08.19.2013 LBOT MINUTES - APPROVED CITY OF ORANGE LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES Monday, August 19, 2013; 3:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance (3:10) 1.1. Roll Call Present: Library Staff Present: Nancy Collins, Chair Yolanda Moreno, Library Director Jonell Schlund, Vice Chair Amy Harpster, Acting Asst. Lib Director Steve Freeman, Trustee Julie Eriksen, Recording Secretary Patti vanVoorst, Trustee Joyce Monsees, Trustee 1.2. Approval of Meeting Minutes dated July 15, 2013 Motion: Monsees Second: Freeman Ayes: Collins (Trustees Schlund & vanVoorst were not present at this time) 2. Library Director’s Report 2.1. Monthly Report 2.1.1. Summer Reading program brought in over 3,300 participants. Also had 734 attend the Family Film Festival. In conjunction with the “Reading is so Delicious” summer reading theme, the library collected 888 lbs. of food that was given to the Friendly Center. 2.1.2. All Homework Centers reopen this Monday, and the laptops will be available at El Modena. 2.1.3. National Night Out – library staff, along with board members vanVoorst and Freeman, and Chair Collins’ son Tim, worked the library booth at this event. Both trustees stated the event was a huge success. Trustee Freeman said that if they had to choose only one event to work each year, this would be the best event. Trustee vanVoorst stated that PD estimated about 6,000 people attended and said that at least 5,000 of them stopped at the library booth. 2.1.4. The Volunteer Coordinator (Ashleigh Anderson Camba) is now handling the process of giving the actual HR job packets to the volunteers. This has helped to significantly streamline the process. 2.1.5. The Library Director has been given permission to fill the Executive Assistant position at the library. The Director is interviewing from the eligibility list that was recently created. She hopes to have a decision by the end of this week. She also announced that the library is filling a vacant Page position and that an offer is being made today. 2.1.6. Evaluation of the Library’s New Service Delivery Model – the board was given a summary on how much the library has accomplished over this past year. This summary was also provided to the City Manager and City Council. 2.1.7. Barnes & Noble Bookfair – the flyer and vouchers have been prepared and are ready for distribution. Chair Collins stated that an announcement will be made at the last two Concerts in the Park (this Wednesday & next) and that she would like to pick up some vouchers & flyers to have available at these events. Ms. Eriksen will be sure to have them ready for her this Wednesday. 2.1.8. STEAM for TEENs – the Edison grant program starts September 21st. 2.1.9. Children’s staff received a $2,000 grant from Target for Storytimes. 2.1.10. Book Lover’s desk calendar – the library purchased one copy so the board could see if this is something they could propose to the Friends to purchase as a fundraising event. Director Moreno pointed out that the library cannot sell them – it has to go through Friends. Trustee Freeman will bring it up at the next Friend’s board meeting. The discount cost for these books is $2.50 each plus a 5% shipping & handling charge with a minimum purchase of 30. 2.2. Financial Report – this is the first report for the fiscal year; Director Moreno stated that the library is on target. 3. Board Reports 3.1. Report from Chair Collins - nothing to report at this time. However, she did want to say that she attended the Author’s event and thought it was a wonderful and very successful event. 3.2. Report from Orange Public Library Foundation Liaison Trustee Schlund – Vice Chair Schlund was not present at the Foundation board meeting (she was out of town); therefore Director Moreno is giving the report. 3.2.1. The Foundation provided the last six months of financials to the board. They wrapped up the gala and Director Moreno reported the library received a check for $5,700 (these funds must be used towards technology purchases). The library was told they could expect another $1,000 - $1,500 once the rest of the money is collected. The Gala cleared $60,000 and it was reported that their expenses were one of the lowest ever. They are now preparing for the Orange International Street Fair. Chair Collins asked if any of the $60k was coming to the library. She also asked if the library was going to present the Foundation with a wishlist. Director Moreno stated she didn’t know if any of the $60k was coming to the library, and that the library has not been asked to provide a wishlist at this time. She did state that she was recently asked to provide the Foundation with the cost to add more magazines to their collection (due to lack of funds the library had to cut back significantly on their annual subscriptions). She provided them with an amount of $5,000 that would provide a good mix of magazines and would be needed on a yearly basis. OPLF thanked her for the report and Director Moreno has not heard anything futher. 3.3. Report from Friends of the Library Liaison Trustee Freeman 3.3.1. Trustee Freeman reported that the Friends are receiving an abundance of book donations and that they have to empty the bin twice a day and that the library is even short on carts. 3.3.2. They are having a book sale one 9/27 & 28 in the Community Room. Books are $3/bag. In addition, they are having a premium reserve sale in the Rotary Room for books that cost more (such as $10 per item) and are not part of the $3/bag sale. They are having a sale for just members on Friday from 10-noon. They are hoping to have another book sale at the end of the year. 3.3.3. Internet sales last month: profit was $314 from $456 in sales. 3.3.4. Director Moreno stated the library will be providing a wishlist to the Friend’s next month and Chair Collins suggested we ask them for money to purchase an EZ-UP. Director Moreno asked Ms. Harpster to add this to the wishlist, and Ms. Eriksen to provide her with the quotes she already received. 3.4. Reports from Trustees – none. 4. Old Business 4.1. School Events & Working with Library Staff – Ms. Harpster stated that she just got the school’s calendar for events and will get started on setting up a schedule that she will email to the board so they can pick which dates they can attend. She stated that several of them are next week on 8/29. Chair Collins stated she is available to attend next Thursday and asked that Ms. Harpster please let them know as soon as possible. 4.2. Farmer’s Market – Trustee Monsees stated that the 8/17 event went well. She said that there weren’t too many people there that day. She also mentioned that a man pointed out that one of the flyers (how to get a library card) contained punctuation/grammar errors. The library will correct these errors immediately. 4.3. Show Your Library Card – Ms. Harpster reported that the flyer and business agreement is now ready to be distributed to local businesses & participants. The City Attorney’s office had requested the library include a “business agreement” that must be completed by all businesses that wish to participate, as well as placing a disclaimer on all materials related to the is event. 4.4. Laptops from SCE – the laptops are ready and will be in place on Monday when the Homework Center opens at Elmo. 5. New Business 5.1. Grant Process – the draft was reviewed by the Library Board and a motion was made to adopt it into policy. Motion: Freeman Second: vanVoorst Ayes: Collins, Schlund, Monsees 6. Library Happenings 8/19 – 9/16 (all take place at OPL unless otherwise noted) 8/21 Teen Movie Madness: The Outsiders (PG), 6pm 8/26 Adult Book Club: The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte, 2pm 8/28 Teen Anime Nights, 6pm 9/3 Musical Storytime, 11am 9/4 Paws To Read, 3:30pm @ Elmo 9/4 Teen Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament, 6pm 9/7 Star Wars Day, 2pm 9/9 Paws To Read, 3:30pm @ Taft 9/9 Conversation Club, 6:30pm 9/11 Silent Library, 4pm 9/16 Paws To Read, 3:30pm 9/16 Smart Body Talk, 6:30pm 7. Public Comment (none) 8. Adjournment (4:20pm) Motion: vanVoorst Second: Monsees Ayes: Collins, Schlund, Freeman Next scheduled meeting, Monday, September 16, 2013 Orange Public Library