01-10-1990 - Minutes TC �� i_: ��' �� CITY OF OR.ANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR, MEETING CITY TRAFFIC O�ISSION � Date of Meeting: January 10, 1990 1. Approval of November 8, 1989 Minutes Correetion to Consideration Item #E Request for 'Permit Parking .Program' on both sides of the 500 block of N. Orange St. Motion was ma.de to DENY the request. M(nION - N. How�er S�C�D — B. T�n�n_g AYES - II NAY�S - II This Motion failed to be carried and is therefore abandoned. Discussion continued and led to the final Motion to continue this issue to the February 1990, CTC meeting after an origin-destination study ha,d been conducted. 1. Approval af November 8, 1989 minutes with the above correction. MO�IQN - F. Sciarra S�C70II�ID - D. Yarger . .AF�S — IIn�l.n.��us Meeting of January 10, 1990 � CJOI�TSENT CAL�IDAR 1. Request for the installation of two 'Passenger Loading' zones on the north side of Almond Ave. east of Center St. Sylvia Gaard St. John's Lutheran Church � 154 S. Shaffer St. Orange, CA 92666 Refer to written staff report. -2- , There was no discussion on this item. REGOMMENDATION: APP�OV� the installation of one passenger loading zone. �ION - D. �arger - SFJOOND - J. Fortier gYFS - Unanimo�us 2. Request for the installation of a 'Driveway Vision Zone' at 821 W. Taft Ave. � John Reese Center Meat Co., Inc. � 821 W. Taft Ave. Orange, CA 92667 Refer to written staff report. There was no discussion on this item. REC70NaViENDAT ION: APP�tOVE MC�ION - D. Yarger S'�C3�OND - J. Fortier AYF� - Unan.i mr�,�� 3. Request for the installation of a 'Driveway Vision Zone' at 739 N. Batavia St. Rick Beaumont Sma.rt & Final, Iris 739 N. Batavia St. , #388 Orange, CA 92667 _ Refer to written staff report. There was no discussion on this item. � REGbMl1�ENDATION: APP�OVE MOTION - D. Yarger S�OQND - J. Fortier gYES - IInanimous f _3_ � . OONSID�tATION IT�S A. Request to prohibit 'Left Turns' at Chapman Ave. and Loretta St. from 7-9 AM and 4-6 PM. � � - Orange Police Department, Traffic Bureau City of Orange Refer to written staff report. Discussion: MO�ION: Commissioner Hower - While I don't object to Loretta being shut down I � do object to Wheeler being shut down, I suggest that Loretta be closed, Wheeler be left open and studied for a 6 month period until such a time as a problem does occur there and then look at this again for possible further closure. S�OOND - Bill L�emin.g (I ha.ve some concerns about closing a residential street down, I don't know if the residents along Wheeler had been notified tha.t they would ha.ve to go down to Malena to have access, which is a light, and � U-turns would be allowed there. I think the people on Wheeler would be impacted and they should have some notice ahead of time of this consideration, but the Motion would reflect the study and then bring it back in 6 months. Chairman Yar�er - I ha.ve a question. Approximately how many residents axe there on Wheeler? Bernie Dennis - I suspect tha.t between the Wheeler-Ma.lena loop you're probably talking in the neighborhood. of 60-70 residential dwelling units. Cxiairman Yarger - In other words if people on Wheeler if they had to go to Malena to make a left turn, they could make a left turn and just make a loop and come back to their residence without making a U-turn on Chapman Ave. Chuck Glass - They would ha,ve to make their left turn at Nlalena and then turn around. There axe about 26 residential units along this section of Wheeler. Commissioner Hower - Which will also increase traffic on Ma.lena probably to their objection. . Commissioner Leming - And also I think tha.t if you're allowed to make U-turns at Ma.lena some of those people are going to make U-turns depending on whe're they are on Wheeler, instead of going all the way down they will make a U and go down to Wheeler and make a right. 4 _4_ Commissioner Sciarra - Ba,sically you've got the same ca.rs ma,king the U-turn on Malena as you ha.ve ma.1�e a lef t-turn onto Wheeler. Jeff Gray, OPD - I ca.n understand your consideration too, but I look at it fram a different aspect as far as being an enforcement officer out there. _ You only have a 100 ft. distance between Loretta and Wheeler. In the peak morning and evening hours the speed limit in tha.t area. is 35 and traffic does back up almost to McPherson at these peak hours. With speed limits of 35 the accidents tha.t we handle are almost always the same violation� before we even , get there, we know what's ha.ppened. Ea.stbound traffic turning left is getting broa.dsided by traffic coming westbound in #3 lane because they cannot see the traffic coming due to the fac� that traffic is backed up into the #1 and #2 lanes. So f ax we ha.ven't had� too many ma jor in jur'ies out there but we're talking about another 100 ft. where people won't be slowing down and tha.t's a concern we're looking at. As they're coming up on Loretta, the$� know they are coming up on a signal so they are decreasing their speed, but you're giving them another 100 ft. to work with and it could possibly increase their speed limit as they are approaching and the higher the speed limit the less reaction time and stopping distance they are going to have. If they catch a green light at Malena they a,re probably travelling somewhere between 35-45 MPH and at times 50 MPH, so all I would ask is your consideration on that point as well as I would like to see Wheeler blocked off as well. Commissioner Leming - What is the distance from the signal at Ma.lena, to Wheeler? Bernie Dennis - About 330 feet. Commissioner Leming - 330 ft. and then there is another 100 ft. to Loretta, is that what we're saying? Bernie Dennis - Loretta is the short distance westerly of Wheeler, it is the length of one residential lot, so from centerline to centerline maybe 150-160 ft. ' Commissioner Fortier - What's the length if they ha,d to turn at Malena and loop around, how far is tha,t? Bernie Dennis - 2,300 ft. for the whole loop, slightly less tha.n 1/2 mile. Commissioner Hower - It appears to me tha.t if traffic is backed. up to MePherson you are just transferring your problem to Malena. Commissioner Fortier - But there's a signal at Ma.lena. Commissioner Hower - But if they get a green light they're still going to be at whatever speed they're travelling. Chairma,n Yarger - They're going to stand a better chance to make a left turn at a signal because the traffic will not be backed up as often that fax back as it would be on Wheeler. � -5- a r Commissioner Fortier - But there's no left-turn arrow there, right? Chuck Glass - That's correct. . Commissioner Leming - One of my concerns too, is you're taking 3 left hand __ turns, people making them at 3 locations and moving them all to one, you would be moving Loretta, Wheeler and Ma,lena to one location. Chairman Yarger - Loretta. is a concern for people getting into the medical facility, Wheeler is for getting into the residences. And if you have only 26 residents on this street, realistica.11y, let's say its a 2-cax family �,n a 24 hour period of time you wauld be concerned with 52 cars making a left turn , going: into Wheeler, there is a great possibility tha.t some are going west and are g�ing to come on down Chapman Ave. and make a right turn, so you can eliminate some of the left turns. Commissioner Hower - Another thought is that these poeple wanting to turn on Laretta will turn at Yorba, so you don't transfer that problem onto Wheeler if they're going to do that. Commissioner Leming - I think its educating employees and the patients and customers, tha.t they have a right to use the main entrance to Yorba. There's more traffic making a left at Loretta than there is at Wheeler according to the staff report; so I think you have twa problems. If you close off Loretta and try to get the owners of the property out there to educate the users of the property and their employees to use Yorba, where they should be entering that facility, and try it for 6 months and if it doesn't work then we can look at it again. Chairman Yarger - If you leave Wheeler open they'll just slip down there and probably create more of iness than we ha.ve now, because they'l1 probably try to make a U-turn or get up into the residential area. Commissioner Hower - Is there a possibility of having advance directional signing at Yorba directing people for tha.t facility into ma.king their left turn into Yorba? Bernie Dennis - The best way to do this would be to add CIGNA to the 'Yorba Hospital directional sign. If we went with an advisory sign we would be far right, or a far left. Comrnissioner Hower - You've got median where it could be? Bernie Dennis - Possibly. Incorporation into the Yorba, Hospital would be the best bet for that sign. Chairma.n Yarger - We ha.ve a motion on the floor, do you still want to go through with the motion as it is, 1 know we ha.ve a second on it, do you wa.nt to go ahead with the second as it is now? ; � -6- Commissioner Leming - Yes, I'd like to clarify the motion. I believe the motion says go ahead and close off 'No Left Turns' at Loretta and a 6-month . study period for Wheeler, and leave Wheeler as it is for right now and. see what it does, if traffic does in fact shift down to Wheeler then we will have to do something, but if they start using Yorba and can get proper signage. - Commissioner Fortier - From what I'm hearing about the dangerous aspects of this and the number of cars �hat turn in there, I'm just wondering if they can't use that other exit off Malena. and get accustomed to do tha.t. It bathers me when you are on Chapma.n making left turns where its real dangerous and if there's no real need for it. Commissioner Leming - Well there is a westbound left-turn into the shopping center. Now I don't know why there's more accidents going eastbound, I guess they're in a hurry going to work but I would imagine the traffic going into that shopping center going westbound on Chapman has to be pretty heavy too, . and we're not requesting tha,t to be taken of f. Commissioner Hower - Could I ask staff what the trip generation is per single family home at the present time? Bernie Dennis - We use 12. Commissioner Hower - 12, so you're taking 36 homes it's something over 300 trips a day; and if 1/4 of those wa.nt to make a left-turn you're talking 75 then if they want to make tha.t eastbound to northbound turn. (�airma.n Yarger - We have a motion on the floor, lets ta.ke a vote on it. gYE.S - II (How�r, Leming) OPP06ID - III (Sci.arra., Fortier, 3�arger) Chairma.n Yarger - So this motion dies. I'd like to go back and make the motion tl�at �e go vPith sta.ff's original plan to close bot�. Loretta, and �heeler and let's see h�v it �orks for 6 months aaad t�hen oome ba.ck and s�ee vvbat has been ba.PA��- I agree with the officer, I think we're opening up alot of problems allowing left-turns or U-turns as Wheeler, I think we'd ha.ve the same thing that we have at Loretta. MO�IQN - D. Yarger S�OO1�ID - F. Sciarra Commissioner Hower - If we're going to do tha.t I'd like to see before and after accident figures at those intersections also, it should be part of the report in 6 months. Vote taken o� the mc�tion.. gYES - III (Yarger, Fortier, Sciarra) OPP�06ID - II (Ha�er, Le�ning) , -7- � We have 3 to 2, so the motion ha.s been approved to go by staff's recomm�ndation and come back and look at it in 6 months, with all reports of accidents before and after. � B. Request for the installation of a 'Traffic Signa.l' at the intersection o� Tustin St. and Adams Ave. Lucretia Ortega 1538 E. Adams Ave. , #C Orange, CA 92667 Refer to written staff report. There was no discussion on this item. REC�OMMENDATION: Continue to 2/14/90 G'i�C meeting. 1�ION: D. Yarger ' . S�ND: F. Sciarra gYF�: Unart�.mo►us C. Request far the installation of an 'Adult School Crossing Gua.rd' at Almond Ave. and Pepper St. �W. nrange Elementary School). Mary E. Kunz, Principal W. Orange Elementary School 243 S. Bush St. Orange, CA 92668 Refer to written staff report. There was no discussion on this issue. REOO�DATION: Accept staff's recommendation with the addition to notify the school that it conceivebly could be a matter of 4-6 weeks before we would ha.ve someone to fill that position. Additional 'No Parking' around that crosswalk could be looked into, by putting in adclition�.l red curb. MO�ION: D. Yarger SEIOOND: J. Fortier AYF�S: Unani.mous D. Request for the installation of a 'STOP sign' at the intersection of Featherhill Dr, and Park Ridge Ln. Patti Smith 2455 Ma,ple Grove _ Orange, CA 92667 Refer to written staff report. _g_ Discussion: Arlyne Griffis - I'm not sure if the 2-way STOP signs would be installed. on Featherhill or Ridge Park Ln. My understanding was it would be on Ridge Park Ln. , Dave Allenbach - No, they will be installed on Featherhill. Arlyne Griffis - Read letter into record opposing STOP signs being installed Qn Ridge Park Ln. and desiring the STOP sign be installed on Featherhill. Incidents of high speed on Featherhill contributes to danger of accidents. RECONIlI�ENDAT ION: Th,a t w�e accept staf f's reoo�enda.tion and �AP`P�OVE the i.nstallation of t�e S1�QP siga a _ MOTION: D. Yarger S�ND: B. I�ing �YFS: Un�,n i mn� E. Request for the installation of 'double striping, additional raised pa.vement ma.rkers and "Slow Dangerous Curve" signs and pa,vement maxkings' at the intersection of Wilson Ave. and Lincoln St. � M. W. Hutchison 1174 N. Lincoln St. Orange, CA 92667 Refer to written staff report. Diseussion: Commissioner Hower: What's our accident history at this location? Dave Allenbach - To date, there was one accident at the subject location that occurred last July. The motorist came around the corner too fast and struck the proponent's house. One accident in the last 2 years. Hutch Hutchison - Lived here 20 years. I've seen a big change in traffic pa.tterns here. Originally there were no signals at Ca.lifornia/Ka:tella and it was difficult to get out onto Katella. When they did put in this signal and the increase of traffic on Ka.tella we've seen a big change. These lights axe very long and during peak hour there's a steady processing of by-pass traffic coming into our neighborhood. There's been numerous accidents over the years at tha.t particular intersection, most of them ha.ve affected the house across the street as they were coming north and didn't make the corner properly and hit parked cars and on two occasions have hit tha.t house. We' met with the City Council, as a neighborhood., to object to the routing of traffic through there, but at the same time we recognize the fact that almost everyone likes to use that alternative rather than sitting at those signals. I am very _g_ concerned about the continuation of high speed traffic through there. The people that don't obey the speed laws are the one's I'm concerned about. This last accident where someone hit my home convinced me� tha,t this was going to continue to occur until something ha,ppened to convince them to slow down. I don't like the idea of a STOP �sign from a personal point beca.use I don't have any paxking anyway. I pointed out the double striping because you use this double striping down on California near the Alpha. Beta ma.rket, and that`s only just on a curve and you've got a number of raised pa.vement markers at tha.t pa,rticular location and yet it seemingly is not satisfactory to put those in on a continua,l 90 degree corner where I live. After consideration I don't think it would be proper to put in a 'Slow Dangerous Corner' signs, but I do think additional raised pavement ma.rkers would be appropriate. If a number axe put in they're not very nice to drive over ;and it would encourage �hem to either slow down when they make tha,t turn. Chairman Yarger - You mentioned putting in more raised pa.vement maxkers. I -- think you've driven over an area where they ha.ve numerous ones, do you ha,ve any idea what kind of a noise factor you would ha.ve there? Hutch Hutchison - They drive over wha.t you ha.ve now. � Chairman Yarger - I think someone is going to speed through there because going from Walnut to make a left turn on Lincoln, tha.t's not a very long distarice before you make a left turn, and nothing is going to stop them if they want to speed through there, short of a brick wall. Hutch Hu�chison - That`s one way of looking at it. One of your staff's abjections was tha.t a motorcyclist going over those might loose control. Commissioner Hower (Question to staff) - Do we have ADT's and peak hour counts on this street? Chuck Glass - We ha.ve some spot counts at Adams and Lincoln, which would give us the Lincoln leg since they're very little traffic tha.t would use the cul-de-sac. I don't ha.ve those counts with me at present. V�e did observe where we ha.d 24, 25, 49 and 54 vehicles and that was about a 1 hour period, so I would say the volume on that street is somewhere in the range of maybe about 500-600 vehicles per da,y. Commissioner Hower - In looking at the street this seems to be a volume that is probably greater than a normal residential street. Chuck Glass - I don't think there is any question tha,t there is some short cut traffic using the street. Com�nissioner Howrer - It appears to me tha.t it's being driven as a curve while it doesn't meet the standards for a curve �triping still the driver perceives it as being a curve, but in reality its a 3-legged intersection. So we're really somewhere in between. We haven't brought it up to the standards of a eurve or we're not at the s�andards of an intersection as far as traffic controls go. � -10- Chuck Glass With regard to standards of a curve, it absolutely would not meet � our standards on a minimum radius on a loca.l residential street is 200 ft. Commissioner Hower - Right, also there is no advanced signing here or warning signs, advisory speeds, anything like tha.t? __ Chuck Glass - No you wouldn't put advisory speed signs on a tee intersection. Commissoner Hower - No you wouldn't but you would on a curve. Chuck Glass - You would on a curve if you had a curve. ; Commissoiner Hower - So wha.t I'm saying is tha.t it would appeax to me that it should either be upgraded to a curve and treated as a curve, +or treat it as a 3-way intersection; one or the other, but nothing in between. Commissioner Sciarra - You also ha,ve the drivers going ea.st on Wilson who make that corner pretty sha:rp. Chuck Glass - The purpose of the raised reflectors is to guide traffic, not make the ride so rough tha.t they don't drive over it. That's precisely why we do not put speed bumps in streets and things of tha.t nature is because of Iiability. Chairman Leming (Question of staff) - It seems to me the problem is the northbound Lir�coln traffic making that left turn onto Wilson ha.ve a tendency to cut acros and take a short cut. It's not practical to ha.ve a 1-way STOP for northbound traffic only. Ha.ve those people stop before they make the left turn. From a study point, is that something you could study a.nd come back to the Commission with? Chairman Yarger - Down at the other end, tha.t's a 2 way STOP coming down California, you stop to make a left turn on Wilson, then going left on Wilson to make a right turn on Ca.lifornia is a STOP; isn't tha.t correct? Chuck Glass - That's correct. . At Ca.lifornia you don't ha.ve a curve exactly . . it's a knuckle and it's a 2-way STOP. Both turns axe 90 degree. Chairman Yarger � You say realistically its not set up as fax as the curve is concerned so I agree with Norm, maybe we should study it for a STOP sign installation if they want to slow the traffic down, but I think we better notify the neighborhood and let them know wha,t additional noise factors they're going to have. Commissioner Hower - It appears there axe several options here perha.ps that should be studied besides STOP's. Hutch Hutchison - I'm very concerned with the loss of on-street pa.rking associated with the STOP sign. y . -11- Commissioner Sciarra - I thought I understood you to say you only wanted a 1-way STOP which would only be concerned with northbound traffic on Lincoln. � Commissiner Leming - This STOP would be across the street from you Hutch and not affect your parking. - Chairman Yarger - Ma.ybe the best thing would be to just leave it the way it is. � Chuck Glass - That is not a typical or normal STOP installation. Normally if you ha.ve a tee intersection either this leg coming in to form the tee is the one that is stopped, or you ha.ve all-way STOP's. You don't want to put in some type of an installation tha,t gives the motorists a surprise and is somewhat sub-standard, it's not normally the way things axe done. In this particular case I would ha:ve the tendency to suggest that all-way STOP's here would be a better way to go. Hutch Hutchison - What's the objection to the additional rai�ed pavement markers? Chairma� Yarger - Liability. Commissioner Leming - I have to agree with staff, additional raised pa.vement ma:rkers won't encourage the motorist to slow down, they ma.y straddle them and not necessarily on the right side of the roa,d either. I think we need some kind of a study. The problem is that people are trying to avoid the Tustin/ Katella intersection so you're getting same of tha.t traf f ic and I'd� make the motion that we uphold the staff's recommendation and deny the request at this time; along with that ma.ybe some kind of study iri whole general area again and see what we can come up with. Chairman Yarger - Can I ha.ve a second on tha.t? SBOOND - N. Ho�er �YES - IIn�.n'��LS Bernie Dennis - We've been out on Wilson/Lincoln/Ca.lifornia any number of times. May I suggest tha.t excepting the action that the Commission has taken, which is fine, could we set a time certain of next meeting to resolve the S7�OP sign issue or any other alternatives that might come up, rather than going back and seeing you again in 6, 4 or 3 months ma,ybe we can put this to bed next month. Com�nissioner Sciarra - We should notify the residents first. Bernie Dennis - We'll have to do tha.t. R�OMMEiVDATION: Bring this back at the nezt meeting. M�ION: B. Leming S�OOrID: N. Ho�er AYF�S: Unani rm��.� -12- Commissioner Leming - When I was out there I noticed tha.t the pa.inting of the existing lines was very light. Berni� Dennis - The existing lines, or the lines tha.t we sandblasted off the last time we messed around out here? - Commissioner Leming - I just thought they were painted on 6 months ago and they looked worn off. Bernie Dennis - Could be the ones at the intersection are faded. The one westerly of the intersection we should probably have put those on with zippers. We will re-paint. �. ORAL PRESENTATIONS OFF AGENDA IT� Bernie Dennis - This is a question, and ina.smuch as it's not advertised you car�'t take formal action, but we can solicit yaur input. We axe in the process of compiling our Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for ' the upcoming 5 yeax period, and next yeax specifically. Does the Commission, � in their travels through the City, have any pa.rticular location tha.t you feel needs to be traffic controlled? Are you awaxe of any loca,tions, signals, STOP signs or what ha.ve you that you feel axe in need of mod.ification? Ba.sically, wha.t the 5 Year CIP will involve this coming year is some 19 projects totalling about $4.6 million dollars. They include the syncronization under an OCUTT grant plus city�nly monies of the signals on Ka.tella/LaVeta a.nd Tustin. The CIP also includes the upgrading, increasing the capacity of the traffic system ma,ster. It includes the widening of the Meats Ave. overcrossing from its current 2-lane configuration to a full 64 ft. right-of-way at a cost af about $1,400,000; this will eventually be back to you in regard to certain striping cha.nges and pa.rking prohibitions on Tustin/Meats. Those of you who live in the area, know that traffic backs up to Green Grove because it has to narrow down to one lane to get over the bridge. It also includes the full signalization of all the STOP controlled intersections on Meats Ave.; Featherhill, summit Ridge, Via Escola and Meats Ave. . In about July 1990, we will probably advertise for the modifica.tion of the interchange at Santiago Canyon Rd./Lincoln/Nohl LR,anch to complete the Santiago Corridor. Next year's budget also includes signalization at Villa Real which is a 4-way STOP and Featherhill, which is a 4-way STOP. The. CIP will include, additionally, the modifica.tion of the traffic signal at Walnut/Tustin to protected left turn pha,sing prima.rily as a.n accident reduction measure. It will include an analysis, a.n alignment study if you will, for the conversion of Chapman Ave. ea�terly of Crawford Canyon of a slight realignment to allow the futuxe installation of 6 lanes. -13- . It will include the preliminary design, all state approvals and the environmental clearance for the widening of the La,Veta overcrossing, basically with these bridge widenings �he context is to do the initial cleaxance study on year, follow in two years with the physical construction. _ Well it would be study-study-widen-study-widen. That is generally the highlights, and this is the Ca.pital Improvement Program. Do you, as the Commission, ha.ve any input or any location that you would like us to look at? I suspect you could name any number of them �.nd chances are most will be covered within the 5 year p1an, I can't give you an exact year but I ean indicate if it's covered. Commissioner Hower - Can we get copies of this CIP? Bernie Dennis - Indeed you will. Chairman Yarger - What is going to be done out on Hewes and Sa.ntiago? Are we going to ha.ve a signal out thee eventually? Berni.e Dennis - I would certainly hope not. Chairman Yarger - I don't know how much traffic is there but maybe it would help if that signal was out further ea.st, but when you eAit Hewes and the cars are going over the rise you don't ha.ve much time to see oncoming ca.rs. Bernie" Dennis - Yes this is true and that entire intersection is in the County. What we have proposed to the County to alleviate tha.t problem, is a widening on the north side of Santiago Ca.nyon Rd. and the development of wha.t would be an interior merge lane. If you were northbound on Hewes and wanted to go westbound on Santiago Canyon R,d., which is the direction where the problem occurs, you would turn into a protected lane tha,t would be separated from through traffic by a median and you would make your merge some distance westerly, literally as you went into the ereek bed. In response to Mr. Hower's question, basica,lly what will ha.ppen, we will submit a preliminary CIP budget, at the time of the hearings each of the active Commission's axe notified and you are most assuredly encouraged to . attend. Those in attendance would be the City Council, Planning Commission and the City Traffic Commission. You will be given a full presentation and the 5 yeax program for capital improvements, its not only for traffic, but for all the operating departments. What we're looking for now is really candidate projects. We ha.ve identified 60 some odd projects to be completed � over the next 5 years. Alot of signals, some signal modifications until things happen. There axe surprisingly not a whole lot of locations in the city that need either traffic signals or 4r-way STOP's. There axe some interesting projects to be considered, for example in some point in �time we're going to ha.ve to address the intersection of Cambridge/Walnut, we have to consider the intersection of Sha.ffer/Walnut and in both locations those are not "simple signal installations." They require some remedial street work in order to even make a signal work, prima.rily in respect to the -14- cross-gutters that exist on both streets and the narowness of both Shaffer and Cambridge. Next year we will start the reha.bilitation of Katella, when we're done with tha.t and the street is re-striped it will be for 3 lanes in each direction. We're involved in the Super Street Study right now that could result in some pretty good funding opportunities for the City. In any - e�ent our emphasis is to develop, from a transportation perspective, various corridor alternatives and those corridors in the first stage will be Meats followed. by La,Veta, followed by Walnut followed by Fairha.ven. And the idea is once one of these starts, whether it be initiated by a bridge widening or in the case of Walnut the physical construction of a bridge plus a widening to complete the street or to complete it as far as an arterial is concerned. La.Veta using it as an example, there are a number of STOP signs easterly of Tustin, those would be replaced by signals as the bridge was widened. On the other hand, if we're successful in our request to the City Council in getting La.Veta extended from Tustin to Cambridge, then we would have yet another, probably our only city limit to city limit alternate corridor to Chapman Ave. We're corripleting the EIR for the La.Veta/Ma.in St./W. Chapma.n widening, we ha.ve one other alternative tha.t has to be developed and you'll be hearing more and more of that but those 3 streets in combination and they're included also in the CIP, represent a minimum of $17 million in street improvements and right-of-way acquisition. So we ha.ve some pretty interesting things coming up. (Discussion of 55 Fvay. interchange at Nohl Ranch/Sa.ntiago/Lincoln exit, the - Chapman/55 Fwy. interchange followed.) F. �TOLIRI��1T „