09-08-1993 - Minutes TC ��� ,.��F�- �'�� CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Date of Meeting: September 8, 1993 ROLL CALL-PRESENT-COMMISSIONERS: J. FORTIER,B.LEMING,F. SCIARRA STAFF: B.DENNIS,B.HERRICK, C. GLASS,P.TI-�N ABSENT-COMMISSIONERS: D. YARGER.N. HOWER I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 11, 1993 - APPROVE as published by Recording Secretary. MOTION: F. SCIARRA SECOND: B. LEMING AYES: UNANIMOUS II. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Request for the removal of red curb markings adjacent to Trinity Episcopal Church, located at 2400 N. Canal St. Reverend Virginia G. Erwin Trinity Episcopal Church 2400 N. Canal St. Orangc, CA 92665 There was no discussion on this item. RECOM. MENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, APPROVE the request. MOTION: F. SCIARRA SECOND: B. LEMING AYES: UNANIMOUS 2. Request for the installation of red curb markings on the east side of the driveway located at 1100 E. Almond Ave. Diane Simon, Property Manager Future Mailagement Services, Inc. 21�20-G Yorba Linda Blvd., #490 Yorba Linda, CA 92687 There�i�as no discussion on this item. RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion APPROVE the request. MOTION: F. SCIARRA SECOND: B. LEMING AYES: UNANIMOUS III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS No iteins were on the September 8, 1993,Agenda. IV. INFORMATIDN ITEMS l. Installation of 40 feet of red curb for the OCTA bus stop located on the south side of Almond Ave. 150 feet easterly of Glassell St. Traff c Engineeri�g Division City of Oran�e Staff requested tlle installation of this red curb markings to facilitate the loading and unloading of passengers at the OCTA bus stop at the above noted location. As this was a safety issue, staff determined it was necessary to go ahead and make the installation prior to obtaining approval by the City Tra�fic Commission. RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC,by motion APPROVE the request. MOTION: B. LEMING SECOND: F. SC�ARRA AYES: UNANIMOUS V. URAL PRESENTATIONS l. Vice-Chainnail Fortier mlde the motion that Chairman Yarger is to be responsible for this year's Christmas luilcheon, and that it should be commensurate with previous year's luncheons, a fast trip to MacDonald's or cold cuts in the repair bay won't cut it. MOTION: J. FORTIER SECOND: B. LEMING AYES: UNANIMOUS VI. ADJOURNMENT Discussion o�all of today's Agenda items before the City Traffic Commission being complete, and there bein� no fiirther requests for action under Oral Presentations, it has been moved to adjourn this session of tlle CTC to it's ne�t regular meeting. MOTION: J. FORTIER SECOND: F. SCIARRA AYES: UNANIMOUS