02-12-1997 - Minutes TC --- _ -�.� t,`���i.,,. 1. �i���L .__��::�:;�:�,:,���' CITY UF ORANGE ``�;':r:����`�`��'��°' CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSI�N Minutes of a Reguiar Meeting: February 1 Z, 1997 I. OPENING A. Pledge of Allegiance To The Flag c�3 c�3 c�c�3 c�3 c�c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�s c�c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�s ca3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 ca3 c�3 B. ROLL CALL: Present-Comrnissioners: D.Yarger,J.Fortier,J. Gibson,�1V.Poutsma,F. Sciarra Present-Staff: H.Bahadori, C. Glass,W.Winthers,D.Allenbach,P.Then � Sgt.J.Hudson c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�sc�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�sc�c�c�czsc�c�c�c�sc�c�c�c�sc�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c� G APPROVAL OF MINUTES �. Amended Minutes of November 13, 1996 CTC meeting. RECOMMENDATION - • Note correction in Roli CaII and Approve as published by the Recording Secreta.ry. M4TION: F. Sciarra SECOND: 7.Fortier .� AYES: Unanimous 2. Minutes of December 1 l, 1996 CTC meeting. RECOMMENDATION • Approve as published by the Recording Secretary. MOTION: F. Sciarr� SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unanimous D. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN: None � � Tape#CTC-97.01 of this Traf�ic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714/744-5536) in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Re�ular Meetim�-Citv Traffic Commission-February 12 1997 Page 2 II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Request for a `PASSENGER' loading zone in front af the Chestnut Place Apartments at 1745 E.Fa.irway Dr. Marcia Williams,Administrator Chestnut Place Apartments 1745 E.Fairway Dr. , Orange,CA 92866 � Oral presentation is based on the wrrtten staff report,please refer to your copy. Chairman There was no discussion on this request. IZECOM141ENDATION: Approve insta.11ation of`PASSENGER' loading zone. MOTION: D.Yarger SECOND: J. Gibson . - AYES: Unanirnous B, Request to change the street name"C" Street to "Crest de Vil}e". John R. Jamiso�,P'resident Crest de�ille Homeowners Association 56Z?Crest de Ville Orange, CA 9286?-3333 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report,please refer�to your copy. Chairman : There was Mo discussiore on this request. RECOMIVIENDATION: Approve the request. MOTION: D.Yarger , SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous � III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS A. Request for an `All-Way' STOP at Santiago Blvd. and the Lutheran High School driveway. (Continued from June 14, 1995) Mary B. Steponovich 4417 E. Larkstone Circle Orange, CA 92865443 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report,please refer to your copy. Chairman There was no discussion of this item. F RECOMMENDATION: Deny the request. MOTION: J. Fortier SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous � � Tape#CTC-97.01 of this Traf�ic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714/744-5536) in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Regular Meetir�,� .:ity Traffic Commission-February 12, 1997 Page 3 III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS (Continued) B. Request to consider changes to O.M.C. Section 10.06 regarding the City Traffic Commission responsibilities. Traf�c Engineering Division CITY OF OR.ANGE Oral presentation is base'd on the written staff report,please refer tv your copy. Chairman There was no discussiorr on this request. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request. _ MOTION: D.Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra A3�IES. LTna�ir�ous C. Request to change street names Crawford Canyon Rd. - Cannon St. - Loma St. to "Cannon Street". Traffic Engineering Division. CITY OF C�RANGE Oral presentation is based on the written staff report,please refer to your copy. Chairman There was no discussion on this request. RECOI��IMENDATION: Approve the request. �� . M4TION: D.Yarger � � SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unanimous D. Adoption of a poiicy for the removal o�permit parking. Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF GRANGE � �ral prrsentation is based on the written staff report,please refer to your copy. Chairman There was no discussion on this request. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the policy. MOTION: D.Yarger SECOND: 3. Gibson AYES: Unanimous � � Tape#CTC-97.01 of this Traff'ic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714/744-5536) in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated.. Minutes of a ReQular Meetin�, -Citv Traff`ic Commission-February 12, 199? Pa�e 4 III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS (Continued) E. Request to remove Esplanade St. between Spring St. and Walnut Ave. from the city's speed zone ordinance. Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF ORANGE Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Chairman There was no discussion on this request.. RECOMIV.�NDATION: Approve the request, and post 25 MPH speed limit signs. - MOTION: D. Sciarra SECOND: W.Poutsma. AYES: ITnanimous IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A. Trai�ic Signal Inst�llation and Modification I,ist. Traf�c�ngineering Division CITY Q� ORANGE Traf�c Engineering stiaff�resented a Iist af intersectian that are being suggested for either modification to existing tr�c signals or installation af new signal. Commissianers will submit any suggested intersections tha� ar� nofi on the Iist to staf� within 30 days. Traf�ic Engineering staf�wil� be conducting signal warrant studies and when compteted the intersections will be given a"ranking" on a "priority list" for the improvements when funds are available. B. Request to consider changes to the ST�F control war�ants for tocai streets. Tra�c Engineering Division � CITY OF ORANGE Traf�ic Engineering staf� presented the city's current warrant criteria for STOP controls. Staf�' wants to modify our criteria for local streets as outlined in your . packets. Commission to submit any suggestions to sta.f�as soon as possible. This will be agendized for the March 12, 1997, CTC meeting for further consideratior�. I don't believe that this is unreasonable over the next month I'm going to try and find out what our neighboring jurisdictions have in regards to their warrants and see how they compare to our warrants. We know the County uses the State's warrants regardless of what type of intersection it is. We want to tighten up our warrants but not make it impossible for a local street to make warrants because if there is a need then we have to address it. i� Tape#CTC-97.01 of this Tra�c Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714/744-5536) in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Re�ular Meetin�-Citv Traffic Commissi�n-February 12 1997 Page 5 V. 4RAL PRESENTATION A. The City Traffic Engineer advised the �TC that the six-month review of the turn restrictions at Tustin-Briardale wi11 be agendized for their review at the March 12, 1996, CTC meeting. Notifications will be sent to both the residential neighborhood and th�commercial tenants at the strip centers at this intersection. This item will be presented ta the City Council after your review for two reasons; so the Council will have the benefit of your review and input; and so that the issues are brought up in a more focused manner as the CTC is more focused on traffic issues than the City Cauncil. _ B. The Gity Tra�ic Engineer discussed praposed modifications to the Tustin Sta 1'os� Office. We hav� revised plans developed and have estimated the improvements will� cost an additional $27,000., he �urther advised the CTC that he will be meeting with Posta� officials ne�t week to discuss possible funding cantributions. Basically the middle driveway is going to become a `One-Way' OUT only and it's going to be reduced in width to pravid�additiQnal parking space. The northerly driveway and the southerly dr�vevc�ay will become entrance and exit points. The parking is gaing to,go back ta 90° stal�s sa you can park fram either di�ection. The Past 0►�ice may allovv us 6-7 parking sp�aces on the southerly side of the building, they cannot open the north . side because they cla�m that is the main�ccess for their delivery trucks. There will be raised medians an Tustin north and south of the Post�f�ice. I€we do aIl this work, in . totat, we may be able ta pick up an additional 12 parking spaces. No matter what�v� do there is gain�ta be a problem beca�use there physicatly is nat enough roam at th�s location to provide enough on-site parking. VI. ADJOURNMENT Discussion af today's Agenda items for the CTC b�ing complete, and there being no further requests for action under Qral Pr�s�nta.tians, at 4:15 p.m., the Chairman adjourned this session of the CTC. The ne�ct regularly scheduled meeting of the CT"C v�iii be held March 12, 1997. Respectfull�submitted, Phyllis Then Record.ing Secretary City Traffic Commission TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � CITY OF ORANGE 300 E. CHAPMA}N AVE. ORANGE, cA 92866-1591 PHONE: 714/744-5536 Fax: 714/744-6961 Fi�e Name: February 1997-CTC Minutes (Disk#11/A-Then) .-� � Tape#CTC-97.01 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at (7I4/744-5536) in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated.