11-18-1998 - Minutes TC - ,r.,,. �� .. � ��.� C I TY O F O RA N G E ���:�_.�.�.�..��'.�.�.�.�...�.......�.:��::�� �;:::.:�.�:�:��:;.��.:.� C1TY TRAFFIC COMMISSION -�������sa��>�� Minutes of a Regular Meeting: November 18, 1998 ��������������������������������������� 1. OPENING y A. Flag Pledge � � � B. Rotl Call: Present-Commissioners: D. Yarger,J. Fortier, F. Sciarra Absent: W. Poutsma, H. Bahadori Present-Staff: D. Allenbach, C. Glass, W. Winthers, Sgt. B. Green, P. Then C. Approval0f Minutes: Not avai�able at this time. D. Items To Be Continaed or Withdrawn None this meeting. � 11. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Request for the installation of red curb markings on both sides of the driveway servicing 1633 W. Palmyra Ave. Zosie Leyson 1633 W. Palmyra Ave. Orange, CA 92869 � � Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. � � There was no discussion of this request. ACTtON: Approve the installation of 25 ft. of red curb markings on the west side of fihe subject driveway and 18 ft. of red curb on the east side. MOTION: D. Yarger , SECOND: ). Fortier AYES: Unanimous � Tape #CTG98.09 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. � � Printed on Recycled Paper Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - November 18, 1998 Page 2 11. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 2. Request for the installation of red curb markings on both sides of the driveway at 181 N. Center St. Emmaline McNealy � y 181 N. Center St. Orange, CA 92859-0935`. Oral present�ation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your cop�y. There was no discussion of this request. ACTION: Approve the installation of 10 ft. of red curb on both sides of the subject driveway. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: �. Fortier AYES: Unanimous 3. Request �or the instaf lation of a vision zone at the intersection of Emerald St. and Wa1 n ut Ave. Louise Colin - � 1243 Primrose Dr.. � �range, CA �2868 Oral presentation is based oR the writ�en staff report, please reTer to your copy. There was no discussion of this request: . ACTfON: Approve the installation of 10 ft. of red curb on both sides of the subject driveway. MQTION: D. Yarger SECOND: }. Fortier � AYES: Unanimous � Tape #CTG98.09 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact th� Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. � Printed on Recycled Paper Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City 7raffic Commission - November 18, 1998 Page 3 IIi. CONSIDERATION 1TEMS 1. Request for the installation of a STOP control device at the intersection of Timberland St. and Sprucewood St. )ennifer Baror� � 8227 E. Timberland A�e. Orange, CA 92869 ' Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to yaur copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the foltowing discussion of this request: )ennifer Baron, 8227 E. Timberfand ave. - I live right at this intersection. Cars come to the end of Sprucewaod and they don't even stop. I spoke with Mr. Fortier when you were Principa! at our school and I'm finally getting around to requesting the STOP sign. All the other streets that intersect Timberland have STOP signs. Commissioner Fortier- Do you realize that if we put in a STOP sign there it's going to eause more nois�and Ir`ttle more pollution, etc. . Chairman Yarger-Ir app�ars from the map that all traffic is uneighborhood" traffic. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the . Commission for fur�her diseussion ar�al/or a motion. Chairman Yarger - I feel that as this is a closed neighborhood and there is no outside traffic coming into the area, that if the neighborhood wants the STOP sign I have no objections to it. ACTION: Apprave tF�e �nstaf lation of a '1 Way' STOP sign on Sprucewaod St. at Ti mbertand A�e. � MOTION: F. Sciarra SECOND: �. Fortier AYES: Unanimous 2. Request to change the posted speed {imit on Cannon St. between Santiago �anyon Rd. and Serrano Ave. from 40 MPH to 45 MPH. Traffic Engineering Divisian CITY OF ORANGE � Tape #CTG98.09 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice wou(d be appreciated. � Printed on Recycled Paper Minutes of a Re�ular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - November 18, 1998 Page 4 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion of ti�is item. ACTION: Approve the request and change the posted speed limit on Cannon St. � between Santiago Canyon Rd. and Serrano Ave. from 40 MPH to 45 MPH. J MOTION: - ). Fortier � SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous 3. Request for the implementation of NNO PARKtNG 3-6 A.M." restrictions on both sides of the 1200 block of N. Parker St. Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF QRANGE Oral presentation is based or� the written staff report, p/ease refer to your copy. Cha�rman Yarger opened t�he public hearing for the fallowing discussion of this item. �ohn Spinks, 1214 N. Parker St - There's only 2 of here today and we`re both in , favor of the parking restrictions and your recommendation is that it be approved so , if we don't need to waste your time if necessary. Gene Borowski, 1245 N. Parker St -My sentiments exactly. � . Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussion and/or a motion. Chairman Yarger - We've been talking about this issue for manths, is there any other discussion an it? Commissioner Fortier-As I understand it we've been tr}ring ta for a long time to get this area cleaned up and from my understanding it hasn't been cleaned up, and I'm at the point where I say let's move on. ACTION: Approve the request for the implementation of '�NO PARKfNG 3-6 A.M." restrictions on both sides of the 1200 block of N. Parker St. MOTION: ). Fortier SECOND: D. Yarger AYES: U nan i mous � Tape #CTG98.09 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-553b in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. � Printed on Recycled Paper Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - November 18, 1998 Pa�e 5 4. Report from the City's consultant, Austin-Foust & Associates, Inc. on the Handy St./Collins Ave. Neighborhood Preservation Study. Traffic Engineering Division CiTY OF ORANGE > Chairman Yarger indicated tf�at the Consultant will answer questions frorr� the audience concerning the study_ Oral presentation is based on the written staff report and consultant's report, please refer to your copy. CF�airman Yarger indicated that the speaker cards reeeived indieated you wish to speak on items that are within this subject matter but they could be heard under "Oral Presentations". There was no discussion on this study. Wayne Winthers, Asst. City Attorney - Regarding the speed humps, just so the audience understands, that is not before the Commission as yet. There was mention about circu[ating a pet'rtion to have them installed, that will be agendized for the Traffic Commission at a later time and anyone whQ wants to be advised of that may let the Traffic Engineering Division know and tney will include you Qn the mailing list. Also if you have any cQmments you want to make to Tra�fic Engineering about it you may write them a letter to speak wit:h ther�n directly. ACTION: � ' 1. Receive and File the report; and 2. Forward the Consultant's report, with modifications recommended in the staff report, to the City Council for final action. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. �ciarra AYES: U nan i mo'us IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS . 1. Report on prohibiting parking on City-owned parkways. Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF ORANG E Wayne Winfihers, Asst. City Attorney - You asked us to look at ways we could address a concern where vehicles have been observed parking on the city-owned parkways. In reviewing our Municipal Code 1 believe we have found a section � Tape #CTG98.09 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please cvntact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. � Printed on Recycled Paper Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - November 18, 1998 Page 6 that would apply and in conversations with the Police Dept. they are willing to utilize the section to enforce this and then we will see how it stands up to a court challenge; its Chapter 12.64 of the O.M.C. ACTION: Receive & File report. J M4TION: D. Yarger � SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unanimous V. ORAL PRESENTATIONS There were no presentations either from the public or Commission. VI. ADj�URNMENT After. discussion of today's �hgenda i�erns of the Cifiy Traffic Commiss�on was concluded, and as there were na further requests for act'ror� under Ora{ Presen�ations, the Chairman adjourned this session of the City Traffic Commission at 4:00 p.m. " The next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be Wednesday- December 9, 1998. RespectfuLly submitted, CITY OF ORANGE � � Phyllis Then - Recording Secretary Traffic Engineering Division � CITY OF ORANGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION 300 E. CHAPMAN AVE. ORANGE CA 92866 PH: (714) 744-5536 FAX: (714) 744-6961 � MINUTES [DISK#20�THENP] � Tape #CTG98.09 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the � Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. � Printed on Recycled Paper