06-21-1989 - Minutes TC r CITY OF ORANGE ; MINUTES OF A �AR MEETING i ' CITY TRAE�'IC OL1lyMISSIQv . Date of Meeting: _ June 21, 1989 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Corr�nissioners: D. Yarger, D. Turner, F. Sciarra, J.� Fortier � Staff: B. Dennis, R. Herrick, Lt. Leintz, C. Glass . ' i�, Allenbach, P. Then ABSENT - Commissioners: �• �w�� Staff: . , , MOTION Correction to 5/24/89 Minutes: R. Herrick, Asst. City Attarney was in attendance � and not L. Rodriguez. APgro�a� o� M�� �4, 198� �inutes as Corrected M(7rION D. Yarge� . S�OOND F. Sciar.� � Ay� Una.nia� QOATSENT CALE[�Il)AR . . l. Request for the installation �of intersection vision zones at Palm Ave. and . - - �`YPress St. , � Traf�ic Engineering Division � � v Ci ty of �Orange RECOrJIlVIENDATION: APPROVE MC7rION D. Turne� � � S�ID F. Scia,rr� A� Un�,n;mrn�� 1 �. Request for the installation of a driveway vision zone at 1201 E. Katella i- Oran�e National Bank 1201 E. Katella Ave. � � Orange, CA 92667 , . REOOI��VIENDATION: APPI�OVE M(nIC�T D. 1'urn�:.� .: S�OOND F. Sciar� AYES 'Una ni rm� 3. Request for the installation of red curb on the north side of Maple Ave. at Portola Jr. High School. Phil. Stein, Ralph's #8 1435 Vd. Chapman Ave. Orange, CA 92667 � : RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE ; . . MOTION D. Z'urner . . � . . - S�OOND F. Sciarr . . ' � � AYES Un�ni rrr�i� ; .� CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING ' � CITY TRAFFi� COd�'IMISSION , oate of Meeting: June 21, 1989 MOTION C�NSENT C'.AT,F.NF�AR (�on�°d.) - 4. Request for the installation of a driveway vision zone at 2740 N. Ca.nal St. Althea Clark _ 2740 N. Canal St. . Qr�,ng�.�... ��.. 926G�. .�.. . . . �EOOMMA�IDATION: APPRI�VE MOTION D. Turner ��C)OrID F. Sciarra � AYES Un,�,ni m�a�.fi OONSIDII3ATION IT�LS � , { A. Request for discussions on concerns .expressed by Barbara DeNiro regarc�ing ! the area bounded by Tustin St. , Callins Ave. , Ca.mbridge St. and Katella Ave. � �a.rba.�a- �??eN;ro . . . . . . . . ,. ,� . .. . .... . . . . . :`r 1118 E. Adams Ave. Orange, CA 9266? . � Dick Yarger - If you ha,ve specific items please put them in letter form so • ' i,hat they can l�e� put in the Agenda and acted on. �� � �� Ba.rbara DeNiro - ti"�e want you �o help us do something with these concerns; ma.ybe a right-turn only or cul-de-sac our street. � Joe Fortier - `'le need you to make some specific requests for action in le�t:�r sQ..,we can. ��aerform traf f i�.,studies �o.alleviate, ��e: problem. But your letter as it is wriltten doesn't allow us to do anything. - � Ba.rbara DeNiro - People are running the STOP sigr�s at Cambridge `and �T�.tella. We want some relief from tYais by-pass traffic or either cul-de-sac the � str��t, ar right-in and right-out o��l�r: • reople ga�u�.our street=to ;et to the Post Office rather than Tustin St. tiYe ha;ve two �schols in the area and _ . that makes about 200-300 cars daily. Bernie Dennis - We counted 26 items in your letter. If you wan� a Neighborhood Preservation Study just tel us noiv. No matter what we would � have had in. f ront of Ca.sey's house i t would not have ma.de any di f f erence, the end result would ha.ve been the same. _2_ i . ; . . ; ,... ., ._ . ... . . _ - ., .._. .. .., _ .. , ... , . . �. � .... .. .,.. ... . .. _. ._:... : ....._ _. ... ,.. rt r� � CITY OF ORANGE , ,, MII�tUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C�ONA'IISSiia.V t���� o f Mee t i ng: June 21, 1989 - MOTION OONSIDEftATIOI�T ITIIr�S (Cont'd.) - Dave Allenbach - We have been out in the area and have had the trees trimmed that are obstructing STOP signs. tiVe don't put speed limit signs in residentia� �.reas beca.use its prima facia a:nd OPD can enforce it without ° signs. At Cambridge/Adams there is a crown in the roa.dway, we plan to install a STOP AHEAD sign here. All pavement legends and ma.rkings axe being looked at and re-painted. � ���� Ralph Garman - We need .to discourage this thru traffic. No Left Tu.rn signs northbound Tustin at Adams. Lt. i,eintz - ti'�e do work �4da�s S�.� as much as any othe�r street. t {. Ca.sey Burns - Qur house was hilt. I go along with most of the thinas that I have be�n ��oug�t up. Cambridge traffic in the evening is the ��orst. � Traffie turning onto Tustin is bad. Its a very dangerous corner. . � - _ i . RECOMMENDATIOI�T: 1) Approve physical mitigation measures recommended by ( � staff. � - 2) Direct- staff to prepare a report to the City Council ., asking if they will consider this request to authorize � a Neighborhood Preservation Study be undertaken. MOTION- D. Yarger S�00Nll D. Tu,rner � AYES Unani rrrrn�:� B. Request. for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of P,�ain St. and Sycamore Ave. Mrs. DeLeon 270 N. Hemlock St. - Orange, CA 92667 . s� No discussion on this item. - RECO&�VIENDAT ION: DENY 11�OTION D. Yarger S�C70ND D. Turner AYES Un�.ni rmus - C. Request for the installation of a1l-way STOP signs at the intersection of Chestnut Ave. and Shaffer St. - Mary Ann Taylor ;'�27; E. Chestnut Ave. : � ` Orange, �A 92667 . _3_ : CITY OF ORRNGE MINUTE� OF A REGUGAR MEETING �� � CITY TF2AFFIC QOf�9ISSION tlate of Meeting: June 21, 1989 . MOTION CX?NSIDgtATION IT�dS (Cont�a.� ' - Sandra Benuzzi - If you feel there is not enaugh traffic on the street you should have been there last nilght. There was one boy hit by a truck last month. We don't think a STOP on Shaffer will help. Maybe you could close off Chestnut at GlasseTl and� provide emergenc� access. Our problem ils not the amount of traffic but the type o� traffic and its speeds. Meg Vanti'Jyte - A semi-truck on its way thru the neighborhood. I think a STOP sing at Shaffer would not help the traffic. _ - -- � Dick Yarger - What time of the day,.is the problem the greatest? . i�eg �anW�rte - La.te afternoon and early evening.. When tye STOP light at Taft � and G�assell gets backed up they cut thru and there is not speed limit sign I posted on Chestnut from Glassell. . ; � I �� Dick Yarge� - What time was the count taken? � Dave Allenbach - 2:30- 3;30 PPdI count was taken, when the kids get out of �chool. . . Dick Ya��ger - Do you have any experience of �iolations in this area? � Lt. Leintz - v�e have worked the area in the last two weeks and there ha.ve not been.many speeding violations. � Dick Yaxger - Truck traffic on this street? � Ba.v��A�leMb�:���- This is no� a truck route street. � � •- � - � Fran� Sciarra - I think we should to a little further study. Joe Foust - If there is nat enough traffic to put in a STOP sign we shouldn't gut one in because a STOF sign does not control speeds, it assigns right-of-way. � Chuck Glass - Studies have been done and find that STOP signs control speeds � for up to 200 ft. and then they will increase. � Dic� �arger - Lt. Leintz can you put out a fe�v more officers in the Iate afternoons to enforce the speeds. Bernie Dennis -. About 18 months ago and for the 18 months before that we were in the NP� for Chestnut east of �a.r�brid�e. After all was said and done � � about �0%� of the residents elected nat•�-t���ave the� street clased because it � increases your traffic by neighborhood motorists. MO�ION F. Sciarra . . RECOb���IENDATION: D]�1Y � S�OOND J. Fortier AYES Unani.mous _ -�,� _ _ , f , -- .-. ,........ _ _ . , ..,_.,r _. CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC CONA9ISSION Oate of Meeting: June 21, `198'� ` MOTION C)ONSIDEftATION IT�dS (Cont'd.) D. Request for the installation of 'No Stopping Anytime-Tow Away° restrictions at various locations on Katella Ave. between the west city limits a.nd California St. Traffic Engineering Division C�ty of Orange � , Barbara Deviro - I am happy to hear this because this was not addressed at, the General Plan hearing and that traffic will bet worse and not better. Parking and bus b�ays on Tustin. I I What will .t�e curb lanes be like when you put in the six lanes and what will the driveways be like? I � I Bernie Dennis - Katella is classified as a major highway as Tustin is a primary. Katella is ZO ft. wider.. Katella curb lanes will be 19 ft. from � lane line to face of the eurb. At the critical intersections the curb side lane will be 14 ft. wide. Ma.in St. , Batauia St. , Glassell St. and Ka,tella Ave. - This phase is only the first part, the second �hase is intersection widening. Each will make these lanes 16 ft. wide. 25 ft, minimum wide driveways on major streets to allow ingress/egress at the same time. 3'he city not only encouraged wideing ' and consolidation of driveways but �e were going to �participate in providing . funding for such work and to date there have been no one interested. REOONIl��IENDATION: APP�OVE MCYrION D. Yarger S�C�OND F. Sciarra AYES Un,�,n-i mnus - E. Request for the installation of a `t�riveway vision zone' at 200 E. Ka.tella Ave. . �ECJq1��IENI)ATION: �ithdra�v ,t�.s:. .. � , �equest as thi.s tppe of �estriction will be , covered bp the app�oval of.the previo�us item #D. � MO�TION D. Yarger S�(70ND F. Sciarra AYES Un�,ni rm� F. Recess to 7 PM Executive Session. _5_ .