10-10-1990 - Minutes TC � � 4 i 1 ' I � i � ' ' CtTY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRA�FIC C�ONIlVIISSION Date of Meeting: October 10, 1990 ROLL CALL - PRESEN� - Commissioners: J. Fortier, N. Hower, B. Leming, F. Sciarra ABSENT - Commissione�cs: D. Yarger PRESENT - Staff: B. Dennis, Sgt. B. Weinstein, B. Herrick C. Glass, D. Allenbach, R. Gardner, P. Then Commissioner Fortier acted as Chairman of the Meeting Commissioner Leming left today at 4:45 p.m. _ I. .APPROVAL OF �INUTES: September 12, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: Approve min.utes as published. by Recording Secretary. M(�TION - F. Sciarra SECOND - B. Leming AYES - Unanimous II. C�ONSENT CAL�NDAI� Items number 1 and 3 were removed from eonsent calendar and were heard s�parately. 2. Request for installation of 'No Parking-Tuesday 7-11:30 a.m. Street Sweeping' signs on both sides of the 200 block of N. Stevens St. Laura Clyde 214 N. Stevens St. Orange, CA 92668 RECONIlI2ENDATION: APPROVE MOTION - B. Leming SECOND - F. Sciarra AYES - Unanimous 1. Request for the installation af a dri�eway vision zone at 146 W. Westwa.y Ave. Phyllis Stratton 146 W. Westway Ave. Orange, CA 92665 Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Discussion on this item was as follows: 10/10/90 CTC Minutes - Cont'.d. S. M. Needle - 134 W. Westway Ave. - We oppose the. proposed red zone as it will take away approx. 17 ft. of parking. We appose this because of the limited space of parking due to a fire hydrant that is to the east of our residence, plus a previous. br.eak-in to a car that parked across the street. We request that you move the fire hydrant which would cost $3,750 to move the hydrant to the west of the driveway, a,n.d we would like �he city to pay _for this. - Bernie Denn�s - A red curb in a -residen�tial area is primarily to advise , those not familiar wi.th the area that you cannot park in a particular spot. Anyone who parks their vehicle so that it overhangs a driveway is su.sceptible to a citation wheth�r or not the curb is painted red, and in certain circumstances is also susceptible to the car being towed. away. We are not funded for relocating a fire hydrant and we would not be interested in getting involved in that kir�d of an activity. If the - residents in the area feel they can get better utilization of their on-st�eet parking by relocating that fire hydrant its fine, but the hydrant was put in place at the time the homes were built and as the � owner I would assume you would .know the fire hydr�,nt was there when you moved in, so if you feel strongly about relocating it feel free to pursue that, but understand that it would be done at your expense. Phyllis Stratton - 146 W. Westway - We would like to have the red curb because we c�,n't put out the trash when someone is parked here and also to allow the street sweeper a chance to get in and do his job. We would appreciate this red curb very much. Commissioner Leming - I am concerned with the sight distance and that there is a parking problem using the str�et for parking, which I feel could be alleviated by using the garage for parking. Many people don't realize that when you have a garage that's considered part of your off-street parking. We understand you will occasianally have over-fill and park in the street but the garage and driveway are a part of youx on-site parking and would probably resolve your problem, certainly it would make your cars alot safer. RECOMMENDATION: APPR�OVE the request for a drivewa.y vision zone. MOTION - B. Leming SE�OND - F. Sciarra AYES - Un.animous 3. Request for the installa.tion of an intersection vision zone: on Heim Ave. at the private street of Heim Way. Louise Haribe 1420 H�im Way #A Orange, CA 92665 Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Discussion on this item was as follows: 10/10/90 CTC Minutes - Cont'd. Louise Haribe - 1420 Heim Way #A - This is very dangerous when a truck or van is parked here and we can't see whe� making a left turn out of the street. It's also dangerous for school age children trying to cross the st�eet and if someone is parked here you cauldn't see them trying to cross the street to the bus stop. REOOMMENDATION: APPR�OVE request for an intersection vision z�one. - MOTION - F. Sciarra SECOND - N. Hower � AYES - Unanimous III. OONSIDE[iATION ITF�+IS A. Request for the installation of 'No Stopping .Anytime-Tow Away' restrictions on Collins Ave. from Batavia, St. to Glassell St. and the installation of left-turn lanes. Cit� of Orange Traffic Engineering Division Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Discussion on this item was as follows: Denise Rehder - 618 W. Collins - I am going to have to make my fr.ont yard into a parking lot and it will interfere with my kennel business. I think there is a law that says you can't park within so ma.ny feet of your s�.dewalk? Bernie Dennis - City ordinance prohibits parking in the front yard set back. Because it is a planning ma.tter it would require a variance, t�rpically this would be taken to the Planning Commission or to the Planning Dept. by the Traffic Divisian on behalf of the applicant and , process it that way. (looked at her plans) T�ie Commission could: A) Continue this item B) Adhere to the recommendation to prohibit parking and let this stand. We would pursue this for the applicant. Bill Burns - 606 W. Collins - I also own and train dogs and I use my front lawn for train�ng purposes, and if I i�ave to remove a wall and trees to put in parking, I laose the opportunity to train the animals on grass. There's alot of traffic on this street and it looks as if we making it into another Katella Ave. Where are all the�e left turns going to anyway? 10/10/�0 CTC Minutes - Cont'd. Dave Allenbach - L�ft turn lanes will service the side streets along -- Collins Ave. namely Olive, Lemon and Cypress and the continuous left-turn lane will service the many driveways alang Collins to the many businesses in this section. Presently anyone wishing to turn left must stop in the number one lane and allow traffic to pass before making their turn, when this happens one af two things occur; you have a potential for rear-end accid�nts or you lower the capacity of the number one lane. During peak - hours you end up with a very slow flow of traffic and we're trying to clear up the problem. Bill Burns - I think these traffic jams occur when the trains are going � through. RECOMMENDATION: I would like to see the cit� work with the property � owners on their parkir�g problems and assist them. API�tOVE the request. - MOTION - B. Leming SECOND - N. Hower AYES - Unanimous B. Request for the installation of rumble strips on Valley Glen Lane ea.st of Nohl Ranch Road. Mrs. Bruce Billington 2236 Valley Glen Lane Orange, CA 92667 Oral presentation was based on the w�itten staff report, please refer to your copy. Discussion on this item was as follows: Larry LeDoux - 2222 Valley Glen Ln. - I approve your denial, I am here to find out the result of the speed study were, and the other criteria utilized in coming up with this denial. Dave Allenbach - �Ye were measuring speed during the weekend as most of the usage of the tennis courts are used mare at that time. Over a 24-hour period there were 124 vehieles on this section of roa.d and only 3 vehicles were observed in excess of 55 MPH. The 85th percentile on this street, however, is 28 MPH the average speed is 21 MPH and a total of 64% of the vehicles were travelling at a speed of between 16-25 MPH. With this information it was our opinion that rumble strips would not be needed. Furthermore rumble strips were designed to alert the motorist of � an upcoming roadway condition that is not readily visible, they were not designed to control speed and at this time the best way to control speed is through police enforcement. RECOMMENDATION: DENY the request. MOTION - N. Hower SECOND - B. Leming AYES - Unanimous 10/10/90 CTC Minutes - Cont'd. C. Request for the installation of 'No Stopping Anytime-Tow Away' - - - - --r-est�i�tion-s--on both--sides--o-f-Katella-:A�e:—fr-om the--cente�line-o-f--the----------- railroad tracks west of Glassell St. to 200 ft. west of Manzanita St. City of Orange Redevelopment Agency Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to - your copy. Discussion on this item was as follows: Arthur Nisson - 525 W. Ka.tella - You're going to put in a signal and I want to know if U-turns will be allowed at this signal? Bernie Dennis - Yes they will .be. � Arthur Nisson - I have no problem with the parking removal just as loz�g -- as some access is retained for our property and I think a U-turn will do it. � Hal Pappano - 615 W. Katella (owner) - Unlike the other properties arou.nd our we do not have a parking lot in front of the building, out lot is in the rear of our property and the on-street parking is very valuable. . Jacki Jahr - 615 W. Katella (Mr. Bean Bag) - Most of our business depends on the on-street parking availability. It is very difficult to get to the rear of the property to park even though we ha,ve put out signs directing patrons to the rear of the building. The window is the draw and is what induces people to come into the store. Other discussion ensued and the following options were discussed: l) Install 'time limit' parking on Manzanita in proximity to Katella. 2) Shorten the parking removal area. 3) Look into parking bays on both sides of Man.zanita. REC�OMMENDATION: APPI�OVE the request and direct staff to investigate the options discussed. MOTION - F. Sciarra SEC�OND - B. Lema.ng AYES - Unanamous 10/10/90 CTC Minutes - Cont'd. D. Request for the installation of a 'Handicapped" parking space at — - -- 2210 E:-Dana Ave.---- -- Carol Liebich - 2210 E. Dana Ave. Orange, GA 92667 Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to � - - your copy. Discussion on this item was as follows: There were several speakers who indicated that this is a cul-de-sac with � extremely limited on-street parking availability and all of the residents of the street ha.ve the same difficulty if finding a place to park, there are a total of 5 park�.ng spaces available. The city ordinance prohibiting diagonal parking was explained. Trie proponent then requested that perhaps the handicapped parking space be installed on Sacramento St. south af Dana Ave. which while not exactly what they want is more desirable than nothing at all; and while it's not out of the question we would ha,ve to notify `that property owner of this action and also that the improvement to the parkway strip would have to be ma.de. RECOMMENDATION: Continue direct staff to look inta the situation. MOTION - J. Fortier SECOND - F. Sciarra AYE� - Unanimous E. Request for the installation of 'Slow - Children At Play' signs on the 700 block of S. Park Vine St. Diane Sminion 736 S. Park Vine St. Orange, CA 92668 Oral presentation was based on the written report, please refer to your eopy. There was no discussion on this item. RECOMMENDATION: DENY the request. MOTION - N. Hower SECOND - F. Sciar�a AYES - Unanimous 10/10/90 CTC Minutes - Cont'd. IV. OI�AL PI�ESENTATIONS A. At the conclusion of the. meeting of items listed on this Agenda, members of the pu.blic ma.y address the City Traffic Commission regarding items of : interest to the public that are within the subject jurisdiction of the City Traffic Commission. . - 1. -Bernie Dennis = At the City Council meeting yesterday evening -at the � request of Mrs. Barbara DeNiro, the Council directed the CTC to review her request, their request, a request for a signal at Quincy and Tustin, i.e., in f�ont of the post office. Council directed that this review occur taday at our meeting. . In confQrmance with the Brown Act, the CTC can discuss any issue that they wish to, they can make observations, they can listen to testimony, b�t until this item is formally agendized and __ _ ___pro�er notification is issued, the CTC cannot take �.n action. _ __ _ __ Commissioner Fortier - I would like to ha.ve a status report on this because we usually don't operate without more facts and better - informa,tion before we make any recommez�dations. I would make th� reco�mendat'ion th�,t we get a status report and put this item on for another CTC meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Continue to next meeting and direct staff to prepare status report. MOTION - J. Fortier _ SECOIVI� - F. Sciarra AYES - Unanimous Barbara DeNiro, 1118 E. Adams Ave. - I brought this up because we had anather injury accident last Wednesday night, and I wanted to know what progress had been ma.de regarding this signal. B. Adjournffient - 5:07 p.m.