09-12-1990 - Minutes TC fi i t CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC (70�i�ISSIO�N Date of Meeting: September 12, 1990 � ROLL CALL - PRESENT - Coinmissianers: D. Yarger, J. Fortier, B. Leming, - F. Sciarra ABSENT - Commissioners: N. Hower PR,�SENT - Staff: B.Dennis, Sgt. B. Weinstein, B. Herrick, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, R. Gardener, P. Then �. APP�OVAL OF MI�: August 8, 1990 _ RE�OMMENDATION: Approve minutes as gublished by R�ording S+ecretary. � MOTION - F. Sciarra SEOOND - J. Fortier AYES - Unanimous II. CjONSENT CALE[�IDAR None this meeting. TII. OONSID�ATION ITIII�S A.. Request for the installation of 'No Stopping Anytime - Tow Away' on Collins Ave. from Batavia St. to Glassell St., and the installation of � left-turn lanes. City of Orange Traffic Engineering Division Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Discussion on this item was as follows: Stephe Marquart/606 W. Collins Ave. - We ha.ve clients coming and going all day �ong. We rrave spa.Ge for one cax in the driveway which is very steep anyway and so we rely on the street for pa.rking for our customers. Bernie Dennis - One of the suggestions ma.de during the CUP a number of years ago was that if th� �ennel were to continue at tha.t location under ' that format then they should provide paxking. The concept of removing parking an Collins is not new, we've talked about it :for years. Is there anyt�iing on-site tha.t would allow for parking. Commissioner Leming - How many dog runs do you ha.ve? ` ��1�/90 CTC Minutes - Cont'd. k Ste_phe Ma.rquart - We have 29 runs. We provide grooming and boa.rding services. Bernie Dennis - Cauld a side-to-side driveway looping across your property with a loa.ding area, be developed, either individua,lly with your pa.rcel or in conjunction with your neighbor be possible? � - Stephe Marqua.rt - We are in direct competition with each other and I don't think that physica.11y there is enough raom to� install such a driveway. �hairman Yarger - If you would like we can ask the Traffic Engineering Dept. to come^out and see if they can h�lp yc�u come up with a solution of on-site pa,rking. You and your adjacent neighbor may be in direct competition but with the new development going on the on-stre�t pa.rking - will be removed and you won't have any on-street paxking at all. Bernie Dennis - We can have someone come out within the next week to look at this with you. Denise Rehder/618 W. Collins - This would be a real problem for my business if there is not paxking on Collins Ave. I ha.ve a garage and two spa.ces in the driveway and my 2 employees park on the street. The business next to me ha,ve their employees park on the street, and the employees at the bus terminal pa,rk on the street and then walk to the bus terminal. I do have a front yard which we use for exercising the animals and training classes, so its important tha.t we have a grass area available. There is no room in the reas as its all dennels there. Commissioner Sciarra - I think Mr. D�nnis' suggesstion should be heeded and tha.t you either put in a paxking bay or a circular drive with a � pa.rking area on-site that would help your customers. I don't see any other avenue here. Denise Rehder - If we did anything like this it would be at our ex,pense, but what about any new sidewalk, drive approach - do we pay for that as well? Bernie Denis - Yes it would be your expense. The typical cost of a parking bay for three stalls not including the brick work is $25,000. � Let us meet with the two property owners involved and we ca.n bring this back in October. R�.��OI�IDATION: Co�.tinue this for 30 days and have Tra,ffic Engineeri.ng staff talk �i.th the �tw�o ProPerty o�vners. MOTION - D. Yarger SEQOND - F. Sciarra AYES - Unanimous 9/,12'�9Q GTC Minutes - Cont'd. , B-. Request for the installation of restricted or limited parking on the ea.st side of the 500 block of N. Cypress St. Gilbert Vasquez 5522 N. Cypress St. Qrange, CA 92666 Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Discussion on this item was as follows: Rafaela Garcia/569 N. Cvpress - Why the restriction time on the east side which is residential we ha.ve mc�re caxs than we can put inside, and we will be the ones who will be penalized. I suggested permit pa.rking. ^ Chairman Yarger - Most of the areas in the city don't qualify for paxking permit programs. �ilbert Vasquezj555 N. Cypress - The employees fram the surrounding companies park in front of the residential units so we can't park here. And the residents need to be able to park during the day. Bernie �ennis - In view of wha.t you'�re indicated we, over the years, ha;ve encountered many limited parking zones in this kind of a condition. Ad,�acent to an industrial use or more frequently an apa.rtrnent use, but its the same thing. What would you and the CTC think about extending the limits a bit and talking about restricting the pa�king on a 4-Hour basis. Maybe putting that kind of restriction in place ma.ybe from 9 a.m. until 3 ar 5 p.m. That would prevent the people corning in in� the morning from parking on your side of the street, it would moee the time period where the guys running out and moving their cars around but if it's heavily parked they'r� not going to have anywhere to move the ca,rs anyway. It would also be se.lf-cQrrecting to the industrial users, if they don't ha.ve of f-site parking they are going to try to f ind on-site pa.rking - and try it for 6 months, we ha.ve no objection to a trial period. RECOMNIENDAT I QN: Continue 30 da.ys, have Traf f ic Engi.neering �lo some mor�e study and perha:ps a Origin/Destinatic�n license pla.te study. MOTION - D. Yarger SEQOND - J. Fortier AYES - Unanimous IV. ORA�, P�ENTATION Public Participation - At the conclusion of the meeting of items listed on today's Agenda, members of the public ma,y address the City Traffic Commission regarding items �f interest to the public that are within the su.bject jurisdiction of the Ci�y Traffic Commission. None presented. �� A�djournment - 5:30 p.m.