11-12-1986 - Minutes TC CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING Novemb�r 12, 1986 ,AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Bat�mann, D. Smith, D. '�urn�r, D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, D. All_enbach, D. Kuan, M. Le�.ntz, P. Then ABSENT Conunissioners : -------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------ CnN�EI�I'r CAL�TDA�.t 1_, Request fo,r urivewa�r vision zone insta�_.lation at 704 W. 6Va.lnut Av� Kac�y Haa.s�enberg PCr7 2�72� �i..rtcher Dr. . E� '�oro, CA �2.530 Rr1CUP�MENDA'I'ION o �PPRO�iT� 1�IUT�OI�If la. Tta.rr��e� SF..CC7�TD D_ Y�.�gPr A�S TJn�ni.mous 2. Request fQr intersectian visian zone instal�.ation at Pa�m Av�. and. Orange St. _ Ra7_p� M. Esqueda 2y� N. Orange St. Orarzge, CA 92666 RECQMP�l�NDATION: APPR0ITE �I�IC�T D. Yarger SEC�3d D. Turner AYE� Una.ni�us 3. Request for intersection vision zane be insta�.led at the north west c�rner. of Sycamore Ave. and Batav�a St�. � � Gzll�ert A7_varado RECOMMFNDAITON: APPROVF �M�ION D. Yarger SEC0�3D D. Turner AYES Unanimous CI�'Y TRAFFIC CO?rIl�tISSION � - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � November 12, 1986 ;;. AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSII�IT CALII�TDAR CO1�IT:IN[JED 4. Request for driveway vision zone be instal].ed at 730 & 736 E. Lincoln Ave. Bill Edger � The Management Group � 1�52Q Rochfield Blvd. , #D Irvirie, CA 92718 RECOMc2El�DATIO�: APPR�VE MO'TIO�T D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous CONSIDERATION ITEMS A. Request for designation of a The basis of the request is to assist students crossing guard at the intersectio crossing from both the Ca.lifornia Elementary of Cambridge St. and Adams Ave. School and Ynrba Jr. High School located on the east �ic�e of Cambridge St. Mrs. Ellen Johnson 1034 N. Shaffer St. Currently, there is a crossing guard located Orange, CA 92667 at the intersection of Collins Ave. and Cambridge St. , and also at Katella Ave. and RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE � Cambridge Street. Adams Ave. is approximately mid-point on Cambridge St. between these two intersections, traffic is controlled by a STOP sign on Adams Avenue. A school crosswa�k and associated signing and legends are prop�r_ly e installe� on Cambri�dge St. near Adams Avenue. Adu1t crossing guards normal_ly are assigned where official supervision of school pedestrians is desiralale while they cross a public highway on a suggested route to school. At uncontrolled crossings where there is no alternate controlled crossing within 6�0 feet, the minimum warrant requires 350 vehicles per hour traffic volumes and 40 school pedestrian crossinc�s. Our survey indicates a total of 101 students crossing Cambridge St. at Adams Ave. and a -traffic volume of 530 vehicles per hour on Cambridge St. during the peak school crossing hour (1:50-2:50 PM) . Adams Ave. at Cambridge St. is currently being used as a suggested route to and from tk�e school according to the principal of California Elementary School. CI�.'Y TR.AFFIC CO�IISSION - - MINUTES OF A REGITLAR MEETING � �� � � " � November 12, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES : . • . CONSIDERATION ITEMS•CONTINUED With the above analysis, it is the s�taff's recommendation that a crossing guard be assigned at the intersection of Cambridge St. and Adams Ave. to assist with school pedestrian crossing activities. MOTION M. Baumann . SECOND G. Shaw AYES Unanimous B. Request for the installation of Because of the large numbers of students in a pedestrian crosswalk at the the school and the fact that al1 students must intersection of Westway Ave. and now pay for bus transportation, there have Greenwood St. been an increase of children either riding bicycles or walking to and• from school. These E.C. Berriman, Principal students pres�ntly access the school on Fletcher School Westway Ave. at the back of the school yard. 515 �T. Fletche� Ave. Orange, CA 92665 The intersection of Greenwood St. and Crestwood St. is less than 100 feet from the RECOMMENDATION: DIIVY closest travel lane on Fletcher Ave. An installation of a crosswalk at thi.s intersection would not be able to provide sufficient advanced warning to turning tarffic from Fletcher Ave. and thus time to react to , crossing pedestrians. As an alternate, school crossings should take palce at the existing crosswalk one block north of this intersection on Crestwood St. and Westway Ave. a location with much ha:gher visibility. Using the exising crosswalk is further supported by the installation of STOP control at the intersection of Crestwood St. and Westway Avenue. Tt is, therefore, staff's recommendation to deny the request for installation of a pa.inted crosswalk on Greenwood St. at To�estway Ave. MOTION M. Ba.umann SECOND . Turner AYES nanimous CITY TRAFFIC CO�iISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � � " �� November 12, 1986 ;.;. AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CON'�rINUED C. Request for speed zone survey The basis of this request is to investigate on Fairhaven Ave. between Tustin S . speeding problems and a.ncreasing truck and Prospect St. traffic on Fairhaven Ave. between Tustin St. and Prospect St. Conwell S. Worthington, II 3330 Stearns Fairhaven Ave. according to the City of Orange, CA 92666 Orange's General Plan is classif�ed as a secondary arterial with 80 ft. of RECOMI�ZENDATIOr1: APPROITE right-of-way and 64 ft. curb-to-curb travel width. Fairhaven Ave. between Yorba St. and Hewes St. has four travel lanes and two travel lanes between Tustin St. and Yorba St. Curently, Fairhaven Ave.� at Tustin St. is signalized while STOP control is installed at Yorba St. , Prospect 'St. and Hewes St. Posted speed limit on Fairhaven Ave. between Tustin St. and Yorba St. is 40 MPH and 45 MPH easterly of ° Yorba St. This section of Fairhaven Ave. is primarily residential land use with an exception of some commercial/retail areas at the intersection of Tustin St. Fairhaven Ave. is not included in the City's truck route system, that is, no � truck in excess of 6,040 pounds in w�ight is allowed to operate on this street without proof of transportation permit from the City. Daily traffic counts, speed zone survey and truck counts were conducted on various ` sections of Fairhaven Ave. Dai_ly traffic count shows 12,581 vehicles daily between Yorba St. and Prospect St. and 13,589 vehicles daily between Tustin St. and Yorba St. Both counts are lower than the recorded traffic 1eve1 during the prior year, most probab_ly due to the seasonability factor. Field observation indicates no traffic back-up problem at STOP control.led intersections. Four speed zone surveys have been conducted along this section of Fairhaven Ave. The critical speeds range from 4� MPH to 5Q MPH, while the pace speeds are below 50 MPH. In � other words, our survey �results correspond with the presently posted speed limits. Commercial. truck counts during various time - periods indicate at the highest hour, 5 heavy vehicles traversed this section of Fairhaven , Ave. , of which two were OCTD buses. CITY TRAFFIC COL�SISSION � � - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � �� � � " � November 12, 1986 AGENDA MQTION MINUTES :- . CArTSIDERAT'O�T ITF,MS COi�1TINUED It should be braught up that Fairhaven Ave. is a secondary arterial highway and currently carrying much commuter traffic to and from the residential communities �such as Cowan Heights and Lemon Heights. Not expecting any major street improvement, Fairhaven Ave. will continue serving as an important east-west arterial to and from the earl�er mentioned areas as well as other future residential communities in the north Tustin area. It should also be pointed out that easterly of Tustin St. the only section of Fairhaven Ave. that falls within the City of Orange's jurisdiction is between Tustin St. and Yorba St. , which is currently striped for two lanes - with a posted speed limit of 40 MPH, The staff's data fail to suggest the type of speed. problems, or truck traffic occurrences as indica.ted by the applicant. However, we will ere�t additiona.l weight limit signs wihtin the city's jurisdiction and coordinate with our Police Dept. for appropriate enforcement. In the meantime, staff will . alert the County of Orange regarding the applicant's request and the outcome of this comtnission's f indings. � MO�TIO�i G. Shaw SECOND D. Turner = AYES Unanimous D. Request for installation of a Both Cannon St. and Cerritos Dr. are 4-way STOP control device at the residential roadways in the study area. intersection of Cannon St. and Cerritos Dr. runs in an east-west direction Cerritos Dr. with a curb-to-curb width of 38 ft. and allows on-street parking. Cerritos Dr. Merit Property Ma�nagement Co. , Inc terminates at one block to the east of Cannon 24422 Ave de la Carlota, #460 St. and Palo Loma and two blocks to the west Laguna Hills, CA 92653 at Encanto St. , currently there is a 2-way STOP on� Cerritos Dr. at Cannon St. Cannon RECOMMENDATION: DENY St. runs in a north-south direction with a curb-to-curb width of 5Q ft. in the study area, and al]_ows on-street parking. Gurrently Cannon St. terminates three blocks south of Cerritos Dr. at Santiago Canyon Rd. and one bloek to the south at Patria Court. PM peak period (4-6 PM) turning count at this _ - intersection indicates a total of 94 vehicl.es during the peak traffic hour. 60 vehicles were counted on Cannon St. during the peak � traffzc hour whzle 34 vehicles caere counted on Cerritas Dr. durinct the sa.me time period, CITY TRAFFIC CO?�ISSION - - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � � - � - November 12, 1�86 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES :�-. . CONSIDERATION ITENIS CONTINUED There have been no recorde� accidents at this intersectian within the past 12 months. The policy of recommending STOP control devices at an intersection are based on traffic volumes, accident h�.story and intersection alignment and design. The intersecton of Cannon St. and Cerritos Dr. does not satisfy the minimum warrant requirements for a 4-way STOP control device. Based on the above ST�OP control analysis, the staff's recommendation is to deny the request for a 4-way STOP control device at the intersection of Cannon St: and Cerritos Dr. at this time. MC7TI�i G. Shaw S�COND D. Yarger � AYES Unanimous E. Request for installation of a � 6Vestway Ave. and Crestwood St. form a pair of STOP control device at the - off-set intersections whieh are 50 ft. apart. intersection of Westway Ave. and Westway Ave. dead ends at the entrance to Crestwood St. Fletcher School and is currently being used by ' many students parents as a pick-up and E.C. Berriman, Principal drop-off location. Fletcher School 515 W. Fletcher Ave. Traffic turning counts were conducted both Orange, CA 92665 during the PM peak traffic hour as wel_1 as the after school hour at this intersection. ` RECOMMENDATI�N: 1�PPROVE School crossing activity was also monitored during the after school period at this same location. Our record indicates a total of 64 vehic�.es and 44 vehicles respectively during these two time periods. During the after school study hour, 49 school crossings w�re observed at this location, and the majority of the vehicular traffic was destined for the school. The intersection fails to meet the minimum warrants on the basis of traffic volume and accident history. It is, therefore, staff's recom�nenclation to install the requested 2 way. ST�OP control at this intersection; additionally, the appropriate ST�OP ba.rs, legends and advance . warning signs will be installed accorclingly. MOTI(�T M. Ba.umann . SECC7ND D. Turner AYES Unanimous CI7.'Y TRAFFIC CO?�'Il�iISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - � - - - - November 12, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITF.MS CONTINUED F. Request for installation of a Both Glassell St. and Katella Ave. are protected left turn signal phase classified as primary roadways in the study on Glassell St. at Katella Ave. area. Katella Ave. has a curb-to-curb width of 94 ft. With two through lanes in each DeMar Baron Pool Plastering Co. direction of travel and a striped median at 1444 N. Glassell St. the center of the street. A striped left Orange, CA 92667 turning lane and a protected left turn signal exists for east and westk�ound traffic turning REC�MI�IENDATION- APPROVE onto Glassell St. The posted speed limit on � this section of Katella Ave. is 40 MPH. G]_assel.l St. has a curb-to-curb width of 84 ft. with two through 1.anes for each d.irect�on - af travel and a center median. A striped left turning lane exists for north and southbound traffic turning onto Katella Ave. PM peak hour (4-5 PM) indicates a northbound through traffic volume of 747 vehicles and an opposing left turn volume of 150 vehicles. There were 642 vehicles counted in the southbound through direction with an opposing . left turn volume of 81 vehicles during the same time period. There were a total of four recorded accidents within the past 12 months that could have been corrected by the installation of a left - turn signal phase on Glassell St. at Katella Ave. The policy of recommending the establishment of a protected left turn signal phase is based on traffic volumes, accident history, and intersection geometry. Based on today's traffic level and accident history, the intersection of Glassel_1 St. and Katella Ave. � meets the r�quired protected left turn signal phase warrants. It is, therefore, staff's reco�endation that the above intersection be placed on the signal priority list as a location qualifying for a protected left turn signal phase. The � estima.ted cost of this signal modification is - $38,OOO.001. MOTIaN NI. Baui[tann SECOND D. Smith . AYES Unanimous