06-13-1990 - Minutes TC � CITY QF ORANGE NSINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC G'�ISSION Dat� of Meeting: June 13, 1990 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Fortier, N. Hower, B. Leming F. Sc�.arra 1�BSENT - Commissioners: None PRESENT - Staff B. Dennis, Officer J. Gray, B. Herrick C. Glass, D. Allenbach, P. Then I. OO1tTSEL�iT CALEi�TTDAR l. Request for the extension of �.n existing '20 Minute' time limit green zone on the south side of Stewart Dr. east of Main St. N�ain Street Florist 405 S. Main St. Orange, CA 926C8 There was no discussion on this item. R�C70lI�NDATION: APPROVE the request. MOTIQN - D. Yarger SECQND - B. Leming AYES - Unanimr�us 2. Request for th.e installation of 15 MPH speed limit signs and 'Watch Far Children' signs on VanOwen Ave. east of T�.stin St. June Wimer 1918 E. VanOwen Ave. , #A Orange, CA 92�67 There w�.s no discussion on this item. REIGO�DATION: DEN� the request. MUTION - D. Yarger SECOND - B. Leming AYES - Unanimous 3. Request for the installation of a `No Right Turn On Red' restriction on Katella Ave. at Struck Av�. Eleanor B. Whipple 1744 W. Katella Ave., #26 Orange, CA 9�667 Th,ere was no discussion on this item. R�OONIlI�OTDATION: DENY the request. MOTION - D. Yarger SECOND - B. Leming AXES - Unanimous -2- 6/13/90 CTC Minutes - Cont'd. II. OONSIDERATION ITF�S A. Request to consi�er a proposed new ordinance to the Orange Municipal Code, Chapter 10.67 'Movement of Vehicles and Equipment' , which sets - guidelines for transportation permits and fees far oversize, overwei�ht vehic3es a�d equipment, and dirt hauling operations. Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange Phyllis Then - This proposed addition is in com�liance with passage of the State Legislature passing a assembly bill which becomes effective 7/1/90 and this ordinance enables our compliance. Historically, th�se permits have been issued as a Department policy through our Street Division and the dirt hauling has been a part of our Grading Ordinance, this new ordinance will make enforcement easier. The permit has been establi�hed by Caltrans and is acceptablP to �11 municipalities and the fee established by the State is also acceptablea R�O�ATION: API�OVE the new ordinance. MOTION - F. Sciarra SECONU - J. Fortier AYES - Unanimous B. I�equest for the installation of 'No Parking Friday 7-11 AM' for street sweeping purposes on bath sides of Highland St. betwe2n Collins Ave. and Adams Ave. ; and on both sides of Locust Ave. , Monroe Ave. an� Quincy Ave. betweer� Highland St. and their easterly and westerly terminuses. Carol A. Tadd 928 N. H�ghland St. Orange, CA �2667 T'here was no .discussion on this item. RF �:NDATION: APPROVE the request. MOTION - J. Fortier SECOND - F. Sciarra AYES - Unanir�aus C. Request �or the installation of a flashing amber warning light on Cambridge St. south of Carleton Ave. Joyce Lind�trom 1101 E. Carlton Ave. Orange, CA 92667 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to yo�a.r copy. -3- 6/13/90 CTC Minutes - Cont'd. Chairman Yarger - We want to make sure that the residents that exit that area dan't get feeling too comfortable that the amber light is going to be an automatic STOP for people, or that people will be aware of you caming out af that street and get careless. There has not }aeen any great accid�nt record there if they get careless now and we create a dara.gerous - situation. Joyce Lindstram - If you purchase that last house on Carleton Ave. it would eliminate the invisibility that we have right now. Maybe ave could put in 'Bots Dots' on the street to slow the traffic down right there and let them know something is coming up, and maybe that might be better than a flashing yellow light. Dave Allenbach - Mrs. Lindstrom is ref�rring to, I believe, rumble strips which are very effective in notifying peopl� of an upcoming hazard, however, they are extremely loud and I think that would be of a great concern to the person who live� on the corner and would hav� to listen to the sourid of oncoming traffic. iNe would not have a problem of installing them, however, if the Cammission is in favor of this device being installed we would �ecommend that we cantinue this to our next meeting so we can notify the person on the corner and make them �,ware of what might possibly happen. Chairman Yarger - What is the speed zone survey information at this locatian? Dave Allenbach - This se�tion of roadway is pc�sted for 30 MPH and the 85th percentile is 36 MPH and the average spe�d is 32 MPH, we did ha,ve a ra.nge of speed between 26-40 MPH laased on a random �ampling of 100 vehicles. Just north of there in the str�aight--away a similax speed zone survey yieldecl a 85th percentile of 44 MPH and a p�,ce speed of 33-42 NIPH, it°s our co�.t�ntion that the northbou.nd traffic is driving that section of road in a safe a.r�.d prudent �na.nner for the canditions, if ther� were a speeding problem at all it would be north of Carleton. Joyce Lindstrom - I would request that the next time you meet regarding this issue that you notify all 39 residents along Ca.rleton as every one of them are actively involved in this issue. R�l00MMENDATTON: C)O1�TINUE to 8/8/90 meeting and provide full notifi�a,tion of all 39 residents on the street. MOTION - D. Yarg��r SECOND - B. Leming AYES - Unanimous D. Request for the installation of a 'One Hour Parking' zones on the west side of Classell St. and on the north side of Sycamore Ave. in proximity to 402 and 410 N. Gla�sell St. Joseph M. Cervantes, Ph.D. Dr. Ned Khorey 410 N. Glassell �t. 410 N. �lassell St. Orange, CA 92666 Orange, CA 92�66 Na discussion on this item. -4- 6/13/90 C�C M�nut�s - Cont'd. R�CK��IDATION: �ENY the request. MOTION - N. Hower SECOND - B. Leming - AYES - Unanimous - E. R�equest for the installation of 'No Parking Anytime' restrictions on the sou�t�. side of �pring St. and on the west side of Esplanade St. along the El Modena High School frontage. Walt Hess, Asst. Principal El Modena High School 3920 Spring St. �range, CA 92667 Chuck Glass - Staff's recommendation was to deny the request simply in an effort to keep the spill-over parking in the adjacent residential neighborhood, in subsequent conversation with the Police Dept. and the Asst. Principal from the school we f ind that there is a high degree of crim� elem�nt in the area and we ma.y wish to reconsider our reccam�mendation. Walt Hess, E1 MQdena High School - The restrictions that we would like ta implement is not one of 'No Parking At Anytime' . We're �oncerned with the safety of the stuaents on the campus and th� safety of the cars in the parking lot. At th.e present time it's very easy for a �ar to p�,rk directly in front of the parking lot and someone to hop over th�e fen�e into the lot and take stereos, etc. and then get back over the fenc�e and be gone in just a few minutes. We think that by putting in 'No Parking '7 AM - 3 PM' will restrict these kinds of things from happening. Also, when the police units are driving by they will be able to see into the parking lot and observe any unusual activity so we would like to am�nd that request. As far as the parking on Esplanade St. is concerned, that street is very narrow and we have 5 buses that pick up students. The buses are having to park double in the street for loading purposes and we would like to have that particular area of 75 yds. a;s a loading/u.r.iloading zone. Chairman Yarger - What is t�.e feasibility of having a higher fence installed which would make it more difficult to get over? Walt Hess - We have already requested that, it has been explained to m� that it will happen within the next six months. It will be raised to an 8 ft. fence on that part of the campus. Chairman Yarger - Do you have on-site s�curity tha.t patrols the parking lot during school hours? Walt Hess - We have one p�.rt-time security afficer. We are hoping to get additional security and help in the parking lots and man the gates, but it has not been finalized. -5- 6/13/90 CTC �inutes - Cont'd. Chuck Glass - Our City boundary runs along the west side of Esplanade behind the curb so it would be our opinion that any parking restrictions that would be posted on Esplanade would be the responsibility of the County. If �arking were removed there the spill-over would occur in the - County and it would be our recommendation that the school contact the C;ounty directly and have them pursue that partic�lar restricition. Commissioner Fortier - If you remove street parking will it impact the parking lots capacity? Walt Hess - Presently we ha.ve 100 - 110 �talls empt every day. So we would have plenty of roam in t�e parking lot and we are hoping they wil-1 - - come into the lot. --- Chairman Yarger - On your 7 AM - 3 PM parking restriction, are you talking school days only? Walt Hess - Yes, school days only and during the summer school session. Commissioner Leming - You men�tioned that you have requested the fence to be raised to 8 ft. , do you still feel you will need the `No Parking' during school hours? Walt Hess - I think so. There may be some thefts dealing with our own students, and this allows the patrol car� to make s�are they have good visibility into the parking lot at all times. We're not talking about a large number of parking stalls in front o� the school, there's 14 in one section and maybe 12 to 14 in the other section. Commissioner Leming - Is there anything the school can do to encourage students to park in the school lot and not ga into the residential neighborhood? Walt Hess - Yes, we have discus�ed this with the police and what we are proposing to do, we cannot force students to park in the parking lot, we propose to write a letter to parents requesting that they park in the parking lot and give them the reasons why and one of them will be better �ecurity in the parking lot. Chuck Glass - I believe that during the day the parki�.g intrusion onto the north side of Spring and onto the side streets �vill, in fact, get worse. Right now the north side of Spring St. is almost parked solid and the side streets, Seranado in particular gets the most over-spill parking. My concern is that we don't end up getting another permit parking area. Commissxoner Leming - Have we notified the residents of the area abaut � this request? Have we had any complaints from them? Chuck Glass - There have been some complaints from residents of Spring St. but we haven't notified any of the residents concerning this request, only the school. -6- 6/13/90 CTC Minutes - Cont'd. Cornmissioner Leming - I would like to see us ho.ld this until the next meeting and not�fy the residents of the area, I would like to know what the impact in the neighborhood is now. � Chris Griffith, OPD - We've been looking at this problem fo� a couple of - �ears and some of these problems are escalating such as, theft of the vehicle, �heft f�om the vehicles, we have sexual assault, we have assaults and we have a narcotic problem in that parking lot. On Spring St. just on the side of school we're talking about 14 parking spaces only. To remove parking here ta give us improved visibility is of tremendous benefit to the office�s patrolling the neighborhood. On Esplanade we are running into busses unloading in an area that should : have been marked years ago. Cars are parked end on end on a very narrow stre�t and then you have these very large busses garked next to the cars - in the north-south lane and there's only one lane, so everybod.y else has to go around the bus into ancoming traffic and passengers loading and unloading in between parked cars. Commissioner Hower - Can't we bring this back in August and in the meantime have staff determine the actual jurisdictian on Esplanade, installation of a loading/unlaading zone for busses and get us some kind of drawing showing existing driveways and 'No Parking' on Spring St. and what the school is actually requesting. RFJOONA�DATION: Continue t� August �eeti.ng direct sta.�f to determine jurisdiction on Esplanade and then laok at insta.11a.tion of a bus loa.ding zone; and then ha.ve staf f prepare a drawing of Spring St, a nd w}�a t eaa.ctly is propased. MOT ION - N. Hocver SECOND - F. Sciarra AYES - Unanimaus . III. O1�AL PRESIIOITATIONS � Public Pa,rticipation - At the conclusion of the meeting of items listed on this Agenda, members of t�e public ma,y address the City Traffic Comrnission regarding item� of interest to the public that are within the subject jur�.sdiction of the City Traffic Ccaammission. Norma De La Torre - I arrived tca this meeting late but I'm interested in item #D for the one hour parking on Glassell St. at S�rcamore Ave. Cha�.rman Yarger - We denied that item. This goes to the City Council on June 26th at the 3 p.m. session if you wish to bring it up at that time. Chuck Glass - Outlined the reasons for the denial being based on the apparent �ufficient availibility of on-site parking to accommodate the parking needs. IV. AD�TOIJI3IV�NT - 4:40 P.�.