10-09-1991 - Minutes TC ,� � �_ i 1 � CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: OCTC?BER 9, 1991 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - COMMISSIONERS: J. FORTIER, F. SCIARRA, N. HOV1/ER PRESENT - STAFF: B. DENNIS, B. HERRICK, C. GLASS, SGT. B. WEINSTEIN, D. ALLENBACH, P. THEN ABSENT - COMMISSIONERS: D. YARGER, B. LEMING _ I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 14, 1991 - September 11, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS PUBLISHED BY THE RECORDING SECRETARI�. MOTION: F. SCIARRA SECOND: N. HOWER AYES: UNANIMOUS II. GONSENT CALENDAR 1. Request for the instaliation of driveway vision zones at the driveways entering the townhome complex on Cottonwood St. in proximity to Riverboat Way. Skip McGowan �2932 N. Cottonwood St. #10 Orange, CA 92665 RECOMMENDATI�No That the CTC, by Motion, APPROVE the request. MOTION: N. NOWER SECOND: F. SCIARRA AYES: UNANIMOUS IC 4 U 2. Request for the reduction in length of an intersection vision zone and the installation of a 'passenger /oading' zone in front of St. John's Lutheran School administration building at 515 E. Almond Ave. Kar1 Birnstein, Principal St. John's Lutheran School 515 E. Almond Ave. Orange, CA 92666 Ora! presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, APPROVE the request, MOTION: N. HOWER - SECOND: F. SCIARRA - � AYES: UNANIMOUS 111. CONSIDERATION ITEMS A. Request for the implementation of a neighborhood parkinc� permit program an Craig Dr. between Palmyra Ave. and Roberta Ave. Richard Hess 348 S. Craig Dr. Qrange, CA 92669 Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Vice-Chairman Fortier opened the public hearing for discussion: Richard Hess - 308 S. Craig Dr. - My house is one of 3 that face the side of these 2 homes on Roberta and Palmyra. Before you enacted the parking permit program there were 3 cars parking in front of our houses. I would see come up and drop them off for a day or two and then they would come back. I called the Police and filed a complaint and they said they would look into. One day I caught one of them out there and told them that they were parking on private property and they they shouldn't be parking therea We have had no problem since your parking permit program in the adjacent neighborhood, now they have moved down to Wheeler St. and are parking there. 2 4, vtCE-CHAIRMAN FORTIER - Closes the public hearing and brings the item back to the Commission for further discussion and/or a motion. RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, DENY the request. MOTION: N. HQWER SECOND: F. SCIARRA AYES: UNANIMOUS B. Request for the installation of a traffic signa/ at the intersection of Lewis.St. and City Parkway West. Leslie Whitenack 12365 Lewis St. #102 Garden Grove, CA 92640 Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, DENY the request, MOTION: F. SCIARRA SECOND: N. HOWER AYES: UNANIMOUS fV. ADJOURNMENT A{I other business before the City Traffic Commission being concluded and there being no members of the public to address the Commission a motion vrras made to adjourn this meeting to a Special Study Session to be held Wednesday - October 16, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. in the Weimer Room for the initial presentation on the LaVeta Ave. � Main St� - W. Chapman Ave. Environmental Impact Report. IVIOTION: J. FORTIER SECOND: F. SCIARRA AYES: UNANIMOUS Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Then Recording Secretary 3