04-10-1996 - Minutes TC i \ f Y ..j I;� �d������ CITY OF ORANGE CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: Aqril 10, 1996 c�3c�3c�3c�3c�c�3c�3c�c�sc�3c�sc�sc�3t�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�sc�3c�3c�sc�3c�3c�3c�sc�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�sc�3crsc�3c�3 ROLL CALL: Present - Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Fortier, J. Gibson, F. Sciarra Absent - Commissioners: B. Leming Present - Staff: D. Schmitz, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, P. Then OPD-Officer M. Corbett (Traffic Bureau) Absent - Staff: W. Winthers c�s c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�s c�3 c�s c�3 c�3 c�c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�s c�3 c�3 c�S c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�s c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 Excerpt From Minutes of the April 10, 1996 Meeting III.CONSIDERATION ITEMS (Continued) G. Request for the installation of an 'All-Way' STOP control at the intersection of Walnut Ave. and Lincoln St. Beatrice �. Kight-Herbst 1435 E. Walnut Ave. Orange, CA 92667 Oral presentation is based on the wrrtten staff repo�t, please refer fo your copy. Charrman Yarger opened the public hearing for the fol%wing discussion of this request. Beatrice Kight-Herbst - 1435 E. Walnut Ave. I witnessed the accident on 3-9-96 at 11:00 a.m. basically that accident occurred because the person traveling from west to east was exceeding the speed limit by a good 25-30 MPH. I'm getting real tired of being a professional witness. You have these wonderful criteria that quite honestly they prostitute the system. I'm out there picking up pieces of lives, cars, dead animals and you guys say it doesn't meet our criteria. I live on the corner, I don't want somebody killed there. If someone is killed there that devalues the price of my house that gets the entire City sued, we need to do something about this intersection and you guys play games with the numbers. "It doesn't meet criteria, it doesn't meet our warrant," you need to change the warrants then. This has gotten steadily worse you have 2 accidents that were not reported for the simple reason nobody was hurt except the curb. Next time I hope the guy hits the fire hydrant. I'm tired of being awakened from 11:00 p.m. through 4:00 a.m. with some dummy coming around the corner hitting the curb and then backing away and leaving. Excessive speed is a problem on Walnut Ave. Minutes of a Regular MeetinQ - Citv Traffic Commission - Aaril 10, 1996 III.CONSIDERATION ITEMS (Continued) - #G 'All-Way' STOP Walnut Ave./Lincoln St. You people decide that '°we can`t deal with that with a STOP sign," guess what, try. There is a half mile of straight-away between Cambridge St. and Tustin St. and as people become aware that there is a necessity to stop because of a STOP sign at Lincoln/Walnut it will slow down traffic. This isn't rocket science but its an I.Q. Test. We need to do something about that corner. I was out there with my granddaughter the way you people run that corner that child is not safe on that corner, nobody is safe on that corner. You put in low-income housing where there are a raft of young children one house east of the intersection, its not supposed to be my job to go get children out of the street so they don't get hit, its not supposed to be my job to tell a parent to keep their kid out of the street because its just too dangerous. You guys come up with this criteria and you say its not necessary, I have lived here 9 years and there have been 14 accidents that I know of. 14 that were reported. That doesn't even take in the animals that we pick up. God help you if you ever hit an opossum, opossum's have a nasty scent gland, we have had two hit there in the last year and it smells horrible. If we're luck Animal Control corr�es out and picks them up, sometimes that doesn`t happen for 3-4 hours, it's really fun during the summer. We need to do something besides run your little survey and jiggle the numbers. If you will notice there are 23 addresses on the applicants side (of the CTC Agenda) I put out 35 letters, most of the people in � that are have small children or are elderly, that's probably why I`m the only person here today; but guess what, I'll be back next year. You better hope there's not a dead body between now and then because guess whose names I will give them first? I°IB tell them to go see the Traffic Commission because we've tried to do something about this twice and you people just .... I don't know what your criteria is whether you're playing a game ..... I can't imagine why you can't figure out that we need to stop traffic at that corner it faces directly east and west, people cannot see at certain times of the day, that°s probably why the accident occurred at 11:00 a.m. on 3-9-96 because the gentlemen who was crossing did not see the woman who was speeding. I hope you people realize I am totally disgusted with you, if I have to do this every year it's time for you people to change your criteria and think before we kiil a . kid. The reason there haven°t been major injuries at that intersection is because of safety advances in automobiles, it's not anything anybody has done in this town. Eventually someone is going to get killed, if you think I'm ticked off now just wait and I`m going to be very loud and very public about it. The ultimate fault rests with this commission for not doing something positive to stop it. Chairman Yarger - I apologize to you if you think we're disgusting to you, we don't intend to be that way. Unfortunately there are laws in the State of California and the cities that there are criteria to follow and if we put a STOP sign on every corner of every street in the City we'd never move any traffic anywhere. All we have to go by is the reports we receive, what we see, and what surveys we take. Minutes of a Regular Meeting - Citv Traffic Coo�nmission - Aqrii 10, 1996 III.CONSIDERATION ITEMS (Continued) - #G 'All-Way' STOP Walnut Ave./Lincoln St. Commissioner Fortier - It's a speed problem. The purpose of a STOP sign is not to control speed. It's like Mr. Yarger said, if we had STOP signs at every corner you would probably be here saying that you can't get to your house. I understand your frustration but we have to look at this issue on a city-wide basis and 1 don't want anyone hit here either. If it`s a speed problem then we have t�o have Police enforcement. Beatrice Kiaht-Herbst - You need to use your imagination and try something different than just trying to have Police enforcement. They can't be there all night every night. That intersection is of an odd configuration, there's 1/2 mile straight-a-way. Chairman Yaraer - You are also 600 feet away from Tustin St. which has a traffic signal. That is another problem because the distance from a signal to a STOP sign. But how do you stop a man from speeding two blocks unless there happens to be a motor officer sitting there at the time? Beatrice Kight-Herbst - Let's get novel, let`s get creative. What do you lose if you put in a STOP sign here and try it out? What do you lose? Chairman Yarger - We set a precedence. Then everyone comes in with additional requests like this. - Dennis Schmitz, Acting City Traffic Enaineer - We install STOP signs that do not meet warrants the adherence becomes a problem and they actually become more dangerous than safe. Beatrice Kight-Herbst - I don't buy that. Charrman Yarger c%sed the public hearing and returned the issue to the Comrrrission for further discussion and/or a motion. RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, DENY the requested installation of an 'All-Way' STOP sign at the intersection of Walnut Ave. and Lincoln St. because it does not meet minimum warrants, and the problem is not with assigning right-of-way. MOTION J. Fortier SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Then Recording Secretary City Traffic Commission TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS CITY OF ORANGE 300 E. CHAPMA,N AVE. ORANGE, CAUFORNIA 92666-1591 PHONE: (714) 744-5536 FAx: (714) 744-6961 FILE NAME: APRIL-MN (#8/A-THEN)