11-04-2020 DRC MinutesAPPROVED BY THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ON DECEMBER 16, 2020 MINUTES - FINAL City of Orange Design Review Committee November 04, 2020 1. OPENING 1.1 CALL TO ORDER Chair Skorpanich called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. 1.2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Committee Member McCormack led the flag salute. 1.3 ROLL CALL Present: Skorpanich, Fox, McDermott, Imboden, and McCormack Absent: None 1.4 PUBLIC COMMENTS None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine by the Design Review Committee and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of said items unless members of the Design Review Committee, staff or the public request specific items removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 2.1. Approval of meeting minutes of the Design Review Committee of the City of Orange for the October 21, 2020 Regular Meeting. ACTION: A motion was made by Vice Chair Fox, seconded by Committee Member Imboden, to approve the October 21, 2020 minutes as emended to staff. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Skorpanich, Fox, McDermott, Imboden, and McCormack Noes: None Absent: None 3. NEW AGENDA ITEMS 3.1. Design Review No.4889-16, Batavia Woods Medical Center, 705, 725, 805, 845 W. La Veta Avenue A proposal to replace the exterior building material of multiple non-contributing buildings and remodel hardscape and landscaping at an existing medical office Page 1 of 3 Design Review Committee Minutes - Final November 4, 2020 complex in the local Old Towne Historic District. Chair Skorpanich asked staff if any public comments were received for this item. Marissa Moshier, Historic Preservation Planner, stated no comments were received. Committee members discussed the following details of the project: • Architectural details, building materials, and color palette. • Landscape palette in relation to the architectural style of the complex. • Tree retention. • Sign spacing and design. A motion was made by Committee Member Imboden, seconded by Vice Chair Fox, to approve Design Review No. 4889-16 — Batavia Woods Medical Center subject to the findings and conditions in the staff report with the additional conditions and recommendations as follows: Conditions: 1. The applicant shall substitute a smooth finish on the composite siding material to reduce the amount of texture and to achieve consistency with the overall architectural design. 2. The window sashes shall be substituted with a darker sash color such as black or charcoal. 3. The proposed doors shall be replaced with a single slab style door to achieve consistency with the overall architectural design. 4. The landscape and hardscape plans shall return to the Committee for review prior to issuance of final building permits. Recommendations: 1. Reduce the scale of the building signage to be more in balance with the available space. 2. Consider use of a shiplap style rather than clapboard siding to reduce the amount of texture on the project. 3. Retain the existing mature trees which are determined healthy and not conflict with paved walkways. 4. Consider the appropriateness of plant materials in regard to their light needs. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Skorpanich, Fox, McDermott, Imboden, and McCormack Noes: None Absent: None Recess: 7:28 - 7:32 p.m. 3.2. Design Review No. 5007-20, Corp Yard Housing, 637 W. Struck Avenue A proposal to subdivide approximately 2.75 acres from the City Corp Yard to construct 62 workforce units in a new multi -family complex. Chair Skorpanich asked staff if any public comments were received for this item. Page 2 of 3 Design Review Committee Minutes - Final November 4, 2020 Marissa Moshier, Historic Preservation Planner, stated no comments were received. Committee members discussed the following details of the project: • Window style and function. • Parking lot design with respect to overall quality of site plan. • Overall landscape palette. • Tree palette, placement, and quality. • Wall material and finish. This item was presented to the Committee for advisory comments which were noted by staff. 3.3. Design Review No. 5019, Well 28,235 W. Maple Avenue A proposal to construct a new City well in a walled enclosure and to construct a mini park on the parcel perimeter. Chair Skorpanich asked staff if any public comments were received for this item. Ms. Moshier stated no comments were received. Committee members discussed the following details of the project: • Building materials, colors, and finishes. • Details about site amenities, fencing, and accessibility. • Brickwork. • Street trees and additional onsite trees. • Hardscape and walkway treatments. • Planter design. • Transformer position. • Screen wall. This item was presented to the Committee for advisory comments which were noted by staff. 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 18, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. via various teleconference locations. MARISSA MOSHIER HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLANNER DRC STAFF LIAISON Page 3 of 3