11-08-1995 - Minutes TC , � � . t � , �::;, ; C ITY OF O RAN G E ��:.-�.-,. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: November 8. 1995 1. OPENING A. Piedge of Aliegiance To The Fiag �o-so-�a B. ROLL CALL: Present- Commissioners: D.Yar�ger, J. Fortier, J. Gibson, B. Leming, F. Sciarra Present-Staff: D. Schmitz, C. Glass, D.Alfenbach, Capt. L. Walsh, W. Winthers, Sgt. S. Gable, Officer J. Gray, P.Then so-�o-�o-�,v-ratio-�o-tia C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Not available at this time. * Recordinq Secretarv's Note:Error on Agenda - Shows Consent Calendar as Section IIi, should be Section II. For continuity I have kept the numbering as it appears on the Agenda. III. CONSENT CALENDAR There are no Consent Calendar items for this meeting. IV. CONSIDERATION CALENDAR 1. Request for the removal of on-street parking in front of 128 S. Cambridge St. Mrs. Carol Milash 128 S. Cambridge St. Orange, CA 92666 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the fol/owing discussion: There was one speaker on this iterr�: Carol Milash, 128 S. Cambridge St. - In favor. Chairman Yarger closed fhe pub/ic hearing and retumed the ifem to the CTC fnr further discussion and/or a motion. RECOMMENDATION: DENY. Leave existing red curti and 'NO PARKING ANY TIME' signs there. MOTION: B. Leming SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous � Tape#CTC-95.11 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714/744-5536)in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. r 2 • _ Minutes of a ReQufar Meetina -Citv Traffic Gommission-November 8. 1995 . 2. Request for a change in the Neighborhood Parking Pennit Program appiication fee. Traffic Engineering Division � CITY OF ORANGE Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion: There were two speakers on this itern: Dolly Windsor, 138 N. Wheeler St. - In favor. Kris Petersen, 149 N. Malena Dr. - in favor. Chairman Yarger c/osed the public hearing and r�etumed the ifem to the CTC for further discussion and/or a motion. RECOMMENDATION: CONTINUE to February 14, 1996, CTC meeting. MOTION: D.Yarger SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous RECOMMENDATION: �4GENDIZE for February 14, 1996, CTC meeting a review of - Neighborhood Parking Permit program areas along Prospect St. with the intent to abotish those pennit program areas, in lieu of the recent changes in the neighborhood. MOTION: D.Yarger SECOND: None Motion is not carried. V. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None VI. ORAL PRESENTATION . None. VII. ADJOURNMENT Discussion of today's Agenda items for the CTC being complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, The Chairman adjoumed this session of the CTC. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the CTC will be held on December 11, 1995. Respectfully submitted, � ��� �Phyllis Then � � � � � Recorciing Secretary City Traffic Commission TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS CITY OF ORANGE 3OO E. CHAPMAN AVE. ORANGE, CA 92666-1591 PHONE: 714/744-5536 FAX: 714/744-6961 File Name: 'I 1-95.CTC (Disk#12/B-Then) g Tape#CTC-95.11 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714/744-553fi)in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated.