12-09-1998 - Minutes TC �.� ...�-�.� �>:. ��'`�'� �iTY OF ORANGE ��::� y�y,.YJJ.a.SLw'wa'V� CITY TRAFFI C COMM i SSI O N ..a;�,�q��p���-:R�� Minutes of a Regular Meeting: December 9, 1998 ��������������������������������������� i. OPENING ,4� F-�-ag Pledge B. Roll Cali: ' Present-Commissioners: ). Fortier, W. Poutsma, F. Sciarra Absent: D. Yarger Present-Staff: H. Bahadori, D. Allenbach, C. Glass, W. Winthers, Sgt. B. Green, P. Then C. Approval Of Minutes: Meeti ng of October 14, 1998 � Meeting of November 18, 1998 ACTION: Approve as published by the Recording Seeretary MOTIQN: F. Sciarra SECON D: W. Poutsma AYES: Unanimous D. Items To Be Continued or Withdrawn . None this meeting. t I. CON SENT CALEN DAR There are no items on the Consent Calendar this month. 111. CONSIDERATION ITEh�tS 1. Request for the installation o� a STOP control device at the intersection of Riverview Ave. and Ramona St. Abnor& Kimberly Ivora 1501 E. Riverview Ave. Orange, CA 92865-1516 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this request: ACTION: Approve the installation of a '1-Way' STOP for northbound Ramona St. at Riverview Ave. MOTION: F. Sciarra SECOND: W. Poutsma AYES: Unanimous � Tape #CTG98.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. � Printed on Recycled Paper Minutes of a Re�ular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - December 9, 1998 Page 2 2. Request to reinstate the 'NEIGHBORHOOD PARKtNG PERMIT PROGRAM' on Shaffer St. between Palm Ave. and Maple Ave. Carolyn Caveeche 275 N. Shaffer St. • Orange, CA 92866 ' Oral presenfation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Chairman Fortier opened the public hearing for the following discussion: Commissioner Poutsma- How (ong has this block been out of the parking program? Dave AI lenbach- 1 Q years. Renee Cahill, 280 N. Shaffer St. -We know that Chapman has built a new parking structure but this will not hefp our problem because the people who are parking on our block are from the Theater and Arts Division and its mostly faculty and they don't want to walk all the way over to G[assell St. We ha�e no parking on our block every day of the week and . most weekends. Commissiorrer Fortier closed the public hearing for further discussion and a motion by the Commission. ACTION: Approve the request pending reeeipt of$200 for application processing. MOTION: W. Poutsma � SECON D: F. Sciarra . AYES: Unanimous � 3. Request for the installation of speed humps on Handy St. between Co{lins Ave. and Katella Ave. Russel Monroe 2505 E. Locust t�ve. Orange, CA 92867-�601 � Oral presentati�on rs �ased on tf�e written staff r�eport, please refer to your capy. Chairman Fortier opened the pu��ic Mearir�g for the�ollowing discussion: Chairman Fortier- How many humps is planned? How will they be placed? Dave Aflenbach - 5 Humps. They are spaced, as near as we can, an even distance apart (approx. 500 ft.}. We try to establish them on property lines when we can so long as they don't interfere with manhole covers, sewer outlets, or things we need access to. We try to post the sign on property lines whenever we can and also the speed humps so residents aren't looking at these things from their living room windows. Russel Monroe, 2505 E. Locust Ave. - I live on the corner of Handy and Locust and I am the , one who initiated the petition. We have 87% agreement of the afFected residents. About 6 years ago the Police Dept. conducted a radar survey and at that time the average speed was about 41 MPH on Handy St. and although an independent radar survey was performed by Austin-Foust Associates whose results indicate an average speed at 36 MPH, those � Tape #CTG98.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice wouid be appreciated. � Printed on Recycled Paper Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - December 9, 1998 Page 3 figures were obtained around 10:00 a.m. and not during the 7:00 a.m. peak period where we see about 3,300 cars a day on this local street. Approval of those speed humps would greatly reduce the speed and relieve the Police Dept. for further duties around the City. I have monitored their radar activity and when they are working Handy St. they average 1 citation every 15 minutes and its not just local residents who speed; approx. 70% of the _ cars going d'own Handy St. are from outside the City of Orange and are using Handy as a ' by-pass street. Commissioner Sciarra-My concern about speed humps is the increase of noise pollution in the area, are the residents aware of this condition? ACTION: Approve the installation of five (5) speed humps on Hand� St. between Collins Ave. and Katella Ave., and recommend that the City Council approve the same; and that the City Council appropriate $15,000 for the installation of these speed humps from Genera) Fund Unappropriated Reserves into the department's Contractual Services Account No. 273-5032-447100. MOTION: J. Fortier SECON D: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous IV. ADMINISTRATtVE REPORTS 1. Repart by Hamid Bahadori, Manager Transportation Serriices/City Traffic Engineer regarding the current vacancy on the C'rty Traffic Cornmission. .. As hard as we tried to have the vacancy fil(ed an the CTC we have been unsuccessful but . we have a promise from the Mayor and ttre City Council that there will be an appointment in the month of January� 1999. � No action is required by the Commission, this is for informat�on only. 2. The SR-55 Fwy. widening projecfi as you may already know is going into construction early next year, the date we have received frorn Ca[trans is 1-15-99 and it's going to be with us for the next �-4 years. It will have significant impact to the traffic patterns and detour activity and a lot of cong�esfion in the area. We are workin� �ery cfasely with Caltrans, OGTA,Schoal F.�istrict, Police Dept. to minimize the impacts to our community. The City Council has a scheduled meeting for 1-5-99, and the Mayor F�as extended a special invitatian to the members of the CTC to attend t�is meeting and provide the Council with your input, questians and eomments. We will send you a letter advising you to the time and pl�ce. No action is required by the Commission, �his is for information only. 3. The last item is the Plaza Improvement Project. If you recall we had a demonstration around the Plaza in September where we used sandbags and paints to construct a proposed design of the reconfiguration of the Plaza. After that there was some additional design work done and the City Council had a Study Session on 12-2-98. In that meeting after hearing extensive staff report and testimony from the public they directed that the project come back to the CTC with several specific directions. � Tape #CTG98.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review., Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. � Printed on Recycled Paper Minutes of a Re�ular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - December 9, 1998 Page 4 A) For staff to investigate the possibility of minimizing or eliminating large truck traffic around the Plaza, 1 don't think we can eliminate it altogether because there is some businesses with legitimate delivery needs. As far as minimizing it the only option is to eliminate Chapman Ave. from the City's Approved Truck Raute, and we don't know what the ramifications would be, we have to collect and `analyze data; � _ however, we will come back to you in February. J B) They want the CTC;and the citizen's committee that is formed to look at the recanfiguration of the Plaza, we don't know how that will work out either, we wil) IoQk at this !ater ort. C) The other issue is that the Council directed us to start a comprehensive traffic circulation study of the Old Towne area. We are not very clear on the direction given to us by the Councit, we wi11 ask for �larification, and hopefully in February we wif! have a better description of what we are planning to do. That study would take approximately 6-9 months and cost about $50,000; I'm not sure if that is what the intention was. I will need to conduct individual briefings with the � Counci�member's for clarification. The CTC will be heavily involved with any traffic re-design or changes 'rn Old Towne and around the Plaza, and the Mayor wanted to let you know af her special appreciation of hetping the Couneil to make a good decision and she felt there needs to be more community participation and the CTC needs more direct involvement in the design process. Chairman Fortier- The configuration of the "'park" pQrtion of the P1aza, is that still in the , offing or has that been altered? , Hamid Bahadori - The location of the curbs for the Plaza park have never been under consideration and there has beec� r�o proposal to change it. There have been proposals to � change the t�rpe of vegetation, pathways, fountain, but the location of the curbs have never been considered for re-design. The only proposal is to extend the curbs around the quadrants, not around the Plaza park. Commissioner Sciarra - Do you know if there is anything in the plans of the freeway construction ta k�eautify or landscape the on/off-ramps of the SR-55 Fwy? Hamid Bahadari - That question was raised in the meeting we had. This meeting was attended by Mayor Coontz and Caunc`rlman Slater. Councilman Slater raised that rssue and Caltrans basic landscape for an interchange, in rny opin;on, is not what yo� call a desirable interchange fandscape. They spend a minimum amount of money and the purpose of the Iandscape is not beautification but erosion control, they put in a tree or two just to make it look pretty. What we ptan is to sit down with the City Cauncil, maybe even before the special meeting, shaw tf�em the plans and I'm pretty convinced they aren't going to like the plans they wi11 see, and I think they are going to direct us to go after more money. There are many, many opportunity at the State and Federal level for highway beautification projects that local agencies can apply for more money and enhance the Caltrans proposed landscape; but today's proposed Iandscape under this project is very basic and minimal, pretty much what you see out there. Commissioner Sciarra - Some interchange areas are landscaped and well maintained, that particular one isn't. � Tape #CfG98.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. � Printed on Recycled Paper Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - December 9, 1998 Page 5 Hamid Bahadori-We have a problem with Chapman. �ne of the other problems we have with Caltrans is that when they know a freeway is to go under construction they pretty much reduce their maintenance levels for that freeway and their interchanges. They say that in a year or two we're going to tear out all this stuff anyway so what is the point of maintaining it? � — Gommissioner Seiarra - They have some beautiful interchanges such as Main St. and the � SR-22 Fwy. , Hamid Bahadori - If you have the opportunity to come to the Stu�y Session we will give a very brief project averview. There are going to be some major changes on that freeway. No action is required by the Commission, fhis is for information only. V. ORAL PRESENTATiONS There were no presentations either from the public or Commission. VI. ADJOURNMENT After discussion af today's Agenda items of the Ci�ty Traffic Commission was concluded, and as there were no further requests for action under Oraf Presentations, the Chairman adjourned this session of the City Traffic Commission at4:00 p.m. The ne�ct regularly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be Wednesday � , February 10, 1999. Respectfully submitted, C1TY OF ORANGE Phyflis Then , Record i ng Secretary Traffic Engineering Division � � CITY QF QRANGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLlC WORKS TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVtSION � 300 E.CHAPMAN AVE. ORANGE CA 92866 . PH: (714) 744-5536 FAx: (714) 744-6961 � MINUTES-DEC [DISK#20/THENP] � Tape #CTG98.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice woufd be appreciated. � Printed on Recycled Paper