09-13-1989 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING t Ci� iaY.�L i iV W�i+i�iVL� Date of Meeting: September 13, 1989 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. �'ortier, �. Leming, F. Sciarra Staff: �. ��n��-s, B. Her�ick, Lt. Leintz, C. Glass D. Allenbach, G. M�,rkus, P. �hen ABSENT - Commissioners: N. Howex� Staff: None � MOTION Ca.11 to Order by Chaia�ma.n Yaxger at 3:30 PM _ Pl�d.ge o� .Al�egiance Approval of �ug�.ast 9, 1989 NLi.nutes �IOTION D. Y�a.x°ger SE�70ND �. Sci�xra A� Una.n.imous ��� CAT�NDA�t l.. Request for the install�,tion of �ed curb at 1911 N. �Iain St. No discussion on this item. REC�II�ME:NDATIC�N: .�PPROVE flKOTION J. Fortier S�CJOND ]B. L�ix�g AYES Un,�n�mous 2. Request for the install�.tion of a driveway vision zone at 732 W. Grove Av�. -_ Janice Dowis 732 W. Grove Ave. Orange, CA 92665 No discussion on�this iter�. RECOMMFNDAT ION: �PR+OVE �iOTION J. F'orta.�r �F�Ol�1D �. I�ing AY�S Unaai�nous 3. Request for th� installation of a driveway vision zone at 613 Ee Palm Ave. Jerry Crabill 613 E, Palm A�e. Orange, C�. 92666 No discus�ion on this item. �TION J. Fortier SE�O�TD B. I�ming RE�COMNIENDATION: APl,RiOVE 1�.Y� Un�.nimous CITY OF ORANGE MIivUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CI�'Y TRAFFIC C�OMMISSIUN .� �ate of Meeting: S�ptember 13, 19�J MOTION 4. Requ�st far the installatian of a 'No Pa�^king Zone' an the ea.�t side of LaVe�t�. Park Cr. south of LaVeta Av�. Rab�xt Green . 53� �"J. LaVeta Ave. O�ange; CA 92668 Dick Yarger - Are there any recorded accidents at this location? Lt. Leintz - None Dick Yarger - Are there any records of pledestrians hit by matorists because thes� Gars are p�.rked here? Chuck Glass - None ; Dick Yarger - I'm nat in favor of this; I b�lie�e the basis of his request � is tca allow acce�s �for the stree�t sweeper to b� abl� to �et in and clean th� � street. I think we shauld hold off on this request until we s�e if the City Council will pass a c�ty-wide ordinance prohibiting on-street parkin� du.ring �t�°eet sw�eepin� operations and see if this woulcdn't resolve his problems. � �,ECOMIUIEI�TUAT ION: DEI�Y � �dOiTIODT D. Y�rger 5�0(JND �. Sci�r�°a. AYES Un�.nimous � A.. Adjourn to ti'Vo�rk Study Session 3:45 PM �dO�TION D. Yaxger S�OND J. Fo�tier 1�Y�S LTn�.n;r�nn�s B. R�convene City 'T�affic Cornmi�sian N��etin� - 4:48 PM , -- RECONIl��IENDATION: Tha.t the City Traffic Co�iss�.on �en�d a request to the City Ctaun.cil that they consider a city-wide ardinanee for 'IVQ PARKING' from 7 - 11 A� an street s�eeping cla.ys; a,nd t�a,� �he regulax �Tedrse�day street sw�ping rout� be the initi�al axea. po5ted. for such a restriction. Dir�t �� st�:f f to prepare appropri�.te r+eport. • �TIO]l� � D. Ya,�er � S�ND F. Sciarra , AYES Unani�ous C. ADJOUR,NNt�I�T 4:55 PI�