09-10-1997 - Minutes TCCITY OF ORANGE CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: September 10, 1997 I. OPENING A. Pledge of Allegiance To The Flag B. ROLL CALL: Present - Commissioners: J. Fortier, J. Gibson, W. Poutsma Absent - Commissioners: D. Yarger, F. Sciarra Present - Staff: H. Bahadori, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, S. Trejo, Sgt. J. Hudson, W. Winthers C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: RECOMMENDATION: To APPROVE the CTC Minutes of August 13, 1997, as published by the Recording Secretary. MOTION: J. Gibson SECOND: W. Poutsma AYES: Unanimous II. CONSENT CALENDAR There are no Consent Items this month. III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS A. Request for `NO PARKING ANYTIME' restrictions on the north side of Taft Ave. for the commercial complex at 307 W. Taft Ave. Catellus Development Corp. 304 S. Broadway St., 4`h Floor Los Angeles, CA 90013 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Acting Chairman Fortier opened the public hearing for the following discussion: CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting Ms. Patti Plenty 1329 Misty Stream Way Corona, CA 91719-8608 I serve as the Property Manager for the subject site, and in my visits to the site, I've noticed that you have to kind of creep out into traffic in order to see passed the trucks that are normally parked along that curb. Because it is a building materials vendor that occupies that adjacent site, it's not little Nissan's or motorcycles that are there, it's usually trucks or large vehicles which even further obstruct the view. In the opinion of the prior property manager, as well as my own opinion, that is why I wrote the letter to the City to ask what David is recommending be done. Acting Chairman Fortier closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commissioners for further discussion and/or a motion. RECOMMENDATION: To APPPROVE the request for `NO PARKING ANYTIME' restrictions on the north side of Taft Ave. at 307 W. Taft Ave., and to paint an additional 27 ft. of red curb easterly of the subject driveway to provide a 45 ft. clearance zone. MOTION: J. Fortier SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous B. Request for the installation of a `STOP' control at the intersection of Freedom Ave. and American Way. Ms. Cheryl Swanson 1039 E. Candlewood Ave. Orange, CA 92867 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion from the audience on this item. Acting Chairman Fortier closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commissioners for further discussion and/or a motion. Commissioner Gibson - I approve of installing the `STOP' sign as staff recommends. When I was there this afternoon, I noticed in leaving the particular area, making a left -turn onto Flectcher Ave. to go back to Batavia St. after making the stop you had to pull out further into the intersection somewhat to have clear visibility to clear traffic. There is a curb there, but there is some tall Juniper trees or some type of trees along the curb that block the visibility of the rather fast moving traffic. When you go out there, could staff look at what might be done to make that person that is stopped at the STOP sign more visible? Tape #CTC-97.09 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting Member 10 1997 Pape 3 of 3 Dave Allenbach - Yes, I will take care of it. Is a matter of fact, along with the work order that I sent to move the crosswalk over, there is also going to be 50 ft. of red curb on both sides of American Way near Fletcher Ave. to help with the sight distance. Commissioner Gibson - Thank you. RECOMMENDATION: To APPROVE the installation of a `One -Way' STOP control at the intersection of American Way and Freedom Ave. MOTION: W. Poutsma SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None. V. ORAL PRESENTATIONS None. VI. ADJOURNMENT Discussion of all today's Agenda items before the City Traffic Commission being complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, the Acting Chairman hereby adjourns this session of the City Traffic Commission to it's next regular meeting. The next scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be held on October 8, 1997. MOTION: F. Fortier SECOND: J. Gibson - AYES: Unanimous Respectfully submitted, CITY OF ORANGE Sally R. Trejo Recording Secretary Traffic Engineering Division Tape #CTC-97.09 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the &A, Recording Secretary at (714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated.