09-14-1994 - Minutes TC � � � �-.=---� ' CITY OF ORANGE ._ .� . __ CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: Sentember 14, 1994 t�-t�rt�-Pr?�t��t�?�-A-?�r?v��F�A-��►?�r w`�wriwgwgwg�'i�G'i�6'i�G'i�'i�E'iw`'i�fi�f',�fi�'i�'iwg ROLL CALL: Present- Commissioners: D. Yarger,F. Sciarra,B. Leming, J. Gibson, J. Fortier Present- Staff: C. Glass,D. Allenbach, Sgt. S. Gabel, Officer J. Gray, S. Trejo �������?����-����'�-F���-�iwS�i�i�i�i�i�i-�i-�i-�i�iw5�i-�iwSw�.wS I. APPROVAL OF 117INUTES -August 10, 1994 CTC Minutes for the month of August were not available. II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Request for the installation of red curb markings on La Veta Ave. at Lemon St. adjacent to the OCTA bus stop. Ms. Mary Marta Alternative Training&Learning Center 133 W. Cerritos Blvd.,Building#2 Anaheim, CA 92805 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. RECONA�NDATION: To APPROVE the installation of 40 ft. of red curb on La Veta Ave. at Lemon St. adjacent to the OCTA bus stop. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unanimous - 1 - III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS A. Request for the installation of marked school crosswalks on Widdows Way and Briardale Ave. in proximity to Covenant Presbyterian Church School. Sue Cook,Properiy Manager Criterion Homeowners Association 2492 Walnut Ave., #100 Tustin„ CA 92680 Oral presentation is based on the written report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. - REC011�IlVIENDATION: To APPROVE the installation of marked school crosswalks on Widdows Way and Briardale Ave., and to install 10 ft, of red curb on either side of the crosswalk to allow sight distance for both pedestrians and motor vehicles. MOTION: B. Leming SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous B. Request for the instal]ation of a '3-VVay' STOP control device at the intersection . of Calle Grande and Cal1e Baja. � Tina Gustave,Property Manager TSG Independent Property Management P.O. Box 7027 Laguna Niguel, CA 92607 � Oral presentation is based on the written report, please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion: r Donna Hanson, 337 Calle Grande - I kind of drew a map, I wish I had something better to show you. But, as you come up off of Chapman and you go up to Calle Grande... Calle Baja is, of course, on the west end side. We live up this � project driveway. There are 4 homes directly across, which is like a private road, � ��d ther� are 4 families in here and we have to turn to get in to our homes. And, I agree with this, traffic coming down that hill is very fast moving and sometimes it becomes very dif�icult just to get into our private road. As far as an accident is concerned, about a year and a half�go, a gentleman at 2:00 a.m, came down that hill... was going so fast, he hit the curb and he knocked out our 4 mailboxes. My mailbox, his insurance took care of it, but it was reported to the police. My mailbox alor�e was a brick foundation filled with cement, with a rod iron mailbox on it and the other 2 were rod iron cemented in the ground, and 1 was a regu lar mai l box. He wiped them all out and totaled his car. -2- So, you can see that this is a situation that needs to be addressed and this is something that we really would like to have to slow that tra�c down. At the time . I had requested... called the City and requested speed bumps done. We did not have the back access road at that time which is the new road that comes through it. But, they couldn't do speed bumps because they felt that this could cause an accident or something. And,�the lines in the street were not visible at the time, so I did request that they go out and at least make the lines in the street visible which they�have. But you can still hear peop�e coming down that street real fast and it is a real problem and I really, really think that this is necessary that we have that freeway STOP there. �It will stop them at Chapman. It will stop them at Calle Baja and it will address that we can get into our private road there also. Addison Taylor Reid 321 Calle Baja - I attended the meeting last, �nonth, about the rumble strips and at that time suggested that perhaps I should submit this idea. I am glad to hear that it is your recommendation that it be accepted. As regard to accidents, I have seen 2 turnovers at that corner. Cars coming down... one Volkswagen and another car within the last 10 years, complete rollovers. It's a badly engineered street, especially if they try to turn into Calle Baja when they're going down Calle Grande. And, I heartily endorse your recommendation. Thank you. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the � Commission for a final discussion and/or motion. RECOA�IlV�NDATION: �To APPROVE the installation of a '3-Way' STOP at the intersection of Cal1e Grande and Calle Baja. M�TION: � J.Fortier SECOND: B. Leming AYES: Unanimous C. Request to remove on-street parking from the east side of Santa Ana Canyon Rd. from Lincoln/Nohl Ranch Rd. to the north city limits. City of Orang� Tra�c Engineering Division RECOMII�NDATION: To cany this item of removal of on-street parking from the east side of Santa Ana Canyon Rd., from Lincoln/Nohl Ranch Rd., to the next regular CTC meeting. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unanimous -3 - D: Request for the installation of 'NO PARKING 12:00 A.M. TO 6:00 A,M.' signs . on both sides of the 2500 block of N. Cottonwood St., and the 400 block of E. Brentwood Ave. Mr.N. Rains P.O.Box 3341 Orange, CA 92665-0341 R � . Oral presentation is based on the written report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. RECOMI��NDATION: To DENY the installation of 'NO PARKING 12:00 A.M, to 6:00 A.1Vt.' signs on both sides of the 2500 block of N. Cottonwood St., and the 400 block of E. Brentwood Ave. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unanimous � IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPQRTS None. , V. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Gene Somers 1539 E. Candlewood Ave. - Since I am the orily one left, I will put in my every six months request, that the police please try to stop some of the truck traffic on Taft Ave, between Glassell and Tustin Streets, that goes behind my house. There are a lot . of these guys that are scof�laws, I guess they are, and it kind of bothers me. I know that the police can't be there everyday but they usually pick one day and the truck drivers all have CB's and they�now when you're there. And, it kind of bugs me when I see you stop � a private car and you're writing them the ticket for some reason, yet I watch three semi's going by. I think that the truck tra�ic should take precedent over whatever else those guys are doing. That's all I have to say. VI. ADJOURNMENT � Discussion of all today's Agenda items before the City Traffic Commission being complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentations; the Chairman hereby adjourns this session of the City Traffic Commission to it's next regular meeting. Today's City Traf�ic Committee meeting adjourned at 4;08 p.m. A. Next regular City Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 12, 1994. -4 -