01-18-1989 - Minutes TC , CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY 2'RAF'FIC COrM+IISSION � Date of Meeting: January 18, 1�89 � ROLL CALL: PRESENT � Commissioners: D. Yarger, D. Turne�c, 1�. ��.umann, � F. Sciarra, J. Fortier - Staff: B. I�emnis, G. Minshew, Lt. Leintz, C. Glass, D. Al l�nbach, P. T'h.en ABSENT - Commissioners: None Staff: None � MOTION �r�0i�3 Q��' 1989 T� OF.�'IC.E�,S 1. Ch�,i.rr��.n - Richarcl Yarger �TIO� �. Ba.�ann ��Y� D. �.`urner AY�S ITna.n��s �. Vice-Chairman - Rich�,rd Turner �TION �. Yar��r S�701'�lD M. Bauma.nn AY� U:naaaimauis CXJ�SE'1� CAT�DAR l. Request �c�r the installation af a pedestrian crosswa,lk v�.sio�i zon� at Fine St. and Almond Ave. Tra.��ic Fr�g:i.neering D�.visian City o� Qra�.ae �ION �I. Bau�an� S�OOND F. Sciaxra �ECC)il�Ei'�DATION: APP'1�+OVE AYES Unanimous - 2. Reque�t for th� installation of red curb at Palm A�v�, a.�d I��agnolia St. Artha R. Wi lbex° 12�8 E. palm Ave. Oran�e, CA. 92666 RECOIVIh�ENDA'�ION: APPROV� �IO� �. Ba.u�� ��Il3� �. �S�ia.�a �iY� Un�.ni�o� 3. Req,uest for the insta.11�.tion �f a driveway visia�. zan� a� 300 V�. Lincoln Ave. Dan Jacobs M�obil Ritz Mobile Home Park 3t�0 �8. Lincoln Av�. Qrange, CA �2665 �ION �. B�.� ��O�D F. �c���a RECONIM�NDAT I4N: Ap'PR�J� ..�ilY�►.S ���.�t� � CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRP�FFIC C.�ONIl►9ISSION �ate of Meeting: Janu�.�cy 18, 1�89 M(�'ION ()O�TS��N'T C�I)� U��1'.�INITED 4. Request f�r the �.nst�.11ation a� 'No Parking - Nionday f�o� 7-11:3� Al�' on both sides of Oak St. f rom Palm Ave. ta �"�alnut Av�. &eatric� Turn��r 346 N. Oa,k �t. Orang�, CA 92667 �OTION �I. �i�mann ��OOND F. Sci�.rra RECUN�NTENDATION: APPR�DVE A� Una�ni�ous 5. �equest for th� install�.�iox� o� 'I�otarcycle' parking �talls in the Plaz�. a�ea. R�ver�nd Le� Truman �'�.rst United �ie�thodist Chur�h � � ].61 S. Orang�; St. �dO�TION � fl�. B�,uma.�.n S�CJOND � �. Sciarra �ECON�.EIoTDAT I ON; �lPP��"= A�.S �T�.�a�u� �. �.�qu��t fe�r ir�stall�.t�a�. of a STOP con.t�col devi.�� a� the intersection o� Pearl St. and Mc Pherson Rd. T'raf�i.c Engin�ering Divison City �f tJrar�ge �IO�ION �. Balvn�.� ��J�iD F. Sci.arr�. REC;OI�II�ENUAT I ON: 1�PPR+OV� AYES iJ�i�ious OONSIDE�ATION IT�S A. Installation of 'Na Fa�ki�g Anytime' rest�i.�t�ions on both sides af Mc Phersan - Raad fr�am C;hapman Ave. to its nax�th�rn terr�inus. Tx°af f ic Engin�erin� Div�sion �ity of Ora�.�e D�SCUSSIQN: Ni�.1. E11�.Q�t - I que�tian th� legality of t�.is ord.�.�a�.�.c� a.nd then t�� stre�et being wid� enou�h far th��e tand�m tr�.ck traffic, an� u.�til th� str�et i� built ou� Y think you sho�.ld prohibit th�s truck traffic. B�rnie Denn�.s - �'Vhat w� are px°oposi�.� is to �i�.v� a s�.fe situatio�. far �vhat we hav� ��.�ht r�aw. It is pro�aosed ta �viden l�c Phersa�. +�n �th� e�.�t side of the stx�eet ta �. �6-4.0 ft. road�vay. Ad.�ditian�.11y, we do �ot envision Mc Phex�s�n b�in� a cc�nti�ual access to the aspha.lt �lant. �n��e are pl�,n� in t�e wo�k� �ow th.at will �et ��Ic Pher��n �ack to �.ts �ori�in�.11y d.esi�n�d use. -2- CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C.'OPM7ISSIOfiI �ate of Meeting: Januax��18, 198�J MOTION ()OATSIDE[�ATTIOi� IT� (�O1�TIN(lED Ste�e Nicho�li - We work eveninOs and w�ekend.s and on-street �ark.�ng is more conven�.ent far our office than th� on-site parking which is provided at our bu.ilding. I wauld like to suggest tha�t you allaw parking on the e�.st �ide of the street and that you change the exist�ng pa.rking r�str�.c�ions �.nd re�tore it wo allow parking at all times. Bernie Dennis - We don't know and have no control a.s to when the trucks op�rate. The whale idea is to make do �or as s��rt a period of time �.s possible. We w�.11 probably have a better handl� on the �time befor� the imp�ovem�nts will be cor��tructed at the next City Council r�eeting. The Conrock prc�perty allawed .access to the asphal-t plant but this access was �limi�.ated when the property chan�ed. hands. Your recomm�ndation should include the swe�gin� of Me Phe�san Rd. by th� asphalt plant. � � Chuck Keeling - �le hav2 plans to pave the dirt roar� wh�.ch will eliminate � al�-� of the dust and dirt problems. We dQ s�me Satur�ay work of about 100 tru.ck� a d.ay. Dav� Allenbach - A year ago it was brou.�ht to our attention that there is limi���d visibility at n.ight seeing the drainage ditch anc� the driveway, and if anyone was park�d north of the g�.s �tation you couldn't see. To correct. this si�uatio�,, the edgeline, red curb and r�flectar paddl�s were installed on the east si.de of the str�et. R�OO�DATION: R�emove red curb and the northeast side of �c Pherson Rd. . north af the ga� sta�tion drivewa� to all�ow the parking of one cax a.s long a.s . it doesn°t disturb the reflector� which wer� inst�,lled to insure sight �clista.nc� of the dra.inag� d�tch. Approve request to re�ove all oth�r paxka.ng on �c Ph�r,�or�. Rd. � MOTION D. Yarger . ��OND D. Tur�.er . AY�►S Una�imous B. Request to prohibit l�ft turn� on Katella Ave. between the SR 55 Freeway and Tu�tin Stree�. Barbara De Nira 111� E. Adams Ave. O�ra.n�e, CA 9��6? _3e CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � CITY TRAFFIC C�OI�+II+9IS5IO�I �ate of Meeting: January l�, 19$9 MOTION C�NSII�II�A'�ION ITEEi�S (JUNTI�iUID: Pat :Bc�one -. Alat of aur patients have to make a lef t turn into aur buildin�. ti1�en they come into the building its nat during tYa�e peak hours in the � morning �ut so�n�tirnes they do run i.nto problems i.n. th� after�oan peak hours e � Wl�en t�e signal change� there is a gap in th� traffic for l�ft turns �.t the same ti�ne. Take down some af the wall to make reciprocal access into the othe� parts of the shopping center. The own.er° of the p�operty approached th� shopp�.n� center about access because they want to add onto the building. Ann�. AkQr�s - We see about 35-40 patients �, day, ar�d alot of them are elderly people. If you �.re camming out of the west �nd of the ce�ter its e�sier to make a righ� and th�n tc� move over t� make a lef t Ll-turn. Arco . Statian - I'm concerned vaith the .peop]Le coming out and the c�nter di�ride�� and most of my p�op1P wa.nt to g�t back an the freeway and there s isn't much traffic on Katell�. �.t that time of the day. Presented a petition � by hi� cus�tomers opposing the suggested a�tion - �ubm�tted to the recard. Chevron Station. - For r�y needs it would be best to come out of �y driveway and get into the lane and make a U-turn. Dan Boyl�e - Alot of the p�°oblems are ereated �rhen th.e traf f ic is �alid. • Maybe you coulc� pu.t in a 'Keep Clear' zone where you have hte left turns, it might h�lp. R�aO�DATION: Implement the request to prohibit left �.irns on Katel�a � Ave. between the SR 55 F�reew�.y and 7.'ustin St. o�. a TRIAL �A,�IS using signs _ �d pa.int; a.n.d re�-evaluate the �ffectiveness in 3-5 months, an.d if it is working put in a rais�d �enter m�dian in conj��tion with the �AU project s�cb.ed�ed to begin Oc�k:ob�r 195�. � �ION F. �ciarr�. S�OND D. Tur.m.er � AY� Un,an.i�atas �. 6:00 P.M. - �Adjc�urnment ta Executiv�e Session D. 6:3� P.Mv - Adjournment -4-