a 3-leg, T-intersection� with Hart St.�. Orange, CA 92667 Traffic Accessing this intersection i� preaominatly local traffic to and from thi� R��p�1DATI0l�: AppRpiyE neighborhood. Currently no traf f i� regulatory signs have been installed at this intersection. Field investigation indicates - no deficiency in street design, alignment� signing and striping. �I1'Y TRAFFIG COMMISSION . - MINtITES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � " � December 10, I986 ;: AGENDA MO�ION MINUTES � �SIDERATIaN ITEMS 00�]'r�NUED PM peak period (4-6 PM) turning count at this intersection indicates a total of 88 vehieles during the peak traffic period,. 72 vehicl�� were counted on Hart St., while 16 vehicl�� we�e r�uaated on �dan�s. A�e� d�r�,ng thP s�.me . time period. No recorded accidents we�e founcl in the past 12 months at this intersection. Based on the above ST�OP sign analysis, th� recomnendation of the staff is to approve the installation of a 1-inTay ST�OP control device on A�3ams Ave. at Hart St. The appropria�te ST�OP bars� legends and visions zones vill be i.nstalled accordingly. Additionally, we r�il�, recomnend the trinmi.ng of any parkway trees necessary to provide proper vision of the intersection. MOTIOiN . Turner SBC�1D . Ba.wnann AY�S imous Bo Request for installation of 2 Way Both Yellowstone Blvd. and Shenandoah Ave. are STQP control �deviee at the are residential roadways in the study area. intersection of Yellowstone Blvd. Yellowstone Blvd. runs in a north-south - and Shenandoa Ave. direction terminating at its northern end at Shenandoah Ave. and at its southern end at Joanne Bassett Maybury Ave. Yellowstone allows on-stre�t 6447 Shenandoah Ave. parking and has a curb-to-curb width of 5l orange, CA 92669 ft. in the study area. R���ENDATIO�T: APPROVE Shenandoah Ave. runs in an east-west direction terminating one block east o� Yellowstone Blvd. at Forrest St. and two blocks to the west in a cul-de-sac. Shenandoah Ave. has a curb-to-curb width of 36 ft. and allows on-street parking. There currently are no regulatory signs installed at this intersection, field study indicates no deficiency in street design and alignment. PM peak period (4-6 PM) turning count at this intersection indicate a total volume of 88 vehicles during the peak traffic hour. 71 vehicles were counted on Yellowstone Blvd. while I7 vehicles were counted on Shenandoah Ave. during the same time period. No recorded accidents have been reported at this intersection in the past 12 months. CIT'y TRAFFIC C0�'IISSION � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � " � December 10, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES _ ;=� . C�.3SIDF,RATIOLJ ITEMS O�YP�NUID Based on the above STaP control analysis, the reconmenclation of the City Traffic Comnission is to approve the installation of a 2 way STC1P control- device on Shenandoah Ave. for east and� westbound tra:�fic on 3�ellowsitone ��va�: �� . appropriate ST�OP bars, legends and vision zones will be installed acco=dingly. MOTIOLJ M. Bau[nann SFCO�ID D. Turner AYES Unani.mous C. Request for installation of 1-way Both Cerritos Dr. and Palo Loma P1. are STOP control device at the residential roadways in• the study area, intersection of Cerritos Dr. and together Cerritos Dr. and Palo Loma. P1. Palo Loma P1. form a 3-leg "T" intersection. Cerritos Dr. extends westward from Palo Loma P1., 3 Carl R. Reed blocks� to Encantb St. where it terminates. . 1180 N. Palo Loma Pl. Orange, CA 92669 Palo Loma P1. runs in a north-south � direction with a curb-to-curb width of 36 RFCONIl��IDATIO�T: APPROVE ft. in the study area. Palo Loma P1. terminates one block to the north in a cul-de-sac and one block to the south at . Elsinore Ave. Both Palo Loma P1. and Cerritos Dr. allow on-street parking. PM peak period (4-6 PM) turning count at this intersection indicates a total of 84 vehicles during the peak traffic hour. 49 vehicles were counted on Cerritos Dr. during the peak traffic hour while 35 vehicles were counted on Palo Loma P1. during the same time period. There hav� been no recorded accidents at this intersection within the past 12 months. Basecl on the above S`.L'+�P control analysis, the recommendation of the City Traffic - Comnission is to approve the requested installation of a 1-way S`i�OP control device on Cerritos Dr. at Palo Lonna Pl. T'he appropriate S'.L�OP bar. legencls and vision zones will be installed acc3ordingly. MC7rION D. Turner SFC�1.1ID M. Batmaann � AYF,S' Unanimous CITY TR.AFFIC CO�IISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � " December 10, 1986 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES C�LJSIDERATI�T ITFI�I�S C�l'r1�N[7ID D. Request for installation of River.dale Ave. is classified as a commuter STOP control device at the arterial roadway in the City's Master P1an intersection of Riverdale Ave. of Arterial Highways, with 60 ft. of and Hartman St. right-o�-way. F'our tr�vei �:�ie� a�� striped and on-street parking is allowecl on Virgil C. Fransen both sides of Riverdale Ave. The 3195 N. Hartman St. intersection of Riverdale Ae. and Glassell Orange, CA 92665 St. is signalized, while the interseetion of Riverdale Ave. ana Orange-0live Rd. is RE�NIl�IDATI�13:� AppRpy►E controlled by a 4-way STOP. The posted speed limits on this segment of Riverdale Ave. is 35 MPH. 24-hour traffic counts on Riverdale Ave. show a total of 5,665 vehicles on a typical workin.g day. Intersection accident history along Riverdale Ave. in the past four years . showed several accidents; one f.atality and several incurring property damage. Applicant is also concerned by the high speeding maneuvering around the curve, particularly for the westbound direction. - Speed surveys on Riverdale Ave. concurrs with the observation of the petitioner. Staff's speed survey indicated an average speed of 39 MPH and a critical speed of 46 MPH along this section of Riverdale Ave. which is posted for only 35 MPH. The survey, however, did not reflect excessive truck usage of this street as indicated by� the applicant. DISCOSSIaN William Bateman - On December 6, 1986, between 6-10 am the Orange Police Dept. issued 24-25 tickets at this intersection for speeding. Benita Baker - We counted 18 large trucks on the street the other clay and we feel that ST�P signs will d�.scourage these trucks from using these streets. . Additionally, we cannot cross Riverdale for approximately 6/10 of a mile because of the speeding problem. CITy TRAFFIC CO�ISSION MII3UTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � � Dec�ber 10� 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES QONSIDERATIaN ITF�M.S C70N`rINUED Jack Lambe - I am against �STOP signs. The people using Riverdale are mostly northbound traffic. I am concerned with the noise and air pollution "a STOP sign would create� we don't need th�.s a�ddition�l pollution element. STOP signs will not � recluce speeds and will also make it longer for other streets accessing the intersection. I think warning signs at the curve.will be the most effective. STAFF DISCUSSI�i G. Shaw - What would be the possibility of � rear encl accidents at these STOP's? B. Dennis - There is greater potential for � rear end accidents at the curve if a STOP is installed at Hearthside St. - M. Baumann - No matter if a control goes in or not do we have any control over trucks using this area? D. Kuan - We have weight limit sign posted to restrict vehicles 3 tons or ove�' from using the street. Both Glassell St. and 4range-Olive Rd. are approved truck routes within the city limits. B. Dennis - The way our truck route ordinance is written the weight limit siqns � are readily supportable and Riverdale can be enforced immediately. RE�C.''ONIl�!�IDATIaN; 1. Installation of 4-way ST�OP at Riverdale Ave. and H[a�tman Street. Additionally, to install appropriate ST�OP bar. legends and vision zones association . with this ST+OP, including but not . limited to, tri.m�-n9 and/or removal of any parkway trees which would interfere with an unobstr�ucted vision zone of this intersection. - . :��.� _ �-� 2: Removal of on-street parking at 305 and - 335 Riverc7al.e Ave. for proper vision of ' this intersection. c CI1'Y TRAFFIC CO�SSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - - December 10� 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES C�NSIDERATIO�N� ITF�IS DOTPPINUID the use of the parking structure situated adjacent to the compelx. Public notices regarding this item were s�nt tG all �rop�rties an �ita D�. Responses in total include thirteen in opposition and one, in addition to the applicant, in favor of the request. Opponents expressed difficulties and inconveniences associated with parking prohibition and the need of on-street parking for pick-up/delivery services. The one in favor of the request wrote from a safety stand point as he and his associated . experienced impaired vision zones due to closely �arked vehicles at driveways. From strictly a traff�.� engineering point of vie�t, removal of on-street parking . privi��ge on an established public street is generally proposed to either increase traffi� flow capacity or to improve drivew•ra�y or intersectiqn vision zones. Traffi� counts and field inspections fail to suggest any level of traffic congestion - along Anita Dr. or excessive delay aceessing to and from Chapman Ave. As to the vision zone problem, requests of this nature can be handled on an individual basis. DISCUSSTON Jeff Hill/Birtcher - We made the request because the street is not wide enough for oncoming traffic to see at driveways, also people are going to eat at Burger King and are parking on the street and making it hard to see. The Centennial Bldg. have large numbers of people in and out of that building and do not have adequate parking. B. Dennis - The street is wide enough for 2-way traffic. - .�__ Rob Boyd/Centennial - We moved to this location in 1982 and have grown rapidly since that time. We have on-site parking � ' available but use it to capacity and need the on-street parking as well. We might be able to install driveway vision zones to help out. � CITY TRAFFIC CO�Il�fISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � Dec�r 10� 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES �TSIDERATIaN ITF�NIS C�'rINUEt3 3. Post intersection ahead warning signs. ---------__ _ Post speed 1 imit sign (35 MPH) and • weight limit sign on Riverdale Ave. at pranc3e-Olive Roa.d. ���.. 5. Install curve signs and reflectots to better delineate the cureve on Riverdale Ave. 6. Increase Police Dept. enforcement to reduce both the speeding problem ancl illegal trucl� operations. 7. Reevaluate traffic conditions on Riverdale Ave_ in six months. MO�IC7N G. Shaw , SEC�O�D � M. Batu[tiann AYF;S Unan�.mous E. Request removal of on-street � Anita Dr. extends from Chapman Ave. arking from both sides of southerly for about 4 of a mile, and is p aligned at Ghapman Ave. with the Rt. 57 Anita Dr. southbound freeway off-rarip. Anita Dr. is Robert M. Campbell 44 ft. wide measured from curb-to-curb. Birtcher On-street parking is currently permitted 27611 LaPaz Rd. - along both sides of Anita Dr. The basis Laguna Niguel, CA 92656-3998 of the request is two-fold: 1) Aesthetic purposes; and 2) Traffic safety. RE.CAr�.�TDATIaN: DENY Land use along Anita Dr. is primarily office complexes, with an exception at the southeast corner of Chapman Ave. and Anita Dr., where there is a fast-food restaurant. All clevelopments on this street are equipped with off�street parking lots for their occupants as required by the City's parking code. Field visits, however, indicated substantial on-street parking activities on Anita Dr. throughout the day. Periodic inspect'ions in a typical workday between 8 � am and 5 pm found in excess of 20 vehicles parked on-street, and a maximum of 34 parked vehicles at 3:30 pm, staf f, on the �..._ other hand, also observed vacant parking spaces within individual parking lots: As a whole, it is our opinion that the � ' current parking needs can be supported entirely by the existing off-street parking lots. Similarly the newly � completed Birtcher building shoulc7 also be � able to sustain its .parking demand through i. CI1'y TRAFFIC CO�Il�iISSION MII�IUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � December 10, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES C�O�NSIDERATIOiN ITENIS QO1�ITIl�UED B. Dennis - The matter of on-street parking with Birtcher was considered in the EIR prior to their construction and the 300 ft. of parking that was removed from Chapman Ave. to provide for 3 rl�ht tL?Y"n ���� Anita Dr. and we were contaeted by Anita Dr. property owners indicating their need to k:eep the existing on-street parking as it was. This. was acceptable to Birtcher at that time. RFY(�O1+M�I�TDATION: In view of the predominate opposition to the request and the- current high parking usage, we do not see justi.fiable supports for the removal of all on-street parking on Anita Drive. However, we c10 see the need of limied parking prohibition for the . purpose of of vision zones. Also. . individual property owners may elect to request on-street parking removal in front of their frontage area. if so desired. MC7PI�T M. Ba.um�ann - S�'.�1D G. Shaw - AYFS Unanintous OFF-AGIIJDA ITEMS l. Removal of on-street parking at th railroad crossing on the north side of Bristol Ln. adjacent to Glassell Street. Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange MO►�ION D. Turner SECJO�ND � M. Ba.umann AVFS Unaninnous 2. Installation of a traffic signal Design to be approved by the Traffic on the south side of Katella Ave. Engineering Divilsion and all costs at Struck Ave. relating to said installation will be borne _ by the developer. _ _ Traffic Engineering Division - �-�- � City of Orange MO�I�T G_ Shaw second D. Turner AYFS Unanim�us