02-13-1991 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORI�NGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFYC COMMISSION Date of l�eeting: February 13, �1991 � ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Fortier, N. Hower, B. Leming, F. Sciarra Staff: B. Dennis, B. Herrick, Sgt. B. Weinstein, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, R. Gardner, S. Trejo CONSENT CALENDAR l� Not�hing on th� Consent Calendar. We are going directly to the Conside�atian Cal�ndar. CONSIDERATION C�LENDAR A. Request ta 'Prohibit Right Turn' between the hours of 7-9 a.m� and 3-6 p.m. at the intersection of Chapman Ave. ar�d The City Drive. D�r�riis Powers, A�sistant Police Chief UCI Police Dept. - UCI Medical Center 101 City Dr., Route 90 prange, CA. 92668 Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Dick Yarger - Ts there anybody in the audience that is opposed to Staff's recommendation to deny this restriction? Does Staff have anything they would like to add to this? Chuck Glass - No, Mr. Chairman, as you recall this was a continued item from our last meeting in order to allow Staff to review the possibility of putting instead of the 'Prohibited Peak Hour' moves, or 'No Right Turn on Red' and we've looked into that and sta.11 recomm�nd that it be denied. RECOMMENDATION: DENY MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimo�us _l_ Dick Yarger - Before we go on, for the the people in the audienee, please understand that we are basically a sounding board for the City Council. Whatever our decisions are, if they are in favor of what you would like to see, or opposed of what you would like to see, it is not written in stane. So, our recommendations do go to the City Council and you are more than welcome to go to the City Council. I just wanted ta make that clear before we went any further. B. Request for establishment of 'Speed Zones' on Chapman Ave.� Newport Blvd., Jamboree Rd., Canyon View Rd., and White 0ak Ridge. Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange 300 E. Chapman Ave. Orange, CA. 92666 Oral �resentation was based on the written staff report, please r�fer to your copy. Jamboree Rd./Chapman Ave. - Canyon View Rd. Dick Yarger - I would like to take these items separately for each street. Chuck Glass - Mr. Chairman, we do have two transparencies that you .may wish to put up, _ one is the sketch that shows the proposed speed limits and the other is the spot speed data, both of these are in your package. Dick Yarger - Does anybody need it up on the screen? No, I don't see why we would need it up on the screen. Dave Allenbach - While we are recommending the existing posting be raised 45 MPH, right now the land uses are backside residential and it is only on the west side of the street. There will be future residential development in the area. Between our last meeting and today, we have turned on an additional traffic signal at Jamboree Rd. and Old Fort. It is our contention that posting 45 MPH is a comfortable posting for this section of roadway. If I can answer any other questions. Dick Yarger - Do any of the Commissioner's have anything they would like to discuss on this particular one? Norm Hower - No, I'm afraid that I can't support it, it's so far below the 85th percentile without some other reason for lowering it below say, 50 MPH, we're not even in the pace speed. Frank Sciarra - Traffic is going to increase in this area and we are going to be going back and forth. Norm Hower - Yes, but unfortunately, you speed zone for existing conditions, not for what we can expect in the year 2000 or 2010. If conditions change then we go out and rezone. But your studies are base� on existing conditions. Dick Yarger - Ok, well we got a lot of different one's, so let's try to get thru these as quick as possible. -2- Joe Forti�r - I have a questione That one i� 58 MPH and in the 85th percentile and the one above it has a recaminended speed of 50 NIPH, and this one is 45 MPH, why is that? Did I miss something? Dick Yarger - If you probably went out in that area Joe, from the city limits to Canyon View Rd., it's kind of wide open out there, it's a long str�tch. We used a radar gun on the traffic coming into the City of Orange, and I would say that the vehicles at that time w�re dri.ving at 58 - 60 MPH. Now, reverse s�y �oming ,from C�nyon View Rd. the opposite direction, heading toward Tustin St. those rascals are coming up thru there in excessive of 60 - 70 MPH, however, they were going into the Tustin city limits. `When they say the 85th percentile, is that taken both directions? �. Chuck Glass - Yes, sir. Let me answer the Commissioner's question on the Jamboree Rd./Chapman Ave. - Canyon View Ra. and why we have recommended 45 MPH there. The Caltrans Manual recommends that if you are going to change speed limits� that you do � not change speed limits in increments of more than l0 MPH. In other words, yau don't go from 55 MPH to 40 or 35 MPH. Preferably you do it in 5 MPH increments bu� some cases 10 MPH is ad�quate. Joe Fortier - Why is it 45 MPH instead of 5Q MPH? Chuck Glass - If w� h�d 50 MPH there, that would force us to recommend 40 �PH on the segm�nt betw�en Sant�ago Ca��on Rd. and Chapman Av�. and it is our opinion that 40 MPH is to fas�. Joe Fortier - Yes, that's ta short of a distance for a high speed. Chuck Glass - My whole point is that in order to recommend and post the 35 MPH we wauld need to transition into that 35 NIPH at a 45 MPH, not a 50 NdPH. Dick Yarger - Ok, that's the other thing you said, Caltrans doesn°t want you .to draw up more that 10 MPH then that would come in Jamboree Rd./Canyon View Rd. to Chapman Ave. we're raising 30 to 35 MPH on that one 4 mile stretch there between Chapman Ave. and Santiago Canyon Rd. Joe Fortier - So, if it were over 50 MPH you couldn't go to 35 N1PH. Dick Yarger - Right. Norm Hower - I migh.t also remind the Commissioner that most of these areas here were already posted at a lower speed and some we�e even lower than what they are recommending. That posted speed obviously has not lowered that the actual posted speed on the street. The only thing that is going to lower that speed is to have enforcement out there. As soon as the enforcement is gone that speed is most likely going to go back up to what they were driving. _3� Dick Yarger - .Weli Norm, what are you objecting to, is it the speed or what? I got lost here. Are you objecting to the 45 �MPH speed iimit, is that what it is? Norm Hower - Yes. Dick Yarger - What do you feel it should be? Norm Hower - I feel it should be closer to the 85th, I would like to see it be 50 MPH. Dick Yarger - Do you feel that we should jump up to 40 NiPH on that 4 mile stretch in . between Chapman Ave. and Santiago Canyon Rd.? Norm Hower - Yes, I feel that we should look at it. Dick Yarger - I can understand what you saying, but T also hear that Chuck saying to get the speed down to 35 MPH on �hat short section, Norm. Norm Hower - There is nothing in the manual that says, go less that 10 MPH it is a recommendation. Sgt. B. Weinstein - Mr. Chairman. Dick Yarger - Yes. Sgt. B. �einstein - I see a real problem for the Police Department if we try a 15 MPH jump like that and try to give tickets in that area, we'r� going to have some real problems from the court in Orange County. Also, we have established that before in other cities where they have had problems with loss of creditability and some suits as well to do that because in essence you create a cherry-patch. wo�k trap, even though it doesn't fall under trap per the law. It's a cherry-patch, it's something that is not fair to the citizens and we wouldn't be able to enforce it. Dick Yarger - Thank you. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE . . MOTION: D. Yarger SEGOND: J. Fortier AYES: 4 NAY: 1 Santiago Canyon Rd./Newport Blvd. - Jamboree Rd. Dick Yarger - Now, that's where is really gets narro�t. That's where Sgt. Jordan and I, nearly got run-off the road in a city vehicle, it went from 3 lanes to 1 lane real quick, it almost put us in a ditch. Frank Sciarra - What road where you on? -4- Dick Yarger - We were on Santiago Canyon Rd. Is there ari.y discussion on this section from any of the Commissioner's? Norm, did you talk on that earlier? Narm Hower - I do think that it is very low, but it does have � merge prnblem there, and I thi�nk I would go along with 40 MPH. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous Canyon View Rd./Newport Blvd. - White Oak Ridge Dick Yarger - That existing speed limit of 35 MPH is recommended for 35 MPH. That one has the "S" turn, there's a street cpming out on the "S" turn plus there's a lot of schao.l children that will be walking back and forth thru that area. Frank Sciarra - Is it a residential area? Dick Yarger - Yes, it's a residential area. Does anybody h�ve any discussian an the speed there? Dave Allenbach - I would also like to point out that the posting of 35 MPH would be consistent with the other sections of Canyon View Rd. which we had approved approximately 4 or 5 months ago to the west of Newport Blvd. Norm Hower - Which also is well below the 85th percentile. Da�e Allenbach - Right, but on that sectian west of Newport Bl�d., we also ha�e other steep grades. Jae For�ier - I have a question. Normr wh� is it that you cannot support that? No�an Hower .- The 85th percentile and then driving it several times. The vehicle code say th�.t you will not go below the 85t� percent�le, unless� there is something that is not r.eadily apparent to the driv�r. I could not see anything out there that was not readily apparent to �the clriver, anything that would demand that the speed be lowered. Dick Yarger - The only thing I worry about ther�, is tha� your going to have the school children and that th�re's a park there not to far away which is going to draw the children into that area. Norm Hower - As I remember, there is no parking on the street, the residences are all walled along there, and the '25 MPH When Children are Present' sign is there. So, the children is something that is readily not apparent to any driver. _5_ Dave Allenbach - The main entrance to the sehool would be off of Handy Creek Rd. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE .:. . MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra . AYES: 4 NAY: 1 Canyon View Rd./White Oak Ridge - Jamboree Rd� Dave Allenbach - The school is off to the west here. And again, same conditions here, the northside of the street is residential and it's backside. Dick Yarger - What is the distance from White Oak Ridge to Jamboree Rd.? Dave Allenbach - Mr. Commissioner, I don't think it's more than 4 mile. Also' T would like to point out that White Oak Ridge and Canyon View Rd. are controlled by a '4-way STOP' right now, eventually, I believe it is scheduled to be signalized. - RECOMMENDATIUN: APPROVE MOTION: J. Fortier SECONDo F. Sciarra AYES: 4 NAY: 1 White Oak Ridge/Newport Blvd - Canyon View Rd. Dick Yarger - That's the one that bends around� it's posted 35 MPH now and staff recommends 35 MPH. Now, is 35 MPH to fast if it's in the school area, and there's also the park there? Dave Allenbach - In our opinion it isn't. Along with doing .our speed zone survey, we have also driven these areas and we have driven them at the recommended speed. 35 MPH seems to be a comfortable driving speed. There is no parking on either side of . White Oak Ridge except in proximity to the park and there it is only on the sauth side af the street. The area adjacent to the school is posted with a '25 MPH When Children are Present' . We feel at the present time that the 35 MPH is adequate. You only h�ve one travel lane for each direction and you have a 10 ft. wide center median, but it is not a continuous left turn lane. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTI�N: D. Yarger SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unanimous -6- Newport Blvd./Chapman Ave. - Santiago Canyon Rd. Dick Yarger - .It is posted at 40 MPH, recommended speed is to leave it at �0 MPH. Is there any discussion on that one? Norm Hower - There again, I cannot support it for all the same reasons. You have a street that's walle�, you have a median in that section, left-turn pockets, intersection controls, nothing not readily apparent to the driver, there is no reason for it to be. Dick Yarger - Chapman Ave. and Santiago Canyon Rd., you said that you paced it at 4/l� of a mi1e, T paced it in a city car at 3/10 of a mile between Chapman Ave. and Santiago Canyon Rd. If you are going up Newport Blvd. from Chapman Ave. to Santiago Canyon Rd. on the right-hand side is a driveway that goes in and out of the college, and even though it is a wide str�et, and having a �/10 of a mile and downhill grade, your going to have excessive speed anyway. Joe Fortier - Da we have any accident problems at that area? ,,. Dave Allenbach - Not as a result of the widening of the road, there may have been 1 or; 2 - accidents that resulted from the construction that went on. However, since the road has been widen and opened, we haven't had any accidents yet. Dick Yarger - The 85th percentile isn't that high anyway� it's only 47 MPH and that's rather a short span to be driving at a high speed anyway, 3/10 of a mile. Norm Hower - Obviously, people are comfortable driving at a higher speed. There is no accident problem and no accident history related to that. Dick Yarger - Well I think that their high speed is going to be from Santiago glvd. to Chapman Ave. because it's downhill all the way. Norm Hower - W�h.at does the speed zone data sheet show? �rank Sciarra - It is consistent. RECOMI�IENDATIC�N: APPROVE MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: 4 NAY: 1 _�_ Newport Blvd./Chapma.n Ave. - Canyon View Rd. Dave Allenbach - This is a new one, we didn't discuss this one at the last meeting. It is currently posted at 40 MPH. We have two travel lanes for each direction. There is a center median and it is a 2-way left and left tu�n pockets at the intersections. The intersectian of Newport Blvd. and White Oak Ridge is signalized, this section of road is also curvealinear, making a rather wide sweeping reverse type curve and it also has a vertical curve to it. We are recommending the posting of 40 MPH remain, even though we do have the higher 85th percentile. Again, it is residential on both sides of the street and at the north end there is a com�nereial operation on Newport Blvd. and Chapman Ave. There is a horse trail on the eastside of the street, there are also pedestrian paths on both sides of the street. Dick Yarger - Am I correct on this, when we're going to the Tustin/Santa Ana city limits whatever our boundary is up there, if I'm not mistaken as soon as we leave Orange that drops down to a one lane road almost immediately, doesn't it? Dave Allenbach - Yes it does. Norm Hower - Yes, it's posted at 45 MPH. � Dick Yarger - They got it posted at 45 MPH! Holy Mackerel! ! -Norm Hower----Well--they--have--proper -warning--signs--in=there and intersection-signs -and- - such, and obviously feel that th�y can support that. Dick Yarger - Is there any discussion on this? Frank Sciarra - I think that the 40 MPH would be consistent with the same street above Chapman Ave. moving down south. Norm Hower - I might warn the Commission that they are setting it at the 9th percentile, that's not even in the pace, that's below the pace speed which is also a problem that most of these other speed limits we're setting in. I have some. real concerns about some of these, if they get somebody that has the money and time to really fight them in court, I think the city is digging itself in a hole and the're really going to bury themselves someday. Diek Yarger - Are there any other streets either entering or exiting that: are not signali:zed from the city limits to Canyon View Rd.? Dave Allenbach - From the south city limits to Canyon View Rd., which is the section south af there, there is one that is signalized and that would be Skylark Pl. Dick Yarger - Do they have visability? Dave Allenbach - In my opinion they have adequat� sight distance. There is another intersection to the north, which would be Live Oak and that is setup for a right-turn in and a right-turn out only. -8- Frank Sciarra - I kind of feel being consistent with the same area, I would go along with 40 MPH being the posted speed limit on that street. Dick Yarger - My only problem is that they are coming out of a 45 MPH speed zon�, which a two-lane going on a downhilT grade and all of a sudden the're going two-lane both ways at a reduced speed. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE � MOTION: F. Sciarra SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: 4 NAY: 1 Newport Blvd./Canyon View Rd. - South Cit Limits Frank Sciarra - That's the other part going down to the city limits. � Norm Hower - There again your talking about setting it at the 5th percentile. Frank Sciarra - We have the same situation that we had before. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION: F. Sciarra SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: 4 NAY: 1 �hapman Ave./Newport �lvd. - Jamboree Rd. Frank Sciarra - There is a traffic signal and I don't know what street it is there, and if I'm not mistaken, coming from Jamboree �td. to Newport �lvd. that's � downhill grade. Dick Yarger - I want to tell you, the other day we were out there with radar and those rascals were flying down thru there! Frank Sciarra - What is the distance from the traffic aignal light on Jamboree Rd. down to the middle there? � Dave Allenbach - The entire section is about a Z mile, and the signal light is pretty close to the middle which is about a 4 mile. Dick Yarger - Is there any discussions on this one? Norm Hower - Same objections. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTIQN: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: 4 NAY: 1 _�_ , South City Limits to Canyon View Rd. Dick Yarger - That's the one where we want to recommend going from 45 MPH to 5Q MPH. Do we have any discussion on that-one? RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous C. Request for the installation of a Handica.pped Parking Sta.11 at 465 S. Olive St. , � Julia Kotarski 465 S. Olive St. Orange, CA. 92667 Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. REeOMMENDATION: DIIJY� MOTION: F. Sciarra SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unanimous D. Request for the implementation of a 'Neighborhoocl Parking Permit .Program' for both sides of Pearl St. and First St. between Chapman Ave. and Center St. and the southside of Center St. Dick Yarger - Opened the public hearing. 4 speakers in favor and their concerns were: - eliminates loitering - abandonded vehicles can be taken off the street. - local residents will have pa.rking spaces. 0 speakers in opposition. Dick Yarger - Closed the public hearing and returned it to the Commissioner's for their comments. Donald H. Spengler 10666 Westminster Ave. - Garden Grove, CA. 92643 -10- Oral presentation was based on written staff report, please reter to your copy. RECON�MENDATION: MOTION: F. S�iarra SEC0�1D: B. Leming AYES: Unani.mous � E. Request to install 'No Stopping Anytime - Tow Away' restictions on both of sides of Batavia St.o Grove Ave. and Fletcher Ave. in order to provide a continuous 2-way left turn lane. Edward Loritz 2184 T�. Batavia St. � Orange, CA. 92665 Richard Boris - I o�an property at 2410 N. Batavia, that's just south of Fl�:tcher. We neee� of�-stre�t parking in that area, there's a lot of older residenti�.l homes in that _ area and they �o not have arlequate parkin� s�ace on th.e pra�erty. I tl�ink by making this all no parking in that a��a that is goir�g to cause a problem in that particular area. � I've owned property on Batavi.a St. for 3 or � ye�rs, ara.d it's beginriing to be a race track down thru therer especially around 4:30-5:30 p.m. When the 57 Freeway baeks-up, people automatically come thru Batavia because Batavia is a thru street. I personally hav� witness ca�cs coming thru there at 60-70 MPH and I'm not exaggerating. I've seen matorcylces come down thru there at 70-�0 1�IPH. By eliminating that much more cars off that street your making it a freeway going down thru there and I just feel that is going : to cause more problems. When people t�'y and back-out of these drive-ways and into the street, there's going to be more problems than there is now. I went to Traffic Commission and I had red curbs pa�nted at my entrances so that I could g�et in and out of my prop.erties, Now, the center lane is going to be a turn lane and your going to have two lanes on each side. The cars are not going to be able to back ir�to �the street because your c�oing to have traffic in those lanes. I can just see that we're going to have more and more problems. Dick Yarger - Well looking at the fiap here, if you have a c�r p�arked there and you back out, you sti11 have to back out into the traffic lane to be able to go. How much red curb do you have out there? Rich�ard Boris - My north driveway is at least 50 0� 6a ft., wide plus I have 10 ft. on either side so I have at least 80 ft. in there. Dick Ya�°ger - Why would you need to back-au�L ther�, if you have tha� mu�h �c�om? Why can't you pull out �orward? - Richard Boris - Well if y�u can't turn around, a car would have to back-�ut. The driveway to the south, w� pa�k in there perpendicul�r, we don't have a turn �.round in that area so we have to back-out into the street to go south or north or whatever. Can I walk up to the map there and point? -11- , Dick Yarger - Sure. Richard Boris - I have actually witnessed 7 or 8 accidents here at this point. I almost saw a person get decapitated� a flat bed truek was trying to back-out of this place, and the truck's back-end went thru the windshield, the fellow luckily laid down and the - truck bed went right over. his seat. If he hadn't of laid down it would have cut his head right off. My feelings are the more you cut down on the parking, the more you going to have thoroughfare in the way, and the people are not going to feel comfortable about going faster. I would say that about once a month or once every two months, someone will complain about the speed on that street� and the Police Department will come out with motorcycles and radar and then they disappear. Then in another month or two someone will complain and then they will come back out again, and so on. I can do without the parking, that's not my problem, I'm just trying to cut the speed down on that street. It's posted 40 MPH and they do not go 40 MPH, and the more you open that street up, the more it becomes a thoroughfare and the faster people are going to go. These are my feelings on this, there's just no way you can back out into traffic without being in traffic. I can predict right now that if that is made all red curbs your going to see some accidents, and I mean some good ones, when people are trying to pull out into that, traffic and they really get hit, not going 40 MPH, but going 50 or 60 MPH. Dick Yarger -- I have to plead ignorance, I haven't been out there but what your saying is that the people do not have turn around areas and that they have to back-out. Richard Boris - That is correct. These are all older r�esidential houses. I think that before you approve it, I think you should have somebody ga out there specifically during these traffic hours and make a decision then. Thank you for your time. Dick Yarger - Thank you. Do any of the Commissioner's have any discussion on this? Joe Fortier - Well it seems that it would have to be posted at the 40 MPH being a second arterial roadway. I don't see how we could reduce the speed limit on that street. Dick Yarger - Is it posted 40 MPH now Dave, as you know it? Dave Allenback - Yes. Richard Boris - I don't think that 40 MPH is to fast, it's when they go faster than 40 MPH. Dick Yarger - Your main concern then is basically for the speed and not so much the parking? Your saying if the parking is taken off, the speed will increase? _ Richard Boris - Yes. We do need the parking there }aecause a lot of the houses are older houses with single car garages and they need the parking. -12- Bernie Dennis - Mr. Chairman and Members of the Commission, some of the points that the gentleman made are absolutely correct. What would tencl to happen is the speed wiTl remain as is or increase. The flip side of that is the accidents will go down. Very frankly the reason this happens is first of all you have eliminated most of the potential for rear end type accidents because your putting in a left turn pocket in the middle of the street. Your putting a refudge within this pocket so that people are egressing from a partial don't have to cross the enti.re street, they can go from their side into the continuous left turn lane and then into the travel lane that they wish. You have eliminated on-street parking, subsequently you've eliminated the sight c7istance .; problems associated with vehicles parking next to driveways and as you can see by the exhibit there are a number of those. In regard to truck traffic and we're fully cognizance that there is a great deal of commercial traffic on that street, the commercial vehicles who don't manuyeur as fast as a passenger car, have a place to wait to ma.ke their left turn rather than occupying one thru lane. The one thru lane being the fast lane. So, there's certainly pros and cons. Historically; we probably have 20 plus miles of channelization, left-turn pockets, and parking in the City of Orange, a large amount of which is on Batavia St., you will improve the acciclent history that is on the street. Dave Allenbach - Mr. Chairman and Members of the Commission, in review of the accident history for the �.ast 2 years on this section of Batavia St., we had a total of 9 recorded accidents on Batavia St. and of those nine, 7 0� them would have been - susceptible to correction had there been a continuous left-turn lane on the section of Batavia St. Also I would like to point out that this section of Batavia St., which runs between the railroad tracks on the southend and Fletcher Ave., is over 2,800 ft. long. Of that 2,800 ft. over 2,400 ft. of on-street parking has already b�en removed along the west side of the street with a variety of signage and red curbing. And a total of over 2,300 ft. has already been removed on the east side in a similar �a.nner. If the Commission were to approve this request, we would be losing about 17 parking stalls on the west side of the street and about 20 on the east side. Dick Yarger - Ok, thank you. Is there any more discussion on thi's? � Is there any other discussion with the Commissioner's? Norm Hower - Have any of these accidents being concentrated in any one pa.rfiicula�c area? Dave Allenback - No, Mr. Commissioner, they seem to be dispersed throughout the length - of the segment. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVED MOTION: N. Hower SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unani.mous -13- F. Request to install 'Right Turn Only' restrictions at =the southbound Poplar St. at Orangewood Ave., staff recommendation is to approve this. Since there is nobody in the audience and nobody here to discuss it, one way or the other, does 5taff have anything else they would like to add to this? Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange 300 E. Chapman Ave. Orange, CA. 92666 Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVED MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: N. Hower AYES: Unan�mous Dick Yarger - We are going to adjourn this meeting to one phase, February 27, 1991, at 7:30 p.m. in the Weimer Room and from there a field trip on March 6, 1991, starting at 12:00 p.m. at City Hall. � I ma.ke the motion that we accept the adjournment. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F_ Sciarra AYES: Unani.mous RespectfulTy submitted, w �� T �...� � Sally R. Trejo Recording Secretary -14-