10-14-1987 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C70rIlKISSION . Date of Meeting: October 14, 1987 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Commissioners: G. Shaw� M. Baumann, D. Smith, D. Turner� D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, Lt. Leintz, D. Kuan, D. Allenbach, D. Keys P. Then � ABSENT - Commissioners: None Staffs G. Minshew � MOTION CONSENT CALENDAR l. Installation of a driveway vision zone at 439 N. Glassell St. Ruth Campbell � 439 N. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92666 RP�OONIl�IDATIO�i: APPROVE . MOT'IaN D. Yarger SE�D D. �rner AYE.S Unanimous 2. Installation of a driveway vi�ion zone at the northeast corner of Sycamore Ave. at Shaffer St. Cherie Suste = 409 N. Shaffer St. Orange� CA 92666 RDGOA�Il��ATIaN: APPROVE MOTION D. Yarger S�OOND D. Tur�er AYES Unanimous 3. Installa,tion of a driveway vision .zone at 184 N. Prospect St. Jennifer Heinlein Roston Montessori Schoolhouse � . 184 N. Praspect St. �range, CA 92669 RF.00t�i�'d3DATION: APPROYE MQ�I�N D. Yarger SE(�dND D. Turner - AYES Unani.mous 4. Installation of a driveway vision zone at 362 S. Tustin� St. Sue Johnston RF�CJOPM�IE'NDATION: DIIQY MOTIOTi U. Yarger 243 N. Orange St. SEC�ND D. Turner Orange, CA 926oG AYES Unanimous CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC QOI�IISSIaN , - Date of Meeting: C�c��ber 14, 1987 - MOTION 5. :�;n���a�.�..���.Qn of 'No Parkinc� Any Time' signs on the eastern portinn of Vista Ridge Dr. (�.'r. 10439 Vista Ro�a].e) � Rick Herrer�. Kord Indu�tries P.O. Box 51�� Anaheirn, CA 92804 iT�GO�+lF�1��iTION: AFPROVE I�ION D. Y�rg�r . S�D D. `T'urner AY� Unanin�ous 6. ��equest to ir�lpl��erit a limited .on-str�et p�rkzng re�trict�on (prohibit parking from 5:3Q Pr�i to 8 AM} on E. Falmyra �i �splanade St. Jo� ��ncai�� 4t�t�7 �. Palmyra A�e. Oranc��� G?� 9266� ��]L���IC�T: A� MOTIt�I►a D. Yarg�r S�CC�D D. Turn�r �Y� L3nani�ous �«NSID���rl�°IOP1 Sr�i-IS A. �n��.a�.�at�.c�n of �. 4-Way STcaP contrQl d��zc� at th� int�rse�ti�n of Mapl� Av�. and T�ine St. � AliGe Cl�.�k 2Q5 �. Pine �t. Gr�n.g�, �1� 9266r� Alice C'lar3� - If you can't install a S�i'OP pQrhaps you could put in another �p��d lima.t aign - 25 MPH. F►F.(.�ON�+�Il.)ATIO�T: DF�IY R;�UEST E�R S`�OP SIGN. HO�VII2� �tEC�NIl�lEND THE . INSTALLATIaTT OF APPROPRIATE SPEED LIi�I1' SIGNS. MO'�I(3� . G. Shaw . S�TD M_ Baumann AYES Unanimou.s F. Installation of a left turri pocket on N. Main St. into the Orange Main Business Park. Annette U-Ren Cardinal Property Mgmt. 1535 E. 17th St. , #H � Santa Ana, CA 92701 CITY OF ORANGE �MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC �sISSION Date of Meeting: October 14, 1987 MOTION Bernie Dennis- We will need to remove on-street pa.rking before we can put in a left-turn lane on this area of Main St. If the applicantis �willing to lose thi parking we � will consider the installation of this left ,turn (continuous left-turn). RE�C.,OP'Il�+IENDATIaN: DIIVY RH�LT�ST AND REDIl2�Cr BACK Ti0 APP'LICAN�� �t (70NSIDERATION OF A �N`.CIN[TOUS LEFT 7.'[JRN ON MAIN ST. MO�I� D. TurnQr SFC3CA3d M. Baumann AYES Unanimous C. R�moval of an-street parking an th� east side of Orange-41ive Rd: from Taft Ave. to Lincoln Ave. for the implementation of �. �ontinuous left-turn lane. Traffic Fngineering Dzvision � City of Orange �� great deal of apposition was raised by residents in th� area who indicated the hardship the park�ng re�oval would impose. MqDIFIED R�+Il�ATIf.7N: Deny original request but renn�v�e parking on the +east sa.c�e Qf Orange-Olive Rd. to allow.the installation 4�' left-turn pockets at the inter�ections of: 1. Orange-Olive Rd. at Meats Ave. 2. �range-Olive Rd. at Heam Ave. 3. Oranc�e-Oliv�e Rd. at Lincoln Ave. Additionaliy, to install �tended ciriv+�way vision zone' at the day care c�nter locatecl at 2237 N. Orange-Ol�.ve Rd. - MO�TIOiN D. Turner SE(70�ID G. Shaw AYCS Unanirnous D. P,equest for the installation of sidewalks at tY�e sc�uthwest corner af Collins Ave. Cambridge St. Ella Cutkosky 1142 �akmont Ave. Orange, CA 92668 _ This is a very dangerous locations for pedestrians trying to cross the street. � There is no sid�walk accessing the corner and a fence blocking your access of the parkway so you have to walk out in the street to get to the corner, where there is no landing area when you wait to cross the street. Dick Yarger - Does anything have to be removed at this corner? Bernie Dennis - A wood fence and some landscaping, also we need to acquire about 8 to 10 feet of right-of-way from the southwest corner property owner. CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � CITY TRIAEF'IC QO�IISSION . Date of Meeting: October 14, 1987 MOTION RF,IC�OMiKF�TDATI�: From a safety standpoint, a sidewalk c�n the southwest corner . of Cambridge St. and Collins Ave. would be a definite benefit. T�o con�lete the ia�rovement� the City would have to ac�quire approximately 10 feet of right--of�y from the southwest property and oonstruct 154 feet of sidewalk . to connect it to the existing sidewalks� and install a curb return. The recammendation is to approve the requested sid�alk installation and have the staff determine the cost of-the improvement �and p�csue funding from SB 82I source for sidewalk �.m�rovements, and oontact affected property owner to acquire the ne�essary righ�-of-�w-ay for the im�arovements. MC�I�T G. Shaw � S� D. Turner AYES Unan�.atous