02-11-2002 LBOT MINUTESC.J5f:;O ..T..2 CITY OF ORANGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & LIBRARY SERVICES ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Minutes of Board Meeting held February 11, 2002 Main Library Community Room I. CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Pledge of Allegiance Trustee W estfallled the Pledge of Allegiance. 1.2 Roll Call Trustees Present:Chair William Warne, Vice Chair Jonell E. Schlund, Trustee Mark Clemens, Trustee Karen Herrera, and Trustee Doug Westfall. Staff Present:City Librarian Nora Jacob; Sr. Librarians Sarah Rosenblum, Rosanne Miller, and Yolanda Moreno; Community & Library Services Director Gary Wann; and Assistant to City Librarian Jan Schafer. 1.3 Adoption of Agenda Vice Chair Schlund moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Trustee Clemens seconded the rnotion, and it carried unanimously. 1.4 Approval of Minutes Trustee Hererra moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held January 18, 2002. Vice Chair Schlund seconded the motion, and it carried unanirnously. Trustee Westfall moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting held February 4, 2002. Trustee Herrera seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. CITY OF ORANGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & LIBRARY SERVICES ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Minutes of Board Meeting Held February 11, 2002 Page 2 II. CITY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 2.1 Financial Report City Librarian Jacob reported that the library is still below itsr budget projections. We will have a review of the proposed library budget for FY 2002-03 at the March meeting.2.2 Monthly Report for December, 2001 City Librarian Jacob reported on her verbal communication with the City Manager regarding the board's concerns about opening the parking lot across Center Street from the Main Library. She said efforts are underway at City Hall to re-open the parking lot before the March 15 landscape contract expiration date.III. BOARD REPORTS 3.1 Report from Chair Warne Chair Warne mentioned that as we move forward with the library site plan, one thing to be concerned with is how to utilize additional space (up to 40,000 sq. ft) at the new Main Library. Examples would be a bookstore, commercial space, coffee house, and Friends of the Library. Chair Warne would like the board to have some discussion and input on what to do with the space. He would like the Local History and the Delivery of Services Committees to come forth with ideas on space for their respective areas.City Librarian Jacob reported on the overall planning process: I) At the training workshop for the Library Bond Act application, it was noted that anything that involves multi-purpose use (e.g., use that will turn a profit) will involve lots of extra work to justify; and 2) The overall space planning building program should be completed by the end of February. Ms.Jacob's recommendation would be to present the broad outline of the program to the Library Board for their input. She will have a presentation at the March meeting of where we stand with the building program.3.2 Reports from Trustees Trustee Westfall would like to revisit the Pasadena and Redlands libraries to view the interior of the building and exterior designs to get a feel for what other libraries have done with space. He would like to bring one board member, the City Librarian, and LP A representative along for the visitation.Trustee Westfall presented a copy of his book, Prisoners of the Civil War, to Rosernarie Williams in appreciation for all her assistance with CITY OF ORANGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & LIBRARY SERVICES ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Minutes of Board Meeting Held February 11, 2002 Page 3 Trustee Clemens met with the City Librarian for a briefing on library finances and has a better appreciation of what is involved. Trustee Herrera attended the state-sponsored Library Bond Act application workshop.3.3 Report from Foundation Liaison Vice Chair Schlund reported the balance on hand is $7,045.28. She added that the Foundation has a dynamic board with all members very excited about the new Main Library. She talked about the video which will be used as a publicity tool for the library.In addition, she passed around a draft copy of the Foundation's brochure which will be used to invite businesses and individuals to make a donation to the Library Foundation.The Foundation is excited about the Score with Reading luncheon and fashion show to honor NFL Hall of Farner Jackie Slater on Saturday, April 27, II :30 a.m. at the Doubletree in Orange. Tickets are $35 each. Seventy-five percent of all proceeds from the raffle tickets will go to the Foundation. She challenged each Library Board member to sell a table of 10.3.4 Committee Reports No report.IV. NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Update on RFQ for new Integrated Online Library System Senior Librarian Sarah Rosenblum reported that four responses to the Request For Quotation were received by the deadline. She stated that we are in the process of drafting a staff task force to come up with elements on which to rate the vendors. City Librarian Jacob reported that the next step is to look at the top two vendors, then get staff and board input. The board will be invited to the demos to be given by the top two vendors. Chair Warne acknowledged that he has promotional materials on two of thevendors - SIRSI and epixtech - if anyone is interested in looking at them. 4.2 Comparison of Square Footage per Capita, SLS/MCLS Public Libraries As per board request, copies were attached to board packets. The comparison of square footage is based on the analysis that was done last year that shows that Orange Public Library has the lowest square footage per capita of any SLS/MCLS library. 4.3 Design Input for New Main Library Chair Warne and Trustee Clemens excused themselves from this item on the agenda (as per the Orange Municipal Code) due to conflicts of interest related to property ownership within 500 feet of the Main Library site. Vice Chair Schlund assumed leadership of the meeting. Trustee Westfall stated that we need to look at what we are getting for our investment. He inquired if we are looking at the Holland Building. City Librarian Jacob 3 CITY OF ORANGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & LIBRARY SERVICES ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Minutes of Board Meeting Held February 11,2002 Page 4 reported that at that point in time, the library expansion was moving forward without considering the Holland House. With reference to the design layout, the board would like to have the opportunity to meet and discuss design criteria before the project is approved. In addition, the board would like to help sell this concept to the public. Trustee Herrera expressed concern about the commitment of money at the time the application is submitted. If Orange can't afford an $18.S-million library (as per the initial LPA cost projection), then we need to design something that we can afford. She would like to make sure that we get a library, and if we need to design it down in order to reach the City's 35% match, then that's what we should consider. If we don't have that much money, we need to be realistic about what we can afford. Trustee Herrera added that the fact that we switched from the "new building" category to the "remodel/ renovation"category is a plus because there will be less competition.Trustee Westfall made a motion to endorse the general concept of expanding/ remodeling the existing 17,000 sq. ft. Main Library by adding a two-story wing of up to 28,000 sq. ft.,with maximum number of parking spaces; to close and cul-de-sac Center Street; and to relocate the Edwards House. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Schlund, and it carried unanimously.V. NEW BUSINESS 5.1 Unscheduled Vacancies on Boards, Committees & Commissious Chair Warne returned to the meeting. City Librarian Jacob reminded board members, per City memo from the City Clerk's Office, that if a board member resigns, the procedure that is outlined in the memo must be followed.5.2 Proposed OPL Mission Statement Chair Warne commented that he would like to adopt the proposed OPL Mission Statement as an interim statement and redefine it at the planning retreat next fall. City Librarian Jacob commented that a mission statement is a broad vision, with goals and objectives making that vision specific, quantifiable and with a timeframe. As part of the Library Bond Act application process, the Plan of Service will require a mission statement. The board understands the time constraints for a mission statement as needed for the Library Bond Act application, and would like to revisit this again in the fall.Trustee Herrera made a motion to adopt the proposed OPL Mission Statement. Trustee Westfall seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. 5.3 BilIingual PR This item was tabled for CITY OF ORANGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & LIBRARY SERVICES ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Minutes of Board Meeting Held February 11, 2002 Page 5 5.4 Library Board Strategic Planning Retreat The planning retreat will be Saturday, November 16, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT None. VII. ADJOURNMENT Vice Chair Schlund moved, Trustee Herrera seconded, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 18, 3:30 p.m., at the Main Library, 101 North Center Street. Nora Jacob, Secretary to the Board Attested on js 5