05-17-1994 Council MinutesCITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING ORANGE, CALIFORNIA May 17,1994 The City Council of the City of Orange, California convened on May 17, 1994 at 3:00 P.M. in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. 3:00 P. M. SESSION 1. OPENING 1.1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 1.2 ROLL CALL PRESENT - Spurgeon, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Murphy ABSENT - None 1.3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - None 1.4 PRESENTATIONS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/INTRODUCTIONS A presentation was made by Eric Older, State Forestry Department, naming the City of Orange as "Tree City, U.S.A." for the sixth year in a row.The City Attorney introduced newly hired David DeBerry, Assistant City Attorney.1.5 PROCLAMATIONS - None 2.CONSENT CALENDAR TAPE 210 2.1 Declaration of City Clerk Marilyn 1. Jensen declaring posting of City Council agenda of a regular meeting of May 17, 1994, at Orange Civic Center, Main Library, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia and the Eisenhower Park Bulletin Board; all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting.ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office of the City Clerk.2.2 Request Council approve Tract No. 14549 and accept street dedication as offered. Pacific Ridge Partners. North of Via Escola between Meats Avenue and Loma Street. (T4000.0)FISCAL IMPACT: None.ACTION: Approved.2.3 Request Council approve a Lease Agreement with Massachusetts Life Insurance Company, for slope landscaping on the west side of Lewis Street, north of the Garden Grove Freeway. (A2100.0. Agr.0932.A)FISCAL IMPACT: Revenues will be generated by this in the Rents and Concessions Fund.PAGE 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 17,1994 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Action: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City. 2.4 Request from the Foundation of the Bowling Proprietors Association of Southern California to conduct the first annual Grand Prix Hoe-down Fundraiser for their scholarship program on June 18, 1994, from 6:00 to 11:00 p.m. at Regal Lanes.p1300.0. 9)FISCAL IMPACT: All related fees and permits will be paid.ACTION: Approved.2.5 Approve and authorize the award of bid number 934-22 for 16" Ductile Iron Water Mains for Main Street and Town and Country Road, to S.1. Burkhardt, Inc., Miraloma, CA, in the amount of$65,555.00 and reject all other bids. (A2100.0. Agr.2217)FISCAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds in the Main Street Water Main Fund.ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.2.6 Request Council approve authorization for advertising to invite bids for installation of Audible Pedestrian Signals at the following locations: Chapman Avenue at The City Drive, Tustin Street at La Veta Avenue, Chapman Avenue at Yorba Street, La Veta Avenue at Pepper Street, and Main Street at La Veta Avenue. Bid No. 934-31.S4000. S.3.3) FISCAL IMPACT: None.ACTION: Approved.2.7 Request Council approve the installation of a flashing yellow warning light east of the intersection of Collins Avenue at Roberto Street for northbound to westbound traffic. S4000.SJ.3)FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are not currently available for implementation of the recommended improvements. Funding for the work will be included in the fiscal year 1994/95 Capital Improvement Program.ACTION: Approved.2.8 Request from International Society of Arboriculture to hold its Southern California Tree Trimmer's Jamboree and Arbor Faire in W. O. Hart Park on July 16, 1994. ( p1300.0.9)FISCAL IMPACT: All required fees will be paid.ACTION: Approved. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 17,1994 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 2.9 CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES FROM: (C3200.0) a. Nalla Davis. b. Wolfpoint Partners - Cross reference Ca1comp/Garcia.FISCAL IMPACT: None.ACTION: Denied claims and referred to City Attorney and Adjuster.2. 10 Request Council appropriate $5,625.00 from Account 100-4021-411101 (Salary Savings)to Account 100-4011-426700 for the payment of present and future expenses related to the Police Department's pre-employment hiring and promotional testing processes.C2500.K)FISCAL IMPACT: None. Funds requested have already been appropriated in the present budget.ACTION: Approved.MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Coontz AYES - Spurgeon, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Murphy All items on the Consent Calendar were approved as recommended.END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 3. REPORTS FROM MAYOR BEYER - None 4. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS Councilman Spurgeon reported the El Toro Reuse committee meeting was rescheduled to June 15th. A report to Council will be scheduled for the June 21, 1994 agenda. Mayor Beyer announced the City Manager will serve as Councilman Spurgeon's alternate on the EI Toro Reuse Committee. 5. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS - None PAGE 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 17, 1994 6.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS TAPE 292 6.1 Progress report from Cablevision of Orange on test program to televise City Council meetings. (C2500.D) Jon Borgeson, representing Cablevision of Orange reported a proposal for the test program to run for six weeks was submitted to the Community Video Advisory Board. The CV AB supported the proposal, however their available funds were only $3500 and Cablevision's submission of costs were $5500. Cablevision gave their annual donation to the Board of $5000 which brought the total to $8500. The Community Video Advisory Board approved $3500 which will only provide for a three week test. Councilmembers expressed concern that a three week test was not enough time. The public needs the opportunity to see a representative sample of Council meetings. Also, there needs to be a schedule of which Council meetings are to be aired. This should be coordinated with the City Clerk. Mr. Borgeson and Kristy Casasanta, General Manager, indicated Cablevision of Orange could contribute the additional cost differences to make a full six week test. Mr. Borgeson further commented there needs to be approximately 30 days before the test begins in order to publicize. July 12, 1994 was suggested as a tentative date to begin the test. Mr. Borgeson explained there is no cost difference between live or tape delay broadcasts. Pat Buttress, Chairwoman of the Community Video Advisory Board, remarked in other cities that televise their Council meetings, the consistency of having the Council meeting show at the same time is important. Mr. Borgeson indicated they could be flexible regarding this issue. Carole Walters, 534 N. Shaffer, asked if the Council meetings only lasted one half hour would the cost be less? Mrs. Walter's further commented she is in favor but did not want this to become a political grandstand. Mr. Borgeson explained the costs and the crew's time schedule. MOTION SECOND AYES NOES Murphy Coontz Spurgeon, Coontz, Murphy Barrera, Mayor Beyer Moved to accept the report and direct Cablevision to return to Council with a final proposal. This proposal is to include a suggested time schedule, coordinate the appropriate scheduling with the City Clerk and to keep in mind the need to advertise up front. It is hoped something can be inserted in the billing or some other way. This test is at no cost to the City or taxpayers.PAGE 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 17,1994 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) Kristy Casasanta commented they will place a reply card in their invoices to go out to specific portions of the community if a survey would be approved. Councilmembers commented reviewing the community's response would be an important part of the process. MINUTE ORDER - MAYOR PRO TEM BARRERA: "I think this is a luxury the City cannot afford at this time. "MAYOR BEYER: "My concern is I think the survey should come before the test. I'vegotten quite a few pros and cons on this subject."7. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER TAPE 670 7. 1 Report from City Manager regarding waiver of fees for Crest de Ville homeowner with damage from 1993 Stagecoach Fire. (C2500.E.l)The City Manager reported a request to waive the subject fees was received from John J. O'Neillwhose property located at 5506 Crest de Ville was destroyed by the 1993 Stagecoach Fire.Councilmembers discussed having a catastrophic policy rather than hearing each incident individually, but at the City Manager's discretion.The City Manager commented the two homes destroyed in this fire were heard separately and were designated as catastrophic losses. This was a catastrophic loss unique unto itself It was suggested that as each event were to take place they would be presented to Council.Mayor Beyer instructed the City Attorney to prepare a report for Council covering catastrophic events and other related issues.MOTION SECOND AYES Mayor Beyer Spurgeon Spurgeon, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Murphy Moved to approve the requested waiver of fees.8.LEGAL AFFAffiS TAPE 837 8.1 RESOLUTION NO. 8318 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange approving and authorizing execution of an Owner Participation Agreement by and among the Orange Redevelopment Agency, the City of Orange and the Garner- Richmond Trust and making certain findings therewith and authorizing the execution of a Public Works Cooperation Agreement with the City of Orange relating to public improvements. (Chapman and Main) (RA2100.0.Agr.2218)PAGE 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 17,1994 8. LEGAL AFFAffiS (Continued) MOTION SECOND AYES Barrera Spurgeon Spurgeon, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Murphy That Resolution No. 8318 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.9. RECESS TO THE MEETING OF THE ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 10. ORAL PRESENTATIONS - None 11. RECESS MOTION SECOND AYES Mayor Beyer Barrera Spurgeon, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Murphy The City Council recessed at 3:40 P.M. to a Closed Session for the following purposes:a. Conference with Legal Counsel - existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, to wit:City of Orange vs. Insurance Company of North America, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 71-84-93.City of Orange vs. Moreland and Associates, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 70-13-96.City of Orange vs. Refco Securities, Inc., NASD Arbitration No. 92-03685.National Advertising vs. City of Orange, United States District Court Case No. CV 85-4968 Tlli(Kx).b. Conference with Legal Counsel - anticipated litigation. Initiation oflitigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956. 9 (one potential case).c. Conference with Labor Negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6.City Negotiator: Orv Placial, Personnel Director MOTION SECOND AYES Spurgeon Barrera Spurgeon, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Murphy The need to change Item c, deleting Supervisory and Middle Management and adding Fire Association, arose after the posting of the agenda.PAGE 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 17,1994 11. RECESS (Continued) The City Attorney commented there were late negotiations on May 12, 1994 after the posting of the agenda. Employee organizations: Fire Association. d. To consider and take possible action upon such other matters as are orally announced by the City Attorney, City Manager or City Council prior to such recess, unless the motion to recess indicates any of the matters will not be considered in Closed Session. NOTE: Due to an expected lack of quorum the 7:00 P.M. Session was no convened. 12. ADJOURNMENT MOTION SECOND AYES Spurgeon Barrera Spurgeon, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Murphy The City Council adjourned at 4:50 P.M.Marilyn J. Jensen MARILYN 1. JENSEN, CMC CITY CLERK Gene Bever GENE BEYER MAYOR BY~&./;ud- CASSANDRA . ATHCART, CMC DEPUTY CITY CLERK BY~~~",-DL. BARRERA MAYOR PRO TEM PAGE 7