11-18-2009 DRC MinutesCITY OF ORANGE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES -FINAL November 18, 2009 Committee Members Present: Adrienne Gladson Bill Cathcart Tim McCormack Craig Wheeler Joe Woollett Committee Members Absent: None Staff in Attendance: Leslie Aranda Roseberry, Planning Manager Dan Ryan, Historic Preservation Planner Sandi Dimick, Recording Secretary Administrative Session - 5:00 P.M. Chair McCormack opened the Administrative Session with a review of the Agenda. Planning Manager, Leslie Aranda Roseberry, stated there were no changes to the Agenda or any policy or procedural information. Ms. Roseberry stated that she thought the last meeting went very well; there was a larger group than they generally had and the Committee should prepare themselves for something similar or larger for Rio Santiago and if Salem Lutheran ever came forward. Committee Member Gladson stated she felt Staff had done a very good job of explaining to the general public of what the role of the DRC was and the purpose of the meeting, as it was a difficult thing to constantly communicate. As there were only five speakers, there would probably be speakers that would wait for the Planning Commission (PC) presentation. Chair McCormack stated there was a full page ad in the Sentry that had the appearance that the Design Review Committee (DRC) had approved the whole project. It stated that the project was unanimously approved by the DRC. Ms. Aranda Roseberry stated she would try to get her hands on that publication before they met with the applicant again. Chair McCormack stated it was misleading for those who had not known the preface of what they had discussed. Ms. Aranda Roseberry stated they attempted to make it very clear that the proposed project was being recommended. Committee Member Gladson stated she felt the applicant needed to go through their concerns regarding the Conditions with Staff prior to the DRC meeting; in her view that was what took so much time as they were quibbling over Conditions that they needed to discuss and gain clarification through Staff. City of Orange -Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2009 Page 2 of 10 There was no further discussion. Committee Member Woollett made a motion to adjourn the Administrative Session. SECOND: Craig Wheeler AYES: Bill Cathcart, Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Craig Wheeler, Joe Woollett NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Administrative Session adjourned at 5:25 p.m. Regular Session - 5:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: All DRC members were present. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: MOTION CARRIED. Opportunity for members of the public to address the Design Review Committee on matters not listed on the Agenda. There was none. CONSENT ITEMS: All matters that are announced as Consent Items are considered to be routine by the Design Review Committee and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of said items unless members of the Design Review Committee, staff or the public request specific items to be removed from the Consent Items for separate action 1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a) October 7, 2009 Committee Member Gladson made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular scheduled DRC meeting on October 7, 2009, with changes and corrections noted during the Administrative Session. SECOND: Joe Woollett AYES: Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Craig Wheeler, Joe Woollett NOES: None ABSTAIN: Bill Cathcart ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED. City of Orange -Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2009 Page 3 of 10 b) October 21, 2009 Committee Member Wheeler made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular scheduled DRC meeting on October 21, 2009, with changes and corrections noted during the Administrative Session. SECOND: Adrienne Gladson AYES: Bill Cathcart, Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Craig Wheeler, Joe Woollett NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED. City of Orange -Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2009 Page 4 of 10 AGENDA ITEMS: Continued Items: None New Agenda Items: 2) DRC No. 4453-09 - DR. NGUYEN-ORANGE DENTAL ARTS A proposal for a new free-standing monument sign. 262 S. Glassell Street, 01d Towne Historic District Staff Contact: Dan Ryan, 714-744-7224, Bryan ~,cityoforange.org DRC ACTION: Final Determination Historic Preservation Planner, Dan Ryan, presented a project overview consistent with the Staff Report. Applicant, Moira Boynton, address on file, stated the colors that were presented matched the existing structure of the dental office. The one color that was not on the building was the iron rust; the business card had a very bright orange and she had toned that down to work with the palette of colors that existed at the site. She passed out photos of the existing sign. Public Comment None. Chair McCormack opened the item for discussion. Committee Member Woollett stated he thought that a mow strip was supposed to be flush with the grass, and when the grass was edged the wheel of the mower would align with that strip. Chair McCormack reviewed the photo and stated the area depicted in the photo was more of a base. Ms. Boynton stated it was to protect the sign from a weed whacker. If a mower was not being used, would the mow strip need to be flush, and those were generally only used when the area was in sod or turf and would be mowed. If the area was more of a planter the mow strip was not needed. The sign she presented would be in a planter. The applicant would place flowers around the sign. Chair McCormack stated he knew that existing drain covers could look appealing, but in the case of the proposed project he asked if the sign could be moved to hide the drain cover. The drain cover would be behind the sign, rather than in the front of it. Mr. Ryan stated as long as it was 2 feet from the front. City of Orange -Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2009 Page 5 of 10 Ms. Boynton stated she agreed with that suggestion. She would want to have the sign remain far enough away from the sidewalk; that was a busy pedestrian area and she had not wanted bikes to fall against it. Chair McCormack stated he had visited the site and there were three utility boxes on the site, and he suggested moving the sign. Committee Member Wheeler stated it might not be possible if there was an easement line that ran through the property. Committee Member Gladson stated that could be checked. Chair McCormack suggested that the existing sign post be removed. Ms. Boynton asked if the mow strip could be eliminated if the sign was placed in a planter area? Chair McCormack stated yes. Committee Member Woollett asked if the address numbers were made 25% larger would that affect the design appearance of the sign? Ms. Boynton stated she had not felt that it would. There was so much negative space due to the placement of the logo and having the numbers drop down would appear okay. She had already adjusted the logo and she would ensure that the balance was appropriate. Committee Member Woollett asked if the lettering would be vinyl? Ms. Boynton stated the sign would be sandblasted and the lettering painted. Chair McCormack asked what was on the back of the sign? Ms. Boynton stated it would be smooth and have the border just like the front. The Committee discussed various slogans that could be added to the back of the sign. Chair McCormack discussed the placement of the sign to cover the drain cover and where the landscaped areas should be added. The mow strip could be eliminated if the area would not be mowed. Ms. Boynton stated the sign would be best served if there were low plantings in front of it. If the placement of the sign would be a suggestion, how would she get back with Mr. Ryan prior to permitting to ensure things would be appropriate; was she understanding that either placement would be acceptable? Committee Member Cathcart stated since it was a suggestion, either placement would work. Ms. Boynton stated she would like to have the manhole area covered up. City of Orange -Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2009 Page 6 of 10 Chair McCormack made a motion to approve DRC No. 4453-09, Dr. Nguyen-Orange Dental Arts monument sign, subject to the conditions contained in the Staff Report and with the following additional condition: 1. Remove the existing sign post. And with the following suggestion: 1. Move placement of sign to cover manhole and other existing utilities and to reduce turf area. SECOND: Craig Wheeler AYES: Bill Cathcart, Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Craig Wheeler, Joe Woollett NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED. City of Orange -Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2009 Page 7 of 10 3) DRC No. 4454-09 - LA VETA GRAND APARTMENTS A proposal requesting the use of metal (alternate material) rather than wood garage doors on an existing non-contributing apartment complex. 401 W. La Veta, Old Towne Historic District Staff Contact: Dan Ryan, 714-744-7224, Bryan a,cit. o~angeā€¢org DRC ACTION: Final Determination Historic Preservation Planner, Dan Ryan, presented a project overview consistent with the Staff Report. Applicant, Russell Khouri, address on file, stated the purpose of installing metal or roll-up doors was that the existing doors were so big and heavy and they just flipped open and they encumbered the width of the driveway. The roll-up doors would retract into the garage and there would be less maintenance with the longevity of a metal door. They wanted to match all the doors on site. He had walked the project and presented photos to the Committee Members. The doors were not visible from any of the entries at the complex. Public Comment None. Chair McCormack opened the item for discussion. Committee Member Woollett stated the existing doors were not originally in the project and it would seem to him that the doors were allowed and permitted at a time when the DRC had not existed; and he found they were not consistent with the architecture of the project. To attempt to match them would be foolish, in material or anything. Mr. Ryan stated hewould not want to attempt that either. Committee Member Woollett stated he had no argument at all for the proposed solution. He wanted to be certain which door the applicant was proposing to use. Mr. Khouri stated it was called a long panel door with no windows and he presented a brochure with an example of the door. It was a Stratford 1000; that door was chosen as it was spanning two spaces and they had used that door at some of their other sites. Committee Member Woollett stated some of the doors would be 16' wide and at the new openings they would be 8'. Mr. Khouri stated no, they would all be 16'. They wanted to remain consistent. Chair McCormack stated they would be framing-out the garages. City of Orange -Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2009 Page 8 of 10 Mr. Khouri presented a photo and explained how the framing would work. They would be building-out to be flush and have a metal door. There was power in the garage and it was metered to a common area. There was lighting in the garages and they had not only wanted the doors to work when it was dark out, they would be providing full 110 to those garages. The doors would work with an opener and lights would be on timers. Chair McCormack stated he wondered if any of the garages would turn into workshops? Mr. Khouri stated there were provisions in the residents lease agreements that would not allow that. The management and maintenance staff would monitor that. Chair McCormack stated traditionally garages would be an area where wood could be cut, or a car repaired. Mr. Khouri stated two tenants would share the double garage space; there would not be a dividing wall installed in the spaces. Committee Member Wheeler suggested using a jack shaft opener that was mounted on the wall and to experiment with the openers before they went too far. The other item, that was actually a Building Division issue, for some reason when some of the garages were enclosed in 1999, they had not added a curb under the wall and in some cases the walls sat right on the asphalt with water working up behind the stucco. Mr. Khouri stated there would be a curb footing. Committee Member Wheeler stated there was a situation on the site where the wall was in a planter and the stucco was beginning to crack. The Committee Members discussed the issue and agreed that the concrete footing should be a condition. Chair McCormack asked if two tenants would share a garage? Mr. Khouri stated two tenants would share a space and they would have the same garage door opener access. They were trying to find an opener with two or three buttons, to allow access to the security gate and the garage. Committee Member Gladson stated that would be a management issue. Committee Member Wheeler stated he believed the code requirement for the height of the curb was 8", but the City was only requiring 6", as they felt the code requirement would be going back to 6" and he suggested checking with the Building Division before the applicant began the project. Committee Member Gladson asked if the garage door was the Stratford 1000? City of Orange -Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2009 Page 9 of 10 Mr. Khouri stated the different numbers pertained to the degree of insulation on the doors and there was not a need to insulate the doors. Committee Member Gladson stated the reason she brought it up was that the higher numbered doors appeared to have. a greater longevity and a longer warranty period. She would not condition that another door be used, but wanted to suggest that to ensure that the doors remain in good condition over time. Chair McCormack stated in reviewing the color chart the sandstone looked to be more of a taupe gray color and the almond was more in the brown range and it might be more compatible with the colors at the site. The Committee reviewed the color chart. Mr. Khouri stated what they had done at their project in Riverside was that the doors had not matched the stucco so they spent the extra money and painted the doors. Committee Member Wheeler made a motion to approve DRC No. 4454-09, La Veta Grand Apartments, with the conditions contained in the Staff Report and with the following condition: 1. All new exterior walls and dividing walls shall be built on a raised concrete curb in accordance with the Building Division's requirements. SECOND: Joe Woollett AYES: Bill Cathcart, Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Craig Wheeler, Joe Woollett NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED. City of Orange -Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2009 Page 10 of 10 ADJOURNMENT: Committee Member Woollett made a motion to adjourn to the next regular scheduled meeting on December 2, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 6:08 p.m. SECOND: Craig Wheeler AYES: Bill Cathcart, Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Craig Wheeler, Joe Woollett NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED.