02-08-1995 - Minutes TC f�{_•.�� :� F � x b��� _ S"1. CITY OF ORANGE CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: February 8, 1995 I. OPENING A. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag c�3c�c�sc�sc�3c�3c�3c�3c�sc�sc�c�3c�3c�3c�c�c�c�sc�sc�3c�sc�sc�3c�3c�c�sc�3c�3c�c�sc�scs3c�c�sc�3c�sc�sc�c�3c�c�3c�3 B. ROLL CALL: Present - Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Gibson, B. Leming, F. Sciarra Absent - Commissioners: J. Fortier Present - Staff: B. Dennis, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, W. Winthers P. Then,.OPD Officers J. Gray, R. Griffin Absent - Staff: Capt. L. Walsh c�c�sc�c�c�sc�c�c�c�sc�sc5sc�c�c�c�sc�c�c�c�c�sc�sc�sc�sc�sc�c�c�sc�c�sc�c�sc�sc�sc�c�c�c5sc�c�c�sc�c�s C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • November 9, 1994 - Approve as published by the Recording Secretary MOTION F. Sciarra SECOND B. Leming AYES Unanimous D. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN None II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Request for the installation of a driveway vision zone in front of 800 and 840 N. Eckhoff St. Michele Lindgren 840 N. Eckhoff St. Orange, CA 92668 ACTION: APPROVE the request. Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, APPROVE the request. MOTION B. Leming SECOND J. Gibson AYES Unanimous Minutes of a ReQular Meetin -�Citv Traffic Commission February 8 1995 Page 2 111. CONSIDERATIOIV CALENDAR A. Evaluation of the intersection of Main St. and Mapie Ave. Traffic Engineering Division City Of Orange Oral report is based o►n the written staff report, please �efer to your copy. Chairman Yarge� opened the public hearing for the following discussion on this issue. There were two speakers regarding this issue, their concerns are as follows: Kimberly Bottomley, 1005 W. Arbor Way - L'rn representing both Sycamore Elementary and Portota Middle School as t have three children attending these two schools. � would fike to suggest that you instalf a signal here to be synchronized wfth fihe traffi:c signal at MainfPalm that way you don't stop the flow of traffic, yet it's safe f'or pedestrians crossing here. There are atot of kids going over to Portola to partici:pate in the Breakfast Program theX provide and alot of people use the Main/Maple intersection to cross the street. A crossing guard afi Main/Patm is the best syster� you can have aside from an overhead walk-way. Jim McMillan, 340 N. Main St. (Principal, Sycamore Elem�ntary School} - Removing the crosswalk afi MainCMaple is not realty something we would tike because we are not as close by the Main/Palm crosswalk to offer - sup�rvision. Main/Maple is the most direct raute far a great number of our students going over ta Portota Middle School utifizin.g the B'reakfast Prog:ram. Peopfe will cross at Main/Maple regardless if we have a crosswatk or not, � because cars are going so fast on Main St. many motorisfis don`t stop because they are afraid they wilC be rear-ended while stopped for kids crossing the street. We think a synchran'rzed traffi'c sr`gnal or even flashing yellow warning lights would be appropriate here. We have increased enrollment more than ever because changes in district boundaries ar�d also increased number of families sharing a residence due to the high cost of housing. Chairman Yarger c%sed the publie hearing and returned the issue to the Commission for c%sing comments and a mvtion, as fol%ws. � Commissioner Leminq- Is there any anticipated increased in traffic on Main St. within this area in conjunction with redevelapment of the commercial/office/professional development areas? Bernie Dennis - It is anticipated that the traffic will increase dxamaticaliy over the years and I think the Commission is welt aware that ther� has been a down-turn in develoRment over the years, however, substantial activifiy is anticipated in the industrial area as well as other uses. And yes, we feeC the traffic on Main St. will certainly increase, as well as a need to widen Main St. In fact street widening of Main St. from Maple to Chapman is included in the 3-Street Widening/lmprovement project approved by the City Council last year. Commissioner Sciarra - I think the best solution is to remove this crosswalk, and sign the area direeting pedestrians to use the Main/Palm crossing location. Minutes of a Re�ular IVleetin�-Citv Tra�c Commission February 8 1995 Page 3 Ilt. CONStDERATION CALENDAR (Continued) RECOI`/IMENDATIQN: That the CTC, by motion, REMOUE the existing crosswalk and install signage to use the crosswaik at Main St. and Palm Ave. MOTION F. Sciarra SECOND J. Gibson AYES 2 (Gibson, Sciarra) NOES 2 (Leming, Yarger) Motion does not carry. RECOMMENDATtON. That the CTC, by motion, TAKE NO ACTION TODAY and continue this to a meeting in the future.. Investigate the removal of the existing crosswalk at Main/M'apte, meet with , OUSD about their Breakfast Program at Partola Middle School, and having OUSD school educate their students about the crosswalk at Main/Palm. MOTI�N B. Leming SECQND D. Yarger AYES 2 (Leming, Yarger) ABSTA[N 2 (Gibson, Sciarra) Motion is carried. B. Request� for the installation of an `All-Way' ST�P at the intersection of Shaffer St. and Sycamore Ave. Curtis W. Bingham 506 E. Jefferson Ave. Orange, CA 92666 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this issue, There were four speakers in favor of the STDP sign installation, their concerns are as foltows: Curtis Bingham, 506 E. Jefferson Ave. Shawn Murphy, 384 N. Shaffer St. Vickie Lindquist, 3$Z N. Shaffer St. Lesley Besneatte, 419 N. Shaffer St. - • Dip in the roadway, so speed is not the only concern, but an unsafe roadway condition. • Lots of school age pedestrians wa(king this route to three separate cam puses. • Younger age drivers without the best judgment driving tao fast on Shaffer. • Would like a 2-Way STOP for north and southbound traffic. � Have difficulty getting in and out of the driveways. • Not enough Police enforcement. • Need more speed f'rmit signs installed. Minutes of a Re�ular Meeting-Citv Traff'ic Commission February 8,1995 Page 4 Ilt. C4NSIDERATION CALENDAR (Continued) There were three speakers opposing the STOP sign installation, their concerns are as follows: Ralph Godrey, 393 N. Shaffer St. � Tim Edwards, 406 �I. Shaffer St. + Qon't want any on-street parking removed. • Chapman University needs to address their need for additional student parking. • Increased air and noise pollution. + 4-Way STOP will just �ack-up traffic at this intersection.. • Need more Police enforcement Need more 25 MPH speed limit si:gns. Chapman University should address their need for student parking. Chairrr�an Yarger c%sed the public hearing and returned the issue to the Gommission for c%sing comments and a motion, After discussion of '`thraugh street system" and how STOP signs ar� placed the� fo/lovuing recomr�endation was made, RECQMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motian, DENY the request. Additionally, vve will install `D1P' signs with advisory 20 MPH speed fimit sig:ns on those `DIP' signs. MaTIaN - B. Leming SECOND - F. Sciarra , AYES - Unanimous C. Request for the installation af an 'All-Way' STOP at the intersection af Regency �4ve. and Roxbury St. Kimberly Onishi Keysto�e Pacific Property Management, Inc. 41�0 �lewport Place, #350 Newport Beach, CA 92669 Ora/ presentation is based an the written staff re,aort� please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the pub/ic hearing for the fo!/owi�g discussion on this request. There were two speakers in favor of this request, fiheir concerns are as follows: Renee Jof�nston, 2788 N. Roxbury St. Larelei Silverstein, Z776 N. Roxbury St. Motorists driving too fast. Would �ike speed humps if a STOP sign can`t be installed. Lane channelization. RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, DENY the request to instalt an 'Al1-Way' STOP; and contact the praperty manag�r to take official position on speeding and publicize it through newstetters to the community. MOTIQN - D. Yarger SECOND - F. Sciarra AYES - Unanimous Minutes of a Regular Meeting-Citv Traffic Commission February 8,1995 Page 5 Iit. CONSIDERATION CALENDAR (Continued) D. Request for the inst�ifation of a `mid-btock' crosswalk on Pepper St. in proximity to Saint Joseph`s Hospital. Tracy J. Letzring, P.E., R.E.A. Tait & Associates 1 1 Q0 Town & Country Rd., #1200 Orange, CA 92668 Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the fo/%wing discussion of this request. There was one individual speaking in favor of the request as follows: Jim Brennan, Civii Engineer - 191 S. Orange St. We've started construction of the pavilion, we've completed the improvement plans for the passenger loading areas, we have approvat now for the expansion of the Emergency and we have plans in to the City for the parking structure. We'd like to remove those crosswalks now due to the cons�ruction and we can do this in phases with the construction. Cha«man Leming closed the Qubfic hearing of this item and returrred the item to the Commission for finaf discussion andfor a motion. RECOMMENDATION: That the CT�, by motion, APPR4VE �Che request and that the other 3 crosswatks along Pepper St. be removed in phases, to be determined by staff in cooperation with contractor. � M4TION - D. Yarger SECQND - B. Leming AYES - Unanimaus IV. ADMINISTRATIVE RERORTS None. V. ORAL PRESENTATtONS None. Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission February 8,1495 Page 6 VI. ADJOURNMENT Discussion of today's Agenda items for the City Traffic Commission being complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentat'ror�s, at 5;21 p.m. the Chairman adjourned this session of the CTC. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be held on Wednesday - March 8, 1995. Respectfully submitted, Phyltis Then Recording Secretary � City Traffi� Cammfssion TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DlVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIG WORKS CtTY OF ORANGE 3OO E.: CHAPMAN AVE. ORANGE, CAUFORNIA 92666--1591 PHONE: (7141744-5536 � FAx: (714) 744-G961 File Name: Feb-Min (Disk#8/B-Then) 0 TAPE #CTC-95.02 OF THIS TRAFFIG COMMISSION MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR REVIEW. PLEASf CONTACT THE RECORDING SECRETARY IN THtS REGARD. IF YOU WISH T0 USTEN TO THE TAPE SOME ADVANCE N�TICE WOULD BE APPRECIATED.