07.21.2014 LBOT MINUTES - APPROVED CITY OF ORANGE LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES Monday, July 21, 2014; 3:15 p.m. 1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance (3:15pm) 1.1. Roll Call Present: Chair Collins, Vice Chair Schlund; Trustees: vanVoorst, Monsees and Freeman Library Staff: Director Moreno, Asst. Director Harpster 1.2. Approval of Meeting Minutes dated June 16, 2014 Motion: Freeman Second: vanVoorst Ayes: Collins, Monsees Abstain: Schlund 2. Library Director’s Report 2.1. Monthly Report 2.1.1. The library received two HUB of Innovation awards, the city submitted 8 nominees (2 were from the library: volunteer program, and strategic partnerships (Show Your Library Card). The library won for both of theirs and PD won one for the HEART program. 2.1.2. Director Moreno, along with other staff members, attended the ALA conference in Las Vegas where over 13,000 librarians attended. She attended a workshop titled “Staffing the Unstaffed Library” where she learned that in Livermore, CA, they have an unstaffed library 6 of the 7 days they are open. They had to retrofit the building to allow for this, and received grants and funding from the city (over $60,000 in grants and $93,000 from the city). It has been open one year and it is going very well for them. 2.1.3. Library stats for FY13/14 (all three branches): circulated 688,716 items (647,818 last year); processed 53,865 holds (38,796 last year), Group Visits/Attendance: 485/2,166 (314/1,515 last year), Programs/Attendance: 523/27,088 (521/22,272 last year), Visits: 534,686 (510,864 last year). The only thing that went down was Reference and Tech questions. 2.1.4. Summer Reading is in full force with over 1,250 kids signed up (this number is from a week ago and includes over 300 adults & 200 teens). 2.1.5. Family Film Festival is getting about 100 people attending. 2.1.6. Manic Monday’s is also bringing in around 100 attendees. 2.1.7. Local History was asked by John Wayne Airport to provide photos for their 125 th year anniversary. They want to have an exhibit at the airport and asked for photos of Eichler homes and Sycamore school. 2.1.8. Panic Buttons have arrived at all branches. 2.1.9. The library is moving forward with the naming of the Friends bookstore after Arline Minor. 2.1.10. The library has two new employees: Library Assistant Melody Sawyer, and Library Page Alex Figueroa; both are 19-hour employees. 2.2. Financial Report – this is the year-end report (June 30, 2014) and is preliminary. Salaries are in the negative because the city has not adjusted some of the positions yet, they hope to have this done by mid-year (December). The library did very good and spent 98.7% of their budget. 3. Board Reports 3.1. Report from Chair Collins – Vice Chair Schlund came up with an idea to “Read around the Circle.” Chair Collins said that she & Schlund were brainstorming ideas to replace the Farmers Market event and that they came up with reading to kids in the Plaza. They figure it would be a great way to get local merchants involved and that perhaps the City Council could do the reading. Chair Collins stated that she mentioned this to a few of the Councilmembers and that they said they would be happy to read. She said this is just in the preliminary stages, and wanted to know what the Library Director thought about it. Director Moreno said she would like to discuss it with the Library Management Team and would get back to the Board. 3.2. Report from Orange Public Library Foundation Liaison Trustee Schlund 3.2.1. The Board met on July 14th and has two new members: 1) Julia Thorne, who is an immigration attorney and volunteer at OPL (Homebound Delivery Service) & is a consultant for Ronald McDonald House. 2) Wayne Gensler, who is an accountant at Abbott Medical Optics and has served as Treasurer for OTPA for the last three years. Their Secretary Trace Weatherford resigned. The new Board consists of: Kim Nichols, President; Tom Searles, VP; Larry Cohn, Treasurer; and Pricilla Selman, Secretary. 3.2.2. The Foundation doesn’t have the totals from the Gala yet, they plan to have them in September. It was decided that the Gala will not be held at the Irvine Ranch Educational Center next year (they had a few issues this year). 3.2.3. The Foundation will be doing a mid-century modern architecture film, featuring Don Wexler, and are working on a date for this. 3.2.4. The Foundation is getting ready for the Street Fair parking lot fundraiser (Aug 29-31). 3.2.5. The Library submitted their Wishlist to the Foundation and they will review it. 3.2.6. The next board meeting is 9/8 at 5:30pm. 3.3. Report from Friends of the Library Liaison Trustee Freeman 3.3.1. The Friends held their two booksales at the branches: Taft made $200; and Elmo made $91. They think that Taft has better visibility and that is why they did better. They discussed holding future sales around the same time as a program to boost sales. 3.3.2. Peter will be the new Internet sales director. They still need someone for publicity. 3.3.3. The Friends is moving forward renaming the Friend’s Bookstore (as Director Moreno mentioned) after Arline Minor. 3.3.4. The Friends currently have 53 volunteers. 3.3.5. The Friends are looking to expand their sales to EBay. 3.3.6. The Friends Vintage Magazine sale is tomorrow and the next day. 3.3.7. The Friends have 15 volunteers coming from Beacon Church (out of state), they will be here for the week to help with the magazine sale and other areas as needed. 3.4. Reports from Trustees – None. 4. Old Business 4.1. Third of July Recap 4.1.1. The event was super busy from 5:30-7:30. They closed down at 7pm and had to turn people away. They have to close down early in order to get everything taken down and to their vehicles. 4.1.2. The Library Board was happy to have the Friends help and said they had a great time and want to work on more events together. 4.1.3. The new canopy works great; however the Board asked that half of the sand be removed from the sandbags, and that they could use a dolly or rolling bucket to transfer them. 4.1.4. The Fire Extinguisher will be getting tagged so the Board can use it. 4.1.5. The Board reported they had a lot of prizes left. It was noted that the taffy was not a hit, but the suckers were. It was suggested the library purchase items that say “Orange Public Library” on them. 4.1.6. The event seemed to have less in attendance this year. 4.1.7. The hand fans were a great hit. The pictures of each library and their location and hours of operation was perfect. The Board would like to get more of these. 4.1.8. Chair Collins suggested the library make buttons that say “Ask me about the Orange Public Library” and asked if library staff could make them since they have a button maker. Assistant Library Director Amy Harpster stated that it shouldn’t be a problem and would look into it. 4.1.9. It was mentioned that the tablecloths are round and they would like rectangular tablecloths. Amy will look into this. 4.2. National Night Out (8/5/2014): Irma Morales and Kurt Keesling will be in attendance. The event runs from 5:30-8pm. They want to make sure they have the following information: programs, library cards, show your library card, resources (grade level), etc. Trustee Monsees stated she will not be in town to help with this. Trustee Freeman felt that all of the Board should be there if they could; it is a very busy event, non-stop the whole time. They asked that both wheels be ready for this event. They decided they would meet at the event at 5pm. Last year everything was already set up and the Board didn’t have to do anything. 4.3. Strategic Vision Planning – Trustee Freeman asked if anyone had a chance to review the information that was emailed. He was focusing on Taft Branch because they don’t have a homework center or even a true community room. He wants to be ahead of the curve and start thinking about these things now. Director Moreno stated that the Placentia Library is putting together a Strategic Plan and they agreed to share it with other Library Directors. That might help to steer the library in the right direction, now that the economy is moving forward (however, the library budget has not increased in 4 years). She stated that the y would like to get a self-check machine at each branch; the problem with that is that it would require new gates and computers. Chair Collins stated that she would like to see a Smartboard at each branch that could keep everyone apprised of what’s going on in the community (that can also be used in an emergency).Trustee vanVoorst pointed out that it would do no good if the library was closed, and that an outdoor board would make better sense. Chair Collins suggested the Board do their own research, see what other libraries are doing. Trustee Freeman suggested they start with asking library staff and Chair Collins agreed. Director Moreno stated that once she gets the Strategic Plan from Placentia then she and her staff will discuss it and bring back their thoughts to the Board. The Board agreed this was the way to proceed. 5. New Business 5.1. Review & Adopt Updated Library Policies: 5.1.1. Children in the Library 5.1.2. Children’s Courtyard 5.1.3. Steve Ambriz Storytime Room All policies approved under one motion: Motion: Freeman Second: Schlund Ayes: Collins, Monsees, vanVoorst 6. Library Happenings (all take place at OPL unless otherwise noted) 7/21 Manic Mondays! Something’s Fishy, 2pm 7/21 Booktalk, 7pm 7/22 Jazz Musicians, 2pm 7/23 Anime Nights, 6pm 7/24 Family Film Festival: The Lorax, 2pm 7/28 Manic Mondays! Ice Cream Carnival, 2pm 7/28 Monday Mysteries Book Club: Sharpshooter by Nadia Gordon, 2pm 7/28 Summer Floral Designs by Enchanted Florist, 6:30pm 7/29 Juggler David Cousin, 2pm 7/31 How to Take Care of Your Pets, 2pm 8/2 Summer Reading Club Ends 8/4 Paws to Read @ Taft, 3:30pm 8/5 Paws to Read @ Elmo, 3:30pm 8/6 Teen Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament, 6pm 8/7 Tween Book Discussion: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 3:30pm 8/11 conversation Club: Practice your English, 6:30pm 8/12 Tech Talk Tuesday, 7pm 8/13 APP Sharing Party, 4pm 8/16 Ukulele Jam, 11am 8/18 Paws to Read, 3:30pm 8/18 Booktalk, 7pm 7. Public Comment (none) 8. Adjournment (4:50pm) As a final comment, the Board agreed to meet at the Taft Branch Library for their August meeting. Motion: Schlund Second: Freeman Ayes: Collins, Monsees, vanVoorst The next regular Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Monday, August 18, 2014; 3:15pm in the Rotary Room of the Orange Public Library & History Center