10-08-1997 - Minutes TC _. i:;�;.`;? ;� �`� ��'�:� , _ ��_:::, . ;:��::;���..:.� ci-rY oF oRaN�E ���f���y��.,���� CITY TRAFFIC C4MMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: October 8. 1997 C�3C�3C�SC�Sc�3c�3C�3C�3C�3c�3C�3c�3c�SC�3C�3c�3C�3C�SC�3t�3t�3c�3c�3t�3c�3c�3c�3C�3C�3c�3c�3c�3C�3' I. OPENING A. Pledge of Ailegiance To The Ftag B. Roll Call: Present- Commissioners: J. Gibson, W. Poutsma, F. Sciarra Absent -Commissioners: D. Yarger,). Fortier , Present- Staff: H. Bahadori, D. AE{enbach, W. Winthers, P. Then, Sgt. Bob Green Commissioner Sciarra acted as Chairman of this mee�ing. C. Approvat (�f Minutes , RECONfMENDATION� APPROVE the CTC Minutes of September 10, 1997, as . published by the Recording Secretary. MOTIQN: J. Gibson � SECQND: W. Poutsma AYES: Unanimous D. Items to be Continued or Withdrawn None this meeting. II. CONSENT CA�ENDAR �.. Request for r�d curb markings in front of the residence at 3947 E. Palmyra ave. Connie�rtiz 3947 E. Palmyra Ave. Orange, CA 92869 Ora/presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion of fhis time. ACTION: Approve the installation of 30 feet of red curb markings west of the driveway at 3947 E. Palmyra Ave. ` MOTION: J. Gibson SECOND: W. Poutsma AYES: Unanimous �p Tape #CTC-97.07 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(7I4) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice wouEd be appreciated. Minutes of a Reaular Me�. �-City Traffic Commission October 8, 1997-Page 2 2. Req�est for red curb markings adjacent ta the two driveways that service the business at 2257 N. Pacific St. Wiilard�. Fischer 2257 N. Pacific St. Orange, CA 92865 O�a/presentation is based on the written staff report, p/ease refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this ti�rne. ACTION: Approve the installation of red curb markings at both driveway's per site sketch. MOTION: 3. Gibson SECOND: W. Poutsma AYES: Unanimous 3. Request for red curb markings adjacent to the driveway Iocated on Culver Ave. that services the medical office at 392 S. Glassell St. Robert J. Dunn, M.D. 392 S. Gfasselt St. Orange, CA 92865 Orat presentation is based on the wr�tter�staff rep�ort,p/ease refer to your copy, There � was no discussion of this time. ACTION: Approve the instatlation of 70 feet af red curb markings on the east side , � of the driveway�and 25 feet on the west side. MOTION: J. Gibson � SECOND: W. Poutsma AYES: Unanimous 4. Request for red curb markings adjacent to the driveway at 4Q9 5. Hill St. Lupe Nurtado 409 S. Hill St. ' Orange, CA 92869 Dral presentation is based on the wriften staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this time, ACTION: Approve the installation of �5 feet and 10 feet of red curb markings on the south side and north side of the driveway at 409 S. Hill St., respective(y. MOTION: J. Gibson � � SECOND: W. Poutsma AYES: Unanimous �° Tape #CTC-97.07 of this City Traffic Commission meeting. is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Regular Me. .g-City Tra�c Commission October 8, 1997- Page 3 III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS A. Request for the removal of a'2-Way'STOP control device at the intersection of Coolidge Ave. a nd Ha rt St. Paul Baker 2839 E. Coolidge Ave. Orange, CA 92867 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, p/ease refer t�your copy. Acting Chai�man Seiarra opene�d the public hea�ing for the fol%wing discussion. Lynn Winn - 2713 E. Coolidge Ave. - Opposed to the removal of the ST4P sign. My residence is at the intersection of Coolidge and Hart. The children in this area come down Coolidge from the PED crossing on Wanda to get home from Vi(la Park Elementary Sct�ool. Older kids corning from the middle school use Hart to cross Coofidge. A large number of children ride their bikes on these streets. The vehicles using Coofidge need to stop and check for cars, pedestrians, skateboarders; the signs have been in and working for 25 years, please don't remove our signs because of one person's request wha doesn�want ta take the time to make the required'stop. Ceci�le Marin - 2644 E. Coolidge Ave. - Qpposed to the removal of the STOP sign. This sign senres a pc�rpose and I don't unders�and why we have to figh�to save what we`ve afready worked so hard to put in. There is a greater volume of children crassing the street at this �ntersection than 25 years ago when we first requested the STOP sign be installed. A week aga we t�ad ar� incident where a skateboarder ran into a truck who was at the �'t"OP sign, thank goodness he had already stopped for the sign, if he had � not been the stopped there could have been ve�y serious injuries. I'm rea[Iy concerned that a single individual could have enough pawer to indicate that this ST4P sign is an inconvenience to him and doesn't regard this as a safety issue. Donald Corbett - 2720 E. Ga�eld Ave. - Opposed to remova! of the STOP sign. The absence of accidents at tF�is intersection 'rs a factor towards retaining the status quo and leaving the STOP sign ir� place. I befieve that the horizontal curve of Hart St. crea�es a blind interseetion at the soutf�east eorner a�Hart and CooPidge(shows photographs). If we remove these sigr�s and put in the signs 'cross traffic does not stop'that wauld be the only intersection in the neighborhood with that unusual arrangeme�t, and because it's unusual I believe it would Iead to driver uncertainty and therefore an increase in accidents. With the Iow volume of traffic a STOP sign can't really affect traffic flow and if we don't have a problem with traffic flow it seems that safety considerations would become paramount. It seems to me that the individual making the request should have some responsibility to propose the safest possible alternative to remedy the problem. Mike Beaudet - 2733 E. Coolid e Ave. - Opposed to removal of the STOP sign. A few months ago I was stopped at this intersection and a bicyclist came throu�h the intersection, if there had been no STOP sign I would have hit him. I can't believe that the City would remove the STOP sign because one person cornplained. Nothing will change if you don't remove the sign. �� Tape #CTC-97.07 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(7i4) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would b� appreciated. Minutes of a Regular Mee�...� -City Traffic Commission October 8, 1997- Pape 4 There has not been any accident since 1990 since I've lived here. If you do remove the signs the residents living on the west side of Handy and elsewhere that use Hoover and Coolidge to travel through the tract wiil probably now use Cooiidge since there won't be a sign because they think it will be faster, and this will increase the volume of traffic on the street, and this will increase the potential for accidents. Maybe none of this will happen but if these signs are removed by the City and there is an accident of any kind I'm sure the attorney's for the matorists involved will find out that the City has liability for removal of the signs. �, RoQer Frick - 2602 E. Coolidge Ave. - Opposed to remova! of the STOP sign. If�here were injuries from an accident at this intersection in the future it could have a negative impact to the City frorn a liability standpoint. Acting Ghairman Sciarra c%sed the pub/ic hearing and retumed the item to the Commission for defiberation and a motion. Hamid Bahadori, City Traffic Eng'rneer - This may seem like a frivolous request and expenditure of time. The installatian and/or removal of any traffic control device in the city must be based on sound trafFc engineering principles and guidelines or must be decided otherwise through a deliberative process suct� as the City Traffic Commission due to overriding considerations. Obviously neither this body or the City Council is compelled to stay within those guidelines. However, �or the saie purpose of minimi�ing possible liability for the city staff has to make their recommendation based on those guidelines, however, the Commission is always free and is encouraged to take a Iarger view and should they find there are overriding considerations they may disagree for � those reasons. But we have to go through the process to minimize city Iiability and protect the city coffer. ACTION: DENY the removal of the `2-Way' STOP contra) device at the intersection of Coolidge Ave. and Hart St. MOTION: W. Poutsma SECONa: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous B. Request for the placement of a school crossing guard at the intersection of California St. and Quincy Ave. K. Chris Parker, Principal California Elementary School 1080 N. California St. Orange, CA 98267 � Ora/presentation is based on the wriften staff report, please�efer to your copy. There was i�o discussion on this item. �p Tape #CTC-97.07 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is availabfe for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Regular Mee�,.��-City Traffic Commission October 8. 1997- Paqe 5 ACTION: 1. Approve the request for the placement of a school crossing guard at the intersection of California St. and Quincy Ave. and recommend that the City Council approve the same. 2. Recommend that the City Counci! approve an appropriation of approximately $6,000 annual salary from General Funds into the Police Department's Crossing Guard Salary Account No. 100�-4041-413102-0000. MOTION: F. Sciarra SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous C. Request for the placement of a schoo! crossing guard at the i:ntersection of Prospect 5t. and Palmyra Ave. Rod Hust, Principal � McPherson Magnet School 333 S. Prospect St. Orange, CA 92869 Oraf presentation is 6ase+d an the written staff report,p/ease refer to your copy. There was no diseussion on this item. ACTION: 1. ARprove the request for the placement of a school crossing guard at the �ntersection � af Prospect St. and Palmyra Ave. and recommend that the City Counci! approve the same. 2. Recommend that the City Counci[ approve an appropriation of approximately $6,000 annual salary from General Funds into the Police Departmer�t's Crossing Guard Satary Account No. 1Q0-4041-413102-0000. MOTION: J. Gibson SECO�ID: W. Poutsma AYES: Unanimous IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS There are no Administrative Reports this month. V. ORAL PRESENTATION r There were no Ora! Presentations made at this meeting. �� Tape #CTC-97.07 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary�at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Reqular Meei.,.,�-City Traffic Commission October 8, 1997- Page 6 VI. AD)OURNMENT After discussion of all Agenda items of the City Traffic Commission was concluded, and there being no further requests for action under �ral Presentations, Acting Chairman Sciarra moved ��r the adjournment of this session of the City Traf�c Commission to it's next regular meeting. The next regularfy scheduled meeting of the CTC will be Wednesday - Novem ber 12, i 997. MOTION: F. Sciarra SECOND. W. Poutsma AYES: Unanimous Respectfully submitted, CITY OF ORANGE Phyllis Then Recording Secreta�y Traffrc Eng�neering Divis'ron CITY OF ORANGE � DEPARTMEM'OF PUBLTC WaRKS TRaFFIC ENGINEERING aIVISION 3OO E. CHAPMAN AVE. • ORANGE, Ca ��$6� PH: (7f4)744-5536 FAx: (7I4)744-6961 d ! �° Tape #CTC-97.07 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated.