08-14-1991 - Minutes TC �j I �, P CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING ��T'�' �'��,�F�� ������5��� DATE OF IVlEETil��: ,�►�'+GU�� 14, 1�9"� ROLL CALL: PRESENT- COMMISSIONERS: J. FORTfER, f. SCIARRA, N. HOWER F'�E�ENT - STAFF: B. DENNIS, B. HERRICK, C. GLASS, B. WEINSTEIN, D. ALLENBACH, R. GARDNER, P. THEN ABSENT- COMMISSIOf��RS: D. YARGER, B. LEMING " I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 12, 1991 � RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS PUBLISHED BY THE RECORDING SECRETARY. MOTION: N. HOWER SEC�ND: F. SCIARRA AYES: UNANIMOUS ; II. C�NSENT CALENDAR 1 . Annual Activity Report of 199�-1991 fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, ACCEPT the report and forward it to the City Council for their action. MOTION: F. SCIARRA SECOND: N. HOWER AYES: UNANIMOUS 2. Request for the installation of a driveway vision zone at 320 E. Maple Ave. Linda Lemayski 32� E. Maple Ave. Orange, CA 92666 RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, APPROVE the requesto MOTION: F. SCIARRA SECOND: N. HOWER AYES: UNANIMOUS i rii. �a��vs�DERaTioN i-rEMs A. ��q�+�s� �+�� t�� instailation of an intersection viseon zone at Meats Ave. and �i�� �t. 11�illiam E. Wells � �'f 43 N. Pine St. Qrange, CA 92665 � fJrai presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your ��py. Vice-Chairman Fortier opened the public hearing for discussion: �lV'ILLIAM WELLS, 2143 N. PINE ST. - When you try to exit N. Pine onto Meats, if the cars are parked heavily along Meats Ave. you cannot see oncoming traf�ic at all. If you pull out far enough to try to see the westbound traffic yau're in danger of being hit by motorists in the right lanes. This is not a da�ly problem, it primarily occurs when there is an athletic event at Peralta Jr. High. With all the Little Leagues using this field the whole area is just socked in and again looking out �from Meats you literally cannot see around th� cars that are parked there. The house on the corner would be affected by� the red curb, however, if ther�e was a 35 ft. red curb they would still have 50 ft. in front and about 80 ft. on the side of the house for parking. I th�nk any incanvenience to them would be beneficial to the rest of us. = MAXINE STAUMP, 721 E. MEATS AVE. - I feef that this action is not necessary. . We use, because of aur garage being on Pine St., �ccess to Meats Ave. from Pine St. We have not had any problems, and in talking with my neighbors they indicated they don't have problems getting out on Meats from Pine. I requested a copy of accident reports firom the Police Dept. and find that there haven't been any for several years. All deliveries are made frcwm the Meats Ave. access point which would be difificult from the Pine St. frontage. Members of my family are handicapped and we use Pine St. as m�ch as possible, but on many occasions they use Meats Ave. for parking. R(�BERT STAUMP, - I visit Maxine occasionally and as I am handicapped and cannot walk long distances I park on Meats Ave. only when there is no parking available on Pine St. When I come out of Pine St. I fiave never had any problems getting onto Meats Ave, with any obstructions from cars parked along the street in front of Maxine's home. CO[VIMISSIONER HOWER - I n+otice there's no STOP bar or legend out here, wauld it be possible to get these installed, it might help. DAVE ALLENBACH - YeS, we can do that right away. COMMlSSIONER SCIARRA - Would it satisfy Mrs. Staump if we reduce the amount Qf red curb from 35 ft.? 2 �� � MAXINE STAUMP - Reducing 35 ft. to a lesser amount to help motorists exiting Pine �t. would be fine, but what would �rou reduce it to? � CHUCK �LASS - The a��€���.��r�� as i� �� written, is �ased on distances that would be required for safe stop���g si�ht� �istar��� per the speed limit on the str�e��, a��� �������� �n�t+�a�d o� �5 �t, t�� or�iinanc� indicates it should be 40 ft. o# red curb. You g,et less of an impa+ct by a reduction. I recommend a minimum of 35 ft. of red curb. - MAXtNE STAUMP - I would be willing to gather signatures from my neighbors that this is not a problem for them if y,ou would be willing to put off your decisior� �o� � litt�� Ic�r���r. - RECf1�lIME11�.DATION: Continue for 30 days, install ST�P bar and legend on - Pin� St. ��a�sur� �� �, fr�� ��,e curb retum and install a stake to show the resident where the red curb would be installed. MOTION: N. HOWER SECOND: F. SCIARRA AYES: UNAN111IIOUS - B. R�e��aest #or the instaliation of 4-WAY STOP's at the intersection of Shaffer St. and Culver Way. ' Frank C. Tucker � 556 E. Culver Ave. Orange, CA 92666 � Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Vice-Chairman Fortier opened the public hearing for discussion: PATTY RITCHIE �'18 E. CULVER AVE. - I am in favor of the STOP sign because the people at Shaffer St. don't stop. There is a definite speed problem from Grand St. to Cambridge St, and if they had to stop here they wouldn't be able to go so fast. VICE-CHAIRMAN FORTIER - STOP signs ar� .not installed to control speed. If you are saying that a STOP sign is needed to control speed I would have to re#er you to the Police for enforcement, STOP signs are installed to assign right-of-way. The police do go out to enforce traffic controls on a routine basis. SGT. BARRY WEINSTEIN OPD - For the last 2 days we have been at Culver and - Shaffer and we have issu�� two citations, we have not had a severe problem out there but we are working it very heavily this week. VICE-CHAIRMAN F�RTIER - What is the accident history at �this intersection? 3 � DAVE ALLENBACH - We looked at the accident history at the intersection of �h�#fer and Culver for the last 3 years ar�d we did not find any reported accid+���s� that would hav� b��e� �us�ept��ie to �correction by the installation _ . �f a 4-�A� �Tt�P`. G�MMISSIONER �CIARRA - lt's obvious then that what we have is a speed problem here more than anything else. BERN�E �Etvrv�S - Typically when a STOP sign isn't working, when people are ���t�r��� �t, ���y d+� that for two reasons: first of all if they can't see the S���' sign; an+d secondly if they, as motorists, don't feel that the sign is warr�nted they have a tendency to California STOP - roll up and roll tl!�rou�h� dne of the problems you're having is that your little local street is experiencing a pretty substantial increase in traffic for reasons you have no control over. Because our east-west streets in that area are so congested the traffic can't flow efficiently, particularly LaVeta Ave. which acts as the arterial for that area. We're proposing a project that will widen LaVeta Ave. PA�TRICIA RITCHIE - Did you get my letter? I can tell you why I oppose that. � BERNIE DENNIS - If we're offering you a so{ution to yoUr problem, which we are, by getting the thr�ough traffi� onto the streets where they should be. �� Are you wilfing to help yourself? If you're wi1ling to put up with the problem we'll save our money for something else. � COMMISSIONER HOWER - If motorists are not complying with the STOP on Shaffer they probably won't STOP at Culver either and you'll have essentially the �ame problem there. RALPH ZANER, 630 E. CULVER AVE. - I think you�re wrong. I agree with you on widening LaVeta Ave. This problem occurs all day long, and the police doesn't have the resources to sit here and give it the kind of attention the residents would like. SMANNON TUCKER. 556 E_CULVER AVE. - I am the applicant for this traffic study and althoUgh motorist don't completely stop�when they come here, I think most of them think it is a 4-Way because every other east-west street between Cambridge and Glassell has a STOP sign at Shaffer, and I think alot o�f people that driv�e the Old Towne area are familiar with having to stop at Shaffer St. and therefore they think other motorists will stop; this is the reason we have so many near misses. VICE-CHAIRMAN FORTIER - Many times when people talk about these STOP signs they don't realize the noise and exhaust pollution associated with a STO P. 4 � , MARY MCGUIRE. (own aroperty � Shaffer/Culver) - If a 4-Way STOP were �nstailed I wouid lose 30-35 ft. �� paricing on a 50 ft. lot and th+� ��a�se and pollution along with the ST�J�' w���d b� bothersome. I thir�Y� ��a� rrvill find spe�ding on lots of ��;���er streets �nd th�� ����� ha� to regulated by the pc�iice ��d �r�b�b�� i��t��I speed limit signs. I am opposed to the STOP sign. MARGO ANDREWS 5�4. �. CULVER A�IE. - i sympathize with the other residents regarding the speeding and I agr�e that something should be done about th�t, but we don't want another STOP put th�re it takes away the parking ��d it �akes more noise and pollution and I don't think there are that many ���i'd����t� �a�t that corner, and even at a 4-Way STOP people may run the � STOP sign anyv�r��. _ VI�E-CHAIRMAN FORTIER - Cla�ses the public hearing and brings the item back �� ��� '����p���fl� for further r���cussion and/or a motion. DAVE ALLENBACH - Stafif would like to point out that with the existing STOP sign we should retrofit that with 30 ft. of red curb ('No Parking') in front of each STOP sign to in�rease visibility of the sign to the motorists. The ��rerage speed of motorists is 27 MPH, however, I would like to point out that �� cc�nducted our speed zone survey between the hour �of 10-11 a.m. and the traffic was fairly light, but we did see 3 vehicles travelling in excess of 35 MPH. The 85th percentile is about 32 MPH and the pace speed was � b�t�nreer� 23-33 MPH. COMMISSIONER HOWER - Could staff tell me what the ADT's are on the two streets? DAVE ALLENBACH � I really couldn't because � it's not one of the areas we normally count, however, traffic wa� heavier on Shaffer than on Culver. RECOMMENDATIQ�N: That we der�y the request for the 4-Way STOP. Install stop bar and legends, add '2-wqY' plates and and remove 30 ft, parking fior vision zones at the existing STOP'sv MOTION: F. SCIARRA SECOND: N. HOWER AYES: UNANIMOUS � 5 C. �equest to prr�h�bit on-street parking on both sides of Batavia St. between �atelia Ave. and t�� S�outi���n f'acif�� railr�ad. right-of-wa� t+� t�e r�orth� ��� ��e�;�t ��ermco �ystems '��65 N. Batavia St. ��a��ge, �� 9����7 _ral resentation was based_on the written s#aff re ort, lease refer to our _ __ � p ---- - -P - -P_-- -- -- -__y_---------_- +�opy. Wice-Chairman Fortier apened �he public hearin� f�r discussion. ,��N REMPT, THERMCO SYSTEMS - We re�uested this as p�rt of our trip r��d������a ��a.r� ����ir+�� �� S�,�Q�/1D �e+���ation �CV in an attempt to reduce r"�d�����p ofi empl�y+�e� ���m '� p��rsc�� �er car to 1.5 persons per car. �►d���ior����y, an th�s p�rticular section of roadway there is a slight curve and ri�e and motorists exiting �the parking lot have difficulty observing on-coming t�affic due to the cars parked along the curb. This particular section of the s��eet has several sections of existing red curb. .� ���N1E_DENN�S - �Could w� obt�in � copy i�f the plan you submitted to ��A�I��? ,�J�N R�MPT - W� will send you a copy of the plan when it has b�een approved . by the SCAQMD agency. �/[CE-GHAIRMAN FORTIER - Closes the public hearing and brings the item back � to the Commission for additional comments and/or a motion. �RA,��C �CIARRA - This is an arterial street carrying around 11,100 vehicles ��r da� �nd will probably be doubling within the near future. RE��MMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, APPROVE the request. Iil�O�tON: F. SCIARRA �ECOND: J. FORTIER A.YES: FORTIER - SCIARRA �O�ES: N. HOWER t�C�TtON tS CARRIED 2 - 1 � 8 6 � D. Request for the installation of 'Right Turn On/y` signs at the westerly driveways of the business park located at 1717 & 1745 W. Orangewood Ave. �onnie C. Lewis Orangewood Business Plaza � - 1915 W. Orang�wood Ave., #200 Orange, CA 92668 Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Vice-Chairman Fortier opened the public hearing for discussi�n: BONNfE LEWIS. 1915 w. ORANGEWOOD AVE. � I understand a traffic signal will be instailed sometime in the future at this location, and I would like to make sure that thes+e signs could be removed when that signalization occurs. CHUCK GLASS - Staff has no objections to this request and would suggest that it be incorporated into your recommendation, if you should decide to approve this request. COMMISSIONER FORTIER - Do your tenants approve of this? BONNIE LEWIS - I have no idea and 1 don't really care. If you look back you will find that I and the city was sued resultant of an accident at this � intersection, and I am not looking for this to happen againa ~ v�CE-CHAIRMAN FORTIER - Closes the public hearing and returns the item to the Commission for further discussion and/or a motion. RECOMMENDATION: That we APPR�VE the installation of the 'RIGHT TURN QNLY' signs at this location; and further that these signs be removed upon signalization at the intersection of Orangewood Ave. and Poplar St., and . that signal being energized and operationalo MOTION: N. HOWER SECOND: F. SCIARRA AYES: UNANIMOUS IV. 4RAL PRESENTATIONS RANDY WILLIAMS. 544 N. GRAND ST. - There seems to be a problem with people running the STOP sign at Wainut Ave./Grand St. On numerous occas;ons I have seen OPD mQtor officers at the intersection as a visual deterrent but nat issuing citations. I would like to see an afficer a little further back from the intersection and then cite those people that run the STOP sign. 7 � �'. Chapman Coilege is starting again soon and there is a big problem with traffic on Grand St. with an increase of students i� tt�e ,ar�e,a ac�d living on campus there is a traffic prab��em c�n �rand St. �peed is a p�r��bl+em on � Grand St. and we've discussed using radar here, as w��l as perhaps installing sp�eed bumps. The City of Orange has just passed a noise law that certain equipment cannot be operated between certain hours of the day that is over 55 decibals. There have been numerous calls to the palice department complaining about construction w�rk be�inn�ng prior to 7:00 a.m. and they say they can't d� mUch about it. This is a part of the Chapman C�Ilege ; project. The workers get �t �the site at 5:30 - 6:00 a.m. with their heavy _ equipment, park in front of my house, and they are out there drinking coffee and visi�ing tog�#h�er and at �� min. or 15 rnin. before 7:00 a.m. they are unloading equipment and starting up their tractors and warming them up and preparing to enter the site and begin working. I wonder why the police haven't referred this to the Code Enfiorcement group whose job is to see to the compliance of these ordinances. I spoke with Patti of the Code Enforcement division and this was the fiirst complaint she had heard about #his, �nd she �ad rriade a comment wondering why the police had not referr�d me to her. BERNIE DENNIS - Typically that type of ordinance is enfiorced by the Building or Street Inspectors whatever the case may be. We have a very simple . ordinance which indicates when you can start work. Our ordinance will keep them from working but there is no way we can keep them from ge#ting there. We will take care of this to the best of our ability and if you aren't satisfied with what happens or if yau see it start �to re-occur please call back. RANDY WILLIAMS - We have called the police on many occasions complaining that the construction workers are parking their heavy equipment on the street without vaiid parking permits. The police have indicated that they would send o�t a parking control officer who never shows up. They park on our side of �rand St. which is restricted to permit parking only. These construction workers observe the parking control officer� on the street and they run to move their vehicles and then as soon as she leaves they come back and park again. IV. ADJl7URNMENT MOTION: J. FORTIER SECOND: N. HOWER AYES: UNANIMOUS g ,