03-09-1993 Council MinutesCITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING ORANGE, CALIFORNIA March 9, 1993 The City Council of the City of Orange, California convened on March 9, 1993 at 3:00 P.M. in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. 3:00 P.M. SESSION 1. OPENING 1.1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 1.2 ROLL CALL PRESENT - Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz ABSENT - None 1.3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting February 16, 1993 MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Barrera AYES - Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz ACTION: Approved.Regular Meeting February 23, 1993 MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz ACTION: Approved.Adjourned Regular Meeting March 2, 1993 MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Barrera AYES - Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz ACTION: Approved.1. 4 PRESENTATIONS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/ INTRODUCTIONS - None 1.5 PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation was presented to Pam de Loetz honoring Native American Week March 15-19, 1993.PAGE 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 1.5 PROCLAMATIONS (Continued) Proclamation was presented to Carole Johnson honoring the 40th anniversary of Released Time Christian Education. 2.CONSENT CALENDAR TAPE 267 2.1 Declaration of City Clerk Marilyn J. Jensen declaring posting of City Council agenda of a regular meeting of March 9, 1993, at Orange Civic Center, Main Library, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia and the Eisenhower Park Bulletin Board; all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting. ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office of the City Clerk. 2.2 Authorize Mayor and Director of Finance to draw warrants on City Treasurer in payment of demands. ACTION: Approved. 2.3 Request approval to execute agreement with Lester Biggs and A. 1. Biggs to connect 8642 Ocean View Avenue to City-owned sewer. (A2IOO.0.Agr. 2063)FISCAL IMPACT: None.ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement on behalf of the City.2.4 Request approval to execute agreement with Richard and Sally Wurth to connect 8571 Ocean View Avenue to City-owned sewer. (A2100.0. Agr.2064)FISCAL IMPACT: None.ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement on behalf of the City.REMOVED AND HEARD SEP ARA TEL Y)2.5 Authorize final payment of $100.00 to MiconEngineering Inc.l1. F. Shea Co. Inc.; 1. V.for the completion of Bid No. 912-13, Pitcher Park Development. (A2100. 0.Agr 1913)FISCAL IMPACT: $100.00 is budgeted in the Park Acquisition and Development Fund.Carol Walters, 534 N. Shaffer, asked if$138,000.00 of the grant money is deducted from 417,000, which leaves $280,000; where does this come from? The Community Services Manager indicated the balance of the money was derived from the Park Acquisition Development Funds, which are earmarked for park development improvements and are separate from the general CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Alice Clark, 205 N. Pine St., asked for clarification of the item. Councilwoman Coontz commented the Pitcher Park Ad Hoc Committee will be sunsetting soon. They are in the process of developing Friends of Pitcher Park, and an organizational structure for volunteers, donations to supplement any funds to underwrite any costs to the park, to provide docents and additional contributions to the park. The goal is to supplement the park to the best of their ability. MOTION - Steiner SECOND - Barrera AYES - Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz ACTION: Approved.2. 6 Request approval for Released Time Christian Education to conduct Walkathon on March 27, 1993. (p1300. 0.9)FISCAL IMP ACT: None.ACTION: Approved.2. 7 Authorize appropnatlon of $50,000.00 to Account #500-1311-485100-0990 (Mary's Kitchen). (C2500.M.4.9) FISCAL IMPACT: No impact on General Fund, as funds have been transferred from City of Orange Redevelopment Agency. ACTION: Approved. 2.8 Request Council approve modifications to the Unreinforced Masonry Program - Phase I:Engineering Report Purchase Program. (C2500.GA)FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds for the City's contribution of$42,000.00 are appropriated from the Capital Improvement Fund.ACTION: Approved.REMOVED AND HEARD SEPARATELY)2. 9 Request for the installation ofa '4-Way Stop' control device at the intersection of Rancho Santiago Blvd. and Bond Ave. (S4000.S.3.3) FISCAL IMPACT: None. PAGE 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) The City Attorney reported there is a claim pending with allegations regarding an accident that occurred at this location. The claim is in the investigative period, and until it is complete, it is recommended Council not discuss anything that would have impact on the claim. City liability is based on whether a dangerous situation exists. Larry Pore, 654 N. Ranch Road Drive, spoke in support of the 4-way Stop Sign. This intersection is one of the most irregularly shaped in the City. It has created many problems. It was suggested channeling be installed inside the intersection with the 4-way stop sign to correct some of the problems.The Traffic Engineer reported the intersection is jointly shared by the County, and any action taken by Council would require concurrence with the County. The northwest corner of the intersection is owned by the City. It is the only improved corner of the intersection.MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Coontz AYES - Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz Moved to continue this item to the March 23, 1993 Council meeting, and approve, with the County's concurrence, the following items as listed in the staff report: I) Remove the 8x8 Stop sign which was placed on the Bike trail at the northwest corner of the subject intersection. 2) Make the eastbound number two lane Right Turn Only. 3) Install signage on the northeast corner of Rancho Santiago Boulevard and Bond Avenue that directs northbound bicycles to the bike trail on the west side of the street and remove the striped bike lane on the east side of Rancho Santiago north of Bond Avenue. 4) Contact the County Traffic Engineer with regards to striping a northbound right turn lane on Rancho Santiago Boulevard at Bond Avenue.2. 10 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FROM:C3200. 0)City of Villa Park (X-Ref: Steinberg) Linda Hatch Maria Martinez Aldera Steger Jose Garcia FISCAL IMP ACT: None ACTION: Denied claims and referred to City Attorney and Adjuster. PAGE 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) REMOVED AND HEARD SEPARATELY) 2.11 Approve and authorize the purchase of four (4) 1993 Police sedans from Villa Ford, Orange, CA, in the amount of $59,260.00, including sales tax and waive the formal bid process in accordance with Orange Municipal Code Section 3.08. 140.(A2100.0.Agr.2065) FISCAL IMPACT: $59,260.00 is budgeted in Vehicle Replacement Fund for this purchase. Council acknowledged the Director of General Services' efforts to utilize local dealers. Letters will be sent out by the Mayor and Brent Hunter, Chamber of Commerce, to the five local automobile dealers indicating the City is in a tight budget situation, and their support is needed. MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Coontz AYES - Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz ACTION: Approved.2. 12 Approve and authorize the extension of a "Computer Maintenance Contract" for North Net to Maintech, a division of Volt Delta, Orange, CA in the amount of $36,500.00 and waive the formal bid process under Orange Municipal Code Section 3.08.140 in the best interest of the City. (A2100.0.Agr.1907.A)FISCAL IMPACT: $36, 500.00 is budgeted in the Contractual Services Fund.ACTION: Approved.REMOVED AND HEARD SEPARATELY)2.13 Proposed amendment to Orange Municipal Code relating to Home Occupations.A2500.0)FISCAL IMPACT: None. Council discussed the following changes to the wording in the proposed amendment:Number 3 changed to read as follows: "Involve the use of services at the premises of non-occupants of the dwelling in any manner. However, this shall not prohibit deliveries made by bona fide delivery firms, as long as such deliveries and amounts are performed in a manner recognized as part of reasonable household use." The City Attorney concurred with the change. Mr. Payne, 807 E. Adams, submitted a petition signed by approximately 20 residents on E.Adams opposed to Wells Industrial Pipeline Plumbing business being operated at 747 E.Adams Street.PAGES CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Council discussion ensued regarding changes that are proposed in the amendment to assist the City with enforcement, which includes the reduction of the 2,000 cubic feet of storage to 500 cubic feet. One of the questions is, that when Code Enforcement has gone out, they indicated the amounts in question were not in excess. However, it would be obvious if they went out several times, and there continued to be pipe, or any other materials that has gone past the household use, concern would be that it is going into a commerciaVretail use. There is no way the property owner would use that much pipe on his own property. The City's problem is with the application of the ordinance. The Director of Community Development indicated Code Enforcement would visit the site one more time to provide additional analysis to see what can be done immediately. MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Barrera AYES - Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz Moved to send this to the Planning Commission, with a recommendation that they make their decision with dispatch. Council discussion to be included in the packet to the Planning Commission. Code Enforcement is to talk directly to the individual that is causing the problem. The City Attorney commented he would place first reading of the ordinance on the Council Agenda of March 16, 1993. Council could amend or rescind their action if the Planning Commission comes up with substantive matter that should be addressed in the ordinance.2.14 Request the City Council, by motion:1. Confirm the City Manager's authorization of$19,051.00 in Change Orders and;2. Authorize an appropriation of currently budgeted funds in the amount of $18,000.00 for Change Order # 6 for miscellaneous expenses, electrical, flooring, plumbing and ceiling work. (A2100.0. Agr.1944)FISCAL IMP ACT: None. Sufficient funds are budgeted for this project. (Civic Center Improvement Project)ACTION: Approved.2. 15 Approve the contract between the City of Orange and the Orange County Fairgrounds to use their parking lot for Civil Disorder and Riot Training on March 12, 17,22 and 30,1993. (A2100.0. Agr.2062)FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.PAGES CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz Items 2.5, 2.9, 2.11 and 2.13 were removed and heard separately. All other items on the Consent Calendar were approved as recommended.END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 3. REPORTS FROM MAYOR BEYER TAPE 1604 C2500. G.25. 1)3.1 Appointment of Planning Commissioner to fill unexpired term. (Term to expire 04/30/96)Mayor Beyer announced his recommendation to appoint Robert Walters to fill the unexpired term as Planning Commissioner.Bob Bennyhoff, 10642 Morada Drive, commented the nominee, Robert Walters, is wholeheartedly approved by the majority of residents in Orange Park Acres.MOTION SECOND AYES Mayor Beyer Spurgeon Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz Moved to appoint Robert Walters, term to expire 4/30/96.3.2 Appointment to the Orange Public Library Board of Trustees to fill unexpired term.Term to expire 06/30/ 93) (C2500.I.I)MOTION SECOND AYESMayor Beyer Barrera Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz Moved to appoint Mara Brandman, term to expire 6/30/93.NON-AGENDA ITEM Mayor pro tem Steiner gave the following minute order: "Mr. Mayor and City Council,I would like to formally notify you that I intend to resign as Mayor pro tem of the City of Orange on March 15,1993. As you all know the Governor has appointed me to the fourth district on the Orange County Board of Supervisors and I will take the oath of office on March 15th.PAGE 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 3. REPORTS FROM MAYOR BEYER (Continued) I want you to know, I am leaving this position in the City of Orange, with anticipation of my new challenge, and also with many mixed feelings. I certainly enjoyed my tenure on the Orange City Council the past five years and appreciate the many courtesies that have been extended to me by my colleagues and especially by the City family. I have come to appreciate the City more than ever. I have lived in this community for 24 years and raised 5 children in this community. But, I have come to appreciate it more than ever being in a role of governing on this City Council. Despite its problems, Orange remains a well managed, friendly City with a small town atmosphere and a rich historical heritage. It's the makeup of the City, its diversity, its citizen involvement and its sense of pride that makes it very unique in Orange County and in the State. It is the City staff, and the management of this City that has made everything work so well in tough times and good times. Obviously, we are well aware that in more recent times, certainly in the last 30 months, the stability of the City of Orange and its sense of teamwork has been tested and under siege as a result of an unprecedented recession. Our 9 million dollar problem is a 93 million problem at the County level. There is great ternptation in that environment to make hasty decisions, to point fingers, and to fix blame. All of that is counter-productive and in fact can destroy an organization whether it is public or private. So for the Council and the City family, the challenge has never been greater. To have this organization survive there will have to be more sacrifice with each entity within the organization doing its best to share the load. But, on a positive note, if you position the City well, to address these issues,everyone will still be around when the dust settles and there will be a better day.A parting comment, Mayor, I really urge you to move forward in filling my vacancy,whether you make an appointment or hold an election. I know you will find a pool of well qualified candidates to take my place. My own preference is that you rnake an appointment. You are empowered to do so by the fact that you have, in your own right, been elected by the voters by this City. Obviously, your selection, whoever it might be, will have to stand the test at his or her own election in 20 months, that's the ultimate evaluation. Further, I don't think that you have the luxury of waiting months for the selection of a colleague. Too much is at stake in terms of the decision-making that needs to be made in light of the fiscal crisis facing the City of Orange. You need to have a full complement of five Council members to address these issues. Please accept this recommendation in the spirit in which it is given. Again, thank you very much for allowing me to serve with you."Mayor pro tem Steiner announced he will be hosting a reception, at his expense, for City farnily and guests immediately after the 3:00 P. M. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 3. REPORTS FROM MAYOR BEYER (Continued) Councilmembers congratulated Mayor pro tem Steiner on his appointment, and the time they have spent with him on Council. Bob Bennyhoff, 10642 Morada Dr., also congratulated Mayor pro tem Steiner. COUNCIL VACANCY (C2500.0) MAYOR BEYER read the following statement: "Mayor pro tem Steiner's announcement that he will assume office as a member of the Orange County Board of Supervisors on March 15,1993 will create a vacancy on the City Council as of that date. The California Government Code provides that when a vacancy occurs on the City Council, the Council shall within 30 days from the commencement of the vacancy, either fill the vacancy by appointment or call a special election to fill the vacancy. Therefore, it is my intention to have this matter placed on the City Council Agenda for March 16,1993, to have the Council consider making the determination relative to whether the vacancy should be filled by appointment or special election. I have been advised by the City Attomey that the Maddy Act does not apply to a vacancy on the City Council. Therefore, this City is not required to accept applications in the event the Council decides to fill the vacancy by appointment. However, pending the Council's determination as to the filling of the vacancy by appointment or election, I encourage individuals to notify the City Clerk of their interest in holding this office. Letters should be received by the end of the business day, on March 16, 1993. I believe these letters of interest will assist the Council in making its determination by providing information concerning interested citizens and their qualifications." 4. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS 4.1 Request approval of Councilman Fred Barrera's designation to charity of his turn back salary. MOTION - Councilman Barrera moved to give his turn back salary to three different charities, Kids On the Block, purchase of bi-lingual books for the Library, and also start a fund for the Resource Center. SECOND - Mayor Beyer Council discussed the intent of Mayor Beyer's motion on August 18,1993 that Council's 10% would go directly to the General Fund, and not other specific uses.The City Attomey indicated the 10% turn back would be voluntary, and the dollars would go into the General Fund to be used for any municipal purpose. The City Attorney opined if Council wished the money to go to a charity, then Council would have to accept the gift and agree to have the dollars used for that specific purpose.PAGE 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 4. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS (Continued) Carol Walters, 534 N. Shaffer, remarked, if the employees have to give back their 10% to pay the City budget, Council should also use their 10% for the budget, instead of specifying a charity to make them look good. Alice Clark, 205 N. Pine St., commented, if it is voluntary it should go to the general fund, and if Council chooses not to do it, they should take the money and then make donations. Councilman Barrera felt, since there is a hardship, he would withdraw his motion. Mayor Beyer withdrew his second. NON-AGENDA ITEM - CURFEW Councilwoman Coontz reported on a number of phone calls received regarding the City's curfew policy for minors, which was also mentioned in connection with gangs, graffiti and tagging. There is an Orange Municipal Code, Chapter 9.28 on curfew. It was suggested that the City publicize this policy and the Police Department's policy. Parents and the young people need to know the law and City policy. The Police Chief explained the City has an ordinance, but it is not utilized very often. The Police would prefer to utilize the terms of probation when someone is in violation of their probation term. Enforcement of this ordinance involves litigation. Groups will say the young people are being harassed. It was suggested this issue be discussed at a work study session that is being scheduled with Council on graffiti. Additional information on what other cities are experiencing could be presented at that time 5. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS TAPE 2831 5.1 Confirm reappointment of the following member to the Official City Old Towne Steering Committee, term to expire 3/09/95: Floyd Higgins. (OR1800.0.16) MOTION SECOND AYES Mayor Beyer Spurgeon Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz Moved to confirm the reappointment of Floyd Higgins.ft*ftftft** PAGE 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 6.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS TAPE 2847 6.1 Request Council approve Exhibit A projects to be submitted to the Orange County Combined Transportation Funding Program for fiscal years 1993/94 through 1997/98. On file in the City Clerk's Office.) (S4000.S.3.3) FISCAL IMP ACT: Funded by Measure M Turnback, Gas Tax, Proposition 111, Transportation System Improvement and Mello-Roos Main Street Concourse funding programs and other required local matching funds.The Director of Public Works presented the report.Council asked when the Glassell street widening project would begin? It was announced the project would begin construction in the Spring, 1997. MOTION SECOND AYES ACTION: Coontz Barrera Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz Approved. 7. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER - None 8.LEGAL AFFAIRS TAPE 3203 8.1 RESOLUTION NO. 8153 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange upholding the recommendation of the Planning Commission of the City of Orange and approving the subdivision of property situated at the northeast corner of McPherson and Pearl Streets.T4000.0) Tentative Tract 14756 Applicant: John and Grace Aou MOTION SECOND AYES Spurgeon Barrera Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz That Resolution No. 8153 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8. 2 RESOLUTION NO. 8154 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange upholding the recommendation of the Planning Commission of the City of Orange and granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow development of an 8-unit condominium project upon property situated at the northeast corner of McPherson and Pearl Streets.C3300.0)PAGE 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS (Continued) Conditional Use Permit 1984- 92 Applicant: John and Grace Aou MOTION SECOND AYES Coontz Barrera Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz That Resolution No. 8154 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8.3 RESOLUTION NO. 8155 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange approving the submittal of transportation improvement projects to the Orange County Transportation Authority for funding under the Combined Transportation Funding Program.S4000.S. 3.3)MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Barrera AYES - Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz That Resolution No. 8155 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8. 4 RESOLUTION NO. 8156 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange finally accepting the completion of a certain public work and improvement, Pitcher Park Development.A2100.0.Agr.1913)Bid No. 912-13 Micon Engineering, Inc., and 1. F. Shea Co.MOTION SECOND AYES Coontz Spurgeon Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz That Resolution No. 8156 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.PAGE 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS (Continued) 8.5 RESOLUTION NO. 8157 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange approving the use of Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds and authorizing appropriation of funds by the Orange Redevelopment Agency for the Code Enforcement Grant Program. Not to Exceed $50,000.00 from Tustin Excess Increment Fund/Code Enforcement Grant Prograrn. (C2500.G.1.3.2) MOTION SECOND AYES Barrera Spurgeon Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz That Resolution No. 8157 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8. 6 RESOLUTION NO. 8158 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange finally accepting the completion of a certain public work for the Civic Center improvement project.A2100.0.Agr. 1944)Bid No. 912- 17 Birtcher Construction, Limited MOTION SECOND AYES Barrera Spurgeon Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz That Resolution No. 8158 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.9. RECESS TO THE MEETING OF THE ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 10. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Vonn Gabel, 422 E. Palmyra, read a letter signed by approximately 65 residents requesting Police assistance in their neighborhood area because of increased street crime.Mayor Beyer directed the Police Chief to follow up on the request.PAGE 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 10. ORAL PRESENTATIONS (Continued) Carol Walters, 534 N. Shaffer, representing Mrs. Simpson, 509 E. Jefferson, who owns a duplex at 455 N. Shaffer St., indicated she is having problems with a city parkway tree roots getting in the sewer line. H the tree stays, the City should pay for the sewer problems. The Street Superintendent will investigate the situation. 11. RECESS The City Council recessed at 5:00 P.M. to Mayor pro tern Steiner's reception, and at 6:00 P.M. to Closed Session for the following purposes: a. To confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), to wit City of Orange vs. DLO Securities, et al., United States Court Case No. SACV 92 498 GLT. b. To confer with its attorney to decide whether to initiate litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c). c. To meet and give directions to its authorized representative regarding labor relations matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6. d. To confer with its attorney regarding potential litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1). e. To consider and take possible action upon personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. f. To give instructions to its negotiator in connection with the purchase, sale, exchange or lease of real property pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. NOTE: The City Attorney indicated the property is located at 1202 Almond Avenue, negotiating with Sergio O'Cadiz, and Olive and Almond, adjacent to the Senior Center, negotiating with Duncan Clark, broker of record. g. To consider and take possible action upon such other matters as are orally announced by the City Attorney, City Manager or City Council prior to such recess, unless the motion to recess indicates any of the matters will not be considered in Closed Session. PAGE 14 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 9, 1993 ADJOURNMENT MOTION- Mayor Beyer SECOND- Spurgeon AYES -Spurgeon, Steiner, Mayor Beyer, Barrera, Coontz Moved to adjoum at 8:20 P.M. NOTE: Due to an expected lack of quorum, there was no 7:00 P.M. Session. d~~ ~ 9- ~"'~r ~ MARILYN J. NSEr-!,"'CMe- CITY CLERK PAGE 15